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No commits in common. "2027490614f311f7751e2a832d78f7ac6740e361" and "d416511b489974d1b6d4870ec8834b5bb99a2e0f" have entirely different histories.

View File

@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
### We still need to scan some things
(import /src/scanner :as s)
# stash janet type
(def janet-type type)
(defmacro declare
"Forward-declares a function name, so that it can be called in a mutually recursive manner."
[& names]
@ -21,26 +18,6 @@
(if-not (dyn name) (error "recursive functions must be declared before they are defined"))
~(set ,name (defn- ,name ,;forms)))
### Some more human-readable formatting
(defn- pp-tok [token]
(if (not token) (break "nil"))
(def {:line line :lexeme lex :type type :start start} token)
(string "<" line "[" start "]" ": " type ": " lex ">"))
(defn- pp-ast [ast &opt indent]
(default indent 0)
(def {:token token :data data :type type} ast)
(def pretty-tok (pp-tok token))
(def data-rep (if (= :array (janet-type data))
(string "[\n"
(string/join (map (fn [x] (pp-ast x (inc indent))) data)
(string (string/repeat " " indent) "\n"))
"\n" (string/repeat " " indent) "]")
(string (string/repeat " " indent) type ": " pretty-tok " " data-rep)
### Next: a data structure for a parser
(defn- new-parser
"Creates a new parser data structure to pass around"
@ -98,9 +75,7 @@
(has-value? terminators ttype))
# breakers are what terminate panics
(def breaking [:break :newline :semicolon :comma :eof
# :then :else :arrow
(def breaking [:break :newline :semicolon :comma :eof :then :else])
(defn- breaks?
"Returns true if the current token in the parser should break a panic"
@ -114,12 +89,12 @@
[parser message]
# (print "Panic in the parser: " message)
(def origin (current parser))
(def skipped @[])
(advance parser)
(def skipped @[origin])
(while (not (breaks? parser))
(array/push skipped (current parser))
(advance parser))
(array/push skipped (current parser))
# (advance parser)
(def err {:type :error :data skipped :token origin :msg message})
(update parser :errors array/push err)
(error err))
@ -304,8 +279,8 @@
(def origin (current parser))
(advance parser) # consume the :lparen
(def ast @{:type :args :data @[] :token origin :partial false})
(while (separates? parser) (advance parser)) # consume any separators
(while (not (check parser :rparen))
(accept-many parser ;separates)
(when (check parser :eof)
(def err {:type :error :token origin :msg "unclosed paren"})
(array/push (parser :errors) err)
@ -324,7 +299,8 @@
{:type :placeholder :token origin}))
(capture nonbinding parser)))
(array/push (ast :data) term)
(capture separators parser))
(try (separators parser)
([e] (array/push (ast :data) e))))
(advance parser)
@ -361,15 +337,16 @@
(def origin (current parser))
(advance parser) # consume the :lparen
(def ast {:type :tuple :data @[] :token origin})
(while (separates? parser) (advance parser)) # consume any separators
(while (not (check parser :rparen))
(accept-many parser ;separates)
(when (check parser :eof)
(def err {:type :error :token origin :msg "unclosed paren"})
(array/push (parser :errors) err)
(error err))
(def term (capture nonbinding parser))
(array/push (ast :data) term)
(capture separators parser))
(try (separators parser)
([e] (array/push (ast :data) e))))
(advance parser)
@ -377,8 +354,8 @@
(def origin (current parser))
(advance parser)
(def ast {:type :list :data @[] :token origin})
(while (separates? parser) (advance parser))
(while (not (check parser :rbracket))
(accept-many parser ;separates)
(when (check parser :eof)
(def err {:type :error :token origin :msg "unclosed bracket"})
(array/push (parser :errors) err)
@ -392,7 +369,8 @@
(capture nonbinding parser)))
(array/push (ast :data) term)
(capture separators parser))
(try (separators parser)
([e] (array/push (ast :data) e))))
(advance parser)
@ -400,8 +378,8 @@
(def origin (current parser))
(advance parser)
(def ast {:type :set :data @[] :token origin})
(while (separates? parser) (advance parser))
(while (not (check parser :rbrace))
(accept-many parser ;separates)
(when (check parser :eof)
(def err {:type :error :token origin :msg "unclosed brace"})
(array/push (parser :errors) err)
@ -415,7 +393,8 @@
(capture nonbinding parser)))
(array/push (ast :data) term)
(capture separators parser))
(try (separators parser)
([e] (array/push (ast :data) e))))
(advance parser)
@ -423,8 +402,8 @@
(def origin (current parser))
(advance parser)
(def ast {:type :dict :data @[] :token origin})
(while (separates? parser) (advance parser))
(while (not (check parser :rbrace))
(accept-many parser ;separates)
(when (check parser :eof)
(def err {:type :error :token origin :msg "unclosed brace"})
(array/push (parser :errors) err)
@ -444,7 +423,7 @@
(try (panic parser (string "expected dict term, got " (type origin))) ([e] e))
(array/push (ast :data) term)
(capture separators parser))
(try (separators parser) ([e] (array/push (ast :data) e))))
(advance parser)
@ -473,8 +452,8 @@
(def origin (current parser))
(advance parser) # consume the :lparen
(def ast {:type :tuple :data @[] :token origin})
(while (separates? parser) (advance parser)) # consume any separators
(while (not (check parser :rparen))
(accept-many parser ;separates)
(when (check parser :eof)
(def err {:type :error :token origin :msg "unclosed paren"})
(array/push (parser :errors) err)
@ -487,7 +466,8 @@
{:type :splat :data splatted :token origin})
(capture pattern parser)))
(array/push (ast :data) term)
(capture separators parser))
(try (separators parser)
([e] (array/push (ast :data) e))))
(advance parser)
@ -495,8 +475,8 @@
(def origin (current parser))
(advance parser)
(def ast {:type :list :data @[] :token origin})
(while (separates? parser) (advance parser))
(while (not (check parser :rbracket))
(accept-many parser ;separates)
(when (check parser :eof)
(def err {:type :error :token origin :msg "unclosed bracket"})
(array/push (parser :errors) err)
@ -509,7 +489,8 @@
{:type :splat :data splatted :token origin})
(capture pattern parser)))
(array/push (ast :data) term)
(capture separators parser))
(try (separators parser)
([e] (array/push (ast :data) e))))
(advance parser)
@ -517,8 +498,8 @@
(def origin (current parser))
(advance parser)
(def ast {:type :dict :data @[] :token origin})
(while (separates? parser) (advance parser))
(while (not (check parser :rbrace))
(accept-many parser ;separates)
(when (check parser :eof)
(def err {:type :error :token origin :msg "unclosed brace"})
(array/push (parser :errors) err)
@ -538,7 +519,7 @@
(try (panic parser (string "expected dict term, got " (type origin))) ([e] e))
(array/push (ast :data) term)
(capture separators parser))
(try (separators parser) ([e] (array/push (ast :data) e))))
(advance parser)
@ -579,25 +560,22 @@
(defn- iff [parser]
(def ast {:type :if :data @[] :token (current parser)})
(advance parser) #consume the if
(array/push (ast :data) (simple parser))
(array/push (ast :data) (capture simple parser))
(accept-many parser :newline)
(if-let [err (expect-ret parser :then)]
(array/push (ast :data) err)
(advance parser))
(array/push (ast :data) (nonbinding parser))
(array/push (ast :data) (capture nonbinding parser))
(accept-many parser :newline)
(if-let [err (expect-ret parser :else)]
(array/push (ast :data) err)
(advance parser))
(array/push (ast :data) (nonbinding parser))
(array/push (ast :data) (capture nonbinding parser))
(defn- literal-terminator? [token]
(def tok-type (token :type))
(or (= :newline tok-type) (= :semicolon tok-type)))
(defn- terminator [parser]
(if-not (terminates? parser)
# this line panics, captures the panic, advances the parser, and re-throws the error; solves an off-by-one error
(panic parser "expected terminator"))
(advance parser)
(while (terminates? parser) (advance parser)))
@ -820,13 +798,13 @@
(defn- block [parser]
(def origin (current parser))
(expect parser :lbrace) (advance parser)
(accept-many parser ;terminators)
(def data @[])
(while (not (check parser :rbrace))
(accept-many parser ;terminators)
(if (check parser :eof)
(error {:type :error :token origin :data data :msg "unclosed brace"}))
(array/push data (capture expr parser))
(capture terminator parser))
(terminator parser))
(advance parser)
{:type :block :data data :token origin})
@ -1125,8 +1103,7 @@
(def origin (current parser))
(def lines @[])
(while (not (check parser :eof))
(print "starting script loop with " (pp-tok origin))
(accept-many parser ;terminators)
(accept-many parser :newline)
(array/push lines (capture toplevel parser))
(capture terminator parser))
{:type :script :data lines :token origin})
@ -1137,16 +1114,13 @@
(set (parser :ast) ast)
# (comment
# (do
(def source `
(,,,,,1, 2 bar, foo)
(def scanned (s/scan source))
# (print "\n***NEW PARSE***\n")
(def a-parser (new-parser scanned))
(def parsed (script a-parser))
(pp (map (fn [err] (err :msg)) ((parse scanned) :errors)))
(print (pp-ast ((parse scanned) :ast)))
(try (def parsed (pattern a-parser)) ([e] (pp e)))