2023-11-16 13:22:15 -05:00

172 lines
6.3 KiB

/*TRANSPILED*/goog.loadModule(function(exports) {'use strict';/*
Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'use strict';
const Const = goog.require("goog.string.Const");
const SafeUrl = goog.require("goog.html.SafeUrl");
const TypedString = goog.require("goog.string.TypedString");
const {AssertionError, assert, fail} = goog.require("goog.asserts");
const {contains, endsWith} = goog.require("goog.string.internal");
class SafeStyle {
constructor(value, token) {
this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_ = token === CONSTRUCTOR_TOKEN_PRIVATE ? value : "";
this.implementsGoogStringTypedString = true;
static fromConstant(style) {
const styleString = Const.unwrap(style);
if (styleString.length === 0) {
return SafeStyle.EMPTY;
assert(endsWith(styleString, ";"), `Last character of style string is not ';': ${styleString}`);
assert(contains(styleString, ":"), "Style string must contain at least one ':', to " + 'specify a "name: value" pair: ' + styleString);
return SafeStyle.createSafeStyleSecurityPrivateDoNotAccessOrElse(styleString);
getTypedStringValue() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_;
toString() {
return this.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_.toString();
static unwrap(safeStyle) {
if (safeStyle instanceof SafeStyle && safeStyle.constructor === SafeStyle) {
return safeStyle.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_;
} else {
fail(`expected object of type SafeStyle, got '${safeStyle}` + "' of type " + goog.typeOf(safeStyle));
return "type_error:SafeStyle";
static createSafeStyleSecurityPrivateDoNotAccessOrElse(style) {
return new SafeStyle(style, CONSTRUCTOR_TOKEN_PRIVATE);
static create(map) {
let style = "";
for (let name in map) {
if (, name)) {
if (!/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(name)) {
throw new Error(`Name allows only [-_a-zA-Z0-9], got: ${name}`);
let value = map[name];
if (value == null) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value =" ");
} else {
value = sanitizePropertyValue(value);
style += `${name}:${value};`;
if (!style) {
return SafeStyle.EMPTY;
return SafeStyle.createSafeStyleSecurityPrivateDoNotAccessOrElse(style);
static concat(var_args) {
let style = "";
const addArgument = argument => {
if (Array.isArray(argument)) {
} else {
style += SafeStyle.unwrap(argument);
};, addArgument);
if (!style) {
return SafeStyle.EMPTY;
return SafeStyle.createSafeStyleSecurityPrivateDoNotAccessOrElse(style);
SafeStyle.EMPTY = SafeStyle.createSafeStyleSecurityPrivateDoNotAccessOrElse("");
SafeStyle.INNOCUOUS_STRING = "zClosurez";
function sanitizePropertyValue(value) {
if (value instanceof SafeUrl) {
const url = SafeUrl.unwrap(value);
return 'url("' + url.replace(/</g, "%3c").replace(/[\\"]/g, "\\$\x26") + '")';
const result = value instanceof Const ? Const.unwrap(value) : sanitizePropertyValueString(String(value));
if (/[{;}]/.test(result)) {
throw new AssertionError("Value does not allow [{;}], got: %s.", [result]);
return result;
function sanitizePropertyValueString(value) {
const valueWithoutFunctions = value.replace(FUNCTIONS_RE, "$1").replace(FUNCTIONS_RE, "$1").replace(URL_RE, "url");
if (!VALUE_RE.test(valueWithoutFunctions)) {
fail(`String value allows only ${VALUE_ALLOWED_CHARS}` + " and simple functions, got: " + value);
return SafeStyle.INNOCUOUS_STRING;
} else if (COMMENT_RE.test(value)) {
fail(`String value disallows comments, got: ${value}`);
return SafeStyle.INNOCUOUS_STRING;
} else if (!hasBalancedQuotes(value)) {
fail(`String value requires balanced quotes, got: ${value}`);
return SafeStyle.INNOCUOUS_STRING;
} else if (!hasBalancedSquareBrackets(value)) {
fail("String value requires balanced square brackets and one" + " identifier per pair of brackets, got: " + value);
return SafeStyle.INNOCUOUS_STRING;
return sanitizeUrl(value);
function hasBalancedQuotes(value) {
let outsideSingle = true;
let outsideDouble = true;
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
const c = value.charAt(i);
if (c == "'" && outsideDouble) {
outsideSingle = !outsideSingle;
} else if (c == '"' && outsideSingle) {
outsideDouble = !outsideDouble;
return outsideSingle && outsideDouble;
function hasBalancedSquareBrackets(value) {
let outside = true;
const tokenRe = /^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]$/;
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
const c = value.charAt(i);
if (c == "]") {
if (outside) {
return false;
outside = true;
} else if (c == "[") {
if (!outside) {
return false;
outside = false;
} else if (!outside && !tokenRe.test(c)) {
return false;
return outside;
const VALUE_ALLOWED_CHARS = "[-+,.\"'%_!#/ a-zA-Z0-9\\[\\]]";
const VALUE_RE = new RegExp(`^${VALUE_ALLOWED_CHARS}+\$`);
const URL_RE = new RegExp("\\b(url\\([ \t\n]*)(" + "'[ -\x26(-\\[\\]-~]*'" + '|"[ !#-\\[\\]-~]*"' + "|[!#-\x26*-\\[\\]-~]*" + ")([ \t\n]*\\))", "g");
const ALLOWED_FUNCTIONS = ["calc", "cubic-bezier", "fit-content", "hsl", "hsla", "linear-gradient", "matrix", "minmax", "radial-gradient", "repeat", "rgb", "rgba", "(rotate|scale|translate)(X|Y|Z|3d)?", "steps", "var",];
const FUNCTIONS_RE = new RegExp("\\b(" + ALLOWED_FUNCTIONS.join("|") + ")" + "\\([-+*/0-9a-zA-Z.%#\\[\\], ]+\\)", "g");
const COMMENT_RE = /\/\*/;
function sanitizeUrl(value) {
return value.replace(URL_RE, (match, before, url, after) => {
let quote = "";
url = url.replace(/^(['"])(.*)\1$/, (match, start, inside) => {
quote = start;
return inside;
const sanitized = SafeUrl.sanitize(url).getTypedStringValue();
return before + quote + sanitized + quote + after;
exports = SafeStyle;
;return exports;});