Finish turtle graphics?

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2023-12-03 23:14:55 -05:00
parent 14862c3ba9
commit 17592149f1

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@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ fn map {
fn mapper (prev, curr) -> append (prev, f (curr))
fold (mapper, xs, [])
(kw as :keyword, xs) -> {
fn mapper (prev, curr) -> append (prev, kw (curr))
fold (mapper, xs, [])
fn append {
@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ fn deref {
fn make! {
"Sets the value of a ref."
(r as :ref, value) -> base :make! (r, value)
(r as :ref, value) -> base :set! (r, value)
fn update! {
@ -260,6 +264,11 @@ fn abs {
(n) -> if neg? (n) then mult (-1, n) else n
fn neg {
"Multiplies a number by -1, negating it."
(n as :number) -> mult (n, -1)
fn angle {
"Calculates the angle between two vectors."
(v1, v2) -> sub (atan/2 (v2), atan/2 (v1))
@ -458,6 +467,7 @@ fn assoc? {
fn get {
"Takes a dict or struct, key, and optional default value; returns the value at key. If the value is not found, returns nil or the default value. Returns nil or default if the first argument is not a dict or struct."
(key as :keyword) -> get (key, _)
(key as :keyword, coll) -> base :get (key, coll)
(key as :keyword, coll, default) -> base :get (key, coll, default)
@ -474,11 +484,11 @@ fn dict {
& TODO: make this less awkward once we have tail recursion
fn each! {
"Takes a list and applies a function, presumably with side effects, to each element in the list. Returns nil."
(f as :fn, []) -> nil
(f as :fn, [x]) -> { f (x); nil }
(f, [...xs]) -> loop (xs) with {
([x]) -> { f (x); nil }
([x, ...xs]) -> { f (x); recur (xs) }
(f! as :fn, []) -> nil
(f! as :fn, [x]) -> { f! (x); nil }
(f! as :fn, [...xs]) -> loop (xs) with {
([x]) -> { f! (x); nil }
([x, ...xs]) -> { f! (x); recur (xs) }
@ -524,6 +534,15 @@ fn tan {
(a as :number, :radians) -> base :tan (a)
fn rotate {
"Rotates a vector by an angle. Default angle measure is turns. An optional keyword argument specifies the units of the angle passed in."
((x, y), angle) -> rotate ((x, y), angle, :turns)
((x, y), angle, units as :keyword) -> (
sub (mult (x, cos (angle, units)), mult (y, sin (angle, units)))
add (mult (x, sin (angle, units)), mult (y, cos (angle, units)))
fn turn/deg {
"Converts an angle in turns to an angle in degrees."
(a as :number) -> mult (a, 360)
@ -636,21 +655,16 @@ let colors = @{
let turtle_init = #{
:position (0, 0) & let's call this the origin for now
:heading 0 & this is straight up
:pendown true
:pendown? true
:color colors :white
:penwidth 1
:visible true
:visible? true
& turtle_commands is a list of commands, expressed as tuples
& the first member of each tuple is the command
ref turtle_commands = []
ref last_command = ()
& give ourselves a ref for current turtle state
ref turtle_state = turtle_init
& and a list of turtle states
ref turtle_states = [turtle_init]
@ -658,25 +672,77 @@ ref p5_calls = [
(:background, 0)
fn add_call! (call) -> update! (p5_calls, conj (_, call))
ref bgcolor = (0, 0, 0, 255)
fn add_call! (call) -> update! (p5_calls, append (_, call))
fn add_command! (command) -> {
update! (turtle_commands, append (_, command))
make! (last_command, command)
let current_state = deref (turtle_state)
let new_state = apply_command (current_state, command)
update! (turtle_states, append (_, new_state))
make! (turtle_state, new_state)
render_command! ()
let prev = do turtle_states > deref > last
let curr = apply_command (prev, command)
update! (turtle_states, append (_, curr))
let call = state/call ()
if call then { add_call! (call); :ok } else :ok
fn render_command! () -> {
let cmd = first (command)
let state = deref (turtle_state)
let #{position, heading, pendown, color, penwidth, visible} = state
fn make_line ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> (:line, x1, y1, x2, y2)
let turtle_radius = 20
let turtle_angle = 0.375
let turtle_color = (100, 100, 100, 100)
fn render_turtle! () -> {
let state = do turtle_state > deref > last
if state :visible?
then {
add_call! ((:push))
let (r, g, b, a) = turtle_color
add_call! ((:fill, r, g, b, a))
add_call! ((:noStroke))
let #{heading, position} = state
add_call! ((:rotate, turn/deg (heading)))
add_call! ((:beginShape))
let head_unit = heading/vec (heading)
let first = mult (head_unit, turtle_radius)
let second = rotate (first, turtle_angle)
let third = rotate (first, neg (turtle_angle))
add_call! ((:vertex, first))
add_call! ((:vertex, second))
add_call! ((:vertx, third))
add_call! ((:pop))
else :ok
fn state/call () -> {
let cmd = do turtle_commands > deref > last > first
let states = deref (turtle_states)
let curr = last (states)
let prev = nth (states, sub (count (states), 2))
print! ("Curr, prev, command", curr, prev, cmd)
match cmd with {
:forward -> :todo
:forward -> if curr :pendown?
then make_line (curr :position, prev :position)
else nil
:back -> if curr :pendown?
then make_line (curr :position, prev :position)
else nil
:home -> if curr :pendown?
then make_line (curr :position, prev :position)
else nil
:goto -> if curr :pendown?
then make_line (curr :position, prev :position)
else nil
:penwidth -> (:strokeWeight, curr :penwidth)
:pencolor -> {
let (r, g, b, a) = curr :pencolor
(:stroke, r, g, b, a)
:clear -> (:background, 0, 0, 0, 255)
else -> nil
@ -740,9 +806,9 @@ let pw! = penwidth!
fn background! {
"Sets the background color behind the turtle and path. Alias: bg!"
(gray as :number) -> background! ((gray, gray, gray, 255))
((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number)) -> background! ((r, g, b, 255))
((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number, a as :number)) -> background! ((r, g, b, a))
(gray as :number) -> make! (bgcolor, (gray, gray, gray, 255))
((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number)) -> make! (bgcolor, (r, b, g, 255))
((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number, a as :number)) -> make! (bgcolor, (r, g, b, a))
let bg! = background!
@ -790,24 +856,43 @@ fn apply_command {
let vect = mult (steps, unit)
update (state, :position, sub (_, vect))
(:penup) -> assoc (state, :pendown, false)
(:pendown) -> assoc (state, :pendown, true)
(:penup) -> assoc (state, :pendown?, false)
(:pendown) -> assoc (state, :pendown?, true)
(:penwidth, pixels) -> assoc (state, :penwidth, pixels)
(:pencolor, color) -> assoc (state, :pencolor, color)
fn turtle/p5 {
"Takes a list of turtle states and returns a list of p5 calls that will render the turtle states."
() -> :todo
fn turtle_state {
"Returns the turtle's current state."
() -> do turtle_states > deref > last
& turtlestate () -> @{:position (x, y), :heading turns, :visible boolean, :pen penstate}
& position () -> (x, y)
& heading () -> turns
& penstate () -> @{:down :boolean, :color (r, g, b, a), :width pixels}
fn position {
"Returns the turtle's current position."
() -> turtle_state () :position
fn heading {
"Returns the turtle's current heading."
() -> turtle_state () :heading
fn pendown? {
"Returns the turtle's pen state: true if the pen is down."
() -> turtle_state () :pendown?
fn pencolor {
"Returns the turtle's pen color as an (r, g, b, a) tuple."
() -> turtle_state () :pencolor
fn penwidth {
"Returns the turtle's pen width in pixels."
() -> turtle_state () :pencolor
ns prelude {
@ -842,6 +927,7 @@ ns prelude {
@ -900,9 +986,9 @@ ns prelude {
pencolor!, pc!
penwidth!, pw!
home!, clear!, goto!,
turtle_commands, turtle_init
add_command!, apply_command,
heading, position, pendown?
pencolor, penwidth
p5_calls, turtle_states, turtle_commands