Start work on the interpreter

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Scott Richmond 2022-03-19 17:28:48 -04:00
parent 5baa4fe3ba
commit 3f0feab83b
2 changed files with 142 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
(ns ludus.collections)

src/ludus/interpreter.clj Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
(ns ludus.interpreter
[ludus.parser :as parser]
[ludus.scanner :as scanner]
[ludus.ast :as ast]
[ludus.collections :as colls]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
;; right now this is not very efficient:
;; it's got runtime checking
;; we should be able to do these checks statically
;; that's for later, tho
(defn- resolve [word ctx-atom]
(let [ctx @ctx-atom]
(if (contains? ctx word)
(get ctx word)
(if (contains? ctx ::parent)
(recur word (::parent ctx))
(throw (new Exception (str "Unbound name: " word)))))))
(declare interpret)
(defn- match [pattern value ctx-atom]
(let [ctx @ctx-atom]
(case (::ast/type pattern)
(let [match-value (:value pattern)]
(if (= match-value value)
{:success true :ctx {}}
{:success false
:reason (str "No match: Could not match " match-value " with " value)}))
(let [word (:word pattern)]
(if (contains? ctx word)
{:success false :reason (str "Name " word " is already bound")}
{:success true :ctx {word value}}
(println "ERROR! Unexpected pattern:")
(pp/pprint pattern)
(defn- update-ctx [ctx new-ctx]
(merge ctx new-ctx))
;; TODO: get "if let" pattern working
(defn- interpret-let [ast ctx]
(let [pattern (:pattern ast)
expr (:expr ast)
value (interpret expr ctx)
match (match pattern value ctx)
success (:success match)]
(if success
(swap! ctx update-ctx (:ctx match))
(throw (new Exception (:reason match))))
(defn- interpret-if [ast ctx]
(let [if-expr (:if ast)
then-expr (:then ast)
else-expr (:else ast)
if-value (interpret if-expr ast)]
(if if-value
(interpret then-expr ctx)
(interpret else-expr ctx)
(defn interpret [ast ctx]
(case (::ast/type ast)
::ast/atom (:value ast)
::ast/word (resolve (:word ast) ctx)
::ast/let (interpret-let ast ctx)
::ast/if (interpret-if ast ctx)
(let [exprs (:exprs ast)
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom {::parent ctx})]
(run! #(interpret % ctx) inner)
(interpret last ctx)
(let [exprs (:exprs ast)
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom ctx)
(run! #(interpret % ctx) inner)
(interpret last ctx)
;; note that the runtime representations of collections is
;; unboxed in the tree-walk interpreter
(let [members (:members ast)]
(into [::colls/tuple] (map #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(let [members (:members ast)]
(into [::colls/list] (map #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(let [members (:members ast)]
(into #{} (map #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(println "ERROR! Unexpected AST node:")
(pp/pprint ast)
(def source "
(println "")
(println "****************************************")
(println "*** *** NEW INTERPRETATION *** ***")
(println "")
(-> source
(interpret {})