& Welcome to Ludus! & To run the code in this window, hit the RUN button. & Ludus will evaluate this script and return its value. & It will also perform "side effects": printing text to the screen, & or making the "turtle" move (that's the little triangular guy). & Lines that begin with an ampersand--&--are comments. & Comments don't have any effect: they're for other people, not the machine. & here's your usual first program: print! ("Hello, world!") & this is your first function call! & notice a few things here: & print! ("Hello, world!") & ^^^^^^ This is the function name. & Not `print` but `print!` & ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is what it prints. & Note the quotation marks. & Without them, Ludus would think this is code. & ^ ^ Between parentheses! & This is a "function argument." & We need parens to send an arg to a function. & Try printing other things-- & just delete the `&` at the start of these lines: & print! ("Well, hello there!") & print! ("Can", "we", "print", "multiple", "strings?") & What do you notice?