Get dict splats working, fix match-typed

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2023-05-31 11:31:04 -04:00
parent 0e9c403634
commit 6c38c43727
3 changed files with 82 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ Write a compiler: correctness
[ ] check that recur is only called inside loop or fn forms
[ ] check ns accesses
[ ] splattern is last member in a pattern
[ ] -----List/Tuple
[ ] -----Dict/Struct/Set
[ ] prevent import cycles
Write a compiler: optimization
[ ] devise tail call optimization

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
(zero+ tuple-pattern-entry)
(quiet :rbracket)])
(defp pair-pattern order-0 [:keyword #'pattern])
(defp pair-pattern group weak-order [:keyword pattern])
(defp dict-pattern-term flat choice [pair-pattern :word splattern])

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@ -129,33 +129,84 @@
(recur (dec i)))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value " because " (:reason match?))}))))))))
(defn- member->kv [map member]
(let [type (:type member)
data (:data member)]
(case type
(assoc map (keyword (first data)) member)
(assoc map (-> data first :data first) (second data))
map ;;ignore splats
(defn- pattern-to-map [pattern]
(let [members (:data pattern)]
(reduce member->kv {} members)))
;; TODO: update this to match new AST representation
(defn- match-dict [pattern value ctx-vol]
(not (map? value))
{:success false :reason "Could not match non-dict value to dict pattern"}
(defn- match-dict [pattern dict ctx-vol]
(let [
members (:data pattern)
pattern-map (pattern-to-map pattern)
kws (keys pattern-map)]
;(println "Matching with " pattern-map)
(not (map? dict))
{:success false :reason "Could not match non-dict value to dict pattern"}
(not (::data/dict value))
{:success false :reason "Cannot match non-dict data types to a dict pattern"}
(not (::data/dict dict))
{:success false :reason "Cannot match non-dict data types to a dict pattern"}
(let [members (:members pattern)
kws (keys members)
ctx-diff (volatile! @ctx-vol)]
(loop [i (dec (count kws))]
(if (> 0 i)
{:success true :ctx @ctx-diff}
(let [kw (nth kws i)]
(if (contains? value kw)
(let [match? (match (kw members) (kw value) ctx-diff)]
(if (:success match?)
;(println (:ctx match?))
(vswap! ctx-diff #(merge % (:ctx match?)))
(recur (dec i)))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value " at key " kw " because " (:reason match?))}))
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value " at key " kw " because there is no value at " kw)})))))))
(empty? members)
{:success true :ctx {}}
(let [ctx-diff (volatile! @ctx-vol)
splat? (= :splattern (-> members peek :type))
length (count kws)]
(if splat? (println "Pattern has splat!!"))
(loop [i 0]
(> length i)
(let [kw (nth kws i)
pattern-at (kw pattern-map)
value (kw dict)]
(if (contains? dict kw)
(let [match? (match pattern-at value ctx-diff)]
(if (:success match?)
(vswap! ctx-diff #(merge % (:ctx match?)))
(recur (inc i)))
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with value " dict " at key " kw " because " (:reason match?))}
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " dict " at key " kw " because there is no value at " kw)}))
(let [splat (-> members peek)
splat-data (-> splat :data first)
splat-type (-> splat-data :type)]
(println "!!!!Matching splat")
(if (= :word splat-type)
(let [unmatched (apply dissoc dict kws)
match? (match splat-data unmatched ctx-diff)]
(println "Splatting " unmatched "\ninto " )
(if (:success match?)
{:success true :ctx (merge @ctx-diff (:ctx match?))}
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with value " dict " because " (:reason match?))}
{:success true :ctx @ctx-diff}
{:success true :ctx @ctx-diff}
;; TODO: update this to use new AST representation
(defn- match-struct [pattern value ctx-vol]
@ -185,8 +236,8 @@
(defn- match-typed [pattern value ctx]
(let [data (:data pattern)
name (-> data first :data)
type (-> data second :data)]
name (-> data first :data first)
type (-> data second :data first)]
(contains? ctx name) {:success false :reason (str "Name " name "is already bound") :code :name-error}
(not (= type (prelude/get-type value))) {:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value ", because types do not match")}
@ -882,7 +933,7 @@
(def source "
let (...a) = (1, 2, 3)
let #{:a a as :number} = #{:a 1}