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4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Scott Richmond
95054ef234 add match exprs 2024-05-18 17:04:23 -04:00
Scott Richmond
41cd39df2e check + compile string patterns; some cleanup, some messes still 2024-05-18 17:04:04 -04:00
Scott Richmond
32cf7d6cc4 add expr to match to matchh 2024-05-18 17:01:12 -04:00
Scott Richmond
b5d23b26ec ensure :errors is always a tuple or array, never nil; allows (empty? (scanner :errors)) to work as a test for errors 2024-05-18 17:00:18 -04:00
4 changed files with 164 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
:table :dict
(defn- bool [value]
(if (= value :^nil nil) value))
(defn- resolve-name [name ctx]
(print "resolving " name " in:")
(pp ctx)
@ -72,6 +75,45 @@
{:success true :ctx ctx}
{:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(defn- match-list [pattern value ctx]
(when (not (array? value))
(break {:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(def val-len (length value))
(var members (pattern :data))
(def patt-len (length members))
(var splat nil)
(def splat? (= :splat ((last members) :type)))
(when splat?
(when (< val-len patt-len)
(print "mismatched splatted tuple lenghts")
(break {:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(print "splat!")
(set splat (last members))
(set members (slice members 0 (dec patt-len))))
(when (and (not splat?) (not= val-len patt-len))
(print "mismatched tuple lengths")
(break {:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(var curr-mem :^nothing)
(var curr-val :^nothing)
(var success true)
(for i 0 (length members)
(set curr-mem (get members i))
(set curr-val (get value i))
(print "in tuple, matching " curr-val " with ")
(pp curr-mem)
(def match? (match-pattern curr-mem curr-val ctx))
(pp match?)
(when (not (match? :success))
(set success false)
(when (and splat? (splat :data))
(def rest (array/slice value (length members)))
(match-word (splat :data) rest ctx))
(if success
{:success true :ctx ctx}
{:success false :miss [pattern value]}))
(defn- match-pattern* [pattern value &opt ctx]
(print "in match-pattern, matching " value " with:")
(pp pattern)
@ -92,8 +134,9 @@
# TODO: lists, dicts
:tuple (match-tuple pattern value ctx)
:list (match-list pattern value ctx)
# TODO: string-patterns
# TODO: typed
:typed (typed pattern value ctx)
@ -113,6 +156,26 @@
(error {:node ast
:msg (string "could not match " (stringify value))})))
(defn- matchh [ast ctx]
(def [to-match clauses] (ast :data))
(def value (interpret to-match ctx))
(var result :^nothing)
(each clause clauses
(def [patt guard expr] clause)
(print "matching ")
(pp patt)
(def match? (match-pattern patt value))
(when (match? :success)
(def inner-ctx (match? :ctx))
(def guard? (if (bool guard)
(interpret guard inner-ctx) true))
(when guard?
(set result (interpret expr inner-ctx))
(if (= result :^nothing)
(error {:node ast :value value :msg "no match"})
(defn- script [ast ctx]
(def lines (ast :data))
(var result nil)
@ -128,7 +191,6 @@
(set result (interpret line ctx)))
(defn- dict-str [dict]
@ -154,7 +216,7 @@
(string/join (map stringify (keys value)) ", ")
:ref (stringify (value :^value))
# XXX: pkg, fn,
# XXX: pkg, fn
(set stringify stringify*)
@ -167,9 +229,10 @@
(string/join interpolations))
(defn- iff [ast ctx]
(def [condition then else] (ast :data))
(if (interpret condition ctx)
(if (bool (interpret condition ctx))
(interpret then ctx)
(interpret else ctx)))
@ -178,7 +241,7 @@
(var result :^nothing)
(each clause clauses
(def [lhs rhs] clause)
(when (interpret lhs ctx)
(when (bool (interpret lhs ctx))
(set result (interpret rhs ctx))
(when (= result :^nothing)
@ -257,7 +320,7 @@
(print "interpreting node " (ast :type))
(case (ast :type)
# literals
:nil nil
:nil :^nil
:number (ast :data)
:bool (ast :data)
:string (ast :data)
@ -280,9 +343,19 @@
:word (word ast ctx)
:interpolated (interpolated ast ctx)
:ref (ref ast ctx)
# :ns (ns ast ctx)
# :pkg (pkg ast ctx)
# patterned forms
:let (lett ast ctx)
:match (matchh ast ctx)
# :with (withh ast ctx)
# functions
# :fn (fnn ast ctx)
# synthetic
# :synthetic (synthetic ast ctx)
@ -296,10 +369,15 @@
(var source nil)
(defn- has-errors? [{:errors errors}] (and errors (not (empty? errors))))
(defn run []
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(when (has-errors? scanned) (break (scanned :errors)))
(def parsed (p/parse scanned))
(when (has-errors? parsed) (break (parsed :errors)))
(def validated (v/valid parsed))
(when (has-errors? validated) (break (validated :errors)))
# (interpret (parsed :ast) @{})
(try (interpret (parsed :ast) @{})
([e] (print "Ludus panicked!: "
@ -308,7 +386,10 @@
(set source `
match "foo" with {
"f{ooo}o" -> ooo
_ -> :nope

View File

@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
(array/push data curr)
(def interpolated (map scan-interpolations data))
(advance parser)
(def ast {:type :interpolated :data interpolated :token origin})
(def ast @{:type :interpolated :data interpolated :token origin})
(if (some is-error? interpolated)
(def err {:type :error :msg "bad interpolated string" :data ast :token origin})
@ -620,19 +620,23 @@
(defn- matchh [parser]
(def origin (current parser))
(def ast {:type :match :data @[] :token origin})
(var to-match nil)
(def clauses @[])
(expect parser :match)
(advance parser)
(simple parser)
(set to-match (simple parser))
(expect parser :with) (advance parser)
(def open-brace (current parser))
(expect parser :lbrace) (advance parser)
(accept-many parser :newline)
(while (not (check parser :rbrace))
(when (check parser :eof) (error {:type :error :token origin :data ast :msg "unclosed brace"}))
(array/push (ast :data) (match-clause parser)))
(when (check parser :eof)
(error {:type :error :token open-brace :msg "unclosed brace"}))
(array/push clauses (match-clause parser)))
(advance parser)
{:type :match :data [to-match clauses] :token origin})
([err] err)))
# {pattern} = {nonbinding} {terminators}
@ -1090,15 +1094,15 @@
# (do
# (comment
(def source `
loop (1, 2) with (x, y) -> :bar
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(print "\n***NEW PARSE***\n")
(def a-parser (new-parser scanned))
(def parsed (toplevel a-parser))
(def parsed (interpolated a-parser))
# (print (pp-ast parsed))
(pp scanned)

View File

@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
(if (at-end? scanner)
(let [scanner (add-token (add-token scanner :break) :eof)]
{:tokens (get scanner :tokens)
:errors (get scanner :errors)})
:errors (get scanner :errors [])})
(recur (-> scanner (scan-token) (next-token)))))
(recur (new-scanner source input)))

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Tracking here, before I start writing this code, the kinds of validation we're h
* [ ] validate `with` forms
* [ ] first-level property access with pkg, e.g. `Foo :bar`--bar must be on Foo
- [ ] accept pkg-kws
* [x] compile string-patterns
* [ ] validate dict patterns
* [x] `loop` form arity checking
* [x] arity checking of explicit named function calls
* [x] flag tail calls
@ -182,6 +184,31 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
(set (validator :ast) word)
(pattern validator))
(defn- str-pattern [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def data (ast :data))
(array/pop data)
(def grammar @{})
(def bindings @[])
(var current 0)
(each node data
(when (not (buffer? node))
(set (validator :ast) node)
(pattern validator))
(if (buffer? node)
(set (grammar (keyword current)) (string node))
(set (grammar (keyword current))
~(<- (to ,(keyword (inc current)))))
(array/push bindings (node :data))))
(set current (inc current)))
(def rules (map keyword (range (length grammar))))
(set (grammar (keyword current)) -1)
(set (grammar :main) ~(sequence ,;rules))
(set (ast :grammar) grammar)
(set (ast :compiled) (peg/compile grammar))
(set (ast :bindings) bindings))
(defn- pattern* [validator]
(print "PATTERN*")
(def ast (validator :ast))
@ -198,6 +225,7 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
:tuple (simple-coll-pattern validator)
:splat (splattern validator)
:typed (typed validator)
:interpolated (str-pattern validator)
(set pattern pattern*)
@ -207,6 +235,7 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
(defn- guard [validator])
(defn- match-clauses [validator clauses]
(print "validating clauses in match-clauses")
(each clause clauses
(def parent (validator :ctx))
(def ctx @{:^parent parent})
@ -224,8 +253,15 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
(set (validator :ctx) parent)))
(defn- matchh [validator]
(print "validating in matchh")
(def ast (validator :ast))
(match-clauses validator (ast :data))
(def [to-match clauses] (ast :data))
(print "validating expression:")
(pp to-match)
(set (validator :ast) to-match)
(validate validator)
(print "validating clauses")
(match-clauses validator clauses)
(defn- fnn [validator]
@ -290,7 +326,6 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
# * [ ] ensure properties are on pkgs (if *only* pkgs from root)
(defn- pkg-root [validator])
# * [ ] flag tail calls (where last term is not-partial args)
(defn- tail-call [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(when (ast :partial) (break validator))
@ -300,8 +335,6 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
(def args (last data))
(set (args :tail-call) true))
# * [ ] arity checking if first term is name that resolves to a function and args aren't partial
# XXX: now just check number of args against arity map
(defn- check-arity [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(when (ast :partial) (break validator))
@ -348,7 +381,6 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
(check-arity validator))
### XXX: todos from parser
(defn- pair [validator]
(def ast (validator :ast))
(def [k v] (ast :data))
@ -388,6 +420,7 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
(validate validator))
# XXX: do this!
(defn- withh [validator])
# XXX: tail calls in last position
@ -592,8 +625,30 @@ Imports are for a later iteration of Ludus:
# (comment
(def source `
let "{foo}" = "bar"
(def scanned (s/scan source))
(def parsed (p/parse scanned))
(valid parsed))
(valid parsed)
(print "VALIDATED!!")
(def grammar (get-in parsed [:ast :data 0 :data 0 :grammar]))
(pp grammar)
(peg/match grammar "foo"))
(def bar @{
:0 ""
:1 '(<- (to :2))
:2 ""
:main '(sequence :0 :1 :2 -1)
(peg/match bar "foo")
(def foo @{
:0 ""
:1 '(<- (to :2))
:2 -1
:main '(sequence :0 :1 :2)
(peg/match foo "foooooooobar")