& this file, uniquely, gets `base` loaded as context. See src/ludus/base.cljc for exports &&& TODO & functions to add: & true? & set? & tuple? & ref? & some forward declarations & TODO: fix this so that we don't need (as many of) them fn first fn append fn some? fn update! fn string fn join fn neg? fn atan/2 fn mod fn assoc? fn dict fn get fn unbox fn store! fn turn/rad fn deg/rad fn floor fn and fn apply_command fn state/call & the very base: know something's type fn type { "Returns a keyword representing the type of the value passed in." (x) -> base :type (x) } & ...and if two things are the same fn eq? { "Returns true if all arguments have the same value." (x) -> true (x, y) -> base :eq (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> if eq? (x, y) then loop (y, zs) with { (a, []) -> eq? (a, x) (a, [b, ...cs]) -> if eq? (a, x) then recur (b, cs) else false } else false } &&& true & false: boolean logic (part the first) fn bool? { "Returns true if a value is of type :boolean." (false) -> true (true) -> true (_) -> false } fn true? { "Returns true if a value is boolean `true`. Useful to distinguish between `true` and anything else." (true) -> true (_) -> false } fn false? { "Returns `true` if a value is `false`, otherwise returns `false`. Useful to distinguish between `false` and `nil`." (false) -> true (_) -> false } fn bool { "Returns false if a value is nil or false, otherwise returns true." (nil) -> false (false) -> false (_) -> true } fn not { "Returns false if a value is truthy, true if a value is falsy." (nil) -> true (false) -> true (_) -> false } fn neq? { "Returns true if none of the arguments have the same value." (x) -> false (x, y) -> not (eq? (x, y)) (x, y, ...zs) -> if eq? (x, y) then false else loop (y, zs) with { (a, []) -> neq? (a, x) (a, [b, ...cs]) -> if neq? (a, x) then recur (b, cs) else false } } & tuples: not a lot you can do with them functionally fn tuple? { "Returns true if a value is a tuple." (tuple as :tuple) -> true (_) -> false } &&& functions: getting things done fn fn? { "Returns true if an argument is a function." (f as :fn) -> true (_) -> false } & what we need for some very basic list manipulation fn rest { "Returns all but the first element of a list or tuple, as a list." (xs as :list) -> base :rest (xs) (xs as :tuple) -> base :rest (xs) } fn inc { "Increments a number." (x as :number) -> base :inc (x) } fn dec { "Decrements a number." (x as :number) -> base :dec (x) } fn count { "Returns the number of elements in a collection (including string)." (xs as :list) -> base :count (xs) (xs as :tuple) -> base :count (xs) (xs as :dict) -> base :count (xs) (xs as :string) -> base :count (xs) (xs as :set) -> base :count (xs) } fn empty? { "Returns true if something is empty. Otherwise returns false (including for things that can't logically be empty, like numbers)." ([]) -> true (#{}) -> true (s as :set) -> eq? (s, ${}) (()) -> true ("") -> true (_) -> false } fn any? { "Returns true if something is not empty, otherwise returns false (including for things that can't be logically full, like numbers)." ([...]) -> true (#{...}) -> true (s as :set) -> not (empty? (s)) ((...)) -> true (s as :string) -> not (empty? (s)) (_) -> false } fn list? { "Returns true if the value is a list." (l as :list) -> true (_) -> false } fn list { "Takes a value and returns it as a list. For values, it simply wraps them in a list. For collections, conversions are as follows. A tuple->list conversion preservers order and length. Unordered collections do not preserve order. Associative collections return lists of (key, value) tuples." (x) -> base :to_list (x) } & TODO: make this work with Janet base fn set { "Takes an ordered collection--list or tuple--and turns it into a set." (xs as :list) -> base :into (${}, xs) (xs as :tuple) -> base :into (${}, xs) } fn set? { "Returns true if a value is a set." (xs as :set) -> true (_) -> false } & add a contains? or has? function fn fold { "Folds a list." (f as :fn, xs as :list) -> fold (f, xs, f ()) (f as :fn, xs as :list, root) -> { loop (root, first (xs), rest (xs)) with { (prev, curr, []) -> f (prev, curr) (prev, curr, remaining) -> recur ( f (prev, curr) first (remaining) rest (remaining) ) } } } & TODO: optimize these with base :conj! fn map { "Maps a function over a list: returns a new list with elements that are the result of applying the function to each element in the original list. E.g., `map ([1, 2, 3], inc) &=> [2, 3, 4]`." (f as :fn, xs) -> { fn mapper (prev, curr) -> append (prev, f (curr)) fold (mapper, xs, []) } (kw as :keyword, xs) -> { fn mapper (prev, curr) -> append (prev, kw (curr)) fold (mapper, xs, []) } } fn filter { "Takes a list and a predicate function, and returns a new list with only the items that produce truthy values when the function is called on them. E.g., `filter ([1, 2, 3, 4], odd?) &=> [1, 3]`." (p? as :fn, xs) -> { fn filterer (filtered, x) -> if p? (x) then append (filtered, x) else filtered fold (filterer, xs, []) } } fn keep { "Takes a list and returns a new list with any `nil` values omitted." (xs) -> filter (some?, xs) } fn append { "Adds an element to a list or set." () -> [] (xs as :list) -> xs (xs as :list, x) -> base :conj (xs, x) (xs as :set) -> xs (xs as :set, x) -> base :conj (xs, x) } fn concat { "Combines two lists, strings, or sets." (x as :string, y as :string) -> base :concat (x, y) (xs as :list, ys as :list) -> base :concat (xs, ys) (xs as :set, ys as :set) -> base :concat (xs, ys) (xs, ys, ...zs) -> fold (concat, zs, concat (xs, ys)) } & the console: sending messages to the outside world & the console is *both* something we send to the host language's console & ...and also a list of messages. & box console = [] & fn flush! { & "Clears the console, and returns the messages." & () -> { & let msgs = unbox (console) & store! (console, []) & msgs & } & } & fn add_msg! { & "Adds a message to the console." & (msg as :string) -> update! (console, append (_, msg)) & (msgs as :list) -> { & base :print! (("adding msg", msgs)) & let msg = do msgs > map (string, _) > join & base :print! (("msg: ", msg)) & update! (console, append (_, msg)) & } & } fn print! { "Sends a text representation of Ludus values to the console." (...args) -> { base :print! (args) :ok } } fn show { "Returns a text representation of a Ludus value as a string." (x) -> base :show (x) } fn prn! { "Prints the underlying Clojure data structure of a Ludus value." (x) -> { base :prn (x) & add_msg! (x) :ok } } fn report! { "Prints a value, then returns it." (x) -> { print! (x) x } (msg as :string, x) -> { print! (concat (msg, show (x))) x } } fn doc! { "Prints the documentation of a function to the console." (f as :fn) -> do f > base :doc > print! (_) -> :none } &&& strings: harder than they look! fn string? { "Returns true if a value is a string." (x as :string) -> true (_) -> false } fn string { "Converts a value to a string by using `show`. If it is a string, returns it unharmed. Use this to build up strings of different kinds of values." (x as :string) -> x (x) -> show (x) (x, ...xs) -> loop (x, xs) with { (out, [x]) -> concat (out, show (x)) (out, [x, ...xs]) -> recur (concat (out, show (x)), xs) } } fn join { "Takes a list of strings, and joins them into a single string, interposing an optional separator." ([]) -> "" ([str as :string]) -> str (strs as :list) -> join (strs, "") ([str, ...strs], separator as :string) -> fold ( fn (joined, to_join) -> concat (joined, separator, to_join) strs str ) } & in another prelude, with a better actual base language than Java (thanks, Rich), counting strings would be reasonable but complex: count/bytes, count/points, count/glyphs. Java's UTF16 strings make this unweildy. & TODO: add trim, trim/left, trim/right; pad/left, pad/right & ...also a version of at, &&& references: mutable state and state changes fn box? { "Returns true if a value is a box." (b as :box) -> true (_) -> false } fn unbox { "Returns the value that is stored in a box." (b as :box) -> base :unbox (b) } fn store! { "Stores a value in a box, replacing the value that was previously there. Returns the value." (b as :box, value) -> { base :store! (b, value) value } } fn update! { "Updates a box by applying a function to its value. Returns the new value." (b as :box, f as :fn) -> { let current = unbox (b) let new = f (current) store! (b, new) } } &&& numbers, basically: arithmetic and not much else, yet & TODO: add nan?, fn number? { "Returns true if a value is a number." (x as :number) -> true (_) -> false } fn add { "Adds numbers or vectors." () -> 0 (x as :number) -> x (x as :number, y as :number) -> base :add (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :add, zs, base :add (x, y)) & add vectors ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> (add (x1, x2), add (y1, y2)) } fn sub { "Subtracts numbers or vectors." () -> 0 (x as :number) -> x (x as :number, y as :number) -> base :sub (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :sub, zs, base :sub (x, y)) ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> (base :sub (x1, x2), base :sub (y1, y2)) } fn mult { "Multiplies numbers or vectors." () -> 1 (x as :number) -> x (x as :number, y as :number) -> base :mult (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :mult, zs, mult (x, y)) (scalar as :number, (x, y)) -> (mult (x, scalar), mult (y, scalar)) ((x, y), scalar as :number) -> mult (scalar, (x, y)) } fn div { "Divides numbers. Panics on division by zero." (x as :number) -> x (_, 0) -> panic! "Division by zero." (x as :number, y as :number) -> base :div (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> { let divisor = fold (mult, zs, y) div (x, divisor) } } fn div/0 { "Divides numbers. Returns 0 on division by zero." (x as :number) -> x (_, 0) -> 0 (x as :number, y as :number) -> base :div (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> { let divisor = fold (mult, zs, y) div/0 (x, divisor) } } fn div/safe { "Divides a number. Returns a result tuple." (x as :number) -> (:ok, x) (_, 0) -> (:err, "Division by zero") (x, y) -> (:ok, div (x, y)) (x, y, ...zs) -> { let divisor = fold (mult, zs, y) div/safe (x, divisor) } } fn inv { "Returns the inverse of a number: 1/n or `div (1, n)`. Panics on division by zero." (x as :number) -> div (1, x) } fn inv/0 { "Returns the inverse of a number: 1/n or `div/0 (1, n)`. Returns 0 on division by zero." (x as :number) -> div/0 (1, x) } fn abs { "Returns the absolute value of a number." (0) -> 0 (n as :number) -> if neg? (n) then mult (-1, n) else n } fn neg { "Multiplies a number by -1, negating it." (n as :number) -> mult (n, -1) } fn angle { "Calculates the angle between two vectors." (v1, v2) -> sub (atan/2 (v2), atan/2 (v1)) } fn zero? { "Returns true if a number is 0." (0) -> true (_) -> false } fn gt? { "Returns true if numbers are in decreasing order." (x as :number) -> true (x as :number, y as :number) -> base :gt (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> loop (y, zs) with { (a, [b]) -> base :gt (a, b) (a, [b, ...cs]) -> if base :gt (a, b) then recur (b, cs) else false } } fn gte? { "Returns true if numbers are in decreasing or flat order." (x as :number) -> true (x as :number, y as :number) -> base :gte (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> loop (y, zs) with { (a, [b]) -> base :gte (a, b) (a, [b, ...cs]) -> if base :gte (a, b) then recur (b, cs) else false } } fn lt? { "Returns true if numbers are in increasing order." (x as :number) -> true (x as :number, y as :number) -> base :lt (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> loop (y, zs) with { (a, [b]) -> base :lt (a, b) (a, [b, ...cs]) -> if base :lt (a, b) then recur (b, cs) else false } } fn lte? { "Returns true if numbers are in increasing or flat order." (x as :number) -> true (x as :number, y as :number) -> base :lte (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> loop (y, zs) with { (a, [b]) -> base :lte (a, b) (a, [b, ...cs]) -> if base :lte (a, b) then recur (b, cs) else false } } fn between? { "Returns true if a number is in the range [lower, higher): greater than or equal to the lower number, less than the higher." (lower as :number, higher as :number, x as :number) -> and ( gte? (x, lower) lt? (x, higher) ) } fn neg? { "Returns true if a value is a negative number, otherwise returns false." (x as :number) if lt? (x, 0) -> true (_) -> false } fn pos? { "Returns true if a value is a positive number, otherwise returns false." (x as :number) if gt? (x, 0) -> true (_) -> false } fn even? { "Returns true if a value is an even number, otherwise returns false." (x as :number) if eq? (0, mod (x, 2)) -> true (_) -> false } fn odd? { "Returns true if a value is an odd number, otherwise returns false." (x as :number) if eq? (1, mod (x, 2)) -> true (_) -> false } fn min { "Returns the number in its arguments that is closest to negative infinity." (x as :number) -> x (x as :number, y as :number) -> if lt? (x, y) then x else y (x, y, ...zs) -> fold (min, zs, min (x, y)) } fn max { "Returns the number in its arguments that is closest to positive infinity." (x as :number) -> x (x as :number, y as :number) -> if gt? (x, y) then x else y (x, y, ...zs) -> fold (max, zs, max (x, y)) } & additional list operations now that we have comparitors fn at { "Returns the element at index n of a list or tuple. Zero-indexed: the first element is at index 0." (xs as :list, n as :number) -> when { neg? (n) -> nil gte? (n, count (xs)) -> nil true -> base :nth (n, xs) } (xs as :tuple, n as :number) -> when { neg? (n) -> nil gte? (n, count (xs)) -> nil true -> base :nth (n, xs) } (_) -> nil } fn first { "Returns the first element of a list or tuple." (xs) -> at (xs, 0) } fn second { "Returns the second element of a list or tuple." (xs) -> at (xs, 1) } fn last { "Returns the last element of a list or tuple." (xs) -> at (xs, dec (count (xs))) } fn butlast { "Returns a list, omitting the last element." (xs as :list) -> base :slice (xs, dec (count (xs))) } fn slice { "Returns a slice of a list, representing a sub-list." (xs as :list, end as :number) -> slice (xs, 0, end) (xs as :list, start as :number, end as :number) -> when { gte? (start, end) -> [] gt? (end, count (xs)) -> slice (xs, start, count (xs)) neg? (start) -> slice (xs, 0, end) true -> { let slice = base :slice (xs, inc (start), inc (end)) base :into ([], slice) } } } &&& keywords: funny names fn keyword? { "Returns true if a value is a keyword, otherwise returns false." (kw as :keyword) -> true (_) -> false } & TODO: determine if Ludus should have a `keyword` function that takes a string and returns a keyword. Too many panics, it has weird memory consequences, etc. &&& nil: working with nothing fn nil? { "Returns true if a value is nil." (nil) -> true (_) -> false } fn some? { "Returns true if a value is not nil." (nil) -> false (_) -> true } fn some { "Takes a possibly nil value and a default value. Returns the value if it's not nil, returns the default if it's nil." (nil, default) -> default (value, _) -> value } & TODO: make `and` and `or` special forms which lazily evaluate arguments fn and { "Returns true if all values passed in are truthy. Note that this does not short-circuit: all arguments are evaulated before they are passed in." () -> true (x) -> bool (x) (x, y) -> base :and (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :and, zs, base :and (x, y)) } fn or { "Returns true if any value passed in is truthy. Note that this does not short-circuit: all arguments are evaluated before they are passed in." () -> true (x) -> bool (x) (x, y) -> base :or (x, y) (x, y, ...zs) -> fold (base :or, zs, base :or (x, y)) } &&& associative collections: dicts, structs, namespaces & TODO?: get_in, update_in, merge & TODO?: consider renaming these: put & take, not assoc/dissoc fn assoc { "Takes a dict, key, and value, and returns a new dict with the key set to value." () -> #{} (dict as :dict) -> dict (dict as :dict, key as :keyword, value) -> base :assoc (dict, key, value) (dict as :dict, (key as :keyword, value)) -> base :assoc (dict, key, value) } fn dissoc { "Takes a dict and a key, and returns a new dict with the key and associated value omitted." (dict as :dict) -> dict (dict as :dict, key as :keyword) -> base :dissoc (dict, key) } fn update { "Takes a dict, key, and function, and returns a new dict with the key set to the result of applying the function to original value held at the key." (dict as :dict) -> dict (dict as :dict, key as :keyword, updater as :fn) -> base :assoc (dict, key, updater (get (key, dict))) } fn keys { "Takes an associative collection and returns a list of keys in that collection. Returns an empty list on anything other than a collection." (coll) -> if not (assoc? (coll)) then [] else do coll > list > map (first, _) } fn values { "Takes an associative collection and returns a list of values in that collection. Returns an empty list on anything other than a collection." (coll) -> if not (assoc? (coll)) then [] else do coll > list > map (second, _) } fn diff { "Takes two associate data structures and returns a dict describing their differences. Does this shallowly, offering diffs only for keys in the original dict." (d1 as :dict, d2 as :dict) -> { let key1 = keys (d1) let key2 = keys (d2) let all = do concat (d1, d2) > set > list let diffs = loop (all, []) with { & TODO: reduce this redundancy? ([k, ...ks], diffs) -> { let v1 = get (k, d1) let v2 = get (k, d2) if eq? (v1, v2) then recur (ks, diffs) else recur (ks, append (diffs, (k, (v1, v2)))) } ([k], diffs) -> { let v1 = get (k, d1) let v2 = get (k, d2) if eq? (v1, v2) then diffs else append (diffs, (k, (v1, v2))) } } dict (diffs) } } fn coll? { "Returns true if a value is a collection: dict, struct, list, tuple, or set." (coll as :dict) -> true (coll as :list) -> true (coll as :tuple) -> true (coll as :set) -> true (coll as :pkg) -> true (_) -> false } fn ordered? { "Returns true if a value is an indexed collection: list or tuple." (coll as :list) -> true (coll as :tuple) -> true (_) -> false } fn assoc? { "Returns true if a value is an associative collection: a dict, struct, or namespace." (assoc as :dict) -> true (assoc as :pkg) -> true (_) -> false } & TODO: consider merging `get` and `at` fn get { "Takes a dict or struct, key, and optional default value; returns the value at key. If the value is not found, returns nil or the default value. Returns nil or default if the first argument is not a dict or struct." (key as :keyword) -> get (key, _) (key as :keyword, coll) -> base :get (key, coll) (key as :keyword, coll, default) -> base :get (key, coll, default) } & TODO: add sets to this? fn has? { "Takes a key and a dict, and returns true if there is a non-`nil` value stored at the key." (key as :keyword) -> has? (key, _) (key as :keyword, dict as :dict) -> do dict > key > nil? } fn dict { "Takes a list or tuple of (key, value) tuples and returns it as a dict. Returns dicts unharmed." (dict as :dict) -> dict (list as :list) -> fold (assoc, list) (tup as :tuple) -> do tup > list > dict } fn dict? { "Returns true if a value is a dict." (dict as :dict) -> true (_) -> false } & TODO: make this less awkward once we have tail recursion fn each! { "Takes a list and applies a function, presumably with side effects, to each element in the list. Returns nil." (f! as :fn, []) -> nil (f! as :fn, [x]) -> { f! (x); nil } (f! as :fn, [...xs]) -> loop (xs) with { ([x]) -> { f! (x); nil } ([x, ...xs]) -> { f! (x); recur (xs) } } } &&& Trigonometry functions & Ludus uses turns as its default unit to measure angles & However, anything that takes an angle can also take a & units argument, that's a keyword of :turns, :degrees, or :radians let pi = base :pi let tau = mult (2, pi) fn sin { "Returns the sine of an angle. Default angle measure is turns. An optional keyword argument specifies the units of the angle passed in." (a as :number) -> do a > turn/rad > base :sin (a as :number, :turns) -> do a > turn/rad > base :sin (a as :number, :degrees) -> do a > deg/rad > base :sin (a as :number, :radians) -> base :sin (a) } fn cos { "Returns the cosine of an angle. Default angle measure is turns. An optional keyword argument specifies the units of the angle passed in." (a as :number) -> do a > turn/rad > base :cos (a as :number, :turns) -> do a > turn/rad > base :cos (a as :number, :degrees) -> do a > deg/rad > base :cos (a as :number, :radians) -> base :cos (a) } fn tan { "Returns the sine of an angle. Default angle measure is turns. An optional keyword argument specifies the units of the angle passed in." (a as :number) -> do a > turn/rad > base :tan (a as :number, :turns) -> do a > turn/rad > base :tan (a as :number, :degrees) -> do a > deg/rad > base :tan (a as :number, :radians) -> base :tan (a) } fn rotate { "Rotates a vector by an angle. Default angle measure is turns. An optional keyword argument specifies the units of the angle passed in." ((x, y), angle) -> rotate ((x, y), angle, :turns) ((x, y), angle, units as :keyword) -> ( sub (mult (x, cos (angle, units)), mult (y, sin (angle, units))) add (mult (x, sin (angle, units)), mult (y, cos (angle, units))) ) } fn turn/deg { "Converts an angle in turns to an angle in degrees." (a as :number) -> mult (a, 360) } fn deg/turn { "Converts an angle in degrees to an angle in turns." (a as :number) -> div (a, 360) } fn turn/rad { "Converts an angle in turns to an angle in radians." (a as :number) -> mult (a, tau) } fn rad/turn { "Converts an angle in radians to an angle in turns." (a as :number) -> div (a, tau) } fn deg/rad { "Converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians." (a as :number) -> mult (tau, div (a, 360)) } fn rad/deg { "Converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees." (a as :number) -> mult (360, div (a, tau)) } fn atan/2 { "Returns an angle from a slope. Takes an optional keyword argument to specify units. Takes either two numbers or a vector tuple." (x as :number, y as :number) -> do base :atan_2 (x, y) > rad/turn (x, y, :turns) -> atan/2 (x, y) (x, y, :radians) -> base :atan_2 (x, y) (x, y, :degrees) -> do base :atan_2 (x, y) > rad/deg ((x, y)) -> atan/2 (x, y) ((x, y), units as :keyword) -> atan/2 (x, y, units) } fn mod { "Returns the modulus of num and div. Truncates towards negative infinity." (num as :number, div as :number) -> base :mod (num, div) } fn square { "Squares a number." (x as :number) -> mult (x, x) } fn sqrt { "Returns the square root of a number." (x as :number) -> base :sqrt (x) } fn sum_of_squares { "Returns the sum of squares of numbers." () -> 0 (x as :number) -> square (x) (x as :number, y as :number) -> add (square (x), square (y)) (x, y, ...zs) -> fold (sum_of_squares, zs, sum_of_squares (x, y)) } fn dist { "Returns the distance from the origin to a point described by (x, y)." (x as :number, y as :number) -> sqrt (sum_of_squares (x, y)) ((x, y)) -> dist (x, y) } &&& more number functions fn random { "Returns a random number. With zero arguments, returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). With one argument, returns a random number between 0 and n. With two arguments, returns a random number between m and n. Alternately, given a list, it returns a random member of that list." () -> base :random () (n as :number) -> mult (n, random ()) (m as :number, n as :number) -> add (m, random (sub (n, m))) (l as :list) -> { let i = do l > count > random > floor at (l, i) } (d as :dict) -> { let key = do d > keys > random get (key, d) } } fn random_int { "Returns a random integer. With one argument, returns a random integer between 0 and that number. With two arguments, returns a random integer between them." (n as :number) -> do n > random > floor (m as :number, n as :number) -> floor (random (m, n)) } fn floor { "Truncates a number towards negative infinity. With positive numbers, it returns the integer part. With negative numbers, returns the next more-negative integer." (n as :number) -> base :floor (n) } fn ceil { "Truncates a number towards positive infinity. With negative numbers, it returns the integer part. With positive numbers, returns the next more-positive integer." (n as :number) -> base :ceil (n) } fn round { "Rounds a number to the nearest integer." (n as :number) -> base :round (n) } fn range { "Returns the set of integers between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) as a list: [start, end). With one argument, starts at 0. If end is less than start, returns an empty list." (end as :number) -> base :range (0, end) (start as :number, end as :number) -> base :range (start, end) } &&& Results, errors and other unhappy values fn ok { "Takes a value and wraps it in an :ok result tuple." (value) -> (:ok, value) } fn ok? { "Takes a value and returns true if it is an :ok result tuple." ((:ok, _)) -> true (_) -> false } fn err { "Takes a value and wraps it in an :err result tuple, presumably as an error message." (msg) -> (:err, msg) } fn err? { "Takes a value and returns true if it is an :err result tuple." ((:err, _)) -> true (_) -> false } fn unwrap! { "Takes a result tuple. If it's :ok, then returns the value. If it's not :ok, then it panics. If it's not a result tuple, it also panics." ((:ok, value)) -> value ((:err, msg)) -> panic! string ("Unwrapped :err! ", msg) (_) -> panic! "Cannot unwrap something that's not an error tuple." } fn unwrap_or { "Takes a value that is a result tuple and a default value. If it's :ok, then it returns the value. If it's :err, returns the default value." ((:ok, value), _) -> value ((:err, _), default) -> default } fn assert! { "Asserts a condition: returns the value if the value is truthy, panics if the value is falsy. Takes an optional message." (value) -> if value then value else panic! string ("Assert failed:", value) (msg, value) -> if value then value else panic! string ("Assert failed: ", msg, " with ", value) } &&& Turtle & other graphics & some basic colors & these are the "basic" css colors & https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/named-color let colors = #{ :black (0, 0, 0, 255) :silver (192, 192, 192, 255) :gray (128, 128, 128, 255) :white (255, 255, 255, 255) :maroon (128, 0, 0, 255) :red (255, 0, 0, 255) :purple (128, 0, 128, 255) :fuchsia (255, 0, 255, 255) :green (0, 128, 0, 255) :lime (0, 255, 0, 255) :olive (128, 128, 0, 255) :yellow (255, 255, 0, 255) :navy (0, 0, 128, 255) :blue (0, 0, 255, 255) :teal (0, 128, 128, 255) :aqua (0, 255, 25, 255) } & the initial turtle state let turtle_init = #{ :position (0, 0) & let's call this the origin for now :heading 0 & this is straight up :pendown? true :color colors :white :penwidth 1 :visible? true } & turtle states: refs that get modified by calls & turtle_commands is a list of commands, expressed as tuples box turtle_commands = [] & and a list of turtle states box turtle_states = [turtle_init] fn reset_turtle! { "Resets the turtle to its original state." () -> store! (turtle_states, [turtle_init]) } & and a list of calls to p5--at least for now box p5_calls = [] & ...and finally, a background color & we need to store this separately because, while it can be updated later, & it must be the first call to p5. box bgcolor = colors :black fn add_call! (call) -> update! (p5_calls, append (_, call)) fn add_command! (command) -> { update! (turtle_commands, append (_, command)) let prev = do turtle_states > unbox > last let curr = apply_command (prev, command) update! (turtle_states, append (_, curr)) let call = state/call () if call then { add_call! (call); :ok } else :ok } fn make_line ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> (:line, x1, y1, x2, y2) let turtle_radius = 20 let turtle_angle = 0.385 let turtle_color = (255, 255, 255, 150) fn render_turtle! () -> { let state = do turtle_states > unbox > last if state :visible? then { let (r, g, b, a) = turtle_color add_call! ((:fill, r, g, b, a)) let #{heading, :position (x, y), ...} = state let first = mult ((0, 1), turtle_radius) let (x1, y1) = first let (x2, y2) = rotate (first, turtle_angle) let (x3, y3) = rotate (first, neg (turtle_angle)) add_call! ((:push)) add_call! ((:translate, x, y)) add_call! ((:rotate, turn/rad (heading))) add_call! ((:noStroke)) add_call! ((:beginShape)) add_call! ((:vertex, x1, y1)) add_call! ((:vertex, x2, y2)) add_call! ((:vertex, x3, y3)) add_call! ((:endShape)) & there's a happy bug here: the stroke will be the same width as the pen width. Keep this for now. Consider also showing the pen colour here? add_call! ((:stroke, 0)) add_call! ((:line, 0, 0, x1, y1)) add_call! ((:pop)) :ok } else :ok } fn state/call () -> { let cmd = do turtle_commands > unbox > last > first let states = unbox (turtle_states) let curr = last (states) let prev = at (states, sub (count (states), 2)) match cmd with { :forward -> if curr :pendown? then make_line (prev :position, curr :position) else nil :back -> if curr :pendown? then make_line (prev :position, curr :position) else nil :home -> if curr :pendown? then make_line (prev :position, curr :position) else nil :goto -> if curr :pendown? then make_line (prev :position, curr :position) else nil :penwidth -> (:strokeWeight, curr :penwidth) :pencolor -> { let (r, g, b, a) = curr :pencolor (:stroke, r, g, b, a) } :clear -> (:background, 0, 0, 0, 255) _ -> nil } } fn forward! { "Moves the turtle forward by a number of steps. Alias: fd!" (steps as :number) -> add_command! ((:forward, steps)) } let fd! = forward! fn back! { "Moves the turtle backward by a number of steps. Alias: bk!" (steps as :number) -> add_command! ((:back, steps)) } let bk! = back! & turtles, like eveyrthing else in Ludus, use turns by default, & not degrees fn left! { "Rotates the turtle left, measured in turns. Alias: lt!" (turns as :number) -> add_command! ((:left, turns)) } let lt! = left! fn right! { "Rotates the turtle right, measured in turns. Alias: rt!" (turns as :number) -> add_command! ((:right, turns)) } let rt! = right! fn penup! { "Lifts the turtle's pen, stopping it from drawing. Alias: pu!" () -> add_command! ((:penup)) } let pu! = penup! fn pendown! { "Lowers the turtle's pen, causing it to draw. Alias: pd!" () -> add_command! ((:pendown)) } let pd! = pendown! fn pencolor! { "Changes the turtle's pen color. Takes a single grayscale value, an rgb tuple, or an rgba tuple. Alias: pc!" (gray as :number) -> add_command! ((:pencolor, (gray, gray, gray, 255))) ((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number)) -> add_command! ((:pencolor, (r, g, b, 255))) ((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number, a as :number)) -> add_command! ((:pencolor, (r, g, b, a))) } let pc! = pencolor! fn penwidth! { "Sets the width of the turtle's pen, measured in pixels. Alias: pw!" (width as :number) -> add_command! ((:penwidth, width)) } let pw! = penwidth! fn background! { "Sets the background color behind the turtle and path. Alias: bg!" (gray as :number) -> store! (bgcolor, (gray, gray, gray, 255)) ((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number)) -> store! (bgcolor, (r, b, g, 255)) ((r as :number, g as :number, b as :number, a as :number)) -> store! (bgcolor, (r, g, b, a)) } let bg! = background! fn home! { "Sends the turtle home: to the centre of the screen, pointing up. If the pen is down, the turtle will draw a path to home." () -> add_command! ((:home)) } fn clear! { "Clears the canvas and sends the turtle home." () -> add_command! ((:clear)) } fn goto! { "Sends the turtle to (x, y) coordinates. If the pen is down, the turtle will draw a path to its new location." (x as :number, y as :number) -> add_command! ((:goto, (x, y))) ((x, y)) -> goto! (x, y) } fn heading/vector { "Takes a turtle heading, and returns a unit vector of that heading." (heading) -> { & 0 is 90º/0.25T, 0.25 is 180º/0.5T, 0.5 is 270º/0.75T, 0.75 is 0º/0T let angle = add (heading, 0.25) (cos (angle), sin (angle)) } } fn apply_command { "Takes a turtle state and a command and calculates a new state." (state, command) -> match command with { (:goto, (x, y)) -> assoc (state, :position, (x, y)) (:home) -> assoc (state, :position, (0, 0)) (:clear) -> assoc (state, :position, (0, 0)) (:right, turns) -> update (state, :heading, add (_, turns)) (:left, turns) -> update (state, :heading, sub (_, turns)) (:forward, steps) -> { let #{heading, position, ...} = state let unit = heading/vector (heading) let vect = mult (steps, unit) update (state, :position, add (vect, _)) } (:back, steps) -> { let #{heading, position, ...} = state let unit = heading/vector (heading) let vect = mult (steps, unit) update (state, :position, sub (_, vect)) } (:penup) -> assoc (state, :pendown?, false) (:pendown) -> assoc (state, :pendown?, true) (:penwidth, pixels) -> assoc (state, :penwidth, pixels) (:pencolor, color) -> assoc (state, :pencolor, color) } } fn turtle_state { "Returns the turtle's current state." () -> do turtle_states > unbox > last } fn load_turtle_state! { "Sets the turtle state to a previously saved state. Returns the state." (state) -> { update! (turtle_states, append (_, state)) let call = state/call () if call then { add_call! (call); :ok } else :ok } } & position () -> (x, y) fn position { "Returns the turtle's current position." () -> turtle_state () :position } fn heading { "Returns the turtle's current heading." () -> turtle_state () :heading } fn pendown? { "Returns the turtle's pen state: true if the pen is down." () -> turtle_state () :pendown? } fn pencolor { "Returns the turtle's pen color as an (r, g, b, a) tuple." () -> turtle_state () :pencolor } fn penwidth { "Returns the turtle's pen width in pixels." () -> turtle_state () :pencolor } pkg Prelude { abs add and angle any? append assert! assoc assoc? at atan/2 back! background! between? bg! bgcolor bk! bool bool? box? butlast ceil clear! coll? colors concat cos count dec deg/rad deg/turn dict dict? diff dissoc dist div div/0 div/safe doc! each! empty? eq? err err? even? false? fd! filter first floor fn? fold forward! get goto! gt? gte? heading heading/vector home! inc inv inv/0 join keep keys keyword? last left! list load_turtle_state! lt! lt? lte? map max min mod mult neg neg? neq? nil? not odd? ok ok? or ordered? p5_calls pc! pd! pencolor pencolor! pendown! pendown? penup! penwidth penwidth! pi pos? position print! prn! pu! pw! rad/deg rad/turn random random_int range render_turtle! report! reset_turtle! rest right! round rt! second set set? show sin slice some some? square store! string string? sub sum_of_squares tan tau tuple? turn/deg turn/rad turtle_commands turtle_state turtle_states type unbox unwrap! unwrap_or update update! values zero? }