Interpret ns

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-04-07 18:51:48 -04:00
parent 9eecce77bc
commit be2d291fd3

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@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
(= 0 (:length pattern) (dec (count value))) {:success true :ctx {}}
:else (let [members (:members pattern)]
(loop [i (:length pattern)
ctx {}]
(if (= 0 i)
{:success true :ctx ctx}
(let [match? (match (nth members (dec i)) (nth value i) ctx-atom)]
(if (:success match?)
(recur (dec i) (merge ctx (:ctx match?)))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value)})))))))
(loop [i (:length pattern)
ctx {}]
(if (= 0 i)
{:success true :ctx ctx}
(let [match? (match (nth members (dec i)) (nth value i) ctx-atom)]
(if (:success match?)
(recur (dec i) (merge ctx (:ctx match?)))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value)})))))))
(defn- match [pattern value ctx-atom]
(let [ctx @ctx-atom]
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
;; TODO: get typed exceptions to distinguish panics
(defn- interpret-let [ast ctx]
(let [pattern (:pattern ast)
expr (:expr ast)
value (interpret-ast expr ctx)
match (match pattern value ctx)
success (:success match)]
expr (:expr ast)
value (interpret-ast expr ctx)
match (match pattern value ctx)
success (:success match)]
(if success
(swap! ctx update-ctx (:ctx match))
(throw (ex-info (:reason match) {})))
@ -82,32 +82,32 @@
(defn- interpret-if [ast ctx]
(let [if-expr (:if ast)
then-expr (:then ast)
else-expr (:else ast)
if-value (interpret-ast if-expr ctx)]
then-expr (:then ast)
else-expr (:else ast)
if-value (interpret-ast if-expr ctx)]
(if if-value
(interpret-ast then-expr ctx)
(interpret-ast else-expr ctx))))
(defn- interpret-match [ast ctx]
(let [match-expr (:expr ast)
expr (interpret-ast match-expr ctx)
clauses (:clauses ast)]
expr (interpret-ast match-expr ctx)
clauses (:clauses ast)]
(loop [clause (first clauses)
clauses (rest clauses)]
(if clause
(let [pattern (:pattern clause)
body (:body clause)
new-ctx (atom {::parent ctx})
match? (match pattern expr new-ctx)
success (:success match?)
clause-ctx (:ctx match?)]
(if success
(swap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(interpret-ast body new-ctx))
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
(throw (ex-info "Match Error: No match found" {}))))))
clauses (rest clauses)]
(if clause
(let [pattern (:pattern clause)
body (:body clause)
new-ctx (atom {::parent ctx})
match? (match pattern expr new-ctx)
success (:success match?)
clause-ctx (:ctx match?)]
(if success
(swap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(interpret-ast body new-ctx))
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
(throw (ex-info "Match Error: No match found" {}))))))
(defn- interpret-cond [ast ctx]
(let [clauses (:clauses ast)]
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
(if (not (= 1 (:length tuple)))
(throw (ex-info "Called keywords must be unary" {}))
(let [kw (interpret-ast kw ctx)
map (second (interpret-ast tuple ctx))]
map (second (interpret-ast tuple ctx))]
(if (::data/struct map)
(if (contains? map kw)
(kw map)
@ -143,45 +143,45 @@
(= ::data/partial (first tuple))
{::data/type ::data/clj
:name (str (:name lfn) "{partial}")
:body (fn [arg]
(concat [::data/tuple] (replace {::data/placeholder arg} (rest tuple)))
:name (str (:name lfn) "{partial}")
:body (fn [arg]
(concat [::data/tuple] (replace {::data/placeholder arg} (rest tuple)))
(= (::data/type lfn) ::data/clj) (apply (:body lfn) (next tuple))
(= (::data/type lfn) ::data/clj) (apply (:body lfn) (next tuple))
(= (::data/type lfn) ::data/fn)
(let [clauses (:clauses lfn)]
(= (::data/type lfn) ::data/fn)
(let [clauses (:clauses lfn)]
(loop [clause (first clauses)
clauses (rest clauses)]
(if clause
(let [pattern (:pattern clause)
body (:body clause)
new-ctx (atom {::parent ctx})
match? (match pattern tuple new-ctx)
success (:success match?)
clause-ctx (:ctx match?)]
(if success
(swap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(interpret-ast body new-ctx))
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
clauses (rest clauses)]
(if clause
(let [pattern (:pattern clause)
body (:body clause)
new-ctx (atom {::parent ctx})
match? (match pattern tuple new-ctx)
success (:success match?)
clause-ctx (:ctx match?)]
(if success
(swap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(interpret-ast body new-ctx))
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
(throw (ex-info "Match Error: No match found" {:fn-name (:name lfn)})))))
(throw (ex-info "Match Error: No match found" {:fn-name (:name lfn)})))))
(= clojure.lang.Keyword (type lfn))
(if (= 2 (count tuple))
(let [target (second tuple) kw lfn]
(if (::data/struct target)
(if (contains? target kw)
(kw target)
(throw (ex-info (str "Struct error: no member at " kw) {})))
(kw target)))
(throw (ex-info "Called keywords take a single argument" {})))
(= clojure.lang.Keyword (type lfn))
(if (= 2 (count tuple))
(let [target (second tuple) kw lfn]
(if (::data/struct target)
(if (contains? target kw)
(kw target)
(throw (ex-info (str "Struct error: no member at " kw) {})))
(kw target)))
(throw (ex-info "Called keywords take a single argument" {})))
:else (throw (ex-info "I don't know how to call that" {:fn lfn}))))
:else (throw (ex-info "I don't know how to call that" {:fn lfn}))))
;; TODO: add placeholder partial application
(defn- interpret-synthetic-term [prev-value curr ctx]
@ -196,25 +196,25 @@
(defn- interpret-synthetic [ast ctx]
(let [terms (:terms ast)
first (first terms)
second (second terms)
rest (rest (rest terms))
first-term-type (::ast/type first)
first-val (if (= first-term-type ::ast/atom)
(interpret-called-kw first second ctx)
(interpret-synthetic-term (interpret-ast first ctx) second ctx))]
first (first terms)
second (second terms)
rest (rest (rest terms))
first-term-type (::ast/type first)
first-val (if (= first-term-type ::ast/atom)
(interpret-called-kw first second ctx)
(interpret-synthetic-term (interpret-ast first ctx) second ctx))]
(reduce #(interpret-synthetic-term %1 %2 ctx) first-val rest)))
(defn- interpret-fn [ast ctx]
(let [name (:name ast)
clauses (:clauses ast)]
clauses (:clauses ast)]
(if (= name ::ast/anon)
{::data/type ::data/fn
:name name
:clauses clauses}
(let [fn {::data/type ::data/fn
:name name
:clauses clauses}]
(let [fn {::data/type ::data/fn
:name name
:clauses clauses}]
(if (contains? @ctx name)
(throw (ex-info (str "Name " name " is already bound") {}))
@ -223,21 +223,34 @@
(defn- interpret-do [ast ctx]
(let [exprs (:exprs ast)
origin (interpret-ast (first exprs) ctx)
fns (rest exprs)]
origin (interpret-ast (first exprs) ctx)
fns (rest exprs)]
(reduce #(call-fn (interpret-ast %2 ctx) [::data/tuple %1] ctx) origin fns)))
(defn- map-values [f]
(map (fn [kv]
(let [[k v] kv]
[k (f v)]))))
(let [[k v] kv]
[k (f v)]))))
(defn- interpret-ns [ast ctx]
(let [members (:members ast)
name (:name ast)]
(if (contains? @ctx name)
(throw (ex-info (str "ns name " name "is already bound") {}))
(let [ns (into
{::data/struct true ::data/type ::data/ns ::data/name name}
(map-values #(interpret-ast % ctx))
(swap! ctx update-ctx {name ns})
(defn interpret-ast [ast ctx]
(case (::ast/type ast)
::ast/atom (:value ast)
::ast/word (resolve-word(:word ast) ctx)
::ast/word (resolve-word (:word ast) ctx)
::ast/let (interpret-let ast ctx)
@ -255,19 +268,21 @@
::ast/placeholder ::data/placeholder
::ast/ns (interpret-ns ast ctx)
(let [exprs (:exprs ast)
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom {::parent ctx})]
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom {::parent ctx})]
(run! #(interpret-ast % ctx) inner)
(interpret-ast last ctx))
(let [exprs (:exprs ast)
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom prelude/prelude)]
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom prelude/prelude)]
(run! #(interpret-ast % ctx) inner)
(interpret-ast last ctx))
@ -313,7 +328,13 @@
else -> :oops
ns bar {
bar :foo
(println "")
(println "****************************************")
@ -335,7 +356,7 @@
* refactor calling keywords
* refactor accessing structs vs. hashes