& Lesson 10: ngons & Recall our first function: fn simple_box! () -> { fd! (100); rt! (0.25) } & Recall our second function: fn box! (size) -> { fd! (size); rt! (0.25) } & What haven't we "parameterized" yet? fn ngon! (n, size) -> repeat n { fd! (size); rt! (div (1, n)) } & ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ & Note n: what does this represent? & What does `div (1, n)` mean here? & Why is it here? & Note: we could also have used `inv (n)`--inverse is 1/x & What other math can we do? & cf. https://alea.ludus.dev/twc/ludus/src/branch/main/prelude.md#math & What happens when you pass in strange values? 0? 1? 2? & Note `div` does not end in a bang. & This differentiates between functions with side effects vs. return values.