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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Scott Richmond
d5f593b0f3 tuple patterns, with splats! 2024-05-15 12:33:52 -04:00
Scott Richmond
e0919e771d bugfix 2024-05-15 12:33:34 -04:00
2 changed files with 99 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,15 @@
(var stringify nil)
(var match-pattern nil)
(defn- ltype [value]
(def typed? (when (table? value) (:^type value)))
(def the-type (if typed? typed? (type value)))
(case the-type
:boolean :bool
:array :list
:table :dict
(defn- resolve-name [name ctx]
(print "resolving " name " in:")
(pp ctx)
@ -14,16 +23,65 @@
(defn- match-word [word value ctx]
(def name (word :data))
{:success true :ctx (set (ctx name) value)})
(print "matched " (stringify value) " to " name)
(set (ctx name) value)
{:success true :ctx ctx})
(defn- match-pattern [pattern value &opt ctx]
(defn- typed [pattern value ctx]
(def [type-ast word] (pattern :data))
(def type (type-ast :data))
(if (= type (ltype value))
(match-word word value ctx)
{:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(defn- match-tuple [pattern value ctx]
(when (not (tuple? value))
(break {:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(def val-len (length value))
(var members (pattern :data))
(def patt-len (length members))
(var splat nil)
(def splat? (= :splat ((last members) :type)))
(when splat?
(when (< val-len patt-len)
(print "mismatched splatted tuple lenghts")
(break {:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(print "splat!")
(set splat (last members))
(set members (slice members 0 (dec patt-len))))
(when (and (not splat?) (not= val-len patt-len))
(print "mismatched tuple lengths")
(break {:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(var curr-mem :^nothing)
(var curr-val :^nothing)
(var success true)
(for i 0 (length members)
(set curr-mem (get members i))
(set curr-val (get value i))
(print "in tuple, matching " curr-val " with ")
(pp curr-mem)
(def match? (match-pattern curr-mem curr-val ctx))
(pp match?)
(when (not (match? :success))
(set success false)
(when (and splat? (splat :data))
(def rest (array/slice value (length members)))
(match-word (splat :data) rest ctx))
(if success
{:success true :ctx ctx}
{:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(defn- match-pattern* [pattern value &opt ctx]
(print "in match-pattern, matching " value " with:")
(pp pattern)
(default ctx @{})
(def data (pattern :data))
(case (pattern :type)
# always match
:placeholder {:success true :ctx ctx}
:ignored {:success true :ctx ctx}
:word (match-word value ctx)
:word (match-word pattern value ctx)
# match on equality
:nil {:success (nil? value) :ctx ctx}
@ -32,23 +90,28 @@
:string {:success (= data value) :ctx ctx}
:keyword {:success (= data value) :ctx ctx}
# TODO: tuples, lists, dicts
# TODO: lists, dicts
:tuple (match-tuple pattern value ctx)
# TODO: string-patterns
# TODO: typed
:typed (typed pattern value ctx)
(set match-pattern match-pattern*)
(defn- lett [ast ctx]
(def [patt expr] (ast :data))
(def value (interpret expr ctx))
(def match? (match-pattern expr value))
(if match?
(def match? (match-pattern patt value))
(if (match? :success)
(error {:node ast :msg (string "could not match " (stringify value) " with " )})
(merge-into ctx (match? :ctx))
(print "new ctx:")
(pp ctx)
# TODO: represent patterns textually in errors
(error {:node ast
:msg (string "could not match " (stringify value))})))
(defn- script [ast ctx]
(def lines (ast :data))
@ -76,10 +139,11 @@
(defn- stringify* [value]
(def typed? (when (table? value) (:^type value)))
(def type (if typed? typed? (type value)))
(print "stringifying " (string value))
(case type
:nil ""
:number (string value)
:bool (string value)
:boolean (string value)
:keyword (string ":" value)
:string value
@ -192,25 +256,34 @@
(defn- interpret* [ast ctx]
(print "interpreting node " (ast :type))
(case (ast :type)
# literals
:nil nil
:number (ast :data)
:bool (ast :data)
:string (ast :data)
:interpolated (interpolated ast ctx)
:keyword (ast :data)
:if (iff ast ctx)
:block (block ast ctx)
:word (word ast ctx)
# collections
:tuple (tup ast ctx)
:list (list ast ctx)
:set (sett ast ctx)
:dict (dict ast ctx)
# composite forms
:if (iff ast ctx)
:block (block ast ctx)
:when (whenn ast ctx)
:ref (ref ast ctx)
:script (script ast ctx)
:panic (panic ast ctx)
# named/naming forms
:word (word ast ctx)
:interpolated (interpolated ast ctx)
:ref (ref ast ctx)
# patterned forms
:let (lett ast ctx)
(set interpret interpret*)
@ -227,14 +300,15 @@
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(def parsed (p/parse scanned))
(def validated (v/valid parsed))
(interpret (parsed :ast) @{}))
# (interpret (parsed :ast) @{})
(try (interpret (parsed :ast) @{})
([e] (print "Ludus panicked!: "
(if (struct? e) (error (e :msg)) (error e)))))
(set source `
when {
3 -> :foo
true -> :bar

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@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
(array/push (validator :errors)
{:node kw-type :msg "unknown type"}))
(set (validator :ast) word)
(pattern word))
(pattern validator))
(defn- pattern* [validator]
(print "PATTERN*")