& Lesson 8: A random walk & Besides colors, what can we get? doc! (random) & Check the console to see the documentation pc! (random (colors)) & * random distances fd! (random (10, 50)) & walks forward a random amount between 10 and 50 & * random angles rt! (random (-0.25, 0.25)) & turns a random amount between -0.25 and 0.25 & you can give turtle commands negative values! & try giving `fd!` and `bk!` negative values. & do it a random number of times: let times = random (10, 30) & `let` allows us to give names to values; so far we have only named functions & let times = random (10, 30) & ^^^ `let` is a special form; after & ^^^^^ This is the name we're binding & ^ `=` goes between the lhs and the rhs & ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The value of this expression is what's bound to the name & (in this case, it's a random value between 10 and 30) & here's our random walk: repeat times { & repeat our random number of times pc! (random (colors)) & a new random color fd! (random (10, 50)) & a new random distance rt! (random (-0.3, 0.3)) & a new random turn }