& Lesson 3: Repeating things, simply & Computers are good at repeating things: repeat 4 { forward! (100) right! (0.25) } & let's take this line by line & 5: repeat 4 { & ^^^^^^ `repeat` is NOT a function, but a "special form" & ^ this tells Ludus how many times to repeat a thing & ^ this "curly brace" lets you group lines of code together & we call this group a "block" & 6: forward! (100) & ^^ as a matter of style, we indent lines in a block & ^^^^^^^^ we recognize this & 7: right! (0.25) & we recognize this, too & but it has to be on its own line! & (we could use a `;` instead of a newline) & 8: } & ^ We need to close the block we opened on line 5 & What happens if we forget it? & What happens if you change the number of times it repeats? & -- the distance the turtle goes forward? & -- the amount we turn right?