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No commits in common. "d8f152998e2ad44898f3eda197ac4f176f5710f7" and "2c9f6f82790e47d02ed9cf23979d9db5d9fe9ad9" have entirely different histories.

3 changed files with 151 additions and 109 deletions

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@ -6,22 +6,25 @@ let result = null
export function run (source) {
const output = mod.ludus(source).value
// console.log(output)
result = JSON.parse(output)
return result
export function stdout () {
if (!result) return ""
export function turtle_commands () {
if (!result) return []
export function p5_calls () {
return p5_call_list
export function svg () {
const turtle_init = {
@ -52,14 +55,13 @@ const colors = {
aqua: [0, 255, 25, 255],
function resolve_color (color) {
if (typeof color === 'string') return colors[color]
if (typeof color === 'number') return [color, color, color, 255]
if (Array.isArray(color)) return color
let turtle_states = [turtle_init]
let background_color = "black"
function last_state () {
return turtle_states[turtle_states.length - 1]
function add (v1, v2) {
const [x1, y1] = v1
const [x2, y2] = v2
@ -74,84 +76,83 @@ function mult (vector, scalar) {
function unit_of (heading) {
const turns = -heading + 0.25
const radians = turn_to_rad(turns)
return [Math.cos(radians), Math.sin(radians)]
[Math.cos (radians), Math.sin(radians)]
function command_to_state (prev_state, curr_command) {
const verb = curr_command[0]
function command_to_state (previous, command) {
const verb = command[0]
switch (verb) {
case "goto": {
const [_, x, y] = curr_command
return {...prev_state, position: [x, y]}
const [_, x, y] = command
return {...previous, position: [x, y]}
case "home": {
return {...prev_state, position: [0, 0], heading: 0}
return {...previous, position: [0, 0], heading: 0}
case "right": {
const [_, angle] = curr_command
const {heading} = prev_state
return {...prev_state, heading: heading + angle}
const [_, angle] = command
const {heading} = previous
return {...previous, heading: heading + angle}
case "left": {
const [_, angle] = curr_command
const {heading} = prev_state
return {...prev_state, heading: heading - angle}
const [_, angle] = command
const {heading} = previous
return {...previous, heading: heading - angle}
case "forward": {
const [_, steps] = curr_command
const {heading, position} = prev_state
const [_, steps] = command
const {heading, position} = previous
const unit = unit_of(heading)
const move = mult(unit, steps)
return {...prev_state, position: add(position, move)}
return {...previous, position: add(position, move)}
case "back": {
const [_, steps] = curr_command
const {heading, position} = prev_state
const [_, steps] = command
const {heading, position} = previous
const unit = unit_of(heading)
const move = mult(unit, -steps)
return {...prev_state, position: add(position, move)}
return {...previous, position: add(position, move)}
case "penup": {
return {...prev_state, pendown: false}
return {...previous, pendown: false}
case "pendown": {
return {...prev_state, pendown: true}
return {...previous, pendown: true}
case "pendwith": {
const [_, width] = curr_command
return {...prev_state, penwidth: width}
const [_, width] = command
return {...previous, penwidth: width}
case "pencolor": {
if (curr_command.length = 2) {
const [_, color] = curr_command
return {...prev_state, pencolor: color}
if (command.length = 2) {
const [_, color] = command
return {...previous, pencolor: color}
} else {
const [_, r, g, b, a] = curr_command
return {...prev_state, pencolor: [r, g, b, a]}
const [_, r, g, b, a] = command
return {...previous, pencolor: [r, g, b, a]}
case "setheading": {
const [_, heading] = curr_command
return {...prev_state, heading: heading}
const [_, heading] = command
return {...previous, heading: heading}
case "loadstate": {
const [_, x, y, heading, visible, pendown, penwidth] = curr_command
const [_, x, y, heading, visible, pendown, penwidth] = command
// there are 7 fixed-arity arguments
// color will either be the last one or four
let pencolor = curr_command.slice(7)
let pencolor = command.slice(7)
// if there's one, it's a string, unpack it
if (pencolor.length = 1) pencolor = pencolor[0]
return {position: [x, y], heading, visible, pendown, penwidth, pencolor}
case "show": {
return {...prev_state, visible: true}
return {...position, visible: true}
case "hide": {
return {...prev_state, visible: false}
return {...position, visible: false}
case "background": {
let color = curr_command.slice(1)
let color = command.slice(1)
if (color.lengh = 1) color = color[0]
background_color = color
@ -165,26 +166,8 @@ function are_eq (v1, v2) {
return (x1 === x2) && (y1 === y2)
function states_to_call (prev, curr) {
const calls = []
// whose state should we use?
// pen states will only differ on more than one property
// if we use `loadstate`
// my sense is `prev`, but that may change
if (prev.pendown && !are_eq(prev.position, curr.position)) {
calls.push(["line", prev.position[0], prev.position[1], curr.position[0], curr.position[1]])
if (curr.pencolor !== prev.pencolor) {
if (Array.isArray(curr.pencolor)) {
calls.push(["stroke", ...curr.pencolor])
} else {
calls.push(["stroke", curr.pencolor])
if (curr.penwidth !== prev.penwidth) {
calls.push(["strokeWeight", curr.penwidth])
return calls
function state_to_call (prev, curr) {
const turtle_radius = 20
@ -193,65 +176,47 @@ const turtle_angle = 0.385
const turtle_color = [255, 255, 255, 150]
const p5_call_root = [
["background", ...resolve_color(background_color)],
["stroke", ...resolve_color(turtle_init.pencolor)]
let p5_call_list = []
function add_p5_call (call) {
function rotate (vector, heading) {
const radians = turn_to_rad(heading)
const [x, y] = vector
return [
(x * Math.cos (radians)) - (y * Math.sin (radians)),
(x * Math.sin (radians)) + (y * Math.cos (radians))
(x * cos (radians)) - (y * sin (radians)),
(x * sin (radians)) + (y * cos (radians))
function turn_to_rad (heading) {
return heading * 2 * Math.PI
heading * 2 * Math.PI
function render_turtle (state, calls) {
function render_turtle () {
const state = last_state ()
if (!state.visible) return
const [r, g, b, a] = turtle_color
calls.push(["fill", r, g, b, a])
const {heading, pencolor, position: [x, y], pendown} = state
add_call("fill", r, g, b, a)
const {heading, pencolor: [pen_r, pen_g, pen_b, pen_a], position: [x, y], pendown} = state
const origin = [0, turtle_radius]
const [x1, y1] = origin
const [x2, y2] = rotate(origin, turtle_angle)
const [x3, y3] = rotate(origin, -turtle_angle)
calls.push(["translate", x, y])
calls.push(["rotate", turn_to_rad(heading)])
calls.push(["vertex", x1, y1])
calls.push(["vertex", x2, y2])
calls.push(["vertex", x3, y3])
calls.push(["stroke", ...resolve_color(pencolor)])
if (pendown) calls.push(["line", 0, 0, x1, y1])
return calls
add_p5_call(["translate", x, y])
add_p5_call(["rotate", turn_to_rad(heading)])
add_p5_call(["vertex", x1, y1])
add_p5_call(["vertex", x2, y2])
add_p5_call(["vertex", x3, y3])
add_p5_call(["stroke", pen_r, pen_g, pen_b, pen_a])
if (pendown) add_p5_call(["line", 0, 0, x1, y1])
export function p5_calls (commands) {
const states = [turtle_init]
commands.reduce((prev_state, command) => {
const new_state = command_to_state(prev_state, command)
return new_state
}, turtle_init)
const p5_calls = [...p5_call_root]
for (let i = 1; i < states.length; ++i) {
const prev = states[i - 1]
const curr = states[i]
const calls = states_to_call(prev, curr)
for (const call of calls) {
p5_calls[0] = ["background", ...resolve_color(background_color)]
render_turtle(states[states.length - 1], p5_calls)
return p5_calls

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@ -3,5 +3,7 @@
& the goal is to output any global state held in Ludus
& this does not have base loaded into it, only prelude: must be pure Ludus
print! ("running postlude")
store! (turtle_state, turtle_init)
store! (turtle_commands, [])

View File

@ -1106,14 +1106,90 @@ let turtle_init = #{
box turtle_commands = []
box turtle_state = turtle_init
& fn reset_turtle! {
& "Resets the turtle to its original state."
& () -> store! (turtle_states, [turtle_init])
& }
fn add_command! (command) -> {
update! (turtle_commands, append! (_, command))
let prev = unbox (turtle_state)
let curr = apply_command (prev, command)
store! (turtle_state, curr)
& let call = state/call ()
& if call then { add_call! (call); :ok } else :ok
& fn make_line ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> (:line, x1, y1, x2, y2)
& let turtle_radius = 20
& let turtle_angle = 0.385
& let turtle_color = (255, 255, 255, 150)
& fn render_turtle! () -> {
& let state = do turtle_states > unbox > last
& if state :visible?
& then {
& let (r, g, b, a) = turtle_color
& add_call! ((:fill, r, g, b, a))
& let #{heading
& :pencolor (pen_r, pen_g, pen_b, pen_a)
& :position (x, y)
& pendown?
& ...} = state
& let origin = mult ((0, 1), turtle_radius)
& let (x1, y1) = origin
& let (x2, y2) = rotate (origin, turtle_angle)
& let (x3, y3) = rotate (origin, neg (turtle_angle))
& add_call! ((:push))
& add_call! ((:translate, x, y))
& add_call! ((:rotate, turn/rad (heading)))
& add_call! ((:noStroke))
& add_call! ((:beginShape))
& add_call! ((:vertex, x1, y1))
& add_call! ((:vertex, x2, y2))
& add_call! ((:vertex, x3, y3))
& add_call! ((:endShape))
& & there's a happy bug here: the stroke will be the same width as the pen width. Keep this for now. Consider also showing the pen colour here?
& add_call! ((:stroke, pen_r, pen_g, pen_b, pen_a))
& if pendown? then add_call! ((:line, 0, 0, x1, y1)) else nil
& add_call! ((:pop))
& :ok
& }
& else :ok
& }
& fn state/call () -> {
& let cmd = do turtle_commands > unbox > last > first
& let states = unbox (turtle_states)
& let curr = last (states)
& let prev = at (states, sub (count (states), 2))
& match cmd with {
& :forward -> if curr :pendown?
& then make_line (prev :position, curr :position)
& else nil
& :back -> if curr :pendown?
& then make_line (prev :position, curr :position)
& else nil
& :home -> if curr :pendown?
& then make_line (prev :position, curr :position)
& else nil
& :goto -> if curr :pendown?
& then make_line (prev :position, curr :position)
& else nil
& :penwidth -> (:strokeWeight, curr :penwidth)
& :pencolor -> {
& let (r, g, b, a) = curr :pencolor
& (:stroke, r, g, b, a)
& }
& :clear -> (:background, 0, 0, 0, 255)
& _ -> nil
& }
& }
fn forward! {
"Moves the turtle forward by a number of steps. Alias: fd!"
(steps as :number) -> add_command! ((:forward, steps))
@ -1175,7 +1251,7 @@ let pw! = penwidth!
fn background! {
"Sets the background color behind the turtle and path. Alias: bg!"
(color as :keyword) -> add_command! ((:background, color))
(color as :keyword) -> add_command! ((:background, :color))
(gray as :number) -> add_command! ((:background, gray, gray, gray, 255))
((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number)) -> add_command! ((:background, r, g, b, 255))
((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number, a as :number)) -> add_command! ((:background, r, g, b, a))
@ -1262,7 +1338,6 @@ fn apply_command {
(:loadstate, x, y, heading, visible?, pendown?, penwidth, r, g, b, a) -> #{:position (x, y), heading, visible?, pendown?, penwidth, :pencolor (r, g, b, a)}
(:show) -> assoc (state, :visible?, true)
(:hide) -> assoc (state, :visible?, false)
(:background, _) -> state