Make context volatile!, not atom

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-04-25 18:44:44 -04:00
parent ceb8a2aa63
commit 0c77de908c

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@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
;; it's got runtime checking
;; we should be able to do these checks statically
;; that's for later, tho
(defn- resolve-word[word ctx-atom]
(let [ctx @ctx-atom]
(defn- resolve-word[word ctx-vol]
(let [ctx @ctx-vol]
(if (contains? ctx word)
(get ctx word)
(if (contains? ctx ::parent)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
(declare interpret-ast match interpret)
(defn- match-tuple [pattern value ctx-atom]
(defn- match-tuple [pattern value ctx-vol]
(not (vector? value)) {:success false :reason "Could not match non-tuple value to tuple"}
@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
ctx {}]
(if (= 0 i)
{:success true :ctx ctx}
(let [match? (match (nth members (dec i)) (nth value i) ctx-atom)]
(let [match? (match (nth members (dec i)) (nth value i) ctx-vol)]
(if (:success match?)
(recur (dec i) (merge ctx (:ctx match?)))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value)})))))))
(defn- match [pattern value ctx-atom]
(let [ctx @ctx-atom]
(defn- match [pattern value ctx-vol]
(let [ctx @ctx-vol]
(case (::ast/type pattern)
::ast/placeholder {:success true :ctx {}}
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
{:success false :reason (str "Name " word " is already bound")}
{:success true :ctx {word value}}))
::ast/tuple (match-tuple pattern value ctx-atom)
::ast/tuple (match-tuple pattern value ctx-vol)
(throw (ex-info "Unknown pattern" {:pattern pattern})))))
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
match (match pattern value ctx)
success (:success match)]
(if success
(swap! ctx update-ctx (:ctx match))
(vswap! ctx update-ctx (:ctx match))
(throw (ex-info (:reason match) {})))
@ -98,13 +98,13 @@
(if clause
(let [pattern (:pattern clause)
body (:body clause)
new-ctx (atom {::parent ctx})
new-ctx (volatile! {::parent ctx})
match? (match pattern expr new-ctx)
success (:success match?)
clause-ctx (:ctx match?)]
(if success
(swap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(vswap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(interpret-ast body new-ctx))
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
(throw (ex-info "Match Error: No match found" {}))))))
@ -159,13 +159,13 @@
(if clause
(let [pattern (:pattern clause)
body (:body clause)
new-ctx (atom {::parent ctx})
new-ctx (volatile! {::parent ctx})
match? (match pattern tuple new-ctx)
success (:success match?)
clause-ctx (:ctx match?)]
(if success
(swap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(vswap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(interpret-ast body new-ctx))
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
(if (contains? @ctx name)
(throw (ex-info (str "Name " name " is already bound") {}))
(swap! ctx update-ctx {name fn})
(vswap! ctx update-ctx {name fn})
(defn- interpret-do [ast ctx]
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
(map-values #(interpret-ast % ctx))
(swap! ctx update-ctx {name ns})
(vswap! ctx update-ctx {name ns})
(defn- interpret-import [ast ctx]
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
(swap! ctx update-ctx {name result})
(vswap! ctx update-ctx {name result})
result ;; TODO: test this!
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
(let [exprs (:exprs ast)
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom {::parent ctx})]
ctx (volatile! {::parent ctx})]
(run! #(interpret-ast % ctx) inner)
(interpret-ast last ctx))
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
(let [exprs (:exprs ast)
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom prelude/prelude)]
ctx (volatile! prelude/prelude)]
(run! #(interpret-ast % ctx) inner)
(interpret-ast last ctx))
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
(defn interpret [parsed]
(interpret-ast (::parser/ast parsed) {}))
(def source "