Wire up CLI.

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2022-04-03 20:48:22 -04:00
parent 12487b390e
commit e0161372e3
5 changed files with 62 additions and 53 deletions

foo.ld Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
print ("foo, bar, and baz")

View File

@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
(ns ludus.core
"A tree-walk interpreter for the Ludus language."
[ludus.scanner :as scanner]))
(defn- report [line, where, message]
(println (str "[line " line "] Error" where ": " message)))
(defn- error [line, message]
(report line "" message))
[ludus.scanner :as scanner]
[ludus.parser :as parser]
[ludus.interpreter :as interpreter]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(defn- run [source]
(let [tokens (scanner/scan source)]
(run! println tokens)))
(defn- run-file [path]
(let [source (slurp path)]
(run source)))
(defn- run-prompt []
(loop [_ ""]
(print "Ludus >> ")
(when-let [line (read-line)]
(recur (run line)))))
(let [scanned (scanner/scan source)]
(if (not-empty (:errors scanned))
(println "I found some scanning errors!")
(pp/pprint (:errors scanned))
(System/exit 65))
(let [parsed (parser/parse scanned)]
(if (not-empty (:errors parsed))
(println "I found some parsing errors!")
(pp/pprint (:errors parsed))
(System/exit 66))
(let [interpreted (interpreter/interpret parsed)]
(println " *** *** ***")
(println "I ran your script; here's the output: ")
(pp/pprint interpreted)
(System/exit 0)))))))
(defn -main [& args]
(> (count args) 1) (do
(= (count args) 1) (run (slurp (first args)))
:else (do
(println "Usage: ludus [script]")
(System/exit 64))
(= (count args) 1) (run-file (first args))
:else (run-prompt)))
(System/exit 64))))

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
(recur word (::parent ctx))
(throw (ex-info (str "Unbound name: " word) {}))))))
(declare interpret match)
(declare interpret-ast match)
(defn- match-tuple [pattern value ctx-atom]
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
(defn- interpret-let [ast ctx]
(let [pattern (:pattern ast)
expr (:expr ast)
value (interpret expr ctx)
value (interpret-ast expr ctx)
match (match pattern value ctx)
success (:success match)]
(if success
@ -84,14 +84,14 @@
(let [if-expr (:if ast)
then-expr (:then ast)
else-expr (:else ast)
if-value (interpret if-expr ctx)]
if-value (interpret-ast if-expr ctx)]
(if if-value
(interpret then-expr ctx)
(interpret else-expr ctx))))
(interpret-ast then-expr ctx)
(interpret-ast else-expr ctx))))
(defn- interpret-match [ast ctx]
(let [match-expr (:expr ast)
expr (interpret match-expr ctx)
expr (interpret-ast match-expr ctx)
clauses (:clauses ast)]
(loop [clause (first clauses)
clauses (rest clauses)]
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
(if success
(swap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(interpret body new-ctx))
(interpret-ast body new-ctx))
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
(throw (ex-info "Match Error: No match found" {}))))))
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
;; TODO: check this statically
(if (not (= 1 (:length tuple)))
(throw (ex-info "Called keywords must be unary" {}))
(let [kw (interpret kw ctx)
map (second (interpret tuple ctx))]
(let [kw (interpret-ast kw ctx)
map (second (interpret-ast tuple ctx))]
(if (::data/struct map)
(if (contains? map kw)
(kw map)
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
(defn- call-fn [fn tuple ctx]
(let [passed (interpret tuple ctx)]
(let [passed (interpret-ast tuple ctx)]
(case (::data/type fn)
::data/clj (apply (:body fn) (next passed))
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
(if success
(swap! new-ctx #(merge % clause-ctx))
(interpret body new-ctx))
(interpret-ast body new-ctx))
(recur (first clauses) (rest clauses))))
(throw (ex-info "Match Error: No match found" {:fn-name (:name fn)})))))
@ -166,7 +166,8 @@
(if (::data/struct prev-value)
(if (contains? prev-value (:value curr))
(get prev-value (:value curr))
(throw (ex-info (str "Struct error: no member " (:value curr)) {}))))
(throw (ex-info (str "Struct error: no member " (:value curr)) {})))
(get prev-value (:value curr)))
(call-fn prev-value curr ctx))))
(defn- interpret-synthetic [ast ctx]
@ -177,7 +178,7 @@
first-term-type (::ast/type first)
first-val (if (= first-term-type ::ast/atom)
(interpret-called-kw first second ctx)
(interpret-synthetic-term (interpret first ctx) second ctx))]
(interpret-synthetic-term (interpret-ast first ctx) second ctx))]
(reduce #(interpret-synthetic-term %1 %2 ctx) first-val rest)))
(defn- interpret-fn [ast ctx]
@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
(let [[k v] kv]
[k (f v)]))))
(defn interpret [ast ctx]
(defn interpret-ast [ast ctx]
(case (::ast/type ast)
::ast/atom (:value ast)
@ -223,43 +224,46 @@
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom {::parent ctx})]
(run! #(interpret % ctx) inner)
(interpret last ctx))
(run! #(interpret-ast % ctx) inner)
(interpret-ast last ctx))
(let [exprs (:exprs ast)
inner (pop exprs)
last (peek exprs)
ctx (atom prelude/prelude)]
(run! #(interpret % ctx) inner)
(interpret last ctx))
(run! #(interpret-ast % ctx) inner)
(interpret-ast last ctx))
;; note that, excepting tuples and structs,
;; runtime representations are bare
;; tuples are vectors with a special first member
(let [members (:members ast)]
(into [::data/tuple] (map #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(into [::data/tuple] (map #(interpret-ast % ctx)) members))
(let [members (:members ast)]
(into [] (map #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(into [] (map #(interpret-ast % ctx)) members))
(let [members (:members ast)]
(into #{} (map #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(into #{} (map #(interpret-ast % ctx)) members))
(let [members (:members ast)]
(into {} (map-values #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(into {} (map-values #(interpret-ast % ctx)) members))
(let [members (:members ast)]
(into {::data/struct true} (map-values #(interpret % ctx)) members))
(into {::data/struct true} (map-values #(interpret-ast % ctx)) members))
(throw (ex-info "Unknown AST node type" {:node ast}))))
(defn interpret [parsed]
(interpret-ast (::parser/ast parsed) {}))
(def source "
@ -267,6 +271,11 @@
call (:foo, #{:foo 23})
let my_map = #{:foo 42, :bar 23, :baz \"frobulate\"}
my_map :foo
(println "")
@ -277,8 +286,7 @@
(-> source
(interpret {})
(comment "

View File

@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
(def pp pp/pprint)
(def source "

View File

@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
:errors (::errors scanner)})
(recur (-> scanner (scan-token) (next-token))))))
(def source "@{")
(pp/pprint (scan source)))