fix some bugs, prep for doc

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2024-06-15 17:03:49 -04:00
parent 98d6b1c865
commit d94eb5485d

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ fn join
fn neg? fn neg?
fn atan/2 fn atan/2
fn mod fn mod
fn assoc? fn assoc & ?
fn dict fn dict
fn get fn get
fn unbox fn unbox
@ -370,14 +370,26 @@ fn ws? {
(_) -> false (_) -> false
} }
fn strip {
"Removes punctuation from a string, removing all instances of ,.;:?!"
("{x},{y}") -> strip ("{x}{y}")
("{x}.{y}") -> strip ("{x}{y}")
("{x};{y}") -> strip ("{x}{y}")
("{x}:{y}") -> strip ("{x}{y}")
("{x}?{y}") -> strip ("{x}{y}")
("{x}!{y}") -> strip ("{x}{y}")
(x) -> x
fn words { fn words {
"Takes a string and returns a list of the words in the string. Strips all whitespace." "Takes a string and returns a list of the words in the string. Strips all whitespace."
(str as :string) -> { (str as :string) -> {
let raw_strs = split (str, " ") let no_punct = strip (str)
fn joiner (list, str) -> if eq? (str, "") let strs = split (no_punct, " ")
fn worder (list, str) -> if empty? (str)
then list then list
else append (list, str) else append (list, str)
fold (joiner, raw_strs, []) fold (worder, strs, [])
} }
} }
@ -502,6 +514,11 @@ fn inv/0 {
(x as :number) -> div/0 (1, x) (x as :number) -> div/0 (1, x)
} }
fn inv/safe {
"Returns the inverse of a number: 1/n or `div/safe (1, n)`. Returns a result tuple."
(x as :number) -> div/safe (1, x)
fn abs { fn abs {
"Returns the absolute value of a number." "Returns the absolute value of a number."
(0) -> 0 (0) -> 0
@ -620,16 +637,13 @@ fn max {
& additional list operations now that we have comparitors & additional list operations now that we have comparitors
fn at { fn at {
"Returns the element at index n of a list or tuple. Zero-indexed: the first element is at index 0." "Returns the element at index n of a list or tuple, or the byte at index n of a string. Zero-indexed: the first element is at index 0. Returns nil if nothing is found in a list or tuple; returns an empty string if nothing is found in a string."
(xs as :list, n as :number) -> when { (xs as :list, n as :number) -> base :nth (xs, n)
neg? (n) -> nil (xs as :tuple, n as :number) -> base :nth (n, xs)
gte? (n, count (xs)) -> nil (str as :string, n as :number) -> when {
true -> base :nth (n, xs) neg? (n) -> ""
} gte? (n, count (str)) -> ""
(xs as :tuple, n as :number) -> when { true -> base :slice (str, n, inc (n))
neg? (n) -> nil
gte? (n, count (xs)) -> nil
true -> base :nth (n, xs)
} }
(_) -> nil (_) -> nil
} }
@ -741,21 +755,17 @@ fn update {
} }
fn keys { fn keys {
"Takes an associative collection and returns a list of keys in that collection. Returns an empty list on anything other than a collection." "Takes a dict and returns a list of keys in that dict."
(coll) -> if not (assoc? (coll)) (dict as :dict) -> do dict > list > map (first, _)
then []
else do coll > list > map (first, _)
} }
fn values { fn values {
"Takes an associative collection and returns a list of values in that collection. Returns an empty list on anything other than a collection." "Takes a dict and returns a list of values in that dict."
(coll) -> if not (assoc? (coll)) (dict) -> do dict > list > map (second, _)
then []
else do coll > list > map (second, _)
} }
fn diff { fn diff {
"Takes two associate data structures and returns a dict describing their differences. Does this shallowly, offering diffs only for keys in the original dict." "Takes two dicts and returns a dict describing their differences. Does this shallowly, offering diffs only for keys in the original dict."
(d1 as :dict, d2 as :dict) -> { (d1 as :dict, d2 as :dict) -> {
let key1 = keys (d1) let key1 = keys (d1)
let key2 = keys (d2) let key2 = keys (d2)
@ -782,7 +792,7 @@ fn diff {
} }
fn coll? { fn coll? {
"Returns true if a value is a collection: dict, struct, list, tuple, or set." "Returns true if a value is a collection: dict, list, pkg, tuple, or set."
(coll as :dict) -> true (coll as :dict) -> true
(coll as :list) -> true (coll as :list) -> true
(coll as :tuple) -> true (coll as :tuple) -> true
@ -799,7 +809,7 @@ fn ordered? {
} }
fn assoc? { fn assoc? {
"Returns true if a value is an associative collection: a dict, struct, or namespace." "Returns true if a value is an associative collection: a dict or a pkg."
(assoc as :dict) -> true (assoc as :dict) -> true
(assoc as :pkg) -> true (assoc as :pkg) -> true
(_) -> false (_) -> false
@ -807,10 +817,10 @@ fn assoc? {
& TODO: consider merging `get` and `at` & TODO: consider merging `get` and `at`
fn get { fn get {
"Takes a dict or struct, key, and optional default value; returns the value at key. If the value is not found, returns nil or the default value. Returns nil or default if the first argument is not a dict or struct." "Takes a key, dict, and optional default value; returns the value at key. If the value is not found, returns nil or the default value."
(key as :keyword) -> get (key, _) (key as :keyword) -> get (key, _)
(key as :keyword, coll) -> base :get (key, coll) (key as :keyword, dict as :dict) -> get (key, dict)
(key as :keyword, coll, default) -> base :get (key, coll, default) (key as :keyword, dict as :dict, default) -> base :get (key, dict, default)
} }
& TODO: add sets to this? & TODO: add sets to this?
@ -1338,159 +1348,164 @@ fn penwidth {
box state = nil box state = nil
pkg Prelude { pkg Prelude {
abs abs & math
add add & math
and and & bool
angle angle & math
any? any? & dicts lists strings sets tuples
append append & lists sets
assert! assert! & errors
assoc assoc & dicts
assoc? assoc? & dicts
at at & lists strings
atan/2 atan/2 & math
back! back! & turtles
background! background! & turtles
between? between? & math
bg! bg! & turtles
bgcolor bgcolor & turtles
bk! bk! & turtles
bool bool & bool
bool? bool? & bool
box? box? & boxes
butlast butlast & lists strings tuples
ceil ceil & math
clear! clear! & turtles
coll? coll? & dicts lists sets tuples
colors colors & turtles
concat concat & string list set
cos cos & math
count count & string list set tuple dict
dec dec & math
deg/rad deg/rad & math
deg/turn deg/turn & math
dict dict & dict
dict? dict? & dict
diff diff & dict
dissoc dissoc & dict
dist dist & math
div div & math
div/0 div/0 & math
div/safe div/safe & math
doc! doc! & env
downcase downcase & string
each! each! & list
empty? empty? & list dict set string tuple
eq? eq? & values
err err & result
err? err? & result
even? even? & math
false? false? & bool
fd! fd! & turtles
filter filter & list
first first & list tuple
floor floor & math
fn? fn? & functions
fold fold & lists
forward! forward! & turtles
get get & dicts
goto! goto! & turtles
gt? gt? & math
gte? gte? & math
heading heading & turtles
heading/vector heading/vector & math
home! home! & turtles
inc inc & math
inv inv & math
inv/0 inv/0 & math
join inv/safe & math
keep join & lists strings
keys keep & lists
keyword? keys & dicts
last keyword? & keywords
left! last & lists tuples
list left! & turtles
load_turtle_state! list & lists
lt! list? & lists
lt? load_turtle_state! & turtles
lte? lt! & turtles
map lt? & math
max lte? & math
min map & lists
mod max & math
mult min & math
neg mod & math
neg? mult & math
neq? neg & math
nil? neg? & math
not neq? & values
odd? nil? & nil
ok not & bool
ok? odd? & math
or ok & results
ordered? ok? & results
p5_calls or & bool
pc! ordered? & lists tuples strings
pd! p5_calls & turtles
pencolor pc! & turtles
pencolor! pd! & turtles
pendown! pencolor & turtles
pendown? pencolor! & turtles
penup! pendown! & turtles
penwidth pendown? & turtles
penwidth! penup! & turtles
pi penwidth & turtles
pos? penwidth! & turtles
position pi & math
print! pos? & math
prn! position & turtles
pu! print! & environment
pw! & prn! & environment
rad/deg pu! & turtles
rad/turn pw! & turtles
random rad/deg & math
random_int rad/turn & math
range random & math dicts lists tuples sets
render_turtle! random_int & math
report! range & math lists
reset_turtle! render_turtle! & turtles
rest report! & environment
right! reset_turtle! & turtles
round rest & lists tuples
rt! right! & turtles
second round & math
set rt! & turtles
set? second & lists tuples
show sentence & lists strings
sin set & sets
slice set? & sets
some show & strings
some? sin & math
split slice & lists tuples strings
square some & values
state some? & values
store! split & strings
string square & math
string? state & environment
sub store! & boxes
sum_of_squares string & strings
tan string? & strings
tau strip & strings
trim sub & math
tuple? sum_of_squares & math
turn/deg tan & math
turn/rad tau & math
turtle_commands trim & strings
turtle_state tuple? & tuples
turtle_states turn/deg & math
type turn/rad & math
unbox turtle_commands & turtles
unwrap! turtle_state & turtles
unwrap_or turtle_states & turtles
upcase type & values
update unbox & boxes
update! unwrap! & results
values unwrap_or & results
words upcase & strings
zero? update & dicts
update! & boxes
values & dicts
words & strings lists
ws? & strings
zero? & math
} }