Putter around in scanner

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-02-06 12:36:03 -05:00
parent 2eb7960cc9
commit bbe20d4af1

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@ -80,6 +80,8 @@
(defn- alpha? [c]
(or (char-in-range? \a \z c) (char-in-range? \A \Z c)))
;; (defn- alpha? [c] (boolean (re-find #"\p{L}" (str c))))
;; legal characters in words
(def word-chars #{\_ \? \! \* \/})
@ -106,10 +108,12 @@
(::line scanner)
(::start scanner)))))
;; TODO: errors should also be
;; TODO: errors should also be in the vector of tokens
;; The goal is to be able to be able to hand this to an LSP
(defn- add-error [scanner msg]
(update scanner ::errors conj {:msg msg :line (::line scanner) :start (::start scanner)}))
;; TODO: finish this
(defn- scan-keyword
([scanner] (scan-keyword scanner scanner))
([start current]))
@ -187,8 +191,10 @@
(add-token (advance scanner) ::token/pipeline)
(add-error scanner (str "Expected |>. Got " char next)))
;; possible additional operator: => (bind/result)
;; possible additional operator: ~> (bind/some)
;; possible additional operator: bind/result
;; possible additional operator: bind/some
;; oh god, monads
;; additional arrow possibilities: >> ||> ~> => !>
;; hashmap #{
\# (if (= next \{)
@ -201,18 +207,22 @@
(add-error scanner (str "Expected beginning of set: ${. Got " char next)))
;; placeholder
;; TODO: add named placeholder
\_ (if (terminates? next)
(add-token scanner ::token/placeholder)
(add-word scanner))
;; comments
;; &
;; & starts an inline comment
;; TODO: include comments in scanned file
;; TODO: add doc comments: &&&
\& (skip-comment scanner)
;; keywords
;; TODO: instead of a separate token, scan a whole type keyword
;; e.g. ::string, ::number
\: (cond
(= \: next) (add-token (advance scanner) ::token/doublecolon))
;;(= \: next) (add-token (advance scanner) ::token/doublecolon))
(alpha? next) (add-word scanner)
:else (add-error scanner (str "Expected keyword. Got " char next))
@ -221,7 +231,7 @@
;; word matches
(whitespace? char) scanner
(whitespace? char) scanner ;; TODO: include whitespace in scan
;; (digit? char) (add-number scanner)
;; (alpha? char) (add-word scanner)
:else (add-error scanner (str "Unexpected character: " char))))))