First draft documentation

This commit is contained in:
Scott Richmond 2023-12-11 16:02:03 -05:00
parent 576b280a0c
commit fece951f4b

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@ -1,3 +1,55 @@
(ns ludus.doc (ns ludus.doc
(:require [ludus.prelude :as prelude] (:require [ludus.interpreter :as interpreter]
[ludus.base :as base])) [ludus.base :as base]
[ :as data]
[clojure.string :as string]))
(def prelude interpreter/ludus-prelude)
(def exports-only (dissoc prelude ::data/type ::data/struct))
(defn map-values [f] (fn [[k v]] [k (f v)]))
(def ludus-doc (base/doc- :body))
(def with-docs (into {} (map (map-values ludus-doc)) exports-only))
(def sorted-names (-> with-docs keys sort))
(defn escape-underscores [the-str] (string/replace the-str #"_" "\\_"))
(defn toc-entry [name] (let [escaped (escape-underscores name)] (str "•[" escaped "](#" escaped ")")))
(def toc (string/join "    " (map toc-entry sorted-names)))
(defn compose-entry [name]
(let [the-doc (get with-docs name)
header (str "### " name "\n")
lines (string/split-lines the-doc)]
(if (empty? lines) (str header "No documentation available.\n")
(let [
description (second lines)
pattern-lines (subvec lines 2)
patterns (string/join " " pattern-lines)
(str header "```\n" description "\n" patterns "\n```")
(def entries (string/join "\n\n" (map compose-entry sorted-names)))
(def doc-file
"# Ludus prelude documentation
These functions are available in every Ludus script.
The documentation for any function can be found within Ludus by passing the function to `doc!`,
e.g., running `doc! (add)` will send the documentation for `add` to the console.
## Function documentation
(println doc-file)