Finish a first draft of complete language documentation.

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Scott Richmond 2023-12-14 18:25:59 -05:00
parent 0be538b087
commit fa8ac565a6

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@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ ns foo {
### Working with collections
Ludus names are bound permanently and immutably. How do you add something to a list or a dict? How do you get things out of them?
Ludus provides functions that allow working with persistent collections. They're detailed in [the Prelude](/ That said, all functions that modify collections take a collection and produce the modified collection _as a return value_, without changing the original collection. E.g., `append ([1, 2, 3], 4)` will produce `[1, 2, 3, 4]`. (For dicts, the equivalent is `assoc`.)
## Expressions
Ludus is an expression-based language: all forms in the language are expressions and return values. That said, not all expressions may be used everywhere.
@ -70,15 +76,15 @@ Ludus is an expression-based language: all forms in the language are expressions
Some expressions may only be used in the "top level" of a script. Because they are the toplevel, they are assured to be statically knowable. These include: `ns`, `use`, `import`, and `test`.
### Non-binding expressions
Some forms may take any expression that does _not_ [bind a name](#Words-and-bindings), for example, any entry in a collection, or the right-hand side of a `let` binding. This is because binding a name in some positions is ambiguous, or nonsensical.
Some forms may take any expression that does _not_ [bind a name](#Words-and-bindings), for example, any entry in a collection, or the right-hand side of a `let` binding. This is because binding a name in some positions is ambiguous, or nonsensical, or leads to unwarranted complications.
### Simple expressions
Many complex forms will only accept "simple" expressions. Formally, simple expressions are either literal (atomic, string, or collection literals) or synthetic expressions. They are expressions which do not take sub-expressions.
Many complex forms will only accept "simple" expressions. Formally, simple expressions are either literal (atomic, string, or collection literals) or synthetic expressions. They are expressions which do not take sub-expressions: no `if`, `when`, `match`, etc. (`do` expressions are currently not simple, but that may be revised.)
## Words and bindings
Ludus uses "words" to bind values to names. Words must start with a lower case ASCII letter, and can subsequently include any letter character (modulo backing character encoding), as well as , `_`, `/`, `?`, `!`, and `*`.
Ludus uses _words_ to bind values to names. Words must start with a lower case ASCII letter, and can subsequently include any letter character (modulo backing character encoding), as well as , `_`, `/`, `?`, `!`, and `*`.
Ludus binds values to names immutably and permanently: no name may ever be re-bound to a different value. (Although see [refs](#references-and-state), below.
Ludus binds values to names immutably and permanently: no name in the same scope may ever be re-bound to a different value. (Although see [refs](#references-and-state), below.
Attempting to use an unbound name (a word that has not had a value bound to it) will result in a panic.
@ -100,7 +106,7 @@ Ludus makes extensive use of pattern-matching. Patterns do two jobs at once: the
The simplest pattern is the placeholder: it matches against anything, and does not bind a name. It is written as a single underscore: `_`, e.g., `let _ = :foo`.
#### Ignored names
If you wish to be a bit more explict than using a placeholder, you can use an ignored name, which is a name that starts with an underscore: `_foo`. This is not bound, is not a valid name, and can be used however much you wish, even multiple times in the same pattern.
If you wish to be a bit more explict than using a placeholder, you can use an ignored name, which is a name that starts with an underscore: `_foo`. This is not bound, is not a valid name, and can be used however much you wish, even multiple times in the same pattern. It's a placeholder, plus a reader-facing description.
### Literal patterns
Patterns can be literal atomic values or strings: `0`, `false`, `nil`, `"foo"`, etc. That means you can write `let 0 = 0` or `let :foo = :foo`, and everything will be jsut fine.
@ -232,8 +238,6 @@ Functions are called by placing a tuple with arguments immediately after a funct
### Defining functions
Functions have three increasingly complex forms to define them. All of them include the concept of a function clause, which is just a match clause whose left hand side must be a _tuple_ pattern.
### Function forms
#### Anonymous lambda
An anonymous lambda is written `fn {tuple pattern} -> {expression}`, `fn (x, y) -> if gt? (x, y) then x else add (x, y)`. Lambdas may only have one clause.
@ -271,10 +275,8 @@ In place of nesting function calls inside other function calls, Ludus allows for
let silly_result = do 23
> mult (_, 2)
> add (1, _)
> sub (_, 2)
> div (_, 9) & silly_result is 5
> mult (_, 2) > add (1, _)
> sub (_, 2) > div (_, 9) & silly_result is 5
### Called keywords
@ -317,16 +319,92 @@ Note that `repeat` does two interesting things:
2. Unlike everything else in Ludus, it requires a block. You cannot write `repeat 4 forward (100)`. (Watch this space.)
### `loop`/`recur`
`loop` and `recur` are largely identical to recursive functions for repetition, but use a special form to allow an anonymous construction and a few guard rails.
let xs = [1, 2, 3, 4]
loop (xs, 0) with {
([x], sum) -> add (x, sum) & matches against the last element of the list
([x, ...xs], sum) -> recur (xs, add (x, sum)) & recurs with the tail
} &=> 10
It is `loop <tuple> with { <function clauses> }`. (Or, you can have a single function clause instead of a set of clauses.)
`recur` is the recursive call. It must be in tail position--`recur` must be the root of a synthetic expression, in return position. (At present, this is not checked. It will be statically verified, eventually.)
`recur` calls return to the nearest `loop`. Nested `loop`s are probably a bad idea and should be avoided when possible.
## Environment and context: the toplevel
The "toplevel" of a script are the expressions that are not embedded in other expressions or forms: not inside a block, not a member of a collection, not on the right hand side of a binding, not inside a function body. The toplevel-only forms:
### `import`
`import` allows for the evaluation of other Ludus scripts: `import "path/to/file" as name`. `import` just evaluates that file, and then binds a name to the result of evaluating that script. This, right now, is quite basic: circular imports are currently allowed but will lead to endless recursion; results are not cached, so each `import` in a chain re-evaluates the file; and so on.
### `use`
`use` loads the contents of a namespace into a script's context. To ensure that this is statically checkable, this must be at the toplevel.
`use` loads the contents of a namespace into a script's context. To ensure that this is statically checkable, this must be at the toplevel.
### `ns`
A namespace is an associative data structure that has some restrictions on it beyond dicts, which they resemble. `ns`es must be declared at the toplevel, to ensure static checkability. At current, accessing an absent member on an `ns` leads to a panic; eventually, it will be checked statically at compile-time. `ns`es must be named:
ns foo {
:quux 42
Typically, namespaces are the last thing exported in a script; an `import` then imports a namespace.
### `test`
A `test` expression (currently not working!--it will blow up your script, although it parses properly) is a way of ensuring things behave the way you want them to. Run the script in test mode (how?--that doesn't exist yet), and these are evaluated. If the expression under `test` returns a truthy value, you're all good! If the expression under `test` returns a falsy value or raises a panic, then Ludus will report which test(s) failed.
test "something goes right" eq? (:foo, :foo)
test "something goes wrong" {
let foo = :foo
let bar = :bar
eq? (foo, bar)
} &=> test failed: "something goes wrong" on line 3
`test`s must be at the toplevel--or embedded within other tests in _their_ highest level.
Formally: `test <string> <expression>`.
## Changing things: `ref`s
Ludus does not let you re-bind names. It does, however, have a type that allows for changing values over time: `ref` (short for reference--they are references to values). `ref`s are straightforward, but do require a bit more overhead than `let` bindings. The idea is that Ludus makes it obvious where mutable state is in a program, as well as where that mutable state may change. It does so elegantly, but with some guardrails that may take a little getting used to.
ref foo = 42 & foo is now bound to a _ref that contains 42_
add (1, foo) & panic! no match: foo is _not_ a number
make! (foo, 23) & foo is now a ref containing 23
update! (foo, inc) & foo is now a ref containing 24
value_of (foo) &=> 23; use value_of to get the value contained in a ref
### Ending with a bang!
Ludus has a strong naming convention that functions that change state or could cause a panic end in an exclamation point (or, in computer nerd parlance, a "bang"). So anything function that mutates the value held in a reference ends with a bang: `make!` and `update!` take bangs; `value_of` does not.
This convention also includes anything that prints to the console: `print!`, `report!`, `doc!`, `update!`, `make!`, etc.
### Ending with a whimper?
Relatedly, just about any function that returns a boolean value is a predicate function--and has a name that ends with a question mark: `eq?` tests for equality; `ref?` tells you if something is a ref or not; `lte?` is less-than-or-equal.
## Errors: panic! in the Ludus script
A special function, `panic!`, halts script execution with any arguments output as error messages. Panics also happen in the following cases:
* a `let` binding has no match against the value of its expression
* a `match` or `when` form has no matching clause
* a function is called with arguments that do not match any of its clauses
* something that is not a function or keyword is called as a function
* `div` divides by zero
* certain error handling functions, like `unwrap!` or `assert!`, are invoked on values that cause them to panic
In fact, the only functions in the Prelude which can cause panics are, at current, `div`, `unwrap!`, and `assert!`. And, of course, `panic!` itself.
### Result tuples
Instead of exceptions or special error values, recoverable errors in Ludus are handled instead by result tuples: `(:ok, value)` and `(:err, msg)`. So, for example, `unwrap!` takes a result tuple and either returns the value in the `:ok` case, or panics in the `:err` case.
Variants of some functions that may have undesirably inexplicit behaviour are written as `{name}/safe`. So, for example, you can get a variant of `div` that returns a result tuple in `div/safe`, which returns `(:ok, result)` when everything's good; and `(:err, "division by zero")` when the divisor is 0. Or, `get/safe` will give you a result rather than returning `nil`. (Althougn `nil` punning makes this mostly unncessary. Mostly.)