Compare commits


No commits in common. "24bbef74aaa83942c7d98ee4090e53a0d2394141" and "608ab4ab67ecb314f7282246e6c1b7bc328ec359" have entirely different histories.

2 changed files with 13 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -226,7 +226,6 @@
(print "value is a dictionary")
(value :^type)))
(def type (if typed? typed? (type value)))
(print "value of type " type)
(case type
:nil ""
:number (string value)
@ -242,8 +241,6 @@
(string/join (map stringify (keys value)) ", ")
:ref (stringify (value :^value))
:fn (string "fn " (value :name))
:function (string "builtin " (string value))
:cfunction (string "builtin " (string value))
# XXX: pkg, fn
@ -406,7 +403,6 @@
(match types
[:fn :tuple] (call-fn prev curr)
[:fn :partial] (partial prev curr)
[:function :tuple] (prev ;curr)
[:keyword :args] (get (first curr) prev :^nil)
[:dict :keyword] (get prev curr :^nil)
[:nil :keyword] :^nil
@ -432,18 +428,6 @@
(defn- doo [ast ctx] (todo "do expressions"))
(defn- pkg [ast ctx] (todo "pkgs"))
(defn- ns [ast ctx] (todo "nses"))
(defn- loopp [ast ctx] (todo "loops"))
(defn- recur [ast ctx] (todo "recur"))
(defn- repeatt [ast ctx] (todo "repeat"))
(defn - testt [ast ctx] (todo "test"))
(defn- interpret* [ast ctx]
(print "interpreting node " (ast :type))
(case (ast :type)
@ -469,11 +453,6 @@
:script (script ast ctx)
:panic (panic ast ctx)
# looping forms
:loop (loopp ast ctx)
:recur (recur ast ctx)
:repeat (repeatt ast ctx)
# named/naming forms
:word (word ast ctx)
:interpolated (interpolated ast ctx)
@ -484,6 +463,7 @@
# patterned forms
:let (lett ast ctx)
:match (matchh ast ctx)
# :with (withh ast ctx)
# functions
:fn (fnn ast ctx)
@ -494,10 +474,6 @@
# do
:do (doo ast ctx)
# deferred until after computer class
# :with (withh ast ctx)
# :import (importt ast ctx)
(set interpret interpret*)
@ -512,24 +488,16 @@
(defn- has-errors? [{:errors errors}] (and errors (not (empty? errors))))
(def base {
"ludus-type" ltype
"print" print
"add" +
"sub" -
"stringify" stringify
(defn run []
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(when (has-errors? scanned) (break (scanned :errors)))
(def parsed (p/parse scanned))
(when (has-errors? parsed) (break (parsed :errors)))
(def validated (v/valid parsed base))
(def validated (v/valid parsed))
(when (has-errors? validated) (break (validated :errors)))
# (def cleaned (get-in parsed [:ast :data 1]))
# (pp cleaned)
(interpret (parsed :ast) @{:^parent base})
(def cleaned (get-in parsed [:ast :data 1]))
(pp cleaned)
(interpret (parsed :ast) @{})
# (try (interpret (parsed :ast) @{})
# ([e] (print "Ludus panicked!: "
# (if (struct? e) (error (e :msg)) (error e)))))
@ -537,11 +505,9 @@
(set source `
#{:a 1, :b 2}
(def result (run))
(stringify result)
(string print)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
Tracking here, before I start writing this code, the kinds of validation we're hoping to accomplish:
* [ ] ensure called keywords are only called w/ one arg
* [ ] validate `with` forms
* [ ] first-level property access with pkg, e.g. `Foo :bar`--bar must be on Foo
- [ ] accept pkg-kws
* [ ] validate dict patterns
@ -19,10 +20,9 @@ Tracking here, before I start writing this code, the kinds of validation we're h
* [x] recur not called outside of `loop` forms
* [x] splats come at the end of list, tuple, and dict patterns
Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
* [ ] no circular imports DEFERRED
* [ ] correct imports DEFERRED
* [ ] validate `with` forms
(try (os/cd "janet") ([_] nil))
@ -344,7 +344,6 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
(def fn-word (first data))
(def the-fn (resolve-name ctx (fn-word :data)))
(when (not the-fn) (break validator))
(when (= :function (type the-fn)) (break validator))
(print "fn name: " (the-fn :name))
(def arities (the-fn :arities))
(print "arities: ")
@ -621,24 +620,16 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
(set validate validate*)
(defn valid [ast &opt ctx]
(default ctx @{})
(defn valid [ast]
(def validator (new-validator ast))
(def base-ctx @{:^parent ctx})
(set (validator :ctx) ctx)
(validate validator))
(defn foo [] :foo)
(def base {
"foo" foo
# (comment
# (do
(def source `
foo ()
let "{foo}" = "bar"
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(def parsed (p/parse scanned))
(valid parsed base)
(valid parsed)