a whole lot of a validator
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,17 +4,291 @@
Tracking here, before I start writing this code, the kinds of validation we're hoping to accomplish:
* splats come at the end of list, tuple, and dict patterns
* no unbound names
* no re-bound names
* correct imports
* no unbound names with `use` forms
* no circular imports
* first-level property access with pkg, e.g. `Foo :bar`--bar must be on Foo
* recur in tail position in `loop` forms
* recur not called outside of `loop` forms
* arity checking where possible
- loop forms
- try to resolve function name, if you can, check arity of call
* [x] splats come at the end of list, tuple, and dict patterns
* [x] no unbound names
* [x] no re-bound names
* [ ] no unbound names with `use` forms
* [ ] first-level property access with pkg, e.g. `Foo :bar`--bar must be on Foo
* [ ] recur in tail position in `loop` forms
* [ ] recur not called outside of `loop` forms
* [ ] `loop` form arity checking
* [ ] arity checking of explicit named function calls
* [ ] flag tail calls
* [ ] no circular imports DEFERRED
* [ ] correct imports DEFERRED
(import ./recursive :as p)
(import ./scanner :as s)
(defn- new-validator [parser]
(def ast (parser :ast))
@{:ast ast
:errors @[]
:ctx @{}
:status @{}}
(var validate nil)
(def terminals [:number :keyword :string :bool :nil])
(def simple-colls [:list :tuple :set])
(defn- simple-coll [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def data (ast :data))
(each node data
(set (validator :ast) node)
(validate validator))
(defn- iff [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def data (ast :data))
(each node data
(set (validator :ast) node)
(validate validator))
(defn- script [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def data (ast :data))
(def status (validator :status))
(set (status :toplevel) true)
(each node data
(set (validator :ast) node)
(validate validator))
(defn- block [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def data (ast :data))
(def status (validator :status))
(set (status :toplevel) nil)
(def parent (validator :ctx))
(def ctx @{:^parent parent})
(set (validator :ctx) ctx)
(each node data
(set (validator :ast) node)
(validate validator))
(set (validator :ctx) parent)
(defn- resolve-name [ctx name]
(when (nil? ctx) (break nil))
(def node (get ctx name))
(if node node (resolve-name (get ctx :^parent) name)))
(defn- word [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def name (ast :data))
(def ctx (validator :ctx))
(def resolved (resolve-name ctx name))
(when (not resolved)
(array/push (validator :errors)
{:node ast :msg "unbound name"}))
### patterns
(var pattern nil)
(defn- lett [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def data (ast :data))
(def status (validator :status))
(def pattern (first data))
(def expr (get data 1))
# evaluate the expression first
# otherwise lhs names will appear bound
(set (validator :ast) expr)
(validate validator)
(set (validator :ast) pattern)
(pattern validator)
(defn- splattern [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def status (validator :status))
(when (not (status :last))
(array/push (validator :errors)
{:node ast :msg "splats may only come last in collection patterns"}))
(def data (ast :data))
(when data
(set (validator :ast) data)
(pattern validator))
(defn- simple-coll-pattern [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def data (ast :data))
(when (empty? data) (break validator))
(def status (validator :status))
(for i 0 (-> data length dec)
(set (validator :ast) (get data i))
(pattern validator))
(set (status :last) true)
(set (validator :ast) (last data))
(pattern validator)
(set (status :last) nil)
### XXX: to do
(defn- dict-pattern [validator])
(defn- word-pattern [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def name (ast :data))
(def ctx (validator :ctx))
(when (has-key? ctx name)
(def {:line line :input input} (get-in ctx [name :token]))
(array/push (validator :errors)
{:node ast :msg (string "name is already bound on line "
line " of " input)}))
(set (ctx name) ast)
(defn- pattern* [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def type (ast :type))
(print "validating pattern " type)
(has-value? terminals type) validator
(case type
:word (word-pattern validator)
:placeholder validator
:ignored validator
:word (word-pattern validator)
:list (simple-coll-pattern validator)
:tuple (simple-coll-pattern validator)
:splat (splattern validator))))
(defn- match-clauses [validator clauses]
(each clause clauses
(def parent (validator :ctx))
(def ctx @{:^parent parent})
(set (validator :ctx) ctx)
(def [lhs guard rhs] clause)
(set (validator :ast) lhs)
(pattern validator)
(pp (validator :ctx))
(pp (validator :ctx))
(when guard
(set (validator :ast) guard)
(validate validator))
(set (validator :ast) rhs)
(validate validator)
(set (validator :ctx) parent)))
(defn- matchh [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(match-clauses validator (ast :data))
(defn- fnn [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def name (ast :name))
(when name
(def ctx (validator :ctx))
(def resolved (resolve-name ctx name))
(when resolved
(def {:line line :input input} (get-in ctx [name :token]))
(array/push (validator :errors)
{:node ast :msg (string "name is already bound on line " line " of " input)}))
(set (ctx name) ast))
(match-clauses validator (ast :data))
(defn- ref [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def ctx (validator :ctx))
(def expr (ast :data))
(set (validator :ast) expr)
(validate validator)
(def name (ast :name))
(def resolved (resolve-name ctx name))
(when resolved
(def {:line line :input input} (get-in ctx [name :token]))
(array/push (validator :errors)
{:node ast :msg (string "name is already bound on line " line " of " input)}))
(set (ctx name) ast)
(defn- interpolated [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def data (ast :data))
(each node data
(when (not (buffer? node))
(set (validator :ast) node)
(validate validator))))
### TODO:
# * [ ] arity checking if first term is name that resolves to a function and args aren't partial
# * [ ] ensure properties are on pkgs (prev term in synth is a pkg)
# * [ ] flag tail calls (where last term is not-partial args)
(defn- synthetic [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def data (ast :data))
(each node data
(set (validator :ast) node)
(validate validator)))
### XXX: todos from parser
(defn- dict [validator])
(defn- whenn [validator])
(defn- withh [validator])
(defn- doo [validator])
(defn- usee [validator])
(defn- pkg [validator])
(defn- ns [validator])
(defn- loop [validator])
(defn- recur [validator])
(defn- repeat [validator])
(defn- panic [validator])
(defn- validate* [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def type (ast :type))
(print "validating node " type)
(has-value? terminals type) true
(has-value? simple-colls type) (simple-coll validator)
(case type
:if (iff validator)
:let (lett validator)
:script (script validator)
:block (block validator)
:word (word validator)
:fn (fnn validator)
:match (matchh validator)
:interpolated (interpolated validator)
:synthetic (synthetic validator)
(error (string "unknown node type " type)))))
(set validate validate*)
(set pattern pattern*)
(def source `
"foo {bar} baz"
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(def parsed (p/parse scanned))
(def validator (new-validator parsed))
(pp validator)
(validate validator)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user