/*TRANSPILED*/goog.loadModule(function(exports) {'use strict';/** * @license * Copyright The Closure Library Authors. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /** * @fileoverview Closure user agent platform detection. * @see User agent strings * For more information on browser brand, rendering engine, or device see the * other sub-namespaces in goog.labs.userAgent (browser, engine, and device * respectively). */ goog.module('goog.labs.userAgent.platform'); goog.module.declareLegacyNamespace(); const googString = goog.require('goog.string.internal'); const util = goog.require('goog.labs.userAgent.util'); const {AsyncValue, Version} = goog.require('goog.labs.userAgent.highEntropy.highEntropyValue'); const {platformVersion} = goog.require('goog.labs.userAgent.highEntropy.highEntropyData'); const {useClientHints} = goog.require('goog.labs.userAgent'); /** * @param {boolean=} ignoreClientHintsFlag Iff truthy, the `useClientHints` * function will not be called when evaluating if User-Agent Client Hints * Brand data can be used. For existing labs.userAgent API surfaces with * widespread use, this should be a falsy value so that usage of the Client * Hints APIs can be gated behind flags / experiment rollouts. * @return {boolean} Whether to use navigator.userAgentData to determine * the current platform. * userAgentData.platform was enabled by default in Chrome 93: * https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5733498725859328 * TODO(user): Skip this check with FEATURESET_YEAR once userAgentData is * present in all major browsers (may not be until 2024). * See https://caniuse.com/mdn-api_navigator_useragentdata. */ function useUserAgentDataPlatform(ignoreClientHintsFlag = false) { if (util.ASSUME_CLIENT_HINTS_SUPPORT) return true; // High-entropy API surfaces should not be gated behind the useClientHints // check (as in production it is gated behind a define). if (!ignoreClientHintsFlag && !useClientHints()) return false; const userAgentData = util.getUserAgentData(); return !!userAgentData && !!userAgentData.platform; } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is Android. */ function isAndroid() { if (useUserAgentDataPlatform()) { return util.getUserAgentData().platform === 'Android'; } return util.matchUserAgent('Android'); } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is iPod. * TODO(user): Combine iPod/iPhone detection since they may become * indistinguishable if we begin relying on userAgentdata in iOS. */ function isIpod() { // navigator.userAgentData is currently not supported on any iOS browser, so // rely only on navigator.userAgent. return util.matchUserAgent('iPod'); } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is iPhone. */ function isIphone() { // navigator.userAgentData is currently not supported on any iOS browser, so // rely only on navigator.userAgent. return util.matchUserAgent('iPhone') && !util.matchUserAgent('iPod') && !util.matchUserAgent('iPad'); } /** * Returns whether the platform is iPad. * Note that iPadOS 13+ spoofs macOS Safari by default in its user agent, and in * this scenario the platform will not be recognized as iPad. If you must have * iPad-specific behavior, use * {@link goog.labs.userAgent.extra.isSafariDesktopOnMobile}. * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is iPad. */ function isIpad() { // navigator.userAgentData is currently not supported on any iOS browser, so // rely only on navigator.userAgent. return util.matchUserAgent('iPad'); } /** * Returns whether the platform is iOS. * Note that iPadOS 13+ spoofs macOS Safari by default in its user agent, and in * this scenario the platform will not be recognized as iOS. If you must have * iPad-specific behavior, use * {@link goog.labs.userAgent.extra.isSafariDesktopOnMobile}. * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is iOS. */ function isIos() { return isIphone() || isIpad() || isIpod(); } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is Mac. */ function isMacintosh() { if (useUserAgentDataPlatform()) { return util.getUserAgentData().platform === 'macOS'; } return util.matchUserAgent('Macintosh'); } /** * Note: ChromeOS is not considered to be Linux as it does not report itself * as Linux in the user agent string. * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is Linux. */ function isLinux() { if (useUserAgentDataPlatform()) { return util.getUserAgentData().platform === 'Linux'; } return util.matchUserAgent('Linux'); } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is Windows. */ function isWindows() { if (useUserAgentDataPlatform()) { return util.getUserAgentData().platform === 'Windows'; } return util.matchUserAgent('Windows'); } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is ChromeOS. */ function isChromeOS() { if (useUserAgentDataPlatform()) { return util.getUserAgentData().platform === 'Chrome OS'; } return util.matchUserAgent('CrOS'); } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is Chromecast. */ function isChromecast() { // TODO(user): Check against util.getUserAgentData().platform once the // OS string for Chromecast is known. return util.matchUserAgent('CrKey'); } /** * @return {boolean} Whether the platform is KaiOS. */ function isKaiOS() { // navigator.userAgentData is currently not supported on any KaiOS browser, so // rely only on navigator.userAgent. return util.matchUserAgentIgnoreCase('KaiOS'); } /** * The version of the platform. We only determine the version for Windows, * Mac, and Chrome OS. It doesn't make much sense on Linux. For Windows, we only * look at the NT version. Non-NT-based versions (e.g. 95, 98, etc.) are given * version 0.0. * * @return {string} The platform version or empty string if version cannot be * determined. */ function getVersion() { const userAgentString = util.getUserAgent(); let version = '', re; if (isWindows()) { re = /Windows (?:NT|Phone) ([0-9.]+)/; const match = re.exec(userAgentString); if (match) { version = match[1]; } else { version = '0.0'; } } else if (isIos()) { re = /(?:iPhone|iPod|iPad|CPU)\s+OS\s+(\S+)/; const match = re.exec(userAgentString); // Report the version as x.y.z and not x_y_z version = match && match[1].replace(/_/g, '.'); } else if (isMacintosh()) { re = /Mac OS X ([0-9_.]+)/; const match = re.exec(userAgentString); // Note: some old versions of Camino do not report an OSX version. // Default to 10. version = match ? match[1].replace(/_/g, '.') : '10'; } else if (isKaiOS()) { re = /(?:KaiOS)\/(\S+)/i; const match = re.exec(userAgentString); version = match && match[1]; } else if (isAndroid()) { re = /Android\s+([^\);]+)(\)|;)/; const match = re.exec(userAgentString); version = match && match[1]; } else if (isChromeOS()) { re = /(?:CrOS\s+(?:i686|x86_64)\s+([0-9.]+))/; const match = re.exec(userAgentString); version = match && match[1]; } return version || ''; } /** * @param {string|number} version The version to check. * @return {boolean} Whether the browser version is higher or the same as the * given version. */ function isVersionOrHigher(version) { return googString.compareVersions(getVersion(), version) >= 0; } /** * Represents a high-entropy version string. * @implements {AsyncValue} */ class PlatformVersion { constructor() { /** @private {boolean} */ this.preUachHasLoaded_ = false; } /** * @return {!Version|undefined} * @override */ getIfLoaded() { if (useUserAgentDataPlatform(true)) { const loadedPlatformVersion = platformVersion.getIfLoaded(); if (loadedPlatformVersion === undefined) { // No platform data has been cached return undefined; } return new Version(loadedPlatformVersion); } else if (!this.preUachHasLoaded_) { // Nobody ever called `load` on this class instance, so we should return // nothing to match the semantics of the class when using the Client Hint // APIs. return undefined; } else { // `load` has been called, so we can return a Version derived from the // useragent string. return new Version(getVersion()); } } /** * @return {!Promise} * @override */ async load() { if (useUserAgentDataPlatform(true)) { return new Version(await platformVersion.load()); } else { this.preUachHasLoaded_ = true; return new Version(getVersion()); } } /** @package */ resetForTesting() { platformVersion.resetForTesting(); this.preUachHasLoaded_ = false; } } /** * The platform version, a high-entropy value. * @type {!PlatformVersion} */ const version = new PlatformVersion(); exports = { getVersion, isAndroid, isChromeOS, isChromecast, isIos, isIpad, isIphone, isIpod, isKaiOS, isLinux, isMacintosh, isVersionOrHigher, isWindows, version, }; ;return exports;});