fix arity-checking bug; do not check arities in self-recursive function calls

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2024-05-30 19:56:21 -04:00
parent 524e3627fb
commit 8e03707f64

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@ -370,18 +370,29 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
# (set (args :tail-call) true))
(defn- check-arity [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
# (when (ast :partial) (break validator))
(def ctx (validator :ctx))
(def data (ast :data))
(def fn-word (first data))
(pp fn-word)
(def the-fn (resolve-name ctx (fn-word :data)))
(print "the called function: " the-fn)
(pp the-fn)
(when (not the-fn) (break validator))
(print "the function is not nil")
(print "the function type is " (type the-fn))
(when (= :function (type the-fn)) (break validator))
(when (= :cfunction (type the-fn) (break validator)))
(when (= :cfunction (type the-fn)) (break validator))
(print "the function is not a janet fn")
(print "fn type: " (the-fn :type))
(when (not= :fn (the-fn :type)) (break validator))
(print "fn name: " (the-fn :name))
(def arities (the-fn :arities))
# when there aren't arities yet, break, since that means we're making a recursive function call
# TODO: enahnce this so that we can determine arities *before* all function bodies; this ensures arity-checking for self-recursive calls
(when (not arities) (break validator))
(print "arities: ")
(pp arities)
(def args (get data 1))
@ -389,6 +400,9 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
(print "called with #args " num-args)
(pp (get (validator :ctx) "bar"))
(when (has-key? arities num-args) (break validator))
(print "arities: ")
(pp arities)
(when (not arities) (break validator))
(def rest-arities (keys (arities :rest)))
(when (empty? rest-arities)
(array/push (validator :errors)
@ -724,10 +738,11 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
# (comment
(def source `
let foo = 1
pkg Foo {foo}
pkg Baz {Foo, foo}
Baz :Foo :bar
fn foo {
() -> foo (:foo)
foo ()
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(def parsed (p/parse scanned))