Make lots of progress on prelude & turtle graphics, fixing partial function application bug along the way.

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2023-12-03 17:15:26 -05:00
parent 7515df835e
commit 314101d17d
4 changed files with 471 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
[ :as data]
[ :as show]
[clojure.math :as math]
;[ludus.draw :as d]
#?(:cljs [cljs.reader])
#?(:cljs [goog.object :as o])
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
(def not- {:name "not"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body not})
(defn- print-show [lvalue]
(if (string? lvalue) lvalue (show/show lvalue)))
@ -160,6 +162,12 @@
:cljs js/Number
:clj clojure.lang.Ratio
:cljs js/Number
:clj java.lang.String
@ -204,6 +212,8 @@
(= (:integer types) t) :number
(= (:ratio types) t) :number
(= (:string types) t) :string
(= (:boolean types) t) :boolean
@ -230,6 +240,25 @@
::data/type ::data/clj
:body get-type})
(defn- kv->tuple [[k v]] [::data/tuple k v])
(def to_list {name "to_list"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body (fn [item]
(case (get-type item)
(:number :nil :boolean :fn :string :ref :keyword) [::data/list item]
:list item
:set (into [::data/list] item)
:tuple (into [::data/list] (rest item))
:dict (into [::data/list] (map kv->tuple) (dissoc item ::data/dict))
:struct (into [::data/list] (map kv->tuple) (dissoc item ::data/struct))
:ns (into [::data/list] (map kv->tuple) (dissoc item ::data/struct ::data/type ::data/name))
(def to_dict {name "to_dict"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body (fn [struct] (-> struct (assoc ::data/dict true) (dissoc ::data/struct ::data/type ::data/name)))})
(defn strpart [kw] (->> kw str rest (apply str)))
(def readstr
@ -265,8 +294,8 @@
:body into})
(def to_vec {:name "to_vec"
::data/type ::data.clj
:body (fn [xs] (into [] xs))})
::data/type ::data/clj
:body (fn [xs] (into [] (dissoc xs ::data/type ::data/struct ::data/name)))})
(def fold {:name "fold"
::data/type ::data/clj
@ -291,6 +320,60 @@
::data/type ::data/clj
:body str})
(def doc- {:name "doc"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body (fn [f]
(let [name (:name f)
docstring (:doc f)
clauses (:clauses f)
patterns (map first clauses)
pretty-patterns (map show/show-pattern patterns)]
(println name)
(println docstring)
(println (apply str (interpose "\n" pretty-patterns)))
(def sin {:name "sin"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body math/sin})
(def cos {:name "cos"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body math/cos})
(def tan {:name "tan"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body math/tan})
(def atan_2 {:name "atan_2"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body math/atan2})
(def sqrt {:name "sqrt"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body math/sqrt})
(def random {:name "random"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body rand})
(def floor {:name "floor"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body math/floor})
(def ceil {:name "ceil"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body math/ceil})
(def round {:name "round"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body math/round})
(def range- {:name "range"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body (fn [start end] (into [::data/list] (range (-> start math/ceil int) end)))})
(def base {
:id id
:eq eq
@ -328,4 +411,17 @@
:prn prn-
:concat concat-
:str str-
:to_list to_list
:doc doc-
:pi math/PI
:sin sin
:cos cos
:tan tan
:atan_2 atan_2
:sqrt sqrt
:random random
:ceil ceil
:floor floor
:round round
:range range-

View File

@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
:body (fn [arg]
(concat [::data/tuple] (replace {::data/placeholder arg} (rest args)))
(into [::data/tuple] (replace {::data/placeholder arg} (rest args)))
(= (::data/type lfn) ::data/clj) (apply (:body lfn) (next args))
@ -954,11 +954,15 @@
;; repl
(def source "#{:foo bar}")
(def source "fn foo {
() -> :foo
(foo) -> :bar
(def tokens (-> source scanner/scan :tokens))
(def ast (p/apply-parser g/pattern tokens))
(def ast (p/apply-parser g/script tokens))
;(def result (interpret-safe source ast {}))

View File

@ -43,9 +43,15 @@ fn count {
(xs as :struct) -> dec (base :count (xs))
fn list? {
"Returns true if the value is a list."
(l as :list) -> true
(_) -> false
fn list {
"Takes a tuple, and returns it as a list."
(xs as :tuple) -> base :into ([], base :rest (xs))
"Takes a value and returns it as a list. For values, it simply wraps them in a list. For collections, conversions are as follows. A tuple->list conversion preservers order and length. Unordered collections do not preserve order. Associative collections return lists of (key, value) tuples."
(x) -> base :to_list (x)
fn fold {
@ -78,7 +84,7 @@ fn conj {
(xs as :set, x) -> base :conj (xs, x)
fn print {
fn print! {
"Sends a text representation of Ludus values to the console."
(...args) -> base :print (args)
@ -93,7 +99,7 @@ fn type {
(x) -> base :type (x)
fn prn {
fn prn! {
"Prints the underlying Clojure data structure of a Ludus value."
(x) -> base :prn (x)
@ -200,6 +206,28 @@ fn div/0 {
fn div/safe {
"Divides a number. Returns a result tuple."
(x as :number) -> (:ok, x)
(_, 0) -> (:err, "Division by zero")
(x, y) -> (:ok, div (x, y))
(x, y, ...zs) -> {
let divisor = fold (mult, zs, y)
div/safe (x, divisor)
fn abs {
"Returns the absolute value of a number."
(0) -> 0
(n) -> if neg? (n) then mult (-1, n) else n
fn angle {
"Calculates the angle between two vectors."
(v1, v2) -> sub (atan/2 (v2), atan/2 (v1))
fn zero? {
"Returns true if a number is 0."
(0) -> true
@ -322,17 +350,23 @@ fn or {
(x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :or, zs, base :or (x, y))
fn assoc {
fn set {
"Takes a dict, key, and value, and returns a new dict with the key set to value."
(d as :dict) -> d
(d as :dict, key as :keyword, value) -> base :assoc (d, key, value)
(d as :dict, (key as :keyword, value)) -> base :assoc (d, key, value)
(dict as :dict) -> dict
(dict as :dict, key as :keyword, value) -> base :assoc (dict, key, value)
(dict as :dict, (key as :keyword, value)) -> base :assoc (dict, key, value)
fn dissoc {
fn unset {
"Takes a dict and a key, and returns a new dict with the key and associated value omitted."
(d as :dict) -> d
(d as :dict, key as :keyword) -> base :dissoc (d, key)
(dict as :dict) -> dict
(dict as :dict, key as :keyword) -> base :dissoc (dict, key)
fn update {
"Takes a dict, key, and function, and returns a new dict with the key set to the result of applying the function to original value held at the key."
(dict as :dict) -> dict
(dict as :dict, key as :keyword, updater as :fn) -> base :assoc (dict, key, updater (get (key, dict)))
fn coll? {
@ -366,14 +400,15 @@ fn get {
(key as :keyword, coll, default) -> base :get (key, coll, default)
& TODO: make this less awkward once we have tail recursion
fn dict {
"Takes a struct or ns, and returns it as a dict. Returns dicts unharmed."
(struct as :struct) -> base :to_dict (struct)
(ns_ as :ns) -> base :to_dict (ns_)
(dict as :dict) -> dict
&&&&&&&&& TODO:
&& Fix bug here:
&& The second pattern in `each` and `foo` hangs when the first argument is a function
&& But maybe not other kinds of values (works fine if it's a keyword)
&& See interpreter.cljc line 76 for more info.
fn each {
& TODO: make this less awkward once we have tail recursion
fn each! {
"Takes a list and applies a function, presumably with side effects, to each element in the list. Returns nil."
(f as :fn, []) -> nil
(f as :fn, [x]) -> { f (x); nil }
@ -383,36 +418,281 @@ fn each {
fn foo {
&(h, []) -> :empty
(h, [x]) -> :one
(h, [...xs]) -> :more
fn panic! {
"Causes Ludus to panic, outputting any arguments as messages."
() -> base :panic! ()
(...args) -> base :panic! (args)
& base turtle graphics
& forward, fd (pixels)
& back, bk (pixels)
& left, lt (turns)
& right, rt (turns)
& penup, pu ()
& pendown, pd ()
& pencolor, pc (color)
& penwidth (pixels)
& clear ()
& goto ((x, y))
& home ()
& turtlestate () -> @{:position (x, y), :heading turns, :visible boolean, :pen penstate}
& position () -> (x, y)
& turtleheading () -> turns
& penstate () -> @{:down :boolean, :color (r, g, b, a), :width pixels}
fn doc! {
"Prints the documentation of a function to the console."
(f as :fn) -> base :doc (f)
(_) -> :none
print ("Loaded Prelude.")
& math operations necessary for turtle graphics
& sin
& cos
& tan
& atan/2
& square
& dist
& sum_of_squares
& random
let pi = base :pi
let tau = mult (2, pi)
fn sin {
"Returns the sine of an angle. Default angle measure is turns. An optional keyword argument specifies the units of the angle passed in."
(a as :number) -> do a > turn/rad > base :sin
(a as :number, :turns) -> do a > turn/rad > base :sin
(a as :number, :degrees) -> do a > deg/rad > base :sin
(a as :number, :radians) -> base :sin (a)
fn cos {
"Returns the cosine of an angle. Default angle measure is turns. An optional keyword argument specifies the units of the angle passed in."
(a as :number) -> do a > turn/rad > base :cos
(a as :number, :turns) -> do a > turn/rad > base :cos
(a as :number, :degrees) -> do a > deg/rad > base :cos
(a as :number, :radians) -> base :cos (a)
fn tan {
"Returns the sine of an angle. Default angle measure is turns. An optional keyword argument specifies the units of the angle passed in."
(a as :number) -> do a > turn/rad > base :tan
(a as :number, :turns) -> do a > turn/rad > base :tan
(a as :number, :degrees) -> do a > deg/rad > base :tan
(a as :number, :radians) -> base :tan (a)
fn turn/deg {
"Converts an angle in turns to an angle in degrees."
(a as :number) -> mult (a, 360)
fn deg/turn {
"Converts an angle in degrees to an angle in turns."
(a as :number) -> div (a, 360)
fn turn/rad {
"Converts an angle in turns to an angle in radians."
(a as :number) -> mult (a, tau)
fn rad/turn {
"Converts an angle in radians to an angle in turns."
(a as :number) -> div (a, tau)
fn deg/rad {
"Converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians."
(a as :number) -> mult (tau, div (a, 360))
fn rad/deg {
"Converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees."
(a as :number) -> mult (360, div (a, tau))
fn atan/2 {
"Returns an angle from a slope. Takes an optional keyword argument to specify units. Takes either two numbers or a vector tuple."
(x as :number, y as :number) -> do base :atan_2 (x, y) > rad/turn
(x, y, :turns) -> atan/2 (x, y)
(x, y, :radians) -> base :atan_2 (x, y)
(x, y, :degrees) -> do base :atan_2 (x, y) > rad/deg
((x, y)) -> atan/2 (x, y)
((x, y), units as :keyword) -> atan/2 (x, y, units)
fn mod {
"Returns the modulus of num and div. Truncates towards negative infinity."
(num as :number, y as :number) -> base :mod (num, div)
fn square {
"Squares a number."
(x as :number) -> mult (x, x)
fn sqrt {
"Returns the square root of a number."
(x as :number) -> base :sqrt (x)
fn sum_of_squares {
"Returns the sum of squares of numbers."
() -> 0
(x as :number) -> square (x)
(x as :number, y as :number) -> add (square (x), square (y))
(x, y, ...zs) -> fold (sum_of_squares, zs, sum_of_squares (x, y))
fn dist {
"Returns the distance from the origin to a point described by (x, y)."
(x as :number, y as :number) -> sqrt (sum_of_squares (x, y))
((x, y)) -> dist (x, y)
fn random {
"Returns a random number. With zero arguments, returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). With one argument, returns a random number between 0 and n. With two arguments, returns a random number between m and n."
() -> base :random ()
(n as :number) -> base :random (n)
(m as :number, n as :number) -> add (m, random (n))
fn floor {
"Truncates a number towards negative infinity. With positive numbers, it returns the integer part. With negative numbers, returns the next more-negative integer."
(n as :number) -> base :floor (n)
fn ceil {
"Truncates a number towards positive infinity. With negative numbers, it returns the integer part. With positive numbers, returns the next more-positive integer."
(n as :number) -> base :ceil (n)
fn round {
"Rounds a number to the nearest integer."
(n as :number) -> base :round (n)
fn range {
"Returns the set of integers between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) as a list. With one argument, starts at 0. If end is less than start, returns an empty list."
(end as :number) -> base :range (0, end)
(start as :number, end as :number) -> base :range (start, end)
& turtle_commands is a list of commands, expressed as tuples
& the first member of each tuple is the command
ref turtle_commands = []
fn add_command! (command) -> {
fn updater (commands) -> conj (commands, command)
update! (turtle_commands, updater)
fn forward! {
"Moves the turtle forward by a number of steps. Alias: fd!"
(steps as :number) -> add_command! ((:forward, steps))
let fd! = forward!
fn back! {
"Moves the turtle backward by a number of steps. Alias: bk!"
(steps as :number) -> add_command! ((:back, steps))
let bk! = back!
fn left! {
"Rotates the turtle left, measured in turns. Alias: lt!"
(turns as :number) -> add_command! ((:left, turns))
let lt! = left!
fn right! {
"Rotates the turtle right, measured in turns. Alias: rt!"
(turns as :number) -> add_command! ((:right, turns))
let rt! = right!
fn penup! {
"Lifts the turtle's pen, stopping it from drawing. Alias: pu!"
() -> add_command! ((:penup))
let pu! = penup!
fn pendown! {
"Lowers the turtle's pen, causing it to draw. Alias: pd!"
() -> add_command! ((:pendown))
let pd! = pendown!
fn pencolor! {
"Changes the turtle's pen color. Takes a single grayscale value, an rgb tuple, or an rgba tuple. Alias: pc!"
(gray as :number) -> add_command! ((:pencolor, (gray, gray, gray, 255)))
((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number)) -> add_command! ((:pencolor, (r, g, b, 255)))
((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number, a as :number)) -> add_command! ((:pencolor, (r, g, b, a)))
let pc! = pencolor!
fn penwidth! {
"Sets the width of the turtle's pen, measured in pixels. Alias: pw!"
(width as :number) -> add_command! ((:penwidth, width))
let pw! = penwidth!
fn home! {
"Sends the turtle home: to the centre of the screen, pointing up. If the pen is down, the turtle will draw a path to home."
() -> add_command! ((:home))
fn clear! {
"Clears the canvas and sends the turtle home."
() -> add_command! ((:clear))
& goto ((x, y))
fn goto! {
"Sends the turtle to (x, y) coordinates. If the pen is down, the turtle will draw a path to its new location."
(x as :number, y as :number) -> add_command! ((:goto, (x, y)))
((x, y)) -> goto! (x, y)
fn apply_command {
"Takes a turtle state and a command and calculates the new state."
(state, command) -> match command with {
(:goto, (x, y)) -> assoc (state, :position, (x, y))
(:right, turns) -> update (state, :heading, sub (_, turns))
(:left, turns) -> update (state, :heading, add (_, turns))
(:forward, steps) -> {
let #{heading, position} = state
& turtle heading is a quarter turn off from
let angle = add (0.25, heading)
let v = (cos (angle), sin (angle))
update (state, :position, add (v, _))
(:back, steps) -> {
let #{heading, position} = state
let v = (cos (heading), sin (heading))
update (state, :position, sub (_, v))
let colors = @{
:white (255, 255, 255)
:light_gray (150, 150, 150)
:dark_gray (50, 50, 50)
:red (255, 0, 0)
:green (0, 255, 0)
:blue (0, 0, 255)
let turtle_init = #{
:position (0, 0) & let's call this the origin
:heading 0 & this is straight up
:pendown true
:color colors :white
:penwidth 1
:visible true
& turtlestate () -> @{:position (x, y), :heading turns, :visible boolean, :pen penstate}
& position () -> (x, y)
& heading () -> turns
& penstate () -> @{:down :boolean, :color (r, g, b, a), :width pixels}
ns prelude {
@ -426,19 +706,23 @@ ns prelude {
@ -456,9 +740,44 @@ ns prelude {
forward!, fd!
back!, bk!
right!, rt!
left!, lt!
penup!, pu!
pendown!, pd!
pencolor!, pc!
penwidth!, pw!
home!, clear!, goto!,
turtle_commands, turtle_init

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
(str "@{" (apply str (into [] show-keyed (dissoc v ::data/struct))) "}")
(::data/ref v) ;; TODO: reconsider this
(str "ref: " (::data/name v) " [" (deref (::data/value v)) "]")
(str "ref: " (::data/name v) " {" (-> v ::data/value deref show) "}")
(::data/dict v)
(str "#{" (apply str (into [] show-keyed (dissoc v ::data/dict))) "}")