Keywords can be called as passed fns

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-04-03 15:39:41 -04:00
parent 9fd69b57f3
commit 7a4034d920

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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
(ns ludus.interpreter
[ludus.parser :as parser]
[ludus.scanner :as scanner]
[ludus.ast :as ast]
[ludus.prelude :as prelude]
[ :as data]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
[ludus.parser :as parser]
[ludus.scanner :as scanner]
[ludus.ast :as ast]
[ludus.prelude :as prelude]
[ :as data]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
;; right now this is not very efficient:
;; it's got runtime checking
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
(throw (ex-info "Called keywords must be unary" {}))
(let [kw (interpret kw ctx)
map (second (interpret tuple ctx))]
(if (::ast/struct map)
(if (::data/struct map)
(if (contains? map kw)
(kw map)
(throw (ex-info (str "Struct error: no member at " kw) {})))
@ -145,14 +145,20 @@
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
(throw (ex-info "Match Error: No match found" {:fn-name (:name fn)})))))
(throw (ex-info "I don't know how to call that" {:fn fn})))))
(if (= clojure.lang.Keyword (type fn))
(if (::data/struct passed)
(if (contains? map fn)
(fn map)
(throw (ex-info (str "Struct error: no member at " fn) {})))
(get map fn))
(throw (ex-info "I don't know how to call that" {:fn fn}))
;; TODO: add placeholder partial application
(defn- interpret-synthetic-term [prev-value curr ctx]
(let [type (::ast/type curr)]
(if (= type ::ast/atom)
(if (::ast/struct prev-value)
(if (::data/struct prev-value)
(if (contains? prev-value (:value curr))
(get prev-value (:value curr))
(throw (ex-info (str "Struct error: no member " (:value curr)) {}))))
@ -244,7 +250,7 @@
(let [members (:members ast)]
(into {::ast/struct true} (map-values #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(into {::data/struct true} (map-values #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(throw (ex-info "Unknown AST node type" {:node ast}))))
@ -252,8 +258,9 @@
(def source "
let s = @{:foo @{:baz 12}, :bar 23}
s :foo :baz
fn call (callable, target) -> callable (target)
fn id (x) -> x
call (:foo, 12)
@ -263,11 +270,11 @@
(println "")
(-> source
(interpret {})
(interpret {})
(comment "