2023-11-16 13:22:15 -05:00

748 lines
22 KiB

* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Logging and debugging utilities.
* @see ../demos/debug.html
/** @define {boolean} Whether logging should be enabled. */
goog.debug.LOGGING_ENABLED =
goog.define('goog.debug.LOGGING_ENABLED', goog.DEBUG);
/** @define {boolean} Whether to force "sloppy" stack building. */
goog.define('goog.debug.FORCE_SLOPPY_STACKS', false);
* @define {boolean} TODO(user): Remove this hack once bug is resolved.
goog.define('goog.debug.CHECK_FOR_THROWN_EVENT', false);
* Catches onerror events fired by windows and similar objects.
* @param {function(Object)} logFunc The function to call with the error
* information.
* @param {boolean=} opt_cancel Whether to stop the error from reaching the
* browser.
* @param {Object=} opt_target Object that fires onerror events.
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} onerror is not defined as a property
* on Object.
goog.debug.catchErrors = function(logFunc, opt_cancel, opt_target) {
'use strict';
var target = opt_target ||;
var oldErrorHandler = target.onerror;
var retVal = !!opt_cancel;
* New onerror handler for this target. This onerror handler follows the spec
* according to
* The spec was changed in August 2013 to support receiving column information
* and an error object for all scripts on the same origin or cross origin
* scripts with the proper headers. See
* @param {string} message The error message. For cross-origin errors, this
* will be scrubbed to just "Script error.". For new browsers that have
* updated to follow the latest spec, errors that come from origins that
* have proper cross origin headers will not be scrubbed.
* @param {string} url The URL of the script that caused the error. The URL
* will be scrubbed to "" for cross origin scripts unless the script has
* proper cross origin headers and the browser has updated to the latest
* spec.
* @param {number} line The line number in the script that the error
* occurred on.
* @param {number=} opt_col The optional column number that the error
* occurred on. Only browsers that have updated to the latest spec will
* include this.
* @param {Error=} opt_error The optional actual error object for this
* error that should include the stack. Only browsers that have updated
* to the latest spec will inlude this parameter.
* @return {boolean} Whether to prevent the error from reaching the browser.
target.onerror = function(message, url, line, opt_col, opt_error) {
'use strict';
if (oldErrorHandler) {
oldErrorHandler(message, url, line, opt_col, opt_error);
message: message,
fileName: url,
line: line,
lineNumber: line,
col: opt_col,
error: opt_error
return retVal;
* Creates a string representing an object and all its properties.
* @param {Object|null|undefined} obj Object to expose.
* @param {boolean=} opt_showFn Show the functions as well as the properties,
* default is false.
* @return {string} The string representation of `obj`.
goog.debug.expose = function(obj, opt_showFn) {
'use strict';
if (typeof obj == 'undefined') {
return 'undefined';
if (obj == null) {
return 'NULL';
var str = [];
for (var x in obj) {
if (!opt_showFn && typeof obj[x] === 'function') {
var s = x + ' = ';
try {
s += obj[x];
} catch (e) {
s += '*** ' + e + ' ***';
return str.join('\n');
* Creates a string representing a given primitive or object, and for an
* object, all its properties and nested objects. NOTE: The output will include
* Uids on all objects that were exposed. Any added Uids will be removed before
* returning.
* @param {*} obj Object to expose.
* @param {boolean=} opt_showFn Also show properties that are functions (by
* default, functions are omitted).
* @return {string} A string representation of `obj`.
goog.debug.deepExpose = function(obj, opt_showFn) {
'use strict';
var str = [];
// Track any objects where deepExpose added a Uid, so they can be cleaned up
// before return. We do this globally, rather than only on ancestors so that
// if the same object appears in the output, you can see it.
var uidsToCleanup = [];
var ancestorUids = {};
var helper = function(obj, space) {
'use strict';
var nestspace = space + ' ';
var indentMultiline = function(str) {
'use strict';
return str.replace(/\n/g, '\n' + space);
try {
if (obj === undefined) {
} else if (obj === null) {
} else if (typeof obj === 'string') {
str.push('"' + indentMultiline(obj) + '"');
} else if (typeof obj === 'function') {
} else if (goog.isObject(obj)) {
// Add a Uid if needed. The struct calls implicitly adds them.
if (!goog.hasUid(obj)) {
var uid = goog.getUid(obj);
if (ancestorUids[uid]) {
str.push('*** reference loop detected (id=' + uid + ') ***');
} else {
ancestorUids[uid] = true;
for (var x in obj) {
if (!opt_showFn && typeof obj[x] === 'function') {
str.push(x + ' = ');
helper(obj[x], nestspace);
str.push('\n' + space + '}');
delete ancestorUids[uid];
} else {
} catch (e) {
str.push('*** ' + e + ' ***');
helper(obj, '');
// Cleanup any Uids that were added by the deepExpose.
for (var i = 0; i < uidsToCleanup.length; i++) {
return str.join('');
* Recursively outputs a nested array as a string.
* @param {Array<?>} arr The array.
* @return {string} String representing nested array.
goog.debug.exposeArray = function(arr) {
'use strict';
var str = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (Array.isArray(arr[i])) {
} else {
return '[ ' + str.join(', ') + ' ]';
* Normalizes the error/exception object between browsers.
* @param {*} err Raw error object.
* @return {{
* message: (?|undefined),
* name: (?|undefined),
* lineNumber: (?|undefined),
* fileName: (?|undefined),
* stack: (?|undefined)
* }} Representation of err as an Object. It will never return err.
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} properties not defined on err
goog.debug.normalizeErrorObject = function(err) {
'use strict';
var href = goog.getObjectByName('window.location.href');
if (err == null) {
err = 'Unknown Error of type "null/undefined"';
if (typeof err === 'string') {
return {
'message': err,
'name': 'Unknown error',
'lineNumber': 'Not available',
'fileName': href,
'stack': 'Not available'
var lineNumber, fileName;
var threwError = false;
try {
lineNumber = err.lineNumber || err.line || 'Not available';
} catch (e) {
// Firefox 2 sometimes throws an error when accessing 'lineNumber':
// Message: Permission denied to get property UnnamedClass.lineNumber
lineNumber = 'Not available';
threwError = true;
try {
fileName = err.fileName || err.filename || err.sourceURL ||
// $googDebugFname may be set before a call to eval to set the filename
// that the eval is supposed to present.['$googDebugFname'] || href;
} catch (e) {
// Firefox 2 may also throw an error when accessing 'filename'.
fileName = 'Not available';
threwError = true;
var stack = goog.debug.serializeErrorStack_(err);
// The IE Error object contains only the name and the message.
// The Safari Error object uses the line and sourceURL fields.
if (threwError || !err.lineNumber || !err.fileName || !err.stack ||
!err.message || ! {
var message = err.message;
if (message == null) {
if (err.constructor && err.constructor instanceof Function) {
var ctorName = ? :
message = 'Unknown Error of type "' + ctorName + '"';
// TODO(user): Remove this hack once bug is resolved.
if (goog.debug.CHECK_FOR_THROWN_EVENT && ctorName == 'Event') {
try {
message = message + ' with Event.type "' + (err.type || '') + '"';
} catch (e) {
// Just give up on getting more information out of the error object.
} else {
message = 'Unknown Error of unknown type';
// Avoid TypeError since toString could be missing from the instance
// (e.g. if created Object.create(null)).
if (typeof err.toString === 'function' &&
Object.prototype.toString !== err.toString) {
message += ': ' + err.toString();
return {
'message': message,
'name': || 'UnknownError',
'lineNumber': lineNumber,
'fileName': fileName,
'stack': stack || 'Not available'
// Standards error object
// Typed !Object. Should be a subtype of the return type, but it's not.
err.stack = stack;
// Return non-standard error to allow for consistent result (eg. enumerable).
return {
'message': err.message,
'lineNumber': err.lineNumber,
'fileName': err.fileName,
'stack': err.stack
* Serialize stack by including the cause chain of the exception if it exists.
* @param {*} e an exception that may have a cause
* @param {!Object=} seen set of cause that have already been serialized
* @return {string}
* @private
* @suppress {missingProperties} properties not defined on cause and e
goog.debug.serializeErrorStack_ = function(e, seen) {
'use strict';
if (!seen) {
seen = {};
seen[goog.debug.serializeErrorAsKey_(e)] = true;
var stack = e['stack'] || '';
// Add cause if exists.
var cause = e.cause;
if (cause && !seen[goog.debug.serializeErrorAsKey_(cause)]) {
stack += '\nCaused by: ';
// Some browsers like Chrome add the error message as the first frame of the
// stack, In this case we don't need to add it. Note: we don't use
// String.startsWith method because it might have to be polyfilled.
if (!cause.stack || cause.stack.indexOf(cause.toString()) != 0) {
stack += (typeof cause === 'string') ? cause : cause.message + '\n';
stack += goog.debug.serializeErrorStack_(cause, seen);
return stack;
* Serialize an error to a string key.
* @param {*} e an exception
* @return {string}
* @private
goog.debug.serializeErrorAsKey_ = function(e) {
'use strict';
var keyPrefix = '';
if (typeof e.toString === 'function') {
keyPrefix = '' + e;
return keyPrefix + e['stack'];
* Converts an object to an Error using the object's toString if it's not
* already an Error, adds a stacktrace if there isn't one, and optionally adds
* an extra message.
* @param {*} err The original thrown error, object, or string.
* @param {string=} opt_message optional additional message to add to the
* error.
* @return {!Error} If err is an Error, it is enhanced and returned. Otherwise,
* it is converted to an Error which is enhanced and returned.
goog.debug.enhanceError = function(err, opt_message) {
'use strict';
var error;
if (!(err instanceof Error)) {
error = Error(err);
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
// Trim this function off the call stack, if we can.
Error.captureStackTrace(error, goog.debug.enhanceError);
} else {
error = err;
if (!error.stack) {
error.stack = goog.debug.getStacktrace(goog.debug.enhanceError);
if (opt_message) {
// find the first unoccupied 'messageX' property
var x = 0;
while (error['message' + x]) {
error['message' + x] = String(opt_message);
return error;
* Converts an object to an Error using the object's toString if it's not
* already an Error, adds a stacktrace if there isn't one, and optionally adds
* context to the Error, which is reported by the closure error reporter.
* @param {*} err The original thrown error, object, or string.
* @param {!Object<string, string>=} opt_context Key-value context to add to the
* Error.
* @return {!Error} If err is an Error, it is enhanced and returned. Otherwise,
* it is converted to an Error which is enhanced and returned.
goog.debug.enhanceErrorWithContext = function(err, opt_context) {
'use strict';
var error = goog.debug.enhanceError(err);
if (opt_context) {
for (var key in opt_context) {
goog.debug.errorcontext.addErrorContext(error, key, opt_context[key]);
return error;
* Gets the current stack trace. Simple and iterative - doesn't worry about
* catching circular references or getting the args.
* @param {number=} opt_depth Optional maximum depth to trace back to.
* @return {string} A string with the function names of all functions in the
* stack, separated by \n.
* @suppress {es5Strict}
goog.debug.getStacktraceSimple = function(opt_depth) {
'use strict';
if (!goog.debug.FORCE_SLOPPY_STACKS) {
var stack = goog.debug.getNativeStackTrace_(goog.debug.getStacktraceSimple);
if (stack) {
return stack;
// NOTE: browsers that have strict mode support also have native "stack"
// properties. Fall-through for legacy browser support.
var sb = [];
var fn = arguments.callee.caller;
var depth = 0;
while (fn && (!opt_depth || depth < opt_depth)) {
try {
fn = fn.caller;
} catch (e) {
sb.push('[exception trying to get caller]\n');
if (depth >= goog.debug.MAX_STACK_DEPTH) {
sb.push('[...long stack...]');
if (opt_depth && depth >= opt_depth) {
sb.push('[...reached max depth limit...]');
} else {
return sb.join('');
* Max length of stack to try and output
* @type {number}
goog.debug.MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 50;
* @param {Function} fn The function to start getting the trace from.
* @return {?string}
* @private
goog.debug.getNativeStackTrace_ = function(fn) {
'use strict';
var tempErr = new Error();
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(tempErr, fn);
return String(tempErr.stack);
} else {
// IE10, only adds stack traces when an exception is thrown.
try {
throw tempErr;
} catch (e) {
tempErr = e;
var stack = tempErr.stack;
if (stack) {
return String(stack);
return null;
* Gets the current stack trace, either starting from the caller or starting
* from a specified function that's currently on the call stack.
* @param {?Function=} fn If provided, when collecting the stack trace all
* frames above the topmost call to this function, including that call,
* will be left out of the stack trace.
* @return {string} Stack trace.
* @suppress {es5Strict}
goog.debug.getStacktrace = function(fn) {
'use strict';
var stack;
if (!goog.debug.FORCE_SLOPPY_STACKS) {
// Try to get the stack trace from the environment if it is available.
var contextFn = fn || goog.debug.getStacktrace;
stack = goog.debug.getNativeStackTrace_(contextFn);
if (!stack) {
// NOTE: browsers that have strict mode support also have native "stack"
// properties. This function will throw in strict mode.
stack = goog.debug.getStacktraceHelper_(fn || arguments.callee.caller, []);
return stack;
* Private helper for getStacktrace().
* @param {?Function} fn If provided, when collecting the stack trace all
* frames above the topmost call to this function, including that call,
* will be left out of the stack trace.
* @param {Array<!Function>} visited List of functions visited so far.
* @return {string} Stack trace starting from function fn.
* @suppress {es5Strict}
* @private
goog.debug.getStacktraceHelper_ = function(fn, visited) {
'use strict';
var sb = [];
// Circular reference, certain functions like bind seem to cause a recursive
// loop so we need to catch circular references
if (goog.array.contains(visited, fn)) {
sb.push('[...circular reference...]');
// Traverse the call stack until function not found or max depth is reached
} else if (fn && visited.length < goog.debug.MAX_STACK_DEPTH) {
sb.push(goog.debug.getFunctionName(fn) + '(');
var args = fn.arguments;
// Args may be null for some special functions such as host objects or eval.
for (var i = 0; args && i < args.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
sb.push(', ');
var argDesc;
var arg = args[i];
switch (typeof arg) {
case 'object':
argDesc = arg ? 'object' : 'null';
case 'string':
argDesc = arg;
case 'number':
argDesc = String(arg);
case 'boolean':
argDesc = arg ? 'true' : 'false';
case 'function':
argDesc = goog.debug.getFunctionName(arg);
argDesc = argDesc ? argDesc : '[fn]';
case 'undefined':
argDesc = typeof arg;
if (argDesc.length > 40) {
argDesc = argDesc.slice(0, 40) + '...';
try {
sb.push(goog.debug.getStacktraceHelper_(fn.caller, visited));
} catch (e) {
sb.push('[exception trying to get caller]\n');
} else if (fn) {
sb.push('[...long stack...]');
} else {
return sb.join('');
* Gets a function name
* @param {Function} fn Function to get name of.
* @return {string} Function's name.
goog.debug.getFunctionName = function(fn) {
'use strict';
if (goog.debug.fnNameCache_[fn]) {
return goog.debug.fnNameCache_[fn];
// Heuristically determine function name based on code.
var functionSource = String(fn);
if (!goog.debug.fnNameCache_[functionSource]) {
var matches = /function\s+([^\(]+)/m.exec(functionSource);
if (matches) {
var method = matches[1];
goog.debug.fnNameCache_[functionSource] = method;
} else {
goog.debug.fnNameCache_[functionSource] = '[Anonymous]';
return goog.debug.fnNameCache_[functionSource];
* Makes whitespace visible by replacing it with printable characters.
* This is useful in finding diffrences between the expected and the actual
* output strings of a testcase.
* @param {string} string whose whitespace needs to be made visible.
* @return {string} string whose whitespace is made visible.
goog.debug.makeWhitespaceVisible = function(string) {
'use strict';
return string.replace(/ /g, '[_]')
.replace(/\f/g, '[f]')
.replace(/\n/g, '[n]\n')
.replace(/\r/g, '[r]')
.replace(/\t/g, '[t]');
* Returns the type of a value. If a constructor is passed, and a suitable
* string cannot be found, 'unknown type name' will be returned.
* <p>Forked rather than moved from {@link goog.asserts.getType_}
* to avoid adding a dependency to goog.asserts.
* @param {*} value A constructor, object, or primitive.
* @return {string} The best display name for the value, or 'unknown type name'.
goog.debug.runtimeType = function(value) {
'use strict';
if (value instanceof Function) {
return value.displayName || || 'unknown type name';
} else if (value instanceof Object) {
return /** @type {string} */ (value.constructor.displayName) || ||;
} else {
return value === null ? 'null' : typeof value;
* Hash map for storing function names that have already been looked up.
* @type {Object}
* @private
goog.debug.fnNameCache_ = {};
* Private internal function to support goog.debug.freeze.
* @param {T} arg
* @return {T}
* @template T
* @private
goog.debug.freezeInternal_ = goog.DEBUG && Object.freeze || function(arg) {
'use strict';
return arg;
* Freezes the given object, but only in debug mode (and in browsers that
* support it). Note that this is a shallow freeze, so for deeply nested
* objects it must be called at every level to ensure deep immutability.
* @param {T} arg
* @return {T}
* @template T
goog.debug.freeze = function(arg) {
'use strict';
// NOTE: this compiles to nothing, but hides the possible side effect of
// freezeInternal_ from the compiler so that the entire call can be
// removed if the result is not used.
return {
valueOf: function() {
'use strict';
return goog.debug.freezeInternal_(arg);