# Ludus Playtime Welcome to Ludus Playtime, held at the Centre for Culture and Technology on January 22, 2024. Convened by Scott Richmond, director, in collaboration with Matt Nish-Lapidus, Mynt Marsellus, and Bree Lohman. Ludus is part of the Thinking with Computers project, funded by SSHRC. ### Quicklinks * [Web version of Ludus](https://ludus.surge.sh) * [Ludus language documentation](https://alea.ludus.dev/twc/ludus/src/branch/main/language.md) * [Ludus prelude documentation](https://alea.ludus.dev/twc/ludus/src/branch/main/prelude.md) * [Slide deck](./slides.md) * [Tonight's agenda](./lesson.md)