import { run } from "@ludus/ludus-js-pure" import { unlinkSync, readFileSync } from "node:fs" export async function listen () { const port = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 50000) const session_token = crypto.randomUUID(); const repl_file_path = ".lrepl" const repl_info = { port, session: session_token } const repl_file = Bun.file(repl_file_path) await Bun.write(repl_file, JSON.stringify(repl_info)) console.log(`Ludus REPL listening on localhost:${port}`) console.log(`Session token: ${session_token}`) Bun.listen({ hostname: "localhost", port, socket: { data: (_, data) => { const payload = data.toString("utf-8") let session, source try { const json_msg = JSON.parse(payload) session = json_msg.session source = json_msg.source } catch (e) { console.log("Received malformed message.") return } if (session !== session_token) { console.log("Received message not from this REPL session.") return } const result = run(source) if (!result.errors) console.log("=>", result.result) else { console.log("Ludus had some errors:") console.log(result.errors) } }, error: (socket, error) => { console.log(error); socket.end() } } }) process.on("exit", async function () { try { cleanup(repl_file_path, session_token) } catch (e) {} console.log("\nGoodbye.") }) process.on("SIGINT", () => process.exit()) // Below here, I'm trying to get ctrl-d to work to close the listener // the while (true) loop locks the listener // see: // this should be doable with process.stdin.on("close"...) //const mystdin = Bun.file("/dev/stdin").stream().getReader() // while (true) { // const {done, value} = await // if (done) process.exit() // console.log(value) // } } // Don't delete an .lrepl we don't own function cleanup (path: string, session_token: string) { const repl_file = readFileSync(path).toString("utf-8") const {session} = JSON.parse(repl_file) if (session === session_token) unlinkSync(path) }