/*TRANSPILED*//* Copyright The Closure Library Authors. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ 'use strict'; goog.provide("goog.net.ErrorCode"); goog.net.ErrorCode = {NO_ERROR:0, ACCESS_DENIED:1, FILE_NOT_FOUND:2, FF_SILENT_ERROR:3, CUSTOM_ERROR:4, EXCEPTION:5, HTTP_ERROR:6, ABORT:7, TIMEOUT:8, OFFLINE:9,}; goog.net.ErrorCode.getDebugMessage = function(errorCode) { switch(errorCode) { case goog.net.ErrorCode.NO_ERROR: return "No Error"; case goog.net.ErrorCode.ACCESS_DENIED: return "Access denied to content document"; case goog.net.ErrorCode.FILE_NOT_FOUND: return "File not found"; case goog.net.ErrorCode.FF_SILENT_ERROR: return "Firefox silently errored"; case goog.net.ErrorCode.CUSTOM_ERROR: return "Application custom error"; case goog.net.ErrorCode.EXCEPTION: return "An exception occurred"; case goog.net.ErrorCode.HTTP_ERROR: return "Http response at 400 or 500 level"; case goog.net.ErrorCode.ABORT: return "Request was aborted"; case goog.net.ErrorCode.TIMEOUT: return "Request timed out"; case goog.net.ErrorCode.OFFLINE: return "The resource is not available offline"; default: return "Unrecognized error code"; } };