Fix unbound name errors, import bug, process:in->process:inbox

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-06-02 17:38:16 -04:00
parent 2f5ebe85f7
commit 2de1d94a4a

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@ -17,13 +17,19 @@
;; it's got runtime checking
;; we should be able to do these checks statically
;; that's for later, tho
(defn- resolve-word [word ctx-vol]
(defn- ludus-resolve [key ctx-vol]
(let [ctx @ctx-vol]
(if (contains? ctx word)
(get ctx word)
(if (contains? ctx key)
(get ctx key)
(if (contains? ctx ::parent)
(recur word (::parent ctx))
(throw (ex-info (str "Unbound name: " word) {}))))))
(recur key (::parent ctx))
(defn- resolve-word [word ctx]
(let [value (ludus-resolve (:word word) ctx)]
(if (= ::not-found value)
(throw (ex-info (str "Unbound name: " (:word word)) {:ast word}))
(declare interpret-ast match interpret)
@ -35,7 +41,7 @@
(let [pid @current-pid
process (atom {:pid pid
:queue clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY
:in nil
:inbox nil
:status :occupied
(swap! processes #(assoc % pid process))
@ -49,19 +55,19 @@
(defn- process-msg [process]
;;(println "processing message" self)
(let [q (:queue process)
in (:in process)]
(when (not (realized? in))
inbox (:inbox process)]
(when (not (realized? inbox))
;;(println "delivering message in" self)
(deliver in (peek q))
(assoc process :queue (pop q) :in nil))))
(deliver inbox (peek q))
(assoc process :queue (pop q) :inbox nil))))
(defn- run-process [process-atom]
(let [process @process-atom
status (:status process)
q (:queue process)
in (:in process)]
inbox (:inbox process)]
;;(println "running process" self ":" (into [] q))
(when (and (= status :idle) (not-empty q) in)
(when (and (= status :idle) (not-empty q) inbox)
(swap! process-atom process-msg))))
(defn- start-vm []
@ -388,14 +394,16 @@
(if (contains? @ctx name)
(throw (ex-info (str "Name " name " is alrady bound") {:ast ast}))
(let [source (try
(loader/load-import path (resolve-word ::file ctx))
(loader/load-import path (ludus-resolve :file ctx))
(catch Exception e
(if (::loader/error (ex-data e))
(throw (ex-info (ex-message e) {:ast ast}))
(throw e))))
result (-> source (scanner/scan) (parser/parse) (interpret path))]
;; (pp/pprint @ctx)
(vswap! ctx update-ctx {name result})
result ;; TODO: test this!
;; (pp/pprint @ctx)
(defn- interpret-ref [ast ctx]
@ -484,11 +492,12 @@
(defn- interpret-receive [ast ctx]
(let [process-atom (get @processes self)
in (promise)
inbox (promise)
clauses (:clauses ast)]
;; (println "receiving in" self)
(swap! process-atom #(assoc % :in in :status :idle))
(let [msg @in]
(println "receiving inbox" self)
(swap! process-atom #(assoc % :inbox inbox :status :idle))
(println "awaiting message in" self)
(let [msg @inbox]
(swap! process-atom #(assoc % :status :occupied))
;; (println "message received by" self ":" msg)
(loop [clause (first clauses)
@ -532,8 +541,8 @@
(try (interpret-ast expr ctx)
(catch Exception e
(println "Panic in Ludus process" (str self ":") (ex-message e))
(pp/pprint (ex-data e))
(println "On line" (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token ::token/line]) "in" (resolve-word :file ctx))))
;; (pp/pprint (ex-data e))
(println "On line" (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token ::token/line]) "in" (ludus-resolve :file ctx))))
(swap! @process #(assoc % :status :dead))))
@ -543,7 +552,7 @@
::ast/atom (:value ast)
::ast/word (resolve-word (:word ast) ctx)
::ast/word (resolve-word ast ctx)
::ast/let (interpret-let ast ctx)