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2023-12-02 00:08:51 +00:00
& this file, uniquely, gets `base` loaded as context. See src/ludus/base.cljc for exports
fn rest {
"Returns all but the first element of a list or tuple, as a list."
(xs as :list) -> base :rest (xs)
(xs as :tuple) -> base :rest (xs)
2023-12-02 00:08:51 +00:00
fn inc {
"Increments a number."
(x as :number) -> base :inc (x)
fn dec {
"Decrements a number."
(x as :number) -> base :dec (x)
(x) -> report (x)
fn nth {
"Returns the element at index n of a list or tuple. Zero-indexed: the first element is at index 0."
(xs as :list, n as :number) -> base :nth (xs, inc(n))
(xs as :tuple, n as :number) -> base :nth (xs, inc (n))
fn first {
"Returns the first element of a list or tuple."
(xs) -> nth (xs, 0)
fn second {
"Returns the second element of a list or tuple."
(xs) -> nth (xs, 1)
fn count {
"Returns the number of elements in a collection (including string)."
(xs as :list) -> dec (base :count (report(xs)))
(xs as :tuple) -> dec (base :count (xs))
(xs as :dict) -> base :count (xs)
(xs as :string) -> base :count (xs)
(xs as :set) -> base :count (xs)
(xs as :struct) -> dec (base :count (xs))
fn list {
"Takes a tuple, and returns it as a list."
(xs as :tuple) -> base :into ([], base :rest (xs))
fn fold {
"Folds a list."
(f as :fn, xs as :list) -> fold (f, xs, f ())
(f as :fn, xs as :list, root) -> loop (root, first (xs), rest (xs)) with {
(prev, curr, []) -> f (prev, curr)
(prev, curr, remaining) -> recur (
f (prev, curr)
first (remaining)
rest (remaining)
fn map {
"Maps over a list."
(f as :fn, xs) -> {
fn mapper (prev, curr) -> conj (prev, f (curr))
fold (mapper, xs, [])
fn conj {
"Adds an element to a list or set. Short for conjoin."
() -> []
(xs as :list) -> xs
(xs as :list, x) -> base :conj (xs, x)
(xs as :set) -> xs
(xs as :set, x) -> base :conj (xs, x)
fn print {
"Sends a text representation of Ludus values to the console."
(...args) -> base :print (args)
2023-12-02 00:08:51 +00:00
fn show {
"Returns a text representation of a Ludus value as a string."
(x) -> base :show (x)
fn type {
"Returns a keyword representing the type of the value passed in."
(x) -> base :type (x)
fn prn {
"Prints the underlying Clojure data structure of a Ludus value."
(x) -> base :prn (x)
fn concat {
"Combines two lists, strings, or sets."
(x as :string, y as :string) -> base :str (x, y)
(xs as :list, ys as :list) -> base :concat (xs, ys)
(xs as :set, ys as :set) -> base :concat (xs, ys)
(xs, ys, ...zs) -> fold (concat, zs, concat(xs, ys))
fn report {
"Prints a value, then returns it."
(x) -> {
print (x)
(msg as :string, x) -> {
print (concat (msg, show (x)))
fn ref? {
"Returns true if a value is a ref."
(r as :ref) -> true
(_) -> false
2023-12-02 00:08:51 +00:00
fn deref {
"Resolves a ref into a value."
(r as :ref) -> base :deref (r)
fn set! {
"Sets the value of a ref."
(r as :ref, value) -> base :set! (r, value)
fn update! {
"Updates a ref by applying a function to its value. Returns the new value."
(r as :ref, f as :fn) -> {
let current = deref (r)
let new = f (current)
set! (r, new)
fn number? {
"Returns true if a value is a number."
(x as :number) -> true
(_) -> false
fn add {
"Adds numbers or vectors."
() -> 0
(x as :number) -> x
(x as :number, y as :number) -> base :add (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :add, zs, base :add (x, y))
& add vectors
((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> (base :add (x1, y1), base :add (x2, y2))
fn sub {
"Subtracts numbers or vectors."
() -> 0
(x as :number) -> x
(x as :number, y as :number) -> base :sub (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :sub, zs, base :sub (x, y))
((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> (base :sub (x1, x2), base :sub (x2, y2))
fn mult {
"Multiplies numbers or vectors."
() -> 1
(x as :number) -> x
(x as :number, y as :number) -> base :mult (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :mult, mult (x, y), zs)
(scalar as :number, (x, y)) -> (mult (x, scalar), mult (y, scalar))
((x, y), scalar as :number) -> mult (scalar, (x, y))
fn div {
"Divides numbers. Panics on division by zero."
(x as :number) -> x
(_, 0) -> panic! ("Division by zero.")
(x as :number, y as :number) -> base :div (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> {
let divisor = fold (mult, zs, y)
div (x, divisor)
fn div/0 {
"Divides number. Returns 0 on division by zero."
(x as :number) -> x
(_, 0) -> 0
(x as :number, y as :number) -> base :div (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> {
let divisor = fold (mult, zs, y)
div/0 (x, divisor)
fn zero? {
"Returns true if a number is 0."
(0) -> true
(_) -> false
fn eq? {
"Returns true if all arguments have the same value."
(x) -> true
(x, y) -> base :eq (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> loop (y, zs) with {
(a, [b]) -> base :eq (a, b)
(a, [b, ...cs]) -> if base :eq (a, b)
then recur (b, cs)
else false
fn gt? {
"Returns true if numbers are in decreasing order."
(x as :number) -> true
(x as :number, y as :number) -> base :gt (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> loop (y, zs) with {
(a, [b]) -> base :gt (a, b)
(a, [b, ...cs]) -> if base :gt (a, b)
then recur (b, cs)
else false
fn gte? {
"Returns true if numbers are in decreasing or flat order."
(x as :number) -> true
(x as :number, y as :number) -> base :gte (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> loop (y, zs) with {
(a, [b]) -> base :gte (a, b)
(a, [b, ...cs]) -> if base :gte (a, b)
then recur (b, cs)
else false
fn lt? {
"Returns true if numbers are in increasing order."
(x as :number) -> true
(x as :number, y as :number) -> base :lt (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> loop (y, zs) with {
(a, [b]) -> base :lt (a, b)
(a, [b, ...cs]) -> if base :lt (a, b)
then recur (b, cs)
else false
fn lte? {
"Returns true if numbers are in increasing or flat order."
(x as :number) -> true
(x as :number, y as :number) -> base :lte (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> loop (y, zs) with {
(a, [b]) -> base :lte (a, b)
(a, [b, ...cs]) -> if base :lte (a, b)
then recur (b, cs)
else false
fn neg? {
"Returns true if a value is a negative number, otherwise returns false."
(x as :number) if lt? (x, 0) -> true
(_) -> false
fn pos? {
"Returns true if a value is a positive number, otherwise returns false."
(x as :number) if gt? (x, 0) -> true
(_) -> false
fn nil? {
"Returns true if a value is nil."
(nil) -> true
(_) -> false
fn bool? {
"Returns true if a value is of type :boolean."
(false) -> true
(true) -> true
(_) -> false
fn bool {
"Returns false if a value is nil or false, otherwise returns true."
(nil) -> false
(false) -> false
(_) -> true
fn not {
"Returns false if a value is truthy, true if a value is falsy."
(nil) -> true
(false) -> true
(_) -> false
& TODO: make `and` and `or` special forms which lazily evaluate arguments
fn and {
"Returns true if all values passed in are truthy."
() -> true
(x) -> bool (x)
(x, y) -> base :and (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :and, zs, base :and (x, y))
fn or {
"Returns true if any value passed in is truthy."
() -> true
(x) -> bool (x)
(x, y) -> base :or (x, y)
(x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :or, zs, base :or (x, y))
fn assoc {
"Takes a dict, key, and value, and returns a new dict with the key set to value."
(d as :dict) -> d
(d as :dict, key as :keyword, value) -> base :assoc (d, key, value)
(d as :dict, (key as :keyword, value)) -> base :assoc (d, key, value)
fn dissoc {
"Takes a dict and a key, and returns a new dict with the key and associated value omitted."
(d as :dict) -> d
(d as :dict, key as :keyword) -> base :dissoc (d, key)
fn coll? {
"Returns true if a value is a collection: dict, struct, list, tuple, or set."
(coll as :dict) -> true
(coll as :struct) -> true
(coll as :list) -> true
(coll as :tuple) -> true
(coll as :set) -> true
(_) -> false
fn ordered? {
"Returns true if a value is an indexed collection: list or tuple."
(coll as :list) -> true
(coll as :tuple) -> true
(_) -> false
fn assoc? {
"Returns true if a value is an associative collection: a dict, struct, or namespace."
(assoc as :dict) -> true
(assoc as :struct) -> true
(assoc as :ns) -> true
(_) -> false
fn get {
"Takes a dict or struct, key, and optional default value; returns the value at key. If the value is not found, returns nil or the default value. Returns nil or default if the first argument is not a dict or struct."
(key as :keyword, coll) -> base :get (key, coll)
(key as :keyword, coll, default) -> base :get (key, coll, default)
& TODO: make this less awkward once we have tail recursion
&&&&&&&&& TODO:
&& Fix bug here:
&& The second pattern in `each` and `foo` hangs when the first argument is a function
&& But maybe not other kinds of values (works fine if it's a keyword)
&& See interpreter.cljc line 76 for more info.
fn each {
"Takes a list and applies a function, presumably with side effects, to each element in the list. Returns nil."
2023-12-03 17:40:38 +00:00
(f as :fn, []) -> nil
(f as :fn, [x]) -> { f (x); nil }
(f, [...xs]) -> loop (xs) with {
([x]) -> { f (x); nil }
([x, ...xs]) -> { f (x); recur (xs) }
fn foo {
&(h, []) -> :empty
(h, [x]) -> :one
(h, [...xs]) -> :more
fn panic! {
"Causes Ludus to panic, outputting any arguments as messages."
() -> base :panic! ()
(...args) -> base :panic! (args)
& base turtle graphics
& forward, fd (pixels)
& back, bk (pixels)
& left, lt (turns)
& right, rt (turns)
& penup, pu ()
& pendown, pd ()
& pencolor, pc (color)
& penwidth (pixels)
& clear ()
& goto ((x, y))
& home ()
& turtlestate () -> @{:position (x, y), :heading turns, :visible boolean, :pen penstate}
& position () -> (x, y)
& turtleheading () -> turns
& penstate () -> @{:down :boolean, :color (r, g, b, a), :width pixels}
2023-12-03 17:40:38 +00:00
print ("Loaded Prelude.")
2023-12-02 00:08:51 +00:00
ns prelude {