Add interpret-if-let

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-06-19 13:46:11 -04:00
parent ed14b97a00
commit 689f3f23bc

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@ -165,11 +165,15 @@
(throw (ex-info (:reason match) {:ast ast})))
(defn- interpret-if-let [ast ctx])
(defn- interpret-if [ast ctx]
(let [if-expr (:if ast)
then-expr (:then ast)
else-expr (:else ast)
if-value (interpret-ast if-expr ctx)]
if-value (if (= (::ast/type if-expr) ::ast/let)
(interpret-if-let if-expr ctx)
(interpret-ast if-expr ctx))]
(if if-value
(interpret-ast then-expr ctx)
(interpret-ast else-expr ctx))))
@ -608,8 +612,8 @@
(with-bindings {#'self (:pid @process)}
(let [result (interpret-ast (::parser/ast parsed) base-ctx)]
(swap! process #(assoc % :status :dead))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(println "Ludus panicked!")
@ -645,30 +649,12 @@
(def source "
fn echo () -> {
& print (self, :echoing)
loop () with () -> {
& print (self, :looping)
receive {
msg -> {
print (\"from \", self, \": \", msg)
recur ()
let foo = 3
let echoer = spawn echo ()
send :hello to echoer
send :foo to echoer
send :bar to echoer
send :baz to echoer
sleep (1000)
if let 3 = foo then :foo else :bar