Clean some things up

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2024-04-06 18:15:12 -04:00
parent 42907f19d7
commit 83ce75c6ea

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@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ The idea, however, is that Jesus: we must not have test-rule and apply-rule: com
"Renames a rule. By convention, rule names are keywords."
[rule name] (put rule :name name))
### As noted above: we should not use this
### Instead, combinators which might not advance should stash state
### These are: !, *, ...?
(defn test
"Tests a rule: returns whether a rule passes but does not consume any tokens."
[rule parser]
@ -122,7 +125,9 @@ The idea, however, is that Jesus: we must not have test-rule and apply-rule: com
@{:name (keyword (string "!" (name rule)))
:rule (fn !* [parser]
(def result (test rule parser))
(def origin (stash parser))
(def result (apply-rule rule parser))
(restore parser origin)
(if-not result
(do (advance parser) true)
@ -164,10 +169,7 @@ The idea, however, is that Jesus: we must not have test-rule and apply-rule: com
~(set ,name (put ,name :rule (,rule :rule)))
~(var ,name (rename ,rule ,(keyword name)))))
# If we wanted to be robust, we wouldn't hard-code this
(defp stop (+ :newline :semicolon :break))
(defn panic
(comment (defn panic
[rule &opt msg]
@{:name (keyword (string "panic-" (name rule)))
:rule (fn panic* [parser]
@ -184,7 +186,11 @@ The idea, however, is that Jesus: we must not have test-rule and apply-rule: com
(array/push (parser :errors) the-error)
(array/push (parser :captured) the-error)
# If we wanted to be robust, we wouldn't hard-code this
# To consider: use a stack of "panic-until" on a parser to dynamically decide how far to panic
(defp stop (+ :newline :semicolon :break))
(defn panic
"Panics the parser, consuming all tokens until the rule matches (including the match). It also adds an error node to both the capture and the error stacks."
@ -196,7 +202,7 @@ The idea, however, is that Jesus: we must not have test-rule and apply-rule: com
(while (not passing)
(array/push skipped (current parser))
(advance parser)
(set passing (apply-rule rule parser)) ### compile error: unknown symbol rule
(set passing (apply-rule stop parser))
(print "phew; I'm done panicking")
(pprint (current parser))
(def the-error {:type :error :expected expected :token origin :skipped skipped})
@ -213,7 +219,8 @@ The idea, however, is that Jesus: we must not have test-rule and apply-rule: com
(var passing true)
(def origin (stash parser))
(pprint origin)
(set failing nil) ### compile error: unknonw symbol failing
(def failing nil)
(def passing true)
(loop [rule :in rules :while passing]
(def pass? (apply-rule rule parser))
(when (not pass?)
@ -242,13 +249,13 @@ The idea, however, is that Jesus: we must not have test-rule and apply-rule: com
## is this right?
(defn order-1 [& rules]
(comment (defn order-1 [& rules]
@{:name (keyword (string/join (map name rules) "*"))
:rule (fn order-1 [parser]
(def result (test (first rules) parser))
(if result
(apply-rule (order-0 ;rules)) ### compile error: unknown symbol order-0
(defn capture-group
"Takes a parser and an origin state: takes everything captured since the origin, gathers it up in a single array, pops it all off the capture stack, and pushes the gathered captures back on the stack."
@ -330,7 +337,7 @@ The idea, however, is that Jesus: we must not have test-rule and apply-rule: com
(do (apply-rule rule parser) parser)
([err] err)))
(upscope #XXX for repl use
(upscope #XXX for easier repl use
(defn literal->ast [token] {:type (get token :type) :data (get token :literal) :token token})
@ -342,7 +349,7 @@ The idea, however, is that Jesus: we must not have test-rule and apply-rule: com
(declare expression simple nonbinding)
(defp separator (+ :newline :comma :break))
(defp separator (some (+ :newline :comma :break)))
(defp separators? (any (+ :newline :comma :break)))
(defp terminator (some (+ :newline :semicolon :break)))
(defp terminators? (any (+ :newline :semicolon :break)))