Parse multi-clause match expressions

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-03-20 13:28:05 -04:00
parent e4e984bacd
commit 069e3b4a7b

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@ -448,24 +448,48 @@
(defn- parse-match-clause [parser]
(let [pattern (parse-pattern parser)
rarrow (expect* #{::token/rarrow} "Expected arrow in match clause" pattern)
rarrow (expect* #{::token/rarrow} "Expected arrow after pattern" pattern)
(if (:success rarrow)
(let [body (parse-expr (:parser rarrow))]
(assoc body ::ast {::ast/type ::ast/clause
:pattern (::ast pattern) :body (::ast body)})
(panic rarrow "Expected -> in match clause. Clauses must be in the form pattern -> expression")
(panic pattern "Expected -> in match clause. Clauses must be in the form pattern -> expression" #{::token/newline ::token/rbrace})
(defn- parse-match-clauses [parser]
(loop [
parser (accept-many #{::token/newline} (advance parser))
clauses []]
(let [curr (current parser)]
(case (::token/type curr)
(assoc parser ::ast {::ast/type ::ast/clauses :clauses clauses})
(recur (accept-many #{::token/newline} parser) clauses)
(let [clause (parse-match-clause parser)]
(recur (accept-many #{::token/newline} clause) (conj clauses (::ast clause)))
(defn- parse-match [parser]
(let [match-expr (parse-expr (advance parser) #{::token/lbrace ::token/lparen})
(let [match-expr (parse-expr (advance parser) #{::token/with})
match-header (expect* #{::token/with} "Expected with" match-expr)]
(if (:success match-header)
(let [clauses (:parser match-header)]
(if (= (token-type clauses) ::token/lbrace)
(println "one or many clauses")
;; match expression with one or many clauses in braces
(let [clauses (parse-match-clauses clauses)]
(assoc clauses ::ast {::ast/type ::ast/match
:expr (::ast match-expr)
:clauses (get-in clauses [::ast :clauses])}))
;; match expression with single match clause
(let [clause (parse-match-clause clauses)]
(assoc clause ::ast {::ast/type ::ast/match
:expr (::ast match-expr)
@ -478,19 +502,22 @@
(defn- parse-expr
([parser] (parse-expr parser sync-on))
([parser sync-on] (let [token (current parser)]
([parser sync-on]
(let [token (current parser)]
(case (::token/type token)
(::token/number ::token/string)
(parse-atom parser)
::token/keyword (let [next (peek parser)
(let [next (peek parser)
type (::token/type next)]
(if (= type ::token/lparen)
(parse-synthetic parser)
(parse-atom parser)))
::token/word (let [next (peek parser)
(let [next (peek parser)
type (::token/type next)]
(case type
(::token/lparen ::token/keyword) (parse-synthetic parser)
@ -534,14 +561,14 @@
(def pp pp/pprint)
(def source "match foo with (foo, bar, 0) -> {
let foo = bar
if foo then bar else baz
(def source "match foo with {
_ -> foo
foo () -> bar
() -> baz
(def lexed (scanner/scan source))
(def tokens (:tokens lexed))