Make some progress notes

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-02-21 22:30:27 -05:00
parent f96ec45d1b
commit 0e4673a1a1

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@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
(def pp pp/pprint)
(def source "let foo^ = bar")
(def source "let foo")
(def lexed (scanner/scan source))
(def tokens (:tokens lexed))
(def p (parser tokens))
@ -427,9 +427,13 @@
- use accept-many in blocks and scripts
- ast nodes should include their tokens (this is added for atoms, which may be fully sufficient)
* Time to start working on parsing errors (poisoned nodes, panic mode, etc.)
- this works for expr, script, let, tuple (this one was titchy--and still runs away on unmatched parens)
- add to everything else
- investigate duplicated/missing error messages
- this now works on atoms, collections, synthetics, blocks, and scripts
- add to everything else:
* working on `let`: how to get good error messages here
* previously, the whole expression gets coded as an error (there's only one errror in the errors vector, regardless of the AST representation)
* what we want is to have each error added to the vector (and just to return a poisoned AST node, whatever the kind)
* the strategy here will be the same for the rest of the sequential constructs: `let`, `if`, `import`, `fn`, `loop`, etc.
Other quick thoughts:
* Once I get this far, then it's time to wire up the interpreter (with hard-coded functions, and the beginning of static analysis)