Update docs

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2023-12-13 14:15:32 -05:00
parent 3c25fc72eb
commit 6c773e65e9
2 changed files with 18 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,24 @@ or they are variations on a function, e.g. `div/0` as a variation on `div`.
**How entries are formatted.** Each entry has a brief (sometimes too brief!) description of what it does.
It is followed by the patterns for each of its function clauses.
This should be enough to indicate order of arguments, types, and so on.
**Patterns often, but do not always, indicate types.** Typed patterns are written as `foo as :bar`,
where the type is indicated by the keyword.
Possible ludus types are: `:nil`, `:boolean`, `:number`, `:keyword` (atomic values);
`:string` (strings are their own beast); `:tuple` and `:list` (indexed collections); `:set` (sets are specific),
`:dict` and `:ns` (associative collections); and `:ref` (references).
**Conventional types.** Ludus has two types based on conventions.
* _Result tuples._ Results are a way of modeling the result of a calculation that might fail.
The two possible values are `(:ok, value)` and `(:err, msg)`.
`msg` is usually a string describing what went wrong.
To work with result tuples, see [`unwrap!`](#unwrap) and [`unwrap_or`](#unwrap_or).
That said, usually you work with these using pattern matching.
* _Vectors._ Vectors are 2-element tuples of x and y coordinates.
The origin is `(0, 0)`.
`add` and `mult` can take vectors as well as numbers.
[abs](#abs)    [add](#add)    [and](#and)    [angle](#angle)    [append](#append)    [assert!](#assert)    [assoc](#assoc)    [assoc?](#assoc)    [at](#at)    [atan/2](#atan/2)    [back!](#back)    [background!](#background)    [bg!](#bg)    [bgcolor](#bgcolor)    [bk!](#bk)    [bool](#bool)    [bool?](#bool)    [butlast](#butlast)    [ceil](#ceil)    [clear!](#clear)    [coll?](#coll)    [colors](#colors)    [concat](#concat)    [console](#console)    [cos](#cos)    [count](#count)    [dec](#dec)    [deg/rad](#deg/rad)    [deg/turn](#deg/turn)    [deref](#deref)    [dict](#dict)    [diff](#diff)    [dissoc](#dissoc)    [dist](#dist)    [div](#div)    [div/0](#div/0)    [div/safe](#div/safe)    [doc!](#doc)    [each!](#each)    [eq?](#eq)    [err](#err)    [err?](#err)    [even?](#even)    [false?](#false)    [fd!](#fd)    [first](#first)    [floor](#floor)    [flush!](#flush)    [fn?](#fn)    [fold](#fold)    [forward!](#forward)    [get](#get)    [goto!](#goto)    [gt?](#gt)    [gte?](#gte)    [heading](#heading)    [heading/vector](#heading/vector)    [home!](#home)    [inc](#inc)    [join](#join)    [keys](#keys)    [keyword?](#keyword)    [last](#last)    [left!](#left)    [list](#list)    [lt!](#lt)    [lt?](#lt)    [lte?](#lte)    [make!](#make)    [map](#map)    [mod](#mod)    [mult](#mult)    [neg](#neg)    [neg?](#neg)    [nil?](#nil)    [not](#not)    [odd?](#odd)    [ok](#ok)    [ok?](#ok)    [or](#or)    [ordered?](#ordered)    [p5_calls](#p5_calls)    [panic!](#panic)    [pc!](#pc)    [pd!](#pd)    [pencolor](#pencolor)    [pencolor!](#pencolor)    [pendown!](#pendown)    [pendown?](#pendown)    [penup!](#penup)    [penwidth](#penwidth)    [penwidth!](#penwidth)    [pi](#pi)    [pos?](#pos)    [position](#position)    [print!](#print)    [prn!](#prn)    [pu!](#pu)    [pw!](#pw)    [rad/deg](#rad/deg)    [rad/turn](#rad/turn)    [random](#random)    [range](#range)    [render_turtle!](#render_turtle)    [report!](#report)    [reset_turtle!](#reset_turtle)    [rest](#rest)    [right!](#right)    [round](#round)    [rt!](#rt)    [second](#second)    [set](#set)    [show](#show)    [sin](#sin)    [slice](#slice)    [some](#some)    [some?](#some)    [square](#square)    [string](#string)    [string?](#string)    [sub](#sub)    [sum_of_squares](#sum_of_squares)    [tan](#tan)    [tau](#tau)    [turn/deg](#turn/deg)    [turn/rad](#turn/rad)    [turtle_commands](#turtle_commands)    [turtle_state](#turtle_state)    [turtle_states](#turtle_states)    [type](#type)    [unwrap!](#unwrap)    [unwrap_or](#unwrap_or)    [update](#update)    [update!](#update)    [values](#values)    [zero?](#zero)
## Function documentation

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@ -1 +0,0 @@