Fix bug, add show-pattern

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2023-12-03 12:40:38 -05:00
parent ab48dfa6b3
commit 7515df835e
3 changed files with 77 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
(vswap! ctx-diff #(merge % (:ctx match?)))
;(println "current context: " (dissoc @ctx-diff ::parent))
(recur (inc i)))
{:success :false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " (show/show value))}
{:success :false :reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with " (show/show value))}
;; Match-tuple is misbehaving when the first value is a function and the second is a list
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
;; that suggets that match is hanging here
(defn- match-tuple [pattern value ctx-vol]
(println "\n\n\n**********Matching tuple")
(println "*****Value: " (show/show value))
(println "*****Pattern: " (prettify-ast pattern))
;(println "\n\n\n**********Matching tuple")
;(println "*****Value: " (show/show value))
;(println "*****Pattern: " (show/show-pattern pattern))
(let [members (:data pattern)
length (count members)]
@ -102,16 +102,16 @@
(let [ctx-diff (volatile! @ctx-vol)]
(loop [i length]
(println "Matching tuple elements at index " i)
;(println "Matching tuple elements at index " i)
(if (= 0 i)
{:success true :ctx @ctx-diff}
(let [match? (match (nth members (dec i)) (nth value i) ctx-diff)]
(println "Maybe a match?: " match?)
;(println "Maybe a match?: " (dissoc match? :ctx))
(if (:success match?)
(vswap! ctx-diff #(merge % (:ctx match?)))
(recur (dec i)))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value " because " (:reason match?))}))))))))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with " (show/show value) " because " (:reason match?))}))))))))
;; TODO: update this to use new AST representation
;; TODO: update this to reflect first element of list is ::data/list
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@
splatted? (= :splattern (-> members peek :type))]
(not (vector? value))
{:success false :reason "Could not match non-list value to list"}
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match non-list value " (show/show value) " to list pattern " (show/show-pattern pattern))}
(= ::data/tuple (first value))
{:success false :reason "Could not match tuple value to list pattern"}
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match tuple value " (show/show value) " to list pattern " (show/show-pattern pattern))}
(match-splatted pattern value ctx-vol)
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
(vswap! ctx-diff #(merge % (:ctx match?)))
(recur (dec i)))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value " because " (:reason match?))}))))))))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with " (show/show value) " because " (:reason match?))}))))))))
(defn- member->kv [map member]
(let [type (:type member)
@ -176,10 +176,10 @@
;(println "Matching with " pattern-map)
(not (map? dict))
{:success false :reason "Could not match non-dict value to dict pattern"}
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match non-dict value " (show/show dict) " to dict pattern " (show/show-pattern pattern))}
(not (::data/dict dict))
{:success false :reason "Cannot match non-dict data types to a dict pattern"}
{:success false :reason (str "Cannot match non-dict data types (ns, struct) " (show/show dict) " to a dict pattern " (show/show-pattern pattern))}
(empty? members)
{:success true :ctx {}}
@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
(vswap! ctx-diff #(merge % (:ctx match?)))
(recur (inc i)))
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with value " dict " at key " kw " because " (:reason match?))}
:reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with value " (show/show dict) " at key " kw " because " (:reason match?))}
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " dict " at key " kw " because there is no value at " kw)}))
:reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with " (show/show dict) " at key " kw " because there is no value at " kw)}))
(let [splat (-> members peek)
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
(if (:success match?)
{:success true :ctx (merge @ctx-diff (:ctx match?))}
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with value " dict " because " (:reason match?))}
:reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with value " (show/show dict) " because " (:reason match?))}
{:success true :ctx @ctx-diff}
@ -232,10 +232,10 @@
kws (keys pattern-map)]
(not (map? dict))
{:success false :reason "Could not match non-struct value to struct pattern"}
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match non-struct value " (show/show dict) " to struct pattern " (show/show-pattern pattern))}
(not (::data/struct dict))
{:success false :reason "Cannot match non-struct value to struct pattern"}
{:success false :reason (str "Cannot match non-struct value " (show/show dict) " to struct pattern " (show/show-pattern pattern))}
(empty? members)
{:success true :ctx {}}
@ -257,10 +257,10 @@
(vswap! ctx-diff #(merge % (:ctx match?)))
(recur (inc i)))
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with value " dict " at key " kw " because " (:reason match?))}
:reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with value " (show/show dict) " at key " kw " because " (:reason match?))}
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " dict " at key " kw " because there is no value at " kw)}))
:reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with " (show/show dict) " at key " kw " because there is no value at " kw)}))
(let [splat (-> members peek)
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
(if (:success match?)
{:success true :ctx (merge @ctx-diff (:ctx match?))}
{:success false
:reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with value " dict " because " (:reason match?))}
:reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with value " (show/show dict) " because " (:reason match?))}
{:success true :ctx @ctx-diff}
@ -286,11 +286,11 @@
type (-> data second :data first)]
(contains? ctx name) {:success false :reason (str "Name " name "is already bound") :code :name-error}
(not (= type (base/get-type value))) {:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value ", because types do not match")}
(not (= type (base/get-type value))) {:success false :reason (str "Could not match " (show/show-pattern pattern) " with " (show/show value) ", because types do not match")}
:else {:success true :ctx {name value}})))
(defn- match [pattern value ctx-vol]
;(println "Matching " value " with pattern type " (:type pattern))
;(println "Matching " (show/show value) " with pattern " (show/show-pattern pattern))
(let [ctx @ctx-vol]
(case (:type pattern)
(:placeholder :ignored :else)
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
(if (= match-value value)
{:success true :ctx {}}
{:success false
:reason (str "No match: Could not match " match-value " with " value)}))
:reason (str "No match: Could not match " (show/show-pattern match-value) " with " (show/show value))}))
(let [word (-> pattern :data first)]
@ -954,15 +954,16 @@
;; repl
(def source "
(def source "#{:foo bar}")
(def tokens (-> source scanner/scan :tokens))
(def ast (p/apply-parser g/script tokens))
(def ast (p/apply-parser g/pattern tokens))
;(def result (interpret-safe source ast {}))
(-> ast prettify-ast println)
(-> ast show/show-pattern println)

View File

@ -375,9 +375,12 @@ fn get {
&& See interpreter.cljc line 76 for more info.
fn each {
"Takes a list and applies a function, presumably with side effects, to each element in the list. Returns nil."
(f as :fn, []) -> :empty
(f, [x]) -> :one
(f, [...xs]) -> :more
(f as :fn, []) -> nil
(f as :fn, [x]) -> { f (x); nil }
(f, [...xs]) -> loop (xs) with {
([x]) -> { f (x); nil }
([x, ...xs]) -> { f (x); recur (xs) }
fn foo {
@ -409,6 +412,8 @@ fn panic! {
& turtleheading () -> turns
& penstate () -> @{:down :boolean, :color (r, g, b, a), :width pixels}
print ("Loaded Prelude.")
ns prelude {

View File

@ -58,3 +58,45 @@
(def show-keyed (comp
(map #(str (show (first %)) " " (show (second %))))
(interpose ", ")))
(declare show-pattern)
(defn show-coll-pattern [pattern [start end]]
(let [data (:data pattern)
members (map show-pattern data)
output (apply str (interpose ", " members))]
(str start output end)))
(defn show-pattern [pattern]
(case (:type pattern)
nil ""
:placeholder "_"
:else "else"
(:word :number :keyword :true :false :nil :string) (-> pattern :data first)
(let [word (-> pattern :data first :data first)
type (-> pattern :data second :data first)]
(str word " as " type))
(let [splatted (-> pattern :data first show-pattern)]
(str "..." splatted))
(let [key (-> pattern :data first)
value (-> pattern :data second)]
(str (show-pattern key) " " (show-pattern value)))
:tuple-pattern (show-coll-pattern pattern ["(" ")"])
:list-pattern (show-coll-pattern pattern ["[" "]"])
:dict-pattern (show-coll-pattern pattern ["#{" "}"])
:struct-pattern (show-coll-pattern pattern ["@{" "}"])