/** * @license * Copyright The Closure Library Authors. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /** * @fileoverview A base class for event objects. */ goog.provide('goog.events.Event'); /** * goog.events.Event no longer depends on goog.Disposable. Keep requiring * goog.Disposable here to not break projects which assume this dependency. * @suppress {extraRequire} */ goog.require('goog.Disposable'); goog.require('goog.events.EventId'); /** * A base class for event objects, so that they can support preventDefault and * stopPropagation. * * @param {string|!goog.events.EventId} type Event Type. * @param {Object=} opt_target Reference to the object that is the target of * this event. It has to implement the `EventTarget` interface * declared at {@link http://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/EventTarget}. * @constructor */ goog.events.Event = function(type, opt_target) { 'use strict'; /** * Event type. * @type {string} */ this.type = type instanceof goog.events.EventId ? String(type) : type; /** * TODO(tbreisacher): The type should probably be * EventTarget|goog.events.EventTarget. * * Target of the event. * @type {Object|undefined} */ this.target = opt_target; /** * Object that had the listener attached. * @type {Object|undefined} */ this.currentTarget = this.target; /** * Whether to cancel the event in internal capture/bubble processing for IE. * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.propagationStopped_ = false; /** * Whether the default action has been prevented. * This is a property to match the W3C specification at * {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/ * #events-event-type-defaultPrevented}. * Must be treated as read-only outside the class. * @type {boolean} */ this.defaultPrevented = false; }; /** * @return {boolean} true iff internal propagation has been stopped. */ goog.events.Event.prototype.hasPropagationStopped = function() { 'use strict'; return this.propagationStopped_; }; /** * Stops event propagation. * @return {void} */ goog.events.Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function() { 'use strict'; this.propagationStopped_ = true; }; /** * Prevents the default action, for example a link redirecting to a url. * @return {void} */ goog.events.Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() { 'use strict'; this.defaultPrevented = true; }; /** * Stops the propagation of the event. It is equivalent to * `e.stopPropagation()`, but can be used as the callback argument of * {@link goog.events.listen} without declaring another function. * @param {!goog.events.Event} e An event. * @return {void} */ goog.events.Event.stopPropagation = function(e) { 'use strict'; e.stopPropagation(); }; /** * Prevents the default action. It is equivalent to * `e.preventDefault()`, but can be used as the callback argument of * {@link goog.events.listen} without declaring another function. * @param {!goog.events.Event} e An event. * @return {void} */ goog.events.Event.preventDefault = function(e) { 'use strict'; e.preventDefault(); };