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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Scott Richmond
bbd41a0f74 interpret forward-declared functions, allowing mutual recursion 2024-06-04 11:54:29 -04:00
Scott Richmond
bc1eac46b8 validate forward declarations 2024-06-04 11:50:17 -04:00
Scott Richmond
d0a6cdbf54 parse fn forward declarations 2024-06-04 11:17:25 -04:00
3 changed files with 58 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -362,7 +362,6 @@
(def the-fn @{:name name :^type :fn :body clauses :ctx ctx})
(set (ctx name) the-fn))
(defn- is_placeholder [x] (= x :_))
(var call-fn nil)
@ -389,6 +388,8 @@
(print "Janet function")
(break (the-fn ;args)))
(def clauses (the-fn :body))
(when (= :nothing clauses)
(error {:node the-fn :value args :msg "cannot call function before it is defined"}))
(def len (length clauses))
(when (the-fn :match) (break ((the-fn :match) 0 args)))
(defn match-fn [i args]
@ -552,15 +553,18 @@
# (when (has-errors? validated) (break (validated :errors)))
# (def cleaned (get-in parsed [:ast :data 1]))
# (pp cleaned)
(interpret (parsed :ast) @{:^parent b/ctx})
# (try (interpret (parsed :ast) @{})
# ([e] (print "Ludus panicked!: "
# (if (struct? e) (error (e :msg)) (error e)))))
# (interpret (parsed :ast) @{:^parent b/ctx})
(try (interpret (parsed :ast) @{})
([e] (print "Ludus panicked!: "
(if (struct? e) (error (e :msg)) (error e)))))
(set source `
let #{:a ay, :b (:ok, bee), ...c} = #{:a 1, :b (:ok, 42), :c 3}
fn foo
fn bar () -> foo ()
fn foo () -> :foo
bar ()
(def result (run))
# (b/show result)

View File

@ -786,7 +786,7 @@
(def data (case (-> parser current type)
:lbrace (fn-clauses parser)
:lparen (fn-simple parser)
(panic parser (string "expected clause or clauses, got " (-> current parser type)))))
@{:type :fn :name name :data data :token origin})
([err] err)))
@ -1130,7 +1130,9 @@
# (comment
(def source `
print! ("hello")
fn foo
fn bar
fn () -> :baz
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(print "\n***NEW PARSE***\n")

View File

@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
(set (validator :ctx) parent)
(defn- resolve-local [ctx name]
(get ctx name))
(defn- resolve-name [ctx name]
(when (nil? ctx) (break nil))
(def node (get ctx name))
@ -272,6 +275,24 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
(match-clauses validator clauses)
(defn- declare [validator fnn]
(def status (validator :status))
(def declared (get status :declared @{}))
(set (declared fnn) true)
(set (status :declared) declared)
(print "declared function " (fnn :name))
(pp declared)
(defn- define [validator fnn]
(def status (validator :status))
(def declared (get status :declared @{}))
(set (declared fnn) nil)
(set (status :declared) declared)
(print "defined function " (fnn :name))
(pp declared)
(defn- fnn [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def name (ast :name))
@ -281,18 +302,22 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
(set (status :tail) true)
(when name
(def ctx (validator :ctx))
(def resolved (resolve-name ctx name))
(when resolved
(def resolved (ctx name))
(when (and resolved (not= :nothing (resolved :data)))
(def {:line line :input input} (get-in ctx [name :token]))
(array/push (validator :errors)
{:node ast :msg (string "name is already bound on line " line " of " input)}))
(when (and resolved (= :nothing (resolved :data)))
(define validator resolved))
(set (ctx name) ast))
(match-clauses validator (ast :data))
(def data (ast :data))
(when (= data :nothing)
(break (declare validator ast)))
(match-clauses validator data)
(set (status :tail) tail?)
(def clauses (ast :data))
(def rest-arities @{})
(def arities @{:rest rest-arities})
(each clause clauses
(each clause data
(print "CLAUSE:")
(pp clause)
(def patt (first clause))
@ -314,7 +339,7 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
(set (validator :ast) expr)
(validate validator)
(def name (ast :name))
(def resolved (resolve-name ctx name))
(def resolved (ctx name))
(when resolved
(def {:line line :input input} (get-in ctx [name :token]))
(array/push (validator :errors)
@ -726,26 +751,33 @@ Deferred until a later iteration of Ludus:
(set validate validate*)
(defn- cleanup [validator]
(def declared (get-in validator [:status :declared] {}))
(when (any? declared)
(each declaration declared
(array/push (validator :errors) {:node declaration :msg "declared fn, but not defined"})))
(defn valid [ast &opt ctx]
(default ctx @{})
(def validator (new-validator ast))
(def base-ctx @{:^parent ctx})
(set (validator :ctx) base-ctx)
(validate validator))
(validate validator)
(cleanup validator))
(import ./base :as b)
# (comment
(def source `
fn foo {
() -> foo (:foo)
foo ()
fn foo
fn bar () -> foo ()
fn foo () -> bar ()
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(def parsed (p/parse scanned))
(def validated (valid parsed))
# (get-in validated [:status :declared])
# (validated :ctx)