Clean it up, wire it up.

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2023-11-16 19:16:31 -05:00
parent e276298f4e
commit 7ec258ee24
24 changed files with 110 additions and 2076 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.11.121"}}
:aliases {:nREPL
{nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}}}}
{:exec-fn clojure.core.server/start-server
:exec-args {:name "repl"
:port 5555
:accept clojure.core.server/repl
:server-daemon false}}}

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
repl: # start a repl
clj -X clojure.core.server/start-server :name repl :port 5555 :accept clojure.core.server/repl :server-daemon false
# start a repl
clj -X:repl

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
(ns ludus.analyzer
[ludus.ast :as ast]
[ludus.token :as token]))
(defn analyze [ast] ast)
(comment "
Here's where we do a bunch of static analysis.
Some things we might wish for:
* No unused bindings
* No unbound names
* Compound `loop` and `gen` forms must have LHS's (tuple patterns) of the same length
* Recur must be in tail position in `loop`s
* Tail call optimization for simple recursion (rewrite it as a loop?)
* Check arities for statically known functions
* Enforce single-member tuple after called keywords
* Placeholders may only appear in tuples in synthetic expressions
* Each of these may have zero or one placeholders
* Function arities are correct
* Arity of called keywords must be 1

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
(ns ludus.compile
[ludus.grammar :as g]
[ludus.parser-new :as p]
[ludus.scanner :as s]))
(def source
(def result (->> source s/scan :tokens (p/apply-parser g/script)))
(println result)
(comment "
What sorts of compiling and validation do we want to do? Be specific.
- check used names are bound (validation)
- check bound names are free (validation)
- check `recur` is only ever in `loop` (and in `fn` bodies?), in tail position (validation)
- separate function arities into different functions (optimization)
- desugar partially applied functions (?) (simplification)
- desugar keyword entry shorthand (?) (simplification)
- flag tail calls for optimization (optimization)
- direct tail calls
- through different expressions
- block
- if
- cond
- match
- let
- check ns access (validation)
- check constraints: only use specific fns (checked against a constraint-specific ctx) (validation)

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
(ns ludus.core
"A tree-walk interpreter for the Ludus language."
[ludus.scanner :as scanner]
;[ludus.parser :as parser]
[ludus.parser-new :as p]
[ludus.grammar :as g]
[ludus.interpreter :as interpreter]
[ :as show]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]
[ludus.loader :as loader]
[ludus.repl :as repl])
(defn- run [file source]
(let [scanned (scanner/scan source)]
(if (not-empty (:errors scanned))
(println "I found some scanning errors!")
(pp/pprint (:errors scanned))
(System/exit 65))
(let [parsed (p/apply-parser g/script (:tokens scanned))]
(if (p/fail? parsed)
(println "I found some parsing errors!")
(println (p/err-msg parsed))
(System/exit 66))
(let [interpreted (interpreter/interpret source file parsed)]
(println (show/show interpreted))
(System/exit 0)))))))
(defn -main [& args]
(= (count args) 1)
(let [file (first args)
source (loader/load-import file)]
(run file source))
:else (repl/launch)))

src/ludus/core.cljc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
(ns ludus.core
[ludus.scanner :as scanner]
[ludus.parser :as parser]
[ludus.grammar :as grammar]
[ludus.interpreter :as interpreter]
[ :as show]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]
(println "Hi, there.")
(defn run [source]
(println (str "Running some ludus source: " source))
(let [scanned (scanner/scan source)]
(if (not-empty (:errors scanned))
(println "I found some scanning errors!")
(pp/pprint (:errors scanned))
(let [parsed (parser/apply-parser grammar/script (:tokens scanned))]
(if (parser/fail? parsed)
(println "I found some parsing errors!")
(println (parser/err-msg parsed))
(let [interpreted (interpreter/interpret source parsed)]
(println (show/show interpreted))
(run "
fn foo () -> :bar
foo ()

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
(ns ludus.core)
(println "Hello, world!")

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
(ns ludus.draw
(:require [quil.core :as q]
[quil.middleware :as m]))
(defn setup []
(q/frame-rate 60)
(q/color-mode :hsb)
{:color 0 :angle 0})
(defn update-state [state]
{:color (mod (+ (:color state) 0.7) 255)
:angle (+ (:angle state) 0.1)})
(defn draw-state [state]
(q/background 240)
(q/fill (:color state) 255 255)
(let [angle (:angle state)
x (* 150 (q/cos angle))
y (* 150 (q/sin angle))]
(q/with-translation [(/ (q/width) 2)
(/ (q/height) 2)]
(q/ellipse x y 100 100))))
(defn ludus-draw []
(q/defsketch sketch
:title "Hello Ludus"
:size [500 500]
:setup setup
:update update-state
:draw draw-state
:features []
:middleware [m/fun-mode]))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
(ns ludus.grammar
(:require [ludus.parser-new :refer :all]
[ludus.scanner :as scan]))
:clj [ludus.parser :refer :all]
:cljs [ludus.parser
:refer [choice quiet one+ zero+ group order-0 order-1 flat maybe weak-order]
:refer-macros [defp]
(declare expression pattern)
@ -275,44 +282,4 @@
(defp script order-0 [nls?
(one+ script-line)
(quiet :eof)])
;;; REPL
(def source
"if 1 then 2 else 3"
(def rule (literal))
(def tokens (-> source scan/scan :tokens))
(def result (apply-parser script tokens))
(defn report [node]
(when (fail? node) (err-msg node))
(defn clean [node]
(if (map? node)
(-> node
(update :data #(into [] (map clean) %)))
(defn tap [x] (println "\n\n\n\n******NEW RUN\n\n:::=> " x "\n\n") x)
(def my-data (-> result
(println my-data))
(quiet :eof)])

View File

@ -1,21 +1,16 @@
(ns ludus.interpreter
[ludus.parser :as parser]
[ludus.parser-new :as p]
[ludus.parser :as p]
[ludus.grammar :as g]
[ludus.scanner :as scanner]
[ludus.ast :as ast]
[ludus.prelude :as prelude]
[ :as data]
[ :as show]
[ludus.loader :as loader]
[ludus.token :as token]
[ludus.process :as process]
;;[ludus.loader :as loader]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]
(def ^:dynamic self @process/current-pid)
;; right now this is not very efficient:
;; it's got runtime checking
;; we should be able to do these checks statically
@ -593,30 +588,30 @@
(let [[k v] kv]
[k (f v)]))))
(defn- interpret-import [ast ctx]
(let [data (:data ast)
path (-> data first :data first)
name (-> data second :data first)
file (ludus-resolve :file ctx)
from (if (= ::not-found file) :cwd file)]
(if (contains? @ctx name)
(throw (ex-info (str "Name " name " is alrady bound") {:ast ast}))
(let [source (try
(loader/load-import path from)
(catch Exception e
(if (::loader/error (ex-data e))
(throw (ex-info (ex-message e) {:ast ast}))
(throw e))))
parsed (->> source (scanner/scan) :tokens (p/apply-parser g/script))]
(if (p/fail? parsed)
(throw (ex-info
(str "Parse error in file " path "\n"
(p/err-msg parsed))
{:ast ast}))
(let [interpret-result (interpret-file source path parsed)]
(vswap! ctx update-ctx {name interpret-result})
; (defn- interpret-import [ast ctx]
; (let [data (:data ast)
; path (-> data first :data first)
; name (-> data second :data first)
; file (ludus-resolve :file ctx)
; from (if (= ::not-found file) :cwd file)]
; (if (contains? @ctx name)
; (throw (ex-info (str "Name " name " is alrady bound") {:ast ast}))
; (let [source (try
; (loader/load-import path from)
; (catch Exception e
; (if (::loader/error (ex-data e))
; (throw (ex-info (ex-message e) {:ast ast}))
; (throw e))))
; parsed (->> source (scanner/scan) :tokens (p/apply-parser g/script))]
; (if (p/fail? parsed)
; (throw (ex-info
; (str "Parse error in file " path "\n"
; (p/err-msg parsed))
; {:ast ast}))
; (let [interpret-result (interpret-file source path parsed)]
; (vswap! ctx update-ctx {name interpret-result})
; interpret-result))
; ))))
(defn- interpret-ref [ast ctx]
(let [data (:data ast)
@ -757,70 +752,9 @@
(vswap! ctx update-ctx {name ns})
;; TODO: update this to use new AST representation
(defn- interpret-receive [ast ctx]
(let [process-atom (get @process/processes self)
inbox (promise)
clauses (:clauses ast)]
;; (println "receiving in" self)
(swap! process-atom #(assoc % :inbox inbox :status :idle))
;; (println "awaiting message in" self)
(let [msg @inbox]
(swap! process-atom #(assoc % :status :occupied))
;; (println "message received by" self ":" msg)
(loop [clause (first clauses)
clauses (rest clauses)]
(if clause
(let [pattern (:pattern clause)
body (:body clause)
new-ctx (volatile! {::parent ctx})
match? (match pattern msg new-ctx)
success (:success match?)
clause-ctx (:ctx match?)]
(if success
(vswap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(let [result (interpret-ast body new-ctx)]
(swap! process-atom #(assoc % :status :idle))
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
(throw (ex-info "Match Error: No match found" {:ast ast})))))))
;; TODO: update send to be a function (here or in prelude)
(defn- interpret-send [ast ctx]
(let [msg (interpret-ast (:msg ast) ctx)
pid (interpret-ast (:pid ast) ctx)
process-atom (get @process/processes pid)
process @process-atom
q (:queue process)
status (:status process)]
(when (not (= :dead status))
(swap! process-atom #(assoc % :queue (conj q msg)))
(Thread/sleep 1) ;; this is terrible--but it avoids deadlock
;;TODO: actually debug this?
;;THOUGHT: is swap! returning before the value is actually changed? Clojure docs say atoms are synchronous
(defn- interpret-spawn [ast ctx]
(let [expr (-> ast :data first)
process (process/new-process)
pid (:pid @process)]
(with-bindings {#'self pid}
(try (interpret-ast expr ctx)
(catch Exception e
(println "Panic in Ludus process" (str self ":") (ex-message e))
;; (pp/pprint (ex-data e))
(println "On line" (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token ::token/line]) "in" (ludus-resolve :file ctx))))
(swap! process #(assoc % :status :dead))))
(defn- interpret-literal [ast] (-> ast :data first))
(defn interpret-ast [ast ctx]
;(println "interpreting ast type" (:type ast))
;(println "AST: " ast)
(case (:type ast)
(:nil :true :false :number :string :keyword) (interpret-literal ast)
@ -845,16 +779,12 @@
:ns-expr (interpret-ns ast ctx)
:import-expr (interpret-import ast ctx)
;; :import-expr (interpret-import ast ctx)
:ref-expr (interpret-ref ast ctx)
:when-expr (interpret-ast (-> ast :data first) ctx)
; ::ast/spawn (interpret-spawn ast ctx)
; ::ast/receive (interpret-receive ast ctx)
{::data/recur true :args (interpret-ast (-> ast :data first) ctx)}
@ -899,99 +829,29 @@
(clojure.string/trim (nth lines (dec line))))))
;; TODO: update this to use new parser pipeline & new AST representation
(defn interpret-file [source path parsed]
(let [base-ctx (volatile! {::parent (volatile! prelude/prelude) :file path})]
; (defn interpret-file [source path parsed]
; (try
; (let [base-ctx (volatile! {::parent (volatile! prelude/prelude) :file path})]
; (interpret-ast parsed base-ctx))
; (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
; (println "Ludus panicked in" path)
; (println "On line" (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token :line]))
; (println ">>> " (get-line source (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token :line])))
; (println (ex-message e))
; (System/exit 67))))
;; TODO: update this to use new parser pipeline & new AST representation
(defn interpret [source parsed]
(let [base-ctx (volatile! {::parent (volatile! prelude/prelude)})]
(interpret-ast parsed base-ctx))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(println "Ludus panicked in" path)
(println "Ludus panicked!")
(println "On line" (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token :line]))
(println ">>> " (get-line source (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token :line])))
(println (ex-message e))
(System/exit 67))))
;; TODO: update this to use new parser pipeline & new AST representation
(defn interpret [source path parsed]
(let [base-ctx (volatile! {::parent (volatile! prelude/prelude) :file path})
process (process/new-process)]
(with-bindings {#'self (:pid @process)}
(let [result (interpret-ast parsed base-ctx)]
(swap! process #(assoc % :status :dead))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(println "Ludus panicked in" path)
(println "On line" (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token :line]))
(println ">>> " (get-line source (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token :line])))
(println (ex-message e))
(System/exit 67))))
(defn interpret-safe [parsed]
(let [base-ctx (volatile! {::parent (volatile! prelude/prelude)})
process (process/new-process)]
(with-bindings {#'self (:pid @process)}
(let [result (interpret-ast parsed base-ctx)]
(swap! process #(assoc % :status :dead))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(println "Ludus panicked on line " (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token :line]))
(println "> " (get-in (ex-data e) [:ast :token]))
(println (ex-message e))
;(pp/pprint (ex-data e))
;; TODO: update this to use new parser pipeline & new AST representation
(defn interpret-repl
([parsed ctx]
(let [orig-ctx @ctx
process (process/new-process)
pid (:pid @process)]
(with-bindings {#'self pid}
(let [result (interpret-ast parsed ctx)]
{:result result :ctx ctx :pid pid}))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(println "Ludus panicked!")
(println (ex-message e))
{:result :error :ctx (volatile! orig-ctx) :pid pid}))))
([parsed ctx pid]
(let [orig-ctx @ctx]
(with-bindings {#'self pid}
(let [result (interpret-ast parsed ctx)]
{:result result :ctx ctx :pid pid}))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(println "Ludus panicked!")
(println (ex-message e))
{:result :error :ctx (volatile! orig-ctx) :pid pid}
(def source "
let 2 = 1
(println "")
(println "****************************************")
(println "*** *** NEW INTERPRETATION *** ***")
(println "")
(let [result (->> source
(p/apply-parser g/script)
(println result)
(pp/pprint (ex-data e)
;;(System/exit 67)
(+ 1 2)

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
(ns ludus.interpreter-new
[ludus.grammar :as g]
[ludus.parser-new :as p]
[ludus.scanner :as s]))
(def source
"(1, 2)
(def tokens (-> source s/scan :tokens))
(def result (p/apply-parser g/script tokens))
(-> result :data)
(defn report [node]
(when (p/fail? node) (p/err-msg node))
(defn clean [node]
(if (map? node)
(-> node
(update :data #(into [] (map clean) %)))
(defn tap [x] (println "\n\n\n\n******NEW RUN\n\n:::=> " x "\n\n") x)
(def my-data (-> result

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
(ns ludus.loader
(:require [babashka.fs :as fs]))
(defn cwd [] (fs/cwd))
(defn load-import
(let [path (-> file (fs/canonicalize) (fs/file))]
(try (slurp path)
(catch _
(throw (ex-info (str "File " path " not found") {:path path ::error true}))))))
([file from]
(if (= from :cwd) (fs/cwd) (fs/parent (fs/canonicalize from)))
(fs/path file)))))

View File

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
An Instaparse-style EBNF grammer for Ludus.
script = <wsnl?> toplevel <ws?> {<terminator> <ws?> toplevel <ws?>} <wsnl?>
terminator = (";" | <{comment}> "\n")+
ws = (" " | "\t" | "\r")+
wsnl = (ws | <{comment}> "\n")+
reserved = "cond" | "let" | "if" | "then" | "else" | "nil" | "true" | "false" | "as" | "match" | "with" | "NaN" | "recur"
comment = "&" not_nl*
not_nl = #"[^\n]"
toplevel = expression | import | test | ns
test = <"test" ws> string <ws> expression
import = <"import" ws> string <ws "as" ws> name
ns = <"ns" ws> name <ws? "{" wsnl?> entries <wsnl? "}">
entries = [(name | entry) {<separator> [(name | entry)]}]
expression = if | cond | let | tuple | atom | synthetic | block | match | fn | do | loop | dict | struct | list | ref | spawn | send | receive | repeat
(* TODO: is this right? *)
repeat = <"repeat" ws> (number | name) <ws> fn_clause
spawn = <"spawn" ws> expression
receive = <"receive" ws? "{" wsnl?> match_clause {terminator <ws?> [match_clause]} <wsnl? "}">
ref = <"ref" ws> name <ws? "=" ws?> expression
loop = <"loop" ws> tuple <ws "with" ws> (fn_clause
| (<"{" wsnl?> fn_clause {terminator <ws?> [fn_clause]} <wsnl? "}">))
do = <"do" ws> expression {<pipe> expression}
pipe = wsnl? "|>" wsnl?
fn = lambda | named | complex
lambda = <"fn" ws?> fn_clause
named = <"fn" ws?> name <ws> fn_clause
complex = <"fn" ws?> name <ws?> "{" <wsnl?> string? <wsnl> fn_clause {terminator <ws?> [fn_clause]} <wsnl? "}">
fn_clause = tuple_pattern <arrow> expression
match = <"match" ws> expression <ws "with" ws? "{" wsnl?> match_clause {terminator <ws?> [match_clause]} <wsnl? "}">
match_clause = pattern constraint? <arrow> expression
constraint = <"when" ws> expression
let = <"let" ws> pattern <ws "=" wsnl> expression
pattern = tuple_pattern | atom | placeholder | "else" | splattern
tuple_pattern = <"(" wsnl?> [pattern {<separator> [pattern]}] <{separator} ws? ")">
struct_pattern = <"@{" wsnl?> [(name | pattern_entry | splattern) {<separator> [(name | pattern_entry | splattern)]}] <{separator} ws? "}">
dict_pattern = <"#{" wsnl?> [(name | pattern_entry | splattern) {<separator> [(name | pattern_entry | splattern)]}] <{separator} ws? "}">
pattern_entry = keyword <ws> pattern
splattern = <"..."> name | ignored | placeholder
block = <"{" wsnl?> expression {<terminator ws?> expression <ws?>} <wsnl? "}">
cond = "cond" <ws> expression <ws? "{" wsnl?> cond_clause {terminator <ws?> [cond_clause]} <wsnl? "}">
cond_clause = expression <arrow> expression
arrow = <ws? "->" wsnl?>
if = <"if" ws> expression <wsnl "then" ws> expression <wsnl> <"else" ws> expression
synthetic = (name | keyword | recur) ((<ws?> (args | keyword))+)
recur = <"recur">
separator = <ws?> ("," | "\n") <ws?>
args = <"(" ws? {separator}> [arg_expr {<separator> [arg_expr]}] <{separator} ws? ")">
arg_expr = expression | placeholder
placeholder = <"_">
tuple = <"(" wsnl?> [expression {<separator> [expression]}] <{separator} ws? ")">
list = <"[" wsnl?> [(expression | splat) {<separator> [(expression | splat)]}] <{separator} ws? "]">
struct = <"@{" wsnl?> [(name | entry) {<separator> [(name | entry)]}] <{separator} ws? "}">
dict = <"#{" wsnl?> [(name | entry | splat) {<separator> [(name | entry | splat)]}] <{separator} ws? "}">
entry = keyword <ws> expression
splat = <"..."> name
atom = name | ignored | keyword | number | string | boolean | nil
boolean = true | false
true = <"true">
false = <"false">
nil = <"nil">
string = <'"'> {escaped_quote | nonquote} <'"'>
escaped_quote = "\\" '\"'
nonquote = #'[^"]'
keyword = #":[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\/\-_!\*\?]*"
ignored = #"_[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9\/\-_!\*\?]*"
name = !reserved #"[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9\/\-_!\*\?]*"
(* TODO: Debug this to reject things starting with 0, eg 012. *)
number = #"\-?[1-9][0-9]*" | #"\-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*).[0-9]+" | ["-"] "0" | "NaN"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(ns ludus.parser-new)
(ns ludus.parser)
(defn ? [val default] (if (nil? val) default val))
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
(keyword? parser) (apply-kw-parser parser tokens)
(:rule parser) (apply-fn-parser parser tokens)
(fn? parser) (apply-fn-parser (parser) tokens)
:else (throw (Exception. "`apply-parser` requires a parser")))]
:else (throw (ex-info "`apply-parser` requires a parser" {})))]
;(println "Parser result " (? (:name parser) parser) (:status result))
@ -314,21 +314,3 @@
(let [arg (last items)
fns (into [] (butlast items))]
`(defn ~name [] ((apply comp ~fns) (keyword '~name) ~arg))))
(macroexpand '(defp foo group choice [:one :two]))
(comment (defp foo quiet choice [:one :two])
(def group-choice (apply comp '(group choice)))
(group-choice :thing [:a :b])
((apply comp [group choice]) :foo [:one :two])
(fn? foo)
(keyword 'foo)

View File

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
(ns ludus.process
[ :as data])
(:import (java.util.concurrent Executors)))
;; virtual thread patch from
(defn- thread-factory [name]
(-> (Thread/ofVirtual)
(.name name 0)
(thread-factory "ludus-vthread-")))
(def processes (atom {}))
(def current-pid (atom 1001))
(defn new-process []
(let [pid @current-pid
process (atom {:pid pid
:queue clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY
:inbox nil
:status :occupied
(swap! processes #(assoc % pid process))
(swap! current-pid inc)
(def vm-state (atom :stopped))
(defn- values [m] (into [] (map (fn [[_ v]] v)) m))
(defn- map-values [m f] (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (f v)])) m))
(defn process-msg [process]
;;(println "processing message" self)
(let [q (:queue process)
inbox (:inbox process)]
(when (not (realized? inbox))
;;(println "delivering message in" self)
(deliver inbox (peek q))
(assoc process :queue (pop q) :inbox nil))))
(defn run-process [process-atom]
(let [process @process-atom
status (:status process)
q (:queue process)
inbox (:inbox process)]
;;(println "running process" self ":" (into [] q))
(when (and (= status :idle) (not-empty q) inbox)
(swap! process-atom process-msg))))
(defn start-vm []
;; (println "Starting Ludus VM")
(when (= @vm-state :stopped)
(reset! vm-state :running)
(loop []
(when (= @vm-state :running)
(run! run-process (values @processes))
;; (println "Ludus VM shutting down")
(defn stop-vm []
(reset! vm-state :stopped)
(reset! processes {})
(reset! current-pid 1001)
(def process {"process" {
::data/struct true
::data/type ::data/ns
::data/name "process"
"list" {::data/type ::data/clj
:name "list"
:body (fn [] (into [] (keys @processes)))}
"info" {::data/type ::data/clj
:name "info"
:body (fn [pid]
(let [process @(get @processes pid)
queue (into [] (:queue process))]
(assoc process :queue queue ::data/dict true)))}
"flush" {::data/type ::data/clj
:name "flush"
:body (fn [pid]
(let [process (get @processes pid)
queue (into [] (:queue @process))]
(swap! process #(assoc % :queue clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY))

View File

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
(ns ludus.repl
[ludus.scanner :as scanner]
;[ludus.parser :as parser]
[ludus.parser-new :as p]
[ludus.grammar :as g]
[ludus.interpreter :as interpreter]
[ludus.prelude :as prelude]
[ :as show]
[ :as data]
;[ludus.process :as process]
(declare repl-prelude new-session)
(def sessions (atom {}))
(def current-session (atom nil))
(def prompt "=> ")
(defn- exit []
(println "\nGoodbye!")
(System/exit 0))
(def base-ctx (merge prelude/prelude ;process/process
{::repl true
{::data/struct true
::data/type ::data/ns
::data/name "repl"
{:name "flush"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body (fn
(let [session @current-session]
(swap! session #(assoc % :ctx (volatile! base-ctx)))
(if-let [session (get @sessions name)]
(swap! session #(assoc % :ctx (volatile! base-ctx)))
(println "No session named" name)
{:name "new"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body (fn [name]
(let [session (new-session name)]
(reset! current-session session)
{:name "switch"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body (fn [name]
(if-let [session (get @sessions name)]
(reset! current-session session)
(println "No session named" name)
{:name "quit"
::data/type ::data/clj
:body (fn [] (exit))}
(defn- new-session [name]
(let [session (atom {:name name
:ctx (volatile! base-ctx)
:history []})]
(swap! sessions #(assoc % name session))
(defn repl-loop []
(let [session-atom @current-session
session @session-atom
orig-ctx (:ctx session)
pid (:pid session)]
(print (str (:name session) prompt))
(let [input (read-line)]
(= nil input) (exit)
(= "" input) (recur)
(let [parsed (->> input
(p/apply-parser g/script))]
(if (= :err (:status parsed))
(println (p/err-msg parsed))
(let [{result :result ctx :ctx pid- :pid}
(if pid
(interpreter/interpret-repl parsed orig-ctx pid)
(interpreter/interpret-repl parsed orig-ctx))]
(if (= result :error)
(println (show/show result))
(when (not (= @ctx @orig-ctx))
(swap! session-atom #(assoc % :ctx ctx)))
(when (not (= pid pid-))
(swap! session-atom #(assoc % :pid pid-)))
(defn launch []
(println "Welcome to Ludus (v. 0.1.0-alpha)")
(let [session (new-session :ludus)]
(reset! current-session session)

View File

@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
interpolate? false]
(let [char (current-char scanner)]
(case char
\{ (recur (update (advance scanner)) (str string char) true)
\{ (recur (advance scanner) (str string char) true)
; allow multiline strings
\newline (recur (update (advance scanner) :line inc) (str string char) interpolate?)
\" (if interpolate?