Fix bug allowing repeated name in tuples

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-06-19 16:21:54 -04:00
parent a56a4b565a
commit df511ce5eb

View File

@ -34,26 +34,49 @@
(declare interpret-ast match interpret interpret-file)
(defn- match-splatted-tuple [pattern value ctx-vol]
(let [length (:length pattern) members (:members pattern)
ctx-diff (volatile! @ctx-vol)]
(if (> length (count value))
{:success false :reason "Could not match tuple lengths"}
(loop [i 0 ctx {}]
(if (= (dec length) i)
;; TODO: write the actual splat here
;; check if the name is already bound
;; then pack everything into a list
;; and return success with the list bound to the name
(let [match? (match (nth members i) (nth value (inc i)) ctx-diff)]
(if (:success match?)
(recur (inc i) (vswap! ctx-diff #(merge % (:ctx match?))))
{:success :false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value)}
(defn- match-tuple [pattern value ctx-vol]
(not (vector? value)) {:success false :reason "Could not match non-tuple value to tuple"}
(not (= ::data/tuple (first value))) {:success false :reason "Could not match list to tuple"}
(= ::ast/splat (::ast/type (last (:members pattern))))
(match-splatted-tuple pattern value ctx-vol)
(not (= (:length pattern) (dec (count value))))
{:success false :reason "Cannot match tuples of different lengths"}
(= 0 (:length pattern) (dec (count value))) {:success true :ctx {}}
:else (let [members (:members pattern)]
:else (let [members (:members pattern)
ctx-diff (volatile! @ctx-vol)]
(loop [i (:length pattern)
ctx {}]
(if (= 0 i)
{:success true :ctx ctx}
(let [match? (match (nth members (dec i)) (nth value i) ctx-vol)]
(let [match? (match (nth members (dec i)) (nth value i) ctx-diff)]
(if (:success match?)
(recur (dec i) (merge ctx (:ctx match?)))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value)})))))))
(recur (dec i) (vswap! ctx-diff #(merge % (:ctx match?))))
{:success false :reason (str "Could not match " pattern " with " value " because " (:reason match?))})))))))
(defn- match-list [pattern value ctx-vol]
@ -661,14 +684,10 @@
(def source "
let foo = (:a, :b)
if let (x, y) = foo then :foo else :bar
let (a, b) = (1, 2)