Block a user
Graphics protocol
Moved to 0.1.0 because we'll just use the exact same graphics/p5 protocol for Computer Class web frontend.
Stdin, out, err
@matt and I talked about a special symbol for stdin in the web frontend: *input*
- Make sure to sanitize the input so there aren't illegal chars.
- Strings in Ludus are valid UTF-8. Escaped…
Partially applied functions should be able to take arguments immediately
Mutual recursion
We need mutual recursion for Sierpinski triangles, which we want to do in Computer Class. Shifted milestone to recognize this.
to prelude
Was missing export in prelude. Fixed in 017655e8f8
, although likely the whole scene will be different when we're fully…
in prelude
As expected: current clj/s base
does not include a member mod
Fix this in the janet base before building.
must take a dict
Here's a better error:
random(#{:a 1, :b 2})
& => Ludus panicked!: Match Error: No match found for (#{:a 1, :b 2}, :a) in function get
On line 879 in prelude
get (d, key)
Add save/load turtle state functions to prelude