& Lesson 8: A random lesson. & So far, everything we've done is deterministic. & Let's let the computer make some decisions. & We're going to introduce a few things here: & * colors & * random & * dicts & our friend box! fn box! (size) -> repeat 4 { fd! (size); rt! (0.25) } doc! (pencolor!) print! ("These are Ludus's built-in colors: ", colors) pencolor! (colors :maroon) & ^^^^^^ This is a dict. & ^^^^^^^ This is a keyword. & We use to get values out of dicts. & Dict is short for "dictionary." & pencolor! is also pc! & Drawing some colourful boxes: box! (100) rt! (0.25) pc! (colors :purple) box! (100) rt! (0.25) pc! (colors :olive) box! (100) rt! (0.25) pc! (colors :teal) box! (100) & We can also get a random colour using a handy-dandy function: random repeat 4 { pc! (random (color)) box! (75) rt! (0.25) } & And we can also set the background to a random colour: background! (random (color))