& Lesson 1: The World of the Turtle & Ludus is a Logo: it leads with turtle graphics & There are two panes on the right: & * the turtle & * the console & You saw the console in Lesson 0: Hello World! & `print!`ing things is very useful; remember you can do that. & Now, we're going to give the turtle some functions. forward! (100) & let's dissect that & forward! (100) & ^^^^^^^^ `forward!` is is the name of the function & ^^^^ `100` is how far the turtle should walk & (...) notice that we have to put 100 in parens & Uncomment the line below, and re-run the script: & right! (0.25) & right! (0.25) & ^^^^^^ `right!` is the name of this function & ^^^^ 0.25 is how far the turtle should turn & (....) notice again, we put the amount in parens & What is the unit of 0.25? & Try out some other turtle functions. Here are a few: & `left!`, `back!`, `penup!`, `pendown!`, `pencolor!`, `penwidth!` & `home!` & Note they all end with `!`. What happens if you forget the bang? & There are abbreviations: `fd!`, `rt!`, `lt!`, `bk!`, etc. & The turtle graphics functions (and abbreviations!) are listed at https://alea.ludus.dev/twc/ludus/src/branch/main/prelude.md#turtle-graphics