2023-11-16 13:22:15 -05:00

491 lines
17 KiB

* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Class to create objects which want to handle multiple events
* and have their listeners easily cleaned up via a dispose method.
* Example:
* <pre>
* function Something() {
* Something.base(this);
* ... set up object ...
* // Add event listeners
* this.listen(this.starEl,, this.handleStar);
* this.listen(this.headerEl,, this.expand);
* this.listen(this.collapseEl,, this.collapse);
* this.listen(this.infoEl,, this.showHover);
* this.listen(this.infoEl,, this.hideHover);
* }
* goog.inherits(Something,;
* Something.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
* Something.base(this, 'disposeInternal');
* goog.dom.removeNode(this.container);
* };
* // Then elsewhere:
* var activeSomething = null;
* function openSomething() {
* activeSomething = new Something();
* }
* function closeSomething() {
* if (activeSomething) {
* activeSomething.dispose(); // Remove event listeners
* activeSomething = null;
* }
* }
* </pre>
* Super class for objects that want to easily manage a number of event
* listeners. It allows a short cut to listen and also provides a quick way
* to remove all events listeners belonging to this object.
* @param {SCOPE=} opt_scope Object in whose scope to call the listeners.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.Disposable}
* @template SCOPE
*/ = function(opt_scope) {
'use strict';;
// TODO(mknichel): Rename this to this.scope_ and fix the classes in google3
// that access this private variable. :(
this.handler_ = opt_scope;
* Keys for events that are being listened to.
* @type {!Object<!>}
* @private
this.keys_ = {};
goog.inherits(, goog.Disposable);
* Utility array used to unify the cases of listening for an array of types
* and listening for a single event, without using recursion or allocating
* an array each time.
* @type {!Array<string>}
* @const
* @private
*/ = [];
* Listen to an event on a Listenable. If the function is omitted then the
* EventHandler's handleEvent method will be used.
* @param {} src Event source.
* @param {string|Array<string>|
* !<EVENTOBJ>|!Array<!<EVENTOBJ>>}
* type Event type to listen for or array of event types.
* @param {function(this:SCOPE, EVENTOBJ):?|{handleEvent:function(?):?}|null=}
* opt_fn Optional callback function to be used as the listener or an object
* with handleEvent function.
* @param {(boolean|!AddEventListenerOptions)=} opt_options
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template EVENTOBJ, THIS
*/ = function(
src, type, opt_fn, opt_options) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
return self.listen_(src, type, opt_fn, opt_options);
* Listen to an event on a Listenable. If the function is omitted then the
* EventHandler's handleEvent method will be used.
* @param {} src Event source.
* @param {string|Array<string>|
* !<EVENTOBJ>|!Array<!<EVENTOBJ>>}
* type Event type to listen for or array of event types.
* @param {function(this:T, EVENTOBJ):?|{handleEvent:function(this:T, ?):?}|
* null|undefined} fn Optional callback function to be used as the
* listener or an object with handleEvent function.
* @param {boolean|!AddEventListenerOptions|undefined} options
* @param {T} scope Object in whose scope to call the listener.
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template T, EVENTOBJ, THIS
*/ = function(
src, type, fn, options, scope) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
// TODO(mknichel): Deprecate this function.
return self.listen_(src, type, fn, options, scope);
* Listen to an event on a Listenable. If the function is omitted then the
* EventHandler's handleEvent method will be used.
* @param {} src Event source.
* @param {string|Array<string>|
* !<EVENTOBJ>|!Array<!<EVENTOBJ>>}
* type Event type to listen for or array of event types.
* @param {function(EVENTOBJ):?|{handleEvent:function(?):?}|null=} opt_fn
* Optional callback function to be used as the listener or an object with
* handleEvent function.
* @param {(boolean|!AddEventListenerOptions)=} opt_options
* @param {Object=} opt_scope Object in whose scope to call the listener.
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template EVENTOBJ, THIS
* @private
*/ = function(
src, type, opt_fn, opt_options, opt_scope) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
if (!Array.isArray(type)) {
if (type) {[0] = type.toString();
type =;
for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
var listenerObj =
src, type[i], opt_fn || self.handleEvent, opt_options || false,
opt_scope || self.handler_ || self);
if (!listenerObj) {
// ( in IE8-, it will return null
// value.
return self;
/** @suppress {strictMissingProperties} Added to tighten compiler checks */
var key = listenerObj.key;
self.keys_[key] = listenerObj;
return self;
* Listen to an event on a Listenable. If the function is omitted, then the
* EventHandler's handleEvent method will be used. After the event has fired the
* event listener is removed from the target. If an array of event types is
* provided, each event type will be listened to once.
* @param {} src Event source.
* @param {string|Array<string>|
* !<EVENTOBJ>|!Array<!<EVENTOBJ>>}
* type Event type to listen for or array of event types.
* @param {function(this:SCOPE, EVENTOBJ):?|{handleEvent:function(?):?}|null=}
* opt_fn
* Optional callback function to be used as the listener or an object with
* handleEvent function.
* @param {(boolean|!AddEventListenerOptions)=} opt_options
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template EVENTOBJ, THIS
*/ = function(
src, type, opt_fn, opt_options) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
return self.listenOnce_(src, type, opt_fn, opt_options);
* Listen to an event on a Listenable. If the function is omitted, then the
* EventHandler's handleEvent method will be used. After the event has fired the
* event listener is removed from the target. If an array of event types is
* provided, each event type will be listened to once.
* @param {} src Event source.
* @param {string|Array<string>|
* !<EVENTOBJ>|!Array<!<EVENTOBJ>>}
* type Event type to listen for or array of event types.
* @param {function(this:T, EVENTOBJ):?|{handleEvent:function(this:T, ?):?}|
* null|undefined} fn Optional callback function to be used as the
* listener or an object with handleEvent function.
* @param {boolean|undefined} capture Optional whether to use capture phase.
* @param {T} scope Object in whose scope to call the listener.
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template T, EVENTOBJ, THIS
*/ = function(
src, type, fn, capture, scope) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
// TODO(mknichel): Deprecate this function.
return self.listenOnce_(src, type, fn, capture, scope);
* Listen to an event on a Listenable. If the function is omitted, then the
* EventHandler's handleEvent method will be used. After the event has fired
* the event listener is removed from the target. If an array of event types is
* provided, each event type will be listened to once.
* @param {} src Event source.
* @param {string|Array<string>|
* !<EVENTOBJ>|!Array<!<EVENTOBJ>>}
* type Event type to listen for or array of event types.
* @param {function(EVENTOBJ):?|{handleEvent:function(?):?}|null=} opt_fn
* Optional callback function to be used as the listener or an object with
* handleEvent function.
* @param {(boolean|!AddEventListenerOptions)=} opt_options
* @param {Object=} opt_scope Object in whose scope to call the listener.
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template EVENTOBJ, THIS
* @private
*/ = function(
src, type, opt_fn, opt_options, opt_scope) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
if (Array.isArray(type)) {
for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
self.listenOnce_(src, type[i], opt_fn, opt_options, opt_scope);
} else {
var listenerObj =
src, type, opt_fn || self.handleEvent, opt_options,
opt_scope || self.handler_ || self);
if (!listenerObj) {
// ( in IE8-, it will return null
// value.
return self;
/** @suppress {strictMissingProperties} Added to tighten compiler checks */
var key = listenerObj.key;
self.keys_[key] = listenerObj;
return self;
* Adds an event listener with a specific event wrapper on a DOM Node or an
* object that has implemented {@link}. A listener can
* only be added once to an object.
* @param {EventTarget|} src The node to listen to
* events on.
* @param {} wrapper Event wrapper to use.
* @param {function(this:SCOPE, ?):?|{handleEvent:function(?):?}|null} listener
* Callback method, or an object with a handleEvent function.
* @param {boolean=} opt_capt Whether to fire in capture phase (defaults to
* false).
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template THIS
*/ = function(
src, wrapper, listener, opt_capt) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
// TODO(mknichel): Remove the opt_scope from this function and then
// templatize it.
return self.listenWithWrapper_(src, wrapper, listener, opt_capt);
* Adds an event listener with a specific event wrapper on a DOM Node or an
* object that has implemented {@link}. A listener can
* only be added once to an object.
* @param {EventTarget|} src The node to listen to
* events on.
* @param {} wrapper Event wrapper to use.
* @param {function(this:T, ?):?|{handleEvent:function(this:T, ?):?}|null}
* listener Optional callback function to be used as the
* listener or an object with handleEvent function.
* @param {boolean|undefined} capture Optional whether to use capture phase.
* @param {T} scope Object in whose scope to call the listener.
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template T, THIS
*/ = function(
src, wrapper, listener, capture, scope) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
// TODO(mknichel): Deprecate this function.
return self.listenWithWrapper_(src, wrapper, listener, capture, scope);
* Adds an event listener with a specific event wrapper on a DOM Node or an
* object that has implemented {@link}. A listener can
* only be added once to an object.
* @param {EventTarget|} src The node to listen to
* events on.
* @param {} wrapper Event wrapper to use.
* @param {function(?):?|{handleEvent:function(?):?}|null} listener Callback
* method, or an object with a handleEvent function.
* @param {boolean=} opt_capt Whether to fire in capture phase (defaults to
* false).
* @param {Object=} opt_scope Element in whose scope to call the listener.
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template THIS
* @private
*/ = function(
src, wrapper, listener, opt_capt, opt_scope) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
src, listener, opt_capt, opt_scope || self.handler_ || self, self);
return self;
* @return {number} Number of listeners registered by this handler.
*/ = function() {
'use strict';
var count = 0;
for (var key in this.keys_) {
if (, key)) {
return count;
* Unlistens on an event.
* @param {} src Event source.
* @param {string|Array<string>|
* !<EVENTOBJ>|!Array<!<EVENTOBJ>>}
* type Event type or array of event types to unlisten to.
* @param {function(this:?, EVENTOBJ):?|{handleEvent:function(?):?}|null=}
* opt_fn Optional callback function to be used as the listener or an object
* with handleEvent function.
* @param {(boolean|!EventListenerOptions)=} opt_options
* @param {Object=} opt_scope Object in whose scope to call the listener.
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template EVENTOBJ, THIS
*/ = function(
src, type, opt_fn, opt_options, opt_scope) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
if (Array.isArray(type)) {
for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
self.unlisten(src, type[i], opt_fn, opt_options, opt_scope);
} else {
var capture =
goog.isObject(opt_options) ? !!opt_options.capture : !!opt_options;
var listener =
src, type, opt_fn || self.handleEvent, capture,
opt_scope || self.handler_ || self);
if (listener) {;
delete self.keys_[listener.key];
return self;
* Removes an event listener which was added with listenWithWrapper().
* @param {EventTarget|} src The target to stop
* listening to events on.
* @param {} wrapper Event wrapper to use.
* @param {function(?):?|{handleEvent:function(?):?}|null} listener The
* listener function to remove.
* @param {boolean=} opt_capt In DOM-compliant browsers, this determines
* whether the listener is fired during the capture or bubble phase of the
* event.
* @param {Object=} opt_scope Element in whose scope to call the listener.
* @return {THIS} This object, allowing for chaining of calls.
* @this {THIS}
* @template THIS
*/ = function(
src, wrapper, listener, opt_capt, opt_scope) {
'use strict';
var self = /** @type {!} */ (this);
src, listener, opt_capt, opt_scope || self.handler_ || self, self);
return self;
* Unlistens to all events.
*/ = function() {
'use strict';
goog.object.forEach(this.keys_, function(listenerObj, key) {
'use strict';
if (this.keys_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {;
}, this);
this.keys_ = {};
* Disposes of this EventHandler and removes all listeners that it registered.
* @override
* @protected
*/ = function() {
'use strict';;
* Default event handler
* @param {} e Event object.
*/ = function(e) {
'use strict';
throw new Error('EventHandler.handleEvent not implemented');