/*TRANSPILED*//* Copyright The Closure Library Authors. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ 'use strict'; goog.provide("goog.Uri"); goog.provide("goog.Uri.QueryData"); goog.require("goog.array"); goog.require("goog.asserts"); goog.require("goog.collections.maps"); goog.require("goog.string"); goog.require("goog.structs"); goog.require("goog.uri.utils"); goog.require("goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex"); goog.require("goog.uri.utils.StandardQueryParam"); goog.Uri = function(opt_uri, opt_ignoreCase) { this.scheme_ = ""; this.userInfo_ = ""; this.domain_ = ""; this.port_ = null; this.path_ = ""; this.fragment_ = ""; this.isReadOnly_ = false; this.ignoreCase_ = false; this.queryData_; var m; if (opt_uri instanceof goog.Uri) { this.ignoreCase_ = opt_ignoreCase !== undefined ? opt_ignoreCase : opt_uri.getIgnoreCase(); this.setScheme(opt_uri.getScheme()); this.setUserInfo(opt_uri.getUserInfo()); this.setDomain(opt_uri.getDomain()); this.setPort(opt_uri.getPort()); this.setPath(opt_uri.getPath()); this.setQueryData(opt_uri.getQueryData().clone()); this.setFragment(opt_uri.getFragment()); } else if (opt_uri && (m = goog.uri.utils.split(String(opt_uri)))) { this.ignoreCase_ = !!opt_ignoreCase; this.setScheme(m[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.SCHEME] || "", true); this.setUserInfo(m[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.USER_INFO] || "", true); this.setDomain(m[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.DOMAIN] || "", true); this.setPort(m[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.PORT]); this.setPath(m[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.PATH] || "", true); this.setQueryData(m[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.QUERY_DATA] || "", true); this.setFragment(m[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.FRAGMENT] || "", true); } else { this.ignoreCase_ = !!opt_ignoreCase; this.queryData_ = new goog.Uri.QueryData(null, this.ignoreCase_); } }; goog.Uri.RANDOM_PARAM = goog.uri.utils.StandardQueryParam.RANDOM; goog.Uri.prototype.toString = function() { var out = []; var scheme = this.getScheme(); if (scheme) { out.push(goog.Uri.encodeSpecialChars_(scheme, goog.Uri.reDisallowedInSchemeOrUserInfo_, true), ":"); } var domain = this.getDomain(); if (domain || scheme == "file") { out.push("//"); var userInfo = this.getUserInfo(); if (userInfo) { out.push(goog.Uri.encodeSpecialChars_(userInfo, goog.Uri.reDisallowedInSchemeOrUserInfo_, true), "@"); } out.push(goog.Uri.removeDoubleEncoding_(goog.string.urlEncode(domain))); var port = this.getPort(); if (port != null) { out.push(":", String(port)); } } var path = this.getPath(); if (path) { if (this.hasDomain() && path.charAt(0) != "/") { out.push("/"); } out.push(goog.Uri.encodeSpecialChars_(path, path.charAt(0) == "/" ? goog.Uri.reDisallowedInAbsolutePath_ : goog.Uri.reDisallowedInRelativePath_, true)); } var query = this.getEncodedQuery(); if (query) { out.push("?", query); } var fragment = this.getFragment(); if (fragment) { out.push("#", goog.Uri.encodeSpecialChars_(fragment, goog.Uri.reDisallowedInFragment_)); } return out.join(""); }; goog.Uri.prototype.resolve = function(relativeUri) { var absoluteUri = this.clone(); var overridden = relativeUri.hasScheme(); if (overridden) { absoluteUri.setScheme(relativeUri.getScheme()); } else { overridden = relativeUri.hasUserInfo(); } if (overridden) { absoluteUri.setUserInfo(relativeUri.getUserInfo()); } else { overridden = relativeUri.hasDomain(); } if (overridden) { absoluteUri.setDomain(relativeUri.getDomain()); } else { overridden = relativeUri.hasPort(); } var path = relativeUri.getPath(); if (overridden) { absoluteUri.setPort(relativeUri.getPort()); } else { overridden = relativeUri.hasPath(); if (overridden) { if (path.charAt(0) != "/") { if (this.hasDomain() && !this.hasPath()) { path = "/" + path; } else { var lastSlashIndex = absoluteUri.getPath().lastIndexOf("/"); if (lastSlashIndex != -1) { path = absoluteUri.getPath().slice(0, lastSlashIndex + 1) + path; } } } path = goog.Uri.removeDotSegments(path); } } if (overridden) { absoluteUri.setPath(path); } else { overridden = relativeUri.hasQuery(); } if (overridden) { absoluteUri.setQueryData(relativeUri.getQueryData().clone()); } else { overridden = relativeUri.hasFragment(); } if (overridden) { absoluteUri.setFragment(relativeUri.getFragment()); } return absoluteUri; }; goog.Uri.prototype.clone = function() { return new goog.Uri(this); }; goog.Uri.prototype.getScheme = function() { return this.scheme_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setScheme = function(newScheme, opt_decode) { this.enforceReadOnly(); this.scheme_ = opt_decode ? goog.Uri.decodeOrEmpty_(newScheme, true) : newScheme; if (this.scheme_) { this.scheme_ = this.scheme_.replace(/:$/, ""); } return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.hasScheme = function() { return !!this.scheme_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.getUserInfo = function() { return this.userInfo_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setUserInfo = function(newUserInfo, opt_decode) { this.enforceReadOnly(); this.userInfo_ = opt_decode ? goog.Uri.decodeOrEmpty_(newUserInfo) : newUserInfo; return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.hasUserInfo = function() { return !!this.userInfo_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.getDomain = function() { return this.domain_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setDomain = function(newDomain, opt_decode) { this.enforceReadOnly(); this.domain_ = opt_decode ? goog.Uri.decodeOrEmpty_(newDomain, true) : newDomain; return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.hasDomain = function() { return !!this.domain_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.getPort = function() { return this.port_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setPort = function(newPort) { this.enforceReadOnly(); if (newPort) { newPort = Number(newPort); if (isNaN(newPort) || newPort < 0) { throw new Error("Bad port number " + newPort); } this.port_ = newPort; } else { this.port_ = null; } return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.hasPort = function() { return this.port_ != null; }; goog.Uri.prototype.getPath = function() { return this.path_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setPath = function(newPath, opt_decode) { this.enforceReadOnly(); this.path_ = opt_decode ? goog.Uri.decodeOrEmpty_(newPath, true) : newPath; return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.hasPath = function() { return !!this.path_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.hasQuery = function() { return this.queryData_.toString() !== ""; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setQueryData = function(queryData, opt_decode) { this.enforceReadOnly(); if (queryData instanceof goog.Uri.QueryData) { this.queryData_ = queryData; this.queryData_.setIgnoreCase(this.ignoreCase_); } else { if (!opt_decode) { queryData = goog.Uri.encodeSpecialChars_(queryData, goog.Uri.reDisallowedInQuery_); } this.queryData_ = new goog.Uri.QueryData(queryData, this.ignoreCase_); } return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setQuery = function(newQuery, opt_decode) { return this.setQueryData(newQuery, opt_decode); }; goog.Uri.prototype.getEncodedQuery = function() { return this.queryData_.toString(); }; goog.Uri.prototype.getDecodedQuery = function() { return this.queryData_.toDecodedString(); }; goog.Uri.prototype.getQueryData = function() { return this.queryData_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.getQuery = function() { return this.getEncodedQuery(); }; goog.Uri.prototype.setParameterValue = function(key, value) { this.enforceReadOnly(); this.queryData_.set(key, value); return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setParameterValues = function(key, values) { this.enforceReadOnly(); if (!Array.isArray(values)) { values = [String(values)]; } this.queryData_.setValues(key, values); return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.getParameterValues = function(name) { return this.queryData_.getValues(name); }; goog.Uri.prototype.getParameterValue = function(paramName) { return this.queryData_.get(paramName); }; goog.Uri.prototype.getFragment = function() { return this.fragment_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setFragment = function(newFragment, opt_decode) { this.enforceReadOnly(); this.fragment_ = opt_decode ? goog.Uri.decodeOrEmpty_(newFragment) : newFragment; return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.hasFragment = function() { return !!this.fragment_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.hasSameDomainAs = function(uri2) { return (!this.hasDomain() && !uri2.hasDomain() || this.getDomain() == uri2.getDomain()) && (!this.hasPort() && !uri2.hasPort() || this.getPort() == uri2.getPort()); }; goog.Uri.prototype.makeUnique = function() { this.enforceReadOnly(); this.setParameterValue(goog.Uri.RANDOM_PARAM, goog.string.getRandomString()); return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.removeParameter = function(key) { this.enforceReadOnly(); this.queryData_.remove(key); return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.setReadOnly = function(isReadOnly) { this.isReadOnly_ = isReadOnly; return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.isReadOnly = function() { return this.isReadOnly_; }; goog.Uri.prototype.enforceReadOnly = function() { if (this.isReadOnly_) { throw new Error("Tried to modify a read-only Uri"); } }; goog.Uri.prototype.setIgnoreCase = function(ignoreCase) { this.ignoreCase_ = ignoreCase; if (this.queryData_) { this.queryData_.setIgnoreCase(ignoreCase); } return this; }; goog.Uri.prototype.getIgnoreCase = function() { return this.ignoreCase_; }; goog.Uri.parse = function(uri, opt_ignoreCase) { return uri instanceof goog.Uri ? uri.clone() : new goog.Uri(uri, opt_ignoreCase); }; goog.Uri.create = function(opt_scheme, opt_userInfo, opt_domain, opt_port, opt_path, opt_query, opt_fragment, opt_ignoreCase) { var uri = new goog.Uri(null, opt_ignoreCase); opt_scheme && uri.setScheme(opt_scheme); opt_userInfo && uri.setUserInfo(opt_userInfo); opt_domain && uri.setDomain(opt_domain); opt_port && uri.setPort(opt_port); opt_path && uri.setPath(opt_path); opt_query && uri.setQueryData(opt_query); opt_fragment && uri.setFragment(opt_fragment); return uri; }; goog.Uri.resolve = function(base, rel) { if (!(base instanceof goog.Uri)) { base = goog.Uri.parse(base); } if (!(rel instanceof goog.Uri)) { rel = goog.Uri.parse(rel); } return base.resolve(rel); }; goog.Uri.removeDotSegments = function(path) { if (path == ".." || path == ".") { return ""; } else if (!goog.string.contains(path, "./") && !goog.string.contains(path, "/.")) { return path; } else { var leadingSlash = goog.string.startsWith(path, "/"); var segments = path.split("/"); var out = []; for (var pos = 0; pos < segments.length;) { var segment = segments[pos++]; if (segment == ".") { if (leadingSlash && pos == segments.length) { out.push(""); } } else if (segment == "..") { if (out.length > 1 || out.length == 1 && out[0] != "") { out.pop(); } if (leadingSlash && pos == segments.length) { out.push(""); } } else { out.push(segment); leadingSlash = true; } } return out.join("/"); } }; goog.Uri.decodeOrEmpty_ = function(val, opt_preserveReserved) { if (!val) { return ""; } return opt_preserveReserved ? decodeURI(val.replace(/%25/g, "%2525")) : decodeURIComponent(val); }; goog.Uri.encodeSpecialChars_ = function(unescapedPart, extra, opt_removeDoubleEncoding) { if (typeof unescapedPart === "string") { var encoded = encodeURI(unescapedPart).replace(extra, goog.Uri.encodeChar_); if (opt_removeDoubleEncoding) { encoded = goog.Uri.removeDoubleEncoding_(encoded); } return encoded; } return null; }; goog.Uri.encodeChar_ = function(ch) { var n = ch.charCodeAt(0); return "%" + (n >> 4 & 15).toString(16) + (n & 15).toString(16); }; goog.Uri.removeDoubleEncoding_ = function(doubleEncodedString) { return doubleEncodedString.replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1"); }; goog.Uri.reDisallowedInSchemeOrUserInfo_ = /[#\/\?@]/g; goog.Uri.reDisallowedInRelativePath_ = /[#\?:]/g; goog.Uri.reDisallowedInAbsolutePath_ = /[#\?]/g; goog.Uri.reDisallowedInQuery_ = /[#\?@]/g; goog.Uri.reDisallowedInFragment_ = /#/g; goog.Uri.haveSameDomain = function(uri1String, uri2String) { var pieces1 = goog.uri.utils.split(uri1String); var pieces2 = goog.uri.utils.split(uri2String); return pieces1[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.DOMAIN] == pieces2[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.DOMAIN] && pieces1[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.PORT] == pieces2[goog.uri.utils.ComponentIndex.PORT]; }; goog.Uri.QueryData = function(opt_query, opt_ignoreCase) { this.keyMap_ = null; this.count_ = null; this.encodedQuery_ = opt_query || null; this.ignoreCase_ = !!opt_ignoreCase; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.ensureKeyMapInitialized_ = function() { if (!this.keyMap_) { this.keyMap_ = new Map(); this.count_ = 0; if (this.encodedQuery_) { var self = this; goog.uri.utils.parseQueryData(this.encodedQuery_, function(name, value) { self.add(goog.string.urlDecode(name), value); }); } } }; goog.Uri.QueryData.createFromMap = function(map, opt_ignoreCase) { var keys = goog.structs.getKeys(map); if (typeof keys == "undefined") { throw new Error("Keys are undefined"); } var queryData = new goog.Uri.QueryData(null, opt_ignoreCase); var values = goog.structs.getValues(map); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var value = values[i]; if (!Array.isArray(value)) { queryData.add(key, value); } else { queryData.setValues(key, value); } } return queryData; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.createFromKeysValues = function(keys, values, opt_ignoreCase) { if (keys.length != values.length) { throw new Error("Mismatched lengths for keys/values"); } var queryData = new goog.Uri.QueryData(null, opt_ignoreCase); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { queryData.add(keys[i], values[i]); } return queryData; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.getCount = function() { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); return this.count_; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.add = function(key, value) { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); this.invalidateCache_(); key = this.getKeyName_(key); var values = this.keyMap_.get(key); if (!values) { this.keyMap_.set(key, values = []); } values.push(value); this.count_ = goog.asserts.assertNumber(this.count_) + 1; return this; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.remove = function(key) { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); key = this.getKeyName_(key); if (this.keyMap_.has(key)) { this.invalidateCache_(); this.count_ = goog.asserts.assertNumber(this.count_) - this.keyMap_.get(key).length; return this.keyMap_["delete"](key); } return false; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.clear = function() { this.invalidateCache_(); this.keyMap_ = null; this.count_ = 0; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.isEmpty = function() { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); return this.count_ == 0; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.containsKey = function(key) { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); key = this.getKeyName_(key); return this.keyMap_.has(key); }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.containsValue = function(value) { var vals = this.getValues(); return goog.array.contains(vals, value); }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.forEach = function(f, opt_scope) { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); this.keyMap_.forEach(function(values, key) { values.forEach(function(value) { f.call(opt_scope, value, key, this); }, this); }, this); }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.getKeys = function() { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); const vals = Array.from(this.keyMap_.values()); const keys = Array.from(this.keyMap_.keys()); const rv = []; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const val = vals[i]; for (let j = 0; j < val.length; j++) { rv.push(keys[i]); } } return rv; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.getValues = function(opt_key) { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); let rv = []; if (typeof opt_key === "string") { if (this.containsKey(opt_key)) { rv = rv.concat(this.keyMap_.get(this.getKeyName_(opt_key))); } } else { const values = Array.from(this.keyMap_.values()); for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { rv = rv.concat(values[i]); } } return rv; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.set = function(key, value) { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); this.invalidateCache_(); key = this.getKeyName_(key); if (this.containsKey(key)) { this.count_ = goog.asserts.assertNumber(this.count_) - this.keyMap_.get(key).length; } this.keyMap_.set(key, [value]); this.count_ = goog.asserts.assertNumber(this.count_) + 1; return this; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.get = function(key, opt_default) { if (!key) { return opt_default; } var values = this.getValues(key); return values.length > 0 ? String(values[0]) : opt_default; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.setValues = function(key, values) { this.remove(key); if (values.length > 0) { this.invalidateCache_(); this.keyMap_.set(this.getKeyName_(key), goog.array.clone(values)); this.count_ = goog.asserts.assertNumber(this.count_) + values.length; } }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.encodedQuery_) { return this.encodedQuery_; } if (!this.keyMap_) { return ""; } const sb = []; const keys = Array.from(this.keyMap_.keys()); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; const encodedKey = goog.string.urlEncode(key); const val = this.getValues(key); for (var j = 0; j < val.length; j++) { var param = encodedKey; if (val[j] !== "") { param += "\x3d" + goog.string.urlEncode(val[j]); } sb.push(param); } } return this.encodedQuery_ = sb.join("\x26"); }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.toDecodedString = function() { return goog.Uri.decodeOrEmpty_(this.toString()); }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.invalidateCache_ = function() { this.encodedQuery_ = null; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.filterKeys = function(keys) { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); this.keyMap_.forEach(function(value, key) { if (!goog.array.contains(keys, key)) { this.remove(key); } }, this); return this; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.clone = function() { var rv = new goog.Uri.QueryData(); rv.encodedQuery_ = this.encodedQuery_; if (this.keyMap_) { rv.keyMap_ = new Map(this.keyMap_); rv.count_ = this.count_; } return rv; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.getKeyName_ = function(arg) { var keyName = String(arg); if (this.ignoreCase_) { keyName = keyName.toLowerCase(); } return keyName; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.setIgnoreCase = function(ignoreCase) { var resetKeys = ignoreCase && !this.ignoreCase_; if (resetKeys) { this.ensureKeyMapInitialized_(); this.invalidateCache_(); this.keyMap_.forEach(function(value, key) { var lowerCase = key.toLowerCase(); if (key != lowerCase) { this.remove(key); this.setValues(lowerCase, value); } }, this); } this.ignoreCase_ = ignoreCase; }; goog.Uri.QueryData.prototype.extend = function(var_args) { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var data = arguments[i]; goog.structs.forEach(data, function(value, key) { this.add(key, value); }, this); } };