commit 5f1b25d5b253905fa7fe009f77a9b61e272042bf Author: Scott Richmond Date: Sun Dec 1 15:31:05 2024 -0500 Start transfer from PDF to MD: preface and ch 1. diff --git a/Clayson - Visual Modelling with Logo.pdf b/Clayson - Visual Modelling with Logo.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ffe8e2 Binary files /dev/null and b/Clayson - Visual Modelling with Logo.pdf differ diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab84395 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,823 @@ +# Chapter 1: Introduction + +> "Skill to do comesof doing." Ralph Waldo Emerson +> "Chance favors the prepared mind." Louis Pasteur + +### Who I hope you are +You might be interested in the studio arts--painting, drawing, sculpture, photography--or in architecture. +You may have had experience in graphic, commercial, or industrial design. +Then again, you might be a liberal arts type with a background in language, literature, music, or science. +Or perhaps you are a professional type educated in the field of business, law, medicine, or theology. +You could be a student or a teacher or neither or both. + +You may have spent long hours in art studios and possess an exceptionally rich, visual vocabulary. +Then again, your graphic abilities, both verbal and physical, may be very much on the thin side. +Instead, your vocabulary might be skewed toward logic and mathematical terms because your background is in the sciences, philosophy, law, or mathematics. +Perhaps you are that much sought after, well -rounded person whose vocabulary is rich without being specialized. + +You may not be able to describe every phase that Picasso went through, but you enjoy looking at art, and you can differentiate a Picasso from, say, a Pissarro when you see them side by side. +You probably have a favorite artist or a favorite period, and you have paintings or reproductions of them in your own home. +While you may not be able to sketch the Acropolis using 3--point perspective, you do have some idea of what perspective means. +You would be intrigued by the suggestion that, in fact, there are dozens of different ways to illustrate objects in space. + +At some time in your past, you must have taken a course in geometry. +(Everybody has taken a course in geometry. +It is one of the few bits of liberal +education that we still share.) +What about trigonometry? +You may have forgotten everything, but you aren't brought to the edge of coronary arrest by hearing the words _geometry_ and _trigonometry_. +Finally, and most important, whatever your curriculum vitae says, and whatever type of intellectual or visual baggage you carry, _I hope that you are excited by looking at things and by thinking about how things look._ + +This book will show you how to increase this kind of excitement by encouraging you to build a special, visual variety of computer models. +If you are stimulated by this idea, then you are exactly who I hope you are. + +### Your computer baggage +This chapter gives a very quick summary of basic Logo. +It is brief, not just because I hope that you already know a little Logo but because I expect that you are willing to use the manual that came with your copy of Logo. +In other words, I expect that you are willing to do some learning about Logo mechanics on your own. + +If you have never met Logo before, probably you have been introduced to some other computer language and most likely this other language was BASIC. +(I am saddened to think of you learning BASIC before Logo, and this book will give you the chance to right that terrible wrong.) +If you do know something about one computer language, you should be able to plunge happily into the manual of a second language--Logo. +I will give you some directional help, though, by suggesting what questions you need answered in your manual. +Then it will be up to you to learn the specifics. + +I assume, too, that you have played around with personal computers and +know how they "feel." You may like or dislike these machines, but your feelings are based on personal experience. +You are familiar with disks, disk drives, keyboards,and program editors. + +### No baggage +If you have had no experience with personal computers, and have never tried to learn a computer language--on your own or in a course--you may find this book rough going. +If, on the other hand, you have access to a teacher, tutor, or friend who is willing to give you help when you ask for it--and if you are patient, curious, and tenacious--I think you should stick around. + +### Programming as craft +Learning to program in Logo is very much like learning a craft. +You can read about "doing Logo" as you can read about making furniture, and you can talk to others about doing it as well. +But in order to develop the individual talents and skills do old needed for yourself. + +For the newcomer to a craft, a master artisan can certainly be of help. +The old timer can suggest small, beginning projects that are reasonably taxing but not overly intimidating. +And by offering encouragement, he can keep the novice's spirits high. + +This chapter is designed to reinitiate you into the excitement of Logo craft; all the exercises within the chapter have been fashioned by an experienced craftsman. +These initial projects should be copied. +All artisans begin learning their craft by copying what others have done. +This is not to deny their creativity but rather to allow for a strengthening of the basic skills that support individual creativity. +Good craftsmanship, of course, requires both skill and creative flair. + +For my purposes, skills are as much frames of mind as forms of physical dexterity. +For example, in this chapter I will stress the usefulness of three such skills: first, an ability to break down big problems into smaller problems; second, a willingness to imagine yourself as "walking" shapes into existence; and third, a propensity to tinker with your Logo machinery. +Very soon (starting with the exercises at the end of this chapter, in fact) you will be asked to apply these skills to support your own kind of invention. + +Craft is about building things by hand, and that is what you will be doing with Logo. + +### Copying and tinkering +Copying computer programs is so widespread that I had better give you my opinion about the usefulness of it all. +In the previous paragraph I said that copying was a good thing at the start of one's apprenticeship. +As you go through this chapter, I hope you will want to try out my procedures. +That's OK. +But if you simply type my procedures into your computer, you will only reproduce what I have done. +And that will bore us both. +The book shows what I have done; it doesn't show what you can do. +My procedures offer you a starting place, so that you don't have to build from zero. +But it is up to you to go beyond that start. + +So please do copy the ideas of any procedure that strike your fancy. +But, once you have made those ideas work on the screen, play rough with them. +Give the copied procedure funny and outlandish arguments. +(Very big or very small numbers could be outlandish, but what is a funny argument?) +What happens then? +Does your copied procedure still work? +Can you explain how? +Go on to make a few changes inside the body of the procedure; change some of the commands just a little. +Can you guess what might happen before you experiment on these changes? + +Get into the habit of tinkering, just a little. +Whenever you write, or copy, a nice procedure, make a few changes to it so that it does something else. + +### Equipment +Your most important piece of equipment is a notebook. +It is far more important than the computer you work on and all the technical manuals at your disposal. +Select a notebook with large, unlined, and bound-in pages. +I want you to keep track of your work in this notebook. +That means everything: the little sketches, word portraits, diagrams, procedure listings, the printed images. +Stick in any magazine and newspaper illustrations that strike your fancy, whenever you find them; don't worry aobut organization. +You will be mixing the good with the less than good, the things that worked well with those that never will. + +I suggest that a large format notebook is best. +That means plenty of room for a lot of stuff. +Small notebooks encourage crabbed handwriting and get messy; you will need a lot of space. +Also, unlined paper is better. +Since there is no need to write carefully, lines will get in the way. +If you need graph paper for a careful diagram, glue a piece in. +And, finally, the bound--in pages will not let you reorganize the book. +The notebook may organize you. + +Glue. +Rubber cement is the Queen of Glues and the world's best notebook adhesive. +Get a lot of it. +Be careful using this glue, though; it is very flammable. +Don't smoke and glue at the same time. + + +### Dialects +Unfortunately, there is not just one Logo. +While some Logos are more alike than others, most have quirks.^[Appendix A in Brian Harvey's _Computer Science Logo Style_, volume 1: _Intermediate Programming_ (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985), gives a nice summary of the syntactic differences between Logos. It gives no help with the differences in graphics, though.] +I use Terrapin MacLogo throughout this book. +All the procedures have been written in this dialect using an Apple Macintosh Plus. +Most of the images were generated by Logo procedures and printed on an Apple Imagewriter II printer. +The rest were done by hand, mine. + +You may have a different machine and a different Logo. +To make life as easy as possible, and to eliminate the need to talk about dialects, I have tried hard to avoid using those components that vary most between Logos. +The bad news: this is a book about graphics and graphics is the area in which Logos differ most. +So I skirt any graphics razzle-dazzle that might work in one Logo and not in another. +I don't use funny pen patterns, polygons filled with patterns that look like brick walls or tile roofs, or automatic mirrors that reverse images. +There are no sprites or multiple turtles. +The only colors I use are white, black, and (very occasionally) a reversing pen color. +All the line drawings have been done with a standard, narrow-width pen. + +### Caveat emptor +This is a little late for a warning, but here it is anyway: _This is not a bookabout Logo._ +You will end up knowing a lot about Logo, and that is no bad thing. +But the goal of the book is to get you to build visual models, and Logo is only a means to that end. +God knows, we could have used Pascal. +But it just so happens that Logo is easier to learn and easier to use than most of the other languages that we could have selected. +Logo notation is neat and tidy; it looks nice on the page and that encourages visual thinking. +But most important, because Logo is so easy to play around with, it won't get in the way. + +### Turtles are us +We will concentrate on the graphic parts of Logo. +And that means "turtle graphics." +The intent of Logo's turtle metaphor was to inspire young children to explore shapes. +The turtle is a tiny triangle of light that is moved about the screen via Logo commands. +As the turtle moves, it leaves a trace of light. +Children are encouraged to imagine themselves in the turtle's place and to draw a shape by walking through it, as the turtle would walk through it. + +Children have the necessary body knowledge to walk a circle, even though they cannot express their circle drawing rules before walking them. +Walking the turtle around an invisible circle translates the body's knowledge into word commands: +"I'm walking him forward a little bit, now I'll turn him a little, I'm walking him forward a little bit, now I'll turn him a little... +I'll keep doing this until until he's finished. +Yes, that's it; I'm back where I started." +Once said, the words are available to be transformed into Logo commands. + +Because adult bodies may be more spatially intuitive than children's, your turtle visualizations can be far more effective than a child's. +There is a problem with adults, though; they aren't used to playing imagination games as adults and must be coaxed into it. +Children are happy to play silly games; adults may be embarrassed to try. +I will be asking you, after all, to imagine yourself as an electronic turtle. +And what would that feel like, I mean physically? +Use your turtle body and walk around a bit. + +Don't reject visualization and muscular thinking before you try it. +What was good enough for Uncle Albert should be good enough for you. +Listen to what he said: +"The physical entities which seem to serve as elements in thought are certain signs and more or less clear images which can be 'voluntarily' reproduced and combined... this combinatory play seems to be the essential feature of productive thought. +The above elements are, in my case, of the visual and some of the muscular type."--Albert Einstein + +### Turtle space +Turtles live on your computer screen. +Make sure you know the size of yours, since different computer screens have different dimensions. +Screen dimensions are generally stated in vertical (the y-axis direction) and horizontal (the x-axis direction) measurements. +Pinpoint the `x = 0` and `y = 0` point on your screen. + +The turtle can be moved about the screen using cartesian x-y coordinates or turtle coordinates. +Cartesian commands send the turtle to a specific xy position on the screen, without regard to the turtle's current position. + +Various `SET` commands move the turtle through cartesian space. +Review them. + +In the turtle reference system, all commands refer to the turtle's current position, not its final position. +The turtle is moved forward, backward, turned left or right in relation to where it is now. +Review the turtle reference commands: `FD`, `BK`, `PU`, `PD`, `RT` `LT`. + +In the cartesian system, the destination is the important thing; in the turtle reference system, it's the trip. + +### Making shapes +Let's draw a simpel shape using turtle reference commands. +Suppose you would like the turtle to draw a square box located at the center of the screen (usually the origin of the coordinate system). +Here are the steps you would take: + +First, you would clear the screen by typing `CG` (clear graphics). +The trutle now sits at 0,0 and faces straight up. + +Second, you would think about the commands needed to walk the turtle through the shape. +_Use_ the turtle metaphor. + +1. "OK turtle? Go forward 50 steps and turn right by 90 degrees. That completes the left side of the box." +2. "Now, go forward another 50 steps and turn right by 90 degrees. That completes the top of the box." +3. "Go forward yet another 50 steps and turn right again by 90 degrees. That completes the right side of the box." +4. "Go forward another 50 units and turn right 90 degrees. That completes the +bottom edge of the box." + +That's it. +The turtle has walked around the four sides of a size 50 box, arriving back to where it started. +These prose commands would translate into Logo as: + +1. `FD 50 RT 90` +2. `FD 50 RT 90` +3. `FD 50 RT 90` +4. `FD 50 RT 90` + +The third and last step would be to type these commands on the keyboard. +And here is what you will see. + +{{Figure 1: A simple box. Top of p. 10.}} + +Great. +This series of commands does indeed draw the square you wanted; but wasn't it tedious to type in all that stuff? +The command `FD 50 RT 90` was typed four times. +Surely there is a shorthand method to repeat this line four times without typing four times. +Review the `REPEAT` command; it is exactly what we need here. +Try it. + +``` +CG +REPEAT 4 [FD 50 RT 90] +``` + +Notice that the line `REPEAT 4 [FD 50 RT 90]` is a kind of operational definition of what a square is: a square is four sides, four `FD` commands, with each side joined at right angles to the next, the `RT 90` commands. +That's tidy, but it's still a bore to type two lines each time you want a size 50 box on the screen. +After all, you may want to draw 100 boxes. + +Wouldn't it be convenient to be able to "tell" Logo your definition of a square and then to give that definition a name? + +### Logo procedures group commands under a single name +You can group a series of Logo commands together under a single name by writing a Logo procedure. +The name of the procedure is a shorthand for all commands included in it. +Typing the name of the procedure tells Logo to automatically execute each line of the procedure in turn, just as if you had typed them, one after another, on the keyboard. +You can "tell" Logo your definition of a square by creating a procedure called `SQUARE`. +Logo will "remember" your definition until you either erase it or turn off your computer. +Review the defining and editing procedures in your Logo manual. + +### Shapes defined and drawn by procedures +Let's get on with writing the necessary procedure. +Here it is: + +``` +TO BOX50 + REPEAT 4 [FD 50 RT 90] +END +``` + +Logo will add `BOX50` to all its other commands. +Each time you type `BOX50`, the turtle will draw a square of size 50. +The figure will be drawn at the turtle's current position on the screen. +Unless you move the turtle to a different starting point, each time you type `BOX50`, the square produced will be on top of the previously drawn figure. +So move the turtle around to new positions and draw some more boxes. + +But you can certainly be more imaginative than that. +Create an interesting design on the screen using only the `BOX50` procedure and move commands. +If you have a color screen, you might want to investigate the effects of changing the screen's background color and the color of the pen. +Keep track of what you are doing in your notebook so that you can reconstruct your successful designs. + +Here is a simple command that wraps boxes around the screen: + +``` +REPEAT 25 [PD BOX50 PU RT 15 FD 60 LT 15] +``` + +### Wrapped boxes +Here are two different images produced by that one-liner. +How are they different? +Is one image more pleasing than the other? Why? + +{{Figures 2 & 3: Wrapped boxes. Bottom of p. 12.}} + +### Generalizing procedures +What about boxes of different sizes? +You could edit the `BOX50` procedure every time you wanted it to draw a different size box. +You could also define many `BOX`-like procedures, each to draw a different size box. +But that doesn't seem very efficient, does it? +After all, Logo itself doesn't have a different `FD` command for every possible length of line that you might wish the turtle to draw. + +There is not a `FD-1O` command for drawing lines of length 10 and a `FD-43` command for drawing them 43 units long. +Logo has a single `FD` command. +Whenever `FD` is used, an argument must be used in conjunction with it: the form is `FD` argument. +A single argument must be typed just after `FD`. +For example, one could type: `FD 10` or `FD 43`. +The value of the argument "tells" `FD` how to go about its business of drawing straight lines. +Isn't this convenient? +One command does a variety of things. +`FD argument` draws straight lines of _any_ length. +If we change the value of the argument, the line length changes accordingly. + +Let's _generalize_ `BOX50` in terms of box size as `FD` is _general_ in terms of line length. + +### Adding an argument to a procedure +Define a new box procedure that has a size argument. +The value of the argument will tell the box procedure how to go about its business of drawing boxes. +Changing the value of the argument will change the size of the box. +You can now draw boxes of any size from, say, 1 unit to 5000 units. +Use this example as a "pattern" for incorporating an argument into a procedure. + +``` +TO BOX :EDGE + REPEAT 4 [FD :EDGE RT 90] +END +``` + +### Putting a demonsuation procedure together +I am sure that by this time you have already designed some interesting patterns with various `BOX` procedures. +Some of these patterns you probably liked enough to print and glue into your notebook. +Remember to include a few written comments on what you were trying to achieve. + +Perhaps you would like to show off your designs. +You could show your pals the images in your notebook. +But seeing an image is not the same as seeing how the image is drawn, the order in which the pieces are visually assembled. +How would you go about demonstrating this? +You could retype all the Logo commands needed for your screen collage. +What else could you do? + +Remember that Logo procedures can group a series of commands together under one name. +So let's define a new Logo procedure that will run all the necessary steps to demonstrate your design. +Once defined, you will only have to type the demonstration procedure's name to have your designs redrawn on the screen. +Your demonstration procedure will have no arguments; it will only do one thing: generate a specific design that you want to show to your friends. +If you wish to show off with several designs, you could design specific Logo procedures to reproduce eachdesign. +Here is an example of such a demonstration procedure: + +``` +TO DEMO + ; A demonstration procedure to show off a design + ; produced from multiple boxes of different sizes. + REPEAT 4 [BOX 100 BOX 98 BOX 96 BOX 75 BOX 40 + BOX 35 BOX 30 RT 90] +END +``` +To see the pattern defined by `DEMO`, type it: + +{{Figure 4: Differently sized boxes. Top of p. 15.}} + +### Funny feelings +Do you have a funny feeling that this isn't enough, that we aren't producing great enough images? +Let's think about this for a while. + +Drawing with Logo should not be the same as drawing with a pen or pencil. +What can be sketched quickly by hand is unbearably tedious to sketch with Logo. +You may have tried sketching with Logo by moving the turtle as you would move your sketching hand. +It doesn't satisfy, and it doesn't work. +Logo is a unique medium for visual expression; don't expect it to be like other media. +Visual modeling with Logo is as different from drawing as clay modeling is different from photography. +Our Logo media is a visual modeling media. +We use it best to build models. +Why? +To encourage us to think about shapes. +The drawing is done to encourage thinking. + +So don't worry too much (now) about the final image. +Don't worry if your designs aren't amazingly beautiful; don't be concerned if they aren't "arty." +This isn't, after all, a book about computer "art," but it might be useful to think about ART for a minute. +Here is a quote from a computer art type, Harold Cohen from the University of California at San Diego: +"For most people outside of art, probably, art is directed primarily at the production of beautiful objects and interesting images; and who is to argue that a complicated Lissajou figure is less beautiful than an Elsworth Kelly painting or a Jackson Pollock; or that a machine simulation of Mondrian is less interesting than the original it plagiarizes? +To talk of beauty or of interest is to talk of taste, and matters of taste cannot be argued with much profit. +The fact is that art is not, and never has been, concerned primarily with the making of beautiful or interesting patterns. +The real power, the real magic, which remains still in the hands of the elite, rests not in the making of images, but in the conjuring of meaning." + +A little professorial, this. +But do you think he has a point? + +Go back to your demonstration procedures, the ones that have _no_ arguments so they do only _one_ thing. +A procedure that does only one thing is like a box drawing procedure that draws only one size of box. +One box doesn't encourage much thinking about the nature of boxes, does it? +Can you use your demonstration procedures to explore the nature of a collage that intrigues you? +Play around with the collage demonstration procedure that draws it. +Tinker a bit. + +Maybe you could generalize the demonstration procedure by adding an argument. +To generalize a procedure is to stretch your thinking about what it does; and that's our appropriate work, too, because it respects the uniqueness of the Logo art medium. +"It's the tinkering that counts, not the artiness." +Pin that phrase over your computer screen. + +### Generalizing a procedure with arguments +Let's go back to that `BOX` procedure. +Can we generalize it so that it draws triangle "boxes" as well as square ones? +While we are at it, let's ask `BOX` to draw boxes with any number of equal sides. +These shapes will be regular polygons with n sides. +Why not call the generalized procedure `NGON` for n-sided polygon? +Look again at the procedure BOX and decide what needs to be changed to turn `BOX` into `NGON`. + +``` +TO BOX :EDGE + REPEAT4 [FD :EDGE RT 90] +END +``` + +You need to add a second argument `:N`. +This will tell Logo how many sides to draw. +We can replace the `REPEAT 4` with `REPEAT :N`. +`FD :EDGE` will stay the same, but what about the angle you want the turtle to turn before drawing the next side? +It surely will be different for different sided polygons. +Generally, sketching focuses geometric thinking. +Here are some walking plans that you might issue to the turtle to do NGON.s 7. + +{{Figure 5: Triangle, square, pentagon. Middle of p. 17.}} + +How can you calculate the angle indicated by the "?" for any n-sided polygon? +Your geometric intuition should tell you that the turtle, after making `:N` turns, will end up facing the same direction in which it started. +The amount of each individual turn will be 360 divided by thenumber of turns,or `360/:N`. +(Now is the time to recall Logo's mathematical capacities. +Review the Logo notation to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.) + +You are ready to write the new procedure NGON: + +``` +TO NGON :N :EDGE + REPEAT :N [FD :EDGE RT 360/:N] +END +``` + +Try it out. +Notice that when: N becomes large, the drawn figure becomes a circle (almost). +Carry out some clever visual experiments with `NGON`s. + +### Some observations +Look back carefully at what we have done so far with procedure writing. +We started with a list of commands that drew a box of a single size. +Next, we grouped these commands into procedures that could draw boxes of several different sizes. +Next, we generalized the `BOX` procedure with an argument so that it could draw boxes of any size. +Finally, we produced a still more general procedure, `NGON`, that can draw any regular, polygonal "box"--triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, and so on-- of whatever size we wanted. +### Making the simple more complete +What next? +How can we make these simple polygons more interesting? +Maybe we can add another polygon characteristic to `NGON`. + +Sometime in your life you were probably given an exercise like the following. +"Cut out some different sized squares from a sheet of colored paper and think about placing the squares on a large piece of white paper. +First, try to arrange the squares so that your design feels unbalanced and looks wonky. +Next, rearrange the squares to create a balanced design." + +What kinds of changes did you make? +What about creating an arrangement that looks sad and another that looks euphoric? +Each design used the same squares. +What made them different? +Their placement. + +Make `NGON` draw a bunch of `NGON`s and put them on the screen according to some placement rule. +Take out your notebook and doodle. +Here are some results from my doodling. +Your approach will be different. +I'll explain mine, and I'll expect that your plans will go into your notebook. + +Sketches of spinning polygons that grow or shrink as they spin + +{{Figure 6: Sketches of `BOX`es of different spins and sizes. Bottom of p. 19.}} + +### Word description of sketched ideas +"I want Logo to draw a series of polygons rotating around a common point, and I want each successive polygon to get bigger, or maybe get smaller. + +"I don't know what angle to turn between one polygon and the next, so I'll include an argument called `:ANGLE` that I can vary, to see what happens. + +"I don't know how big the growth should be between one polygon and the next, so I'll define another argument called `:GROWTH`. +I'll play with different values of `:GROWTH` to seewhat looks best. + +"How do I make `:GROWTH` work? +Growth can be of two sorts: growth by a constant amount, or growth by a constant percentage. +I'll try the latter. +That means that if I want polygons to grow by 10%, I define `:GROWTH` to be 1.10. +For a 90% shrinkage I would use `:GROWTH`=.9." + +### A procedure to spin polygons +``` +TO SPINGON :N :EDGE :ANGLE :GROWTH + NGON :N :EDGE + RT :ANGLE + SPINGON :N (:EDGE*:GROWTH) :ANGLE :GROWTH + ; Here is the recursion. +END +``` + +What is new here? +First, there are more arguments than you have seen before. +Every time you use `SPINGON`, you must remember to type four numbers after it. +Second, this procedure is recursive: the last line in the `SPINGON` procedure asks that `SPINGON` be done again, but with some arguments changed. +For example, `(:EDGE)` becomes `(:EDGE*:GROWTH)` the first time recursion is called; and then `(:EDGE*:GROWTH)` becomes `(:EDGE*:GROWTH)*:GROWTH` the +second time recursion is called. +A recursive procedure is a procedure that uses itself as one of its parts. + +Will `SPINGON` ever stop? Try it out. + +### Some spingons +``` +SPINGON30 2 10 1.02 95 +``` + +{{Figure 7: Snail-ish spingon. Top of p. 21.}} + +``` +HOME CG REPEAT 3 [SPINGON 4 120 0 .95 50 RT 90] +SPINGON 4 120 0 .95 19 +``` + +{{Figure 8: Frame-ish spingons. Bottom of p. 21.}} + +### Stopping recursive procedures +One last procedural writing point to review. +Having put `SPINGON` into motion, how do you make it stop at a stage of your choosing? +You need to have a way of telling it how to stop. +That's another characteristic to include as an argument. +Look at the following modification to `SPINGON`. +Review the conditional commands in Logo. +`IF... [something]` is such a conditional. +Using the `IF` phrase, everything becomes very tidy. + +``` +TO SPINGON :N :EDGE :ANGLE :GROWTH :TIMES + ; Note the new argument above. + IF :TIMES < 1 [STOP] + ; This is the conditional stopper. + NGON :N :EDGE + RT :ANGLE + SPINGON :N (:EDGE*:GROWTH) :ANGLE :GROWTH (:TIMES-1) + ; Note the new argument above. +END +``` + +### Boring logistics +Before ending this chapter, let me give you a few more items to review from your Logo language manual. +The topic that gives most students the most problems is one of the most boring things to talk about: file maintenance. +So I won't talk about it. +But please review how to save text material as files, how to retrieve material from files, how to erase files, how to catalog files, and how to print files. +Do the same review for storing and retrieving graphics information. + +### A note on the procedure presentation style used in this book +I have tried to make the presentation of procedures in this book as readable as +possible. +Here are several of my presentation rules. + +First, the _many comments_ rule. +I have included wordy explanations in some of my procedures. +These comments begin with the Logo command "`;`". +There is, of course, no need for you to include thesecomments in your own version of my procedures. +However, it is a good idea for you to put comments in your own procedures. + +Second, the _meaningful cluster_ rule. +I often include extra parentheses to group like elements into a cluster. +This is useful, for example, when an argument is composed of a collection of Logo material, but you want to see it as a single cluster of information. +Here is an example from this chapter. +Notice the use of comments, too. + +``` +TO SPINGON :N :EDGE :ANGLE :GROWTH :TIMES + ; Note the new argument above. + IF :TIMES < 1 [STOP] + ; This is the conditional stopper. + NGON :N :EDGE + RT: ANGLE + SPINGON :N (:EDGE*:GROWTH) :ANGLE :GROWTH (:TIMES-1) + ; Note the new argument above. +END +``` + +Third, the _body structuring_ rule. +Procedures should be laid out nicely on the page without too much information on anyone line. +Long procedure statements should be divided up between lines to make them more readable. +The special character "`-`" is used to indicate when a single Logo statement has been continued from one line to the next. +Here is an example. +Notice that the Logo material within the [repeat brackets] would have been difficult to read if the long statement had not been divided into several short lines. + +``` +TO SQUIGGLE :A :B :N + REPEAT :N [ FD :A - + RT 130 - + FD :A - + RT 50 - + BK :B ] +END +``` + +The symbol "`-`" indicates, of course, that the return key should not be used becausethe Logo statement continues. +Consult your own Logo manual for handling the problem of procedure layout. + +### Exercises +There are five exercises to explore before going on to the material of chapter 2. +The first is so important that we will go through it together, step by step. +You can work on the other exercisesby yourself. + +#### Exercise 1.1 +Make `NGON` more versatile by doing two things to it. +First, improve `NGON` so that it will draw polygons _around a central point_; and second, improve `NGON` so that it can be given an argument that specifies not the length of an edge of the polygon but the _radius of the polygon_. +I've made up the term radius of a polygon. +It is the radius of the smallest circle that just encloses a regular polygon. +The center of this circle is the point around which the polygon is to be drawn. +Seethe diagram below. + +{{Figure 9: Polygons inscribed in dotted circles. Bottom of p. 24}} + +Call the revised procedure `CNGON` for "**c**entered **NGON**." + +Two hints: First, ask yourself what arguments `CNGON` will need. +This is another way to ask yourself what information must be given to `CNGON` so that it can go about its business of drawing centered `NGON`s. +`CNGON` needs only two pieces of information, or two arguments: the number of sides of the polygon to be drawn and the radius of that polygon. +That means that the first line of the new procedure will look like this: + +``` +CNGON :N :RAD +``` + +Second, imagine yourself as the turtle. +How would you walk through the design that `CNGON` must make? +Draw a simple diagram to describe such a "turtle walk." +You might want to divide the diagram up into individual scenes. +Later you can translate each scene in words and then into Logo notation. +Here is the first instance where this turtle visualization is really needed. +Let yourself go; talk out loud; get on with it without too much thinking. + +### Word description of the turtle walk (seesketches on next page) +Diagram A: **Getting ready to draw the polygon**. + +You, as the turtle, begin your journey from position (1), the center of the proposed polygon. +You are facing straight up. + +Pick up your pen and move forward by the amount of the polygon's radius. +This is `:RAD`. +This puts you in position (2). + +You now need to turn right by an amount that is labeled (angle) on the sketch (3). +What will (angle) be related to? +Will (angle) be different for differently shaped polygons, that is, polygons with different numbers of sides? +Yes. +Will (angle) be related to the overall size of polygons? +No. +Don't worry about how to calculate (angle), yet; you can work that out later. + +### Turtle walk sketches + +{{Figure 10: Turtle walk sketches. p. 26.}} + +After turning right by the amount of (angle), you are looking along one of the polygon's edges (4). +Put down the pen in preparation for drawing the polygon. + +Diagram B: **Drawing the polygon**. + +You are at position (4) and ready to draw an n-sided polygon. +You can use the procedure `NGON`. +But what arguments will you use? +It needs some values for `:N` and `:EDGE`. +Right? + +Yes, but wait a minute. +What should the value for `:EDGE` be? +You know the value of `:N`, the number of sides of the polygon. +And you know the value of the new argument, `:RAD`. +What must the polygon's edge dimension be so that, after it is drawn, it has a radius equal to `:RAD`? +In other words, we need to be able to express `:EDGE` in terms of `:N` and `:RAD`. +OK. +We know the problem, what we have to work on, but let's not stop yet. +Label the edge thing that must be calculated (edge). +We will return to it in a minute. + +Now you can draw an `NGON :N (edge)`. + +You began the `NGON` from position (4). +You will end at the same place. + +Diagram C: **Getting ready to return to the center**. + +You are at position (6). You must now turn left by the amount of (angle); this is indicated by (7). +This leaves you in position (8), pointing straight up. + +Diagram D: **Returning to the center of the polygon**. + +Pick up your pen and back down, by an amount equal to `:RAD`, to the polygon's center. +Finally, put your pen down in preparationfor whatevermight comenext. +Note that you, as the turtle, have ended in the sameposition (9) as you began (1). +### A turtle walk transfonned into a Logo procedure (almost) +No more words are necessary. +Here it is. + +``` +TO CNGON :N :RAD + PU FD :RAD + RT (angle) PD + NGON :N (edge) + LT (angle) + PU BK :RAD PD +END +``` +The procedure is sketched. +And we know what we know and what we don't. +The two amounts, (angle) and (edge), are still unknown. +To figure these bits will require a little geometry and trigonometry. +We might as well use this opportunity to review all the bits and pieces of polygons. + +### The Geometry of CNGONs +Use the following two diagrams in conjunction with the word and equation descriptions. + +{{Figure 11: Geometry of `CNGON`s. Bottom of p. 28.}} + +The first problem we face is to find an expression for angle d in terms of n, the number of sides of the polygon. +The second problem is to find an expression for the length of a polygon's edge, e, in terms of its radius, R, and n, the number of sides. + +In preparation for these two acts, let's look at all the angles associated with polygons. +The _central angles_, labeled a, are easy. +They are each equal to 360/n. +The _external angles_, labeled c, are also equal to 360/n. +The external angle is the turning angle used in `NGON`. +What about the internal angles, labeled b. +We need some work here: + +(1) c = 360/n, + +(2) c + b = 180. + +Putting these two equations together and solving for b gives + +(3) b=180*(n-2)/n. + +We are now ready to handle the first problem: Find d in terms of n. + +(4) d + b/2 = 180. + +Putting (3) and (4) together and solving for d gives + +(5) d = 180 - 90*(n-2)/n <---**First problem solved**. + +OK, now look at the second problem: Find e in terms of R and n. + +(6) sin (a/2) = (e/2)/R, + +(7) a = 360/n. + +Putting (7) and (6) togetherand solving for e gives + +(8) e = 2\*R\*sin(180/n) <---**Second problem solved**. + +Review the following trig functions: sine, cosine, and tangent. +What is ani arctangent? +Draw some diagrams to explain each of these functions. +Glue them on the inside cover of your notebook. + +### Installing the necessary geometry into `CNGON` +Here's how far we have gotten with `CNGON`: + +``` +TO CNGON :N :RAD + PU FD:RAD + RT (angle) PD + NGON :N (edge) + LT (angle) + PU BK :RAD PD +END +``` + +Now we can replace `(angle)` and `(edge)` with the needed expressions. +Here is the finished `CNGON`: + +``` +TO CNGON :N :RAD + PU FD :RAD + RT 180 - (90*(:N-2)/:N) PD + NGON :N (2*:RAD*SIN (180/:N)) + LT 180 - (90*(:N-2)/:N) + PU BK :RAD PD +END +``` + +### Lessons and tips +When solving visual problems, like this CNGON thing, try to break the single big problem down into several smaller problems. +Solve each of the small problems in turn, and then plug the little solutions together to form one big solution. + +#### Exercise 1.2 +Put together one or more DEMO procedures that make imaginative use of the ideas presented and reviewed in this chapter. +Modify every procedure in the chapter. +Make them act more strangely. + +You might want to think some more about the exercise, described above, of placing simple shapes on a blank field of paper to depict different feelings of balance or emotions. +A painting by the Russian artist Kasimir Malevich is reproduced below. +What could be more elegant that these eight red rectangles? +(That' s the title, by the way.) +What emotion do you feel when looking at this littel reproduction? +Can you do something similar? + +{{Figure 12: Kasimir Malevich, _Eight Red Rectangles_. Bottom of p. 31.}} + +#### Exercise 1.3 +Combine the ideas of `SPINGON` with your newly constructed `CNGON`. + +### Exercise 1.4 +Design a fancier `CNGON` that fills up a polygon with textures. +Here are a few visual tips for Exercises 1.3 and 1.4: + +{{Figure 13: `SPINCNGON`s. Bottom of p. 32.}} + +#### Exercise 1.5 +Design a Logo procedure that puts polygons on the vertices of other polygons. +Hint: look carefully at the body of `CNGON`. +When does the turtle arrive at a polygon vertex? +Mark the vertex arrival place in the `CNGON` procedure. +You might consider this location as the right spot to install some recursion: when the turtle arrives at any vertex, ask it to do another `CNGON` centered on that vertex. +This recursive drawing will place polygons on the vertices of polygons on the vertices of polygons. +You will need to figure out a way of stopping the recursion machinery, or it will continue forever. +Define a new argument, `:LEVEL`, to keep track of recursion levels. +What about the relative sizes of the polygons? +Should they get bigger or smaller? Can you handle that? + +Don't forget the following tricks: + +1. Imagine yourself as the turtle. +2. Sketch the design that the turtle must walk through. +3. Describe the turtle walk in words. +4. Divide the walk up into logical sections. +5. Note the bits you know and the bits that will need some further thought and +research. +6. Translate the words into Logo commands. +7. Test it out with realistic and totally outlandish argument values diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66ec242 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# Preface + +"What is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures...." + +--Lewis Carroll + +In the fall of 1982 I started to teach a course called "Problems in Visual Thinking." +It was offered jointly by Parsons School of Design in Paris and the American College in Paris. +Looking back now, perhaps I should have replaced the word _Problems_ with something less pathological--_Explorations_ maybe. +But that original title really indicated my reason for inventing the course in the first place. +I taught courses in statistics and operations research in which I encouraged my students to add a bit of visual thinking to their quantitative analysis, but each semester I was disappointed. + +I continued my pleas for visualization because I saw that the few students who could introduce a little of it into their work discovered--more often than not--the most surprisingly useful things. +These visualizers seemed to me less intimidated by vagueness because their picture -making abilities gave them concrete starting points, and they seemed to enjoy playing around with the +painted pieces of complex problems. +Perhaps, I thought, their visual play encouraged them to see where more analytic approaches might usefully be applied. + +My problem was to discover how to teach visual thinking to those students who had problems doing it naturally. +It was obvious that most of my students lacked visual vocabulary and few of them had ever been in an art or drawing studio. +How was I to cancel out this liability ? Luckily I had managed an art +school and knew a bit about people who had design experience. +Professional art students certainly have the visual baggage, but most are severely lacking in analytical skills. +"Let's put these two groups together," I thought, "and set them a series of tasks." +The art students can show their colleagues a bit about color and design, while the non-art crew can gently introduce the art students to a little quantitative model building. +The Logo computer language struck me as an appropriate medium of instruction--just enough of the visual and just enough of the analytical. +Problems in Visual Thinking was born. + +There were no suitable texts, so I set out to write one, and this book is the most recent set of class notes. +It is structured around a series of exercises that encourage visual thinking in students from a variety of different backgrounds. + +I wish that I could claim total success in turning my students into better +problem-solvers by first turning them into more effective visualizers. +But I fear that my record is mixed. +I am convinced, however, that for some people, certainly not all, visual model building is an enormously enjoyable activity that leads them in new and surprising directions. +And since that activity falls nicely within the terms of reference of a liberal arts education, I am quite pleased with the classroom results I have seen. + +Most thanks are due to my students because this book was realized with +their help. +You will find quotes and illustrations from them scattered throughout the text. +Thanks, too, go to Roger Shepherd, the first Director of Parsons in Paris, who not only encouraged me to start this project but helped to teach it for the first year. +Were it not for Frank Satlow of MIT Press, this book would still be in a basement Xerox room. +I also benefited from his readers' reports. + +The final construction of the manuscript, however, was a solo affair; what,ever opacities, inconsistencies, or mistakes remain are mine. + +James Clayson +Paris, 1987 + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b4fba4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,37857 @@ +# Visual Modeling with Logo +## A Structured Approach to Seeing + +James Clayson + +Originally published in **Exploring with Logo**, E. Paul Goldenberg, editor. + +1. _Exploring Language with Logo_ by E. Paul Goldenberg and Wallace Feurzeig +2. _Visual Modeling with Logo_ by James Clayson + +The MIT Press + +Cambridge, Massachusetts + +London, England + +Copyright 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. + +### Series Foreword +The aim of this series is to enhance the study of topics in the arts, humanities, mathematics, and sciences with ideas and techniques drawn from the world of artificial intelligence--specifically, the notion that in building a computer model of a construct, one gains tremendous insight into the construct. Each volume in the series represents a penetrating yet playful excursion through a single subject area such as linguistics, visual modeling, music, number theory, or physics, written for a general audience. + +### Preface + +'What is the use of a book: ' thought Alice, "without pictures . . . ." +Lewis Carroll + +In the fall + +of 1982 I started + +to teach a course called + +Thinking ." It was offered jointly +American + +" Problems + +by Parsons School of Design in Paris and the + +College in Paris . Looking + +back now, perhaps I should have replaced + +the word Problems with something + +less pathological - Explorations + +that original + +my reason for inventing + +title really + +first place . I taught +encouraged + +indicated + +courses in statistics + +my students + +in Visual + +and operations + +to add a bit of visual + +maybe . But + +the course in the +research in which + +thinking + +I + +to their quantitative + +analysis, but each semester I was disappointed . +I continued + +my pleas for visualization + +who could introduce + +because I saw that the few students + +a little of it into their work discovered - more often than + +not - the most surprisingly + +useful things . These visualizers + +intimidated + +because their + +by vagueness + +concrete starting +painted + +abilities + +points, and they seemed to enjoy playing + +pieces of complex + +encouraged + +picture -making + +seemed to me less + +around + +problems . Perhaps, I thought, their + +them to see where more analytic + +approaches + +gave them + +might + +with + +the + +visual + +play + +usefully + +be + +applied . +My problem was to discover how to teach visual thinking +who had problems + +to those students + +doing it naturally . It was obvious that most of my students + +lacked visual vocabulary + +and few of them had ever been in an art or drawing + +studio . How was I to cancel out this liability ? Luckily + +I had managed an art + + Preface + +school and knew a bit about people who had design experience. Professional art +students certainly have the visual baggage, but most are severely lacking in +analytical skills . " Let's put these two groups together, " I thought, "and set +them a series of tasks." The art students can show their colleagues a bit about +color and design, while the non-art crew can gently introduce the art students to +a little quantitative model building . The Logo computer language struck me as an +appropriate medium of instruction - just enough of the visual and just enough of +the analytical . Problems in Visual Thinking was born . + +most + +There + +were + +recent + +set + +no + +suitable + +of class + +texts, so I set out + +to write + +one, and + +this + +. It is structured + +around + +a series + +of + +notes + +book + +is the + +exercises + +that + +encourage visual thinking in students from a variety of different backgrounds . +I wish that I could claim total success in turning + +my students + +into better + +problem -solvers by first turning them into more effective visualizers . But I fear +that my record is mixed . I am convinced, however, that for some people, +certainly not all, visual model building is an enormously enjoyable activity that +leads them in new and surprising directions . And since that activity falls nicely +within the terms of reference of a liberal arts education, I am quite pleased +with + +the + +classroom + +results + +Most + +thanks + +are due + +their help . You will + +I have + +seen . + +to my students + +because + +this book + +find quotes and illustrations + +was realized + +with + +from them scattered + +throughout the text . Thanks, too, go to Roger Shepherd, the first Director of +Parsons in Paris, who not only encouraged me to start this project but helped to +teach + +it for + +the + +first + +would + +still + +be + +in + +year . Were +a basement + +it not + +for + +Xerox + +room + +Frank + +Satlow + +. I also + +of MIT + +benefited + +Press, this +from + +his + +book + +readers + +' + +reports . + +The final construction of the manuscript, however, was a solo affair ; +what,ever opacities, inconsistencies, or mistakes remain are mine . + +JamesClayson +Paris, 1987 +xii + + Ackn owl edg me nts + +I wish to thank the following + +for granting + +permission + +to reproduce + +illustrations + +in this book : +Robert Delaunay, Disque, Musee d 'art moderne de la ville de Paris, courtesy of +ADAGP and ARS. +David Hackney, Sunbather, courtesy of the artist . +Wassily Kandinsky, Several Circles, No. 323 (1926), Solomon R. Guggenheim +Museum, New York . Photograph by Robert E. Mates. +Wassily Kandinsky, First study for SeveralCircles (1926), Collections du Musee +National d'art moderne, Paris, courtesy of ADAGP and ARS. +Gustav Klimt, Poissonsrouges, courtesy Giraudon / Art Resources, New York . +Gustav Klimt, Rosiers sous les arbres, courtesy Giraudon / Art Resource, New +York . +Piet + +Mondrian, Compositie met kleurvlakjes + +no. 3, Collection + +Haags + +Gemeentemuseum, the Hague, courtesy of Beeldrecht, The Netherlands / V AGA, +New York . +Piet Mondrian, Composition with red yellow and blue, Tate Gallery, London, + +courtesyof SPADEM and ARS. + + Acknowledgments + +Piet Mondrian, New York City 1, Collections du Musee National d'art moderne, +Paris, courtesy of Beeldrecht, The Netherlands/ VAGA, New York. +Georges Seurat, La Seinea la Grande-Jatte, Musees royaux des Beaux-Arts, +Brussels . + +Jean Tinguely, Homage Ii Marcel Duchamp, courtesy of the Stadtisches Museum + +Abteiberg M6nchengladbach, photo by Ruth Kaiser. +Henry + +van de Velde, Faits du village VII - La ravaudeuse, Musees royaux + +des + +Beaux-Arts, Brussels. +Vincent van Gogh, Van Gogh 's bedroom, courtesy Giraudon / Art Resources, New + +York . +Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe, courtesy Giraudon / Art Resource, New York . +Architectural + +trees reproduced + +from + +Bob Greenstreet, Graphics + +Sourcebook + +(Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984). +Celtic knots reproduced + +from George Bain, Celtic art : the methods of construction + +(Dover, New York, 1973). + +Computer + +- + +generated + +globes + +reproduced + +from + +Melvin + +L + +. + +Prueitt + +, + +Computer + +Graphics(Dover, New York, 1975). +Farkas +forms : +18 + +, + +number + +grids + +reproduced + +from + +experimental + +Tamas + +graphics + +3 + +( + +1985 + +) + +, + +pages + +F + +and + +179 + +- + +183 + +. + +Farkas + +and + +theoretical + +, + +copyright + +Peter + +Erdi + +associations + +@ + +1985 + +, " + +ISAST + +, + +" Impossible + +Leonardo, volume + +. + +Islamic tile designs reproduced from J. Bourgoin, Arabic geometrical pattern and +design (Dover, New York, 1973), and from Keith Critchlow, Islamic patterns +(Schocken Books, New York, 1976). +xiv + + Acknowledgments + +Lattice designs reproduced + +from Daniel Sheets Dye, Chinese lattice designs + +(Dover, New York, 1974). +Stone mason marks reproduced from Matila Ghyka, The geometry of art and life +(Dover, New York, 1977), and Charles Bouleau, Charpentes, La Geometrie +secretedes peintres (Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1963). +Tree silhouettes + +reproduced + +from Derrick + +Boatman, Fields and Lowlands + +(Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1979), courtesy of the Rainbird Publishing Group . + +xv + + VisualModelingwith Logo + + Chapter 1 +Introduction + +"Skill to do comesof doing." +Ralph Waldo Emerson +" Chance favors the prepared mind ." +Louis Pasteur + +Who I hope you are + +You might + +be interested + +photography + +- or in architecture . You may have had experience + +commercial, or industrial +with a background +a professional + +in the studio + +arts - painting, drawing, sculpture, +in graphic, + +design . Then again, you might be a liberal arts type + +in language, literature, music, or science . Or perhaps you are + +type educated in the field of business, law, medicine, or theology . + +You could be a student or a teacher or neither or both . +You may have spent long hours in art studios and possess an exceptionally +rich, visual + +vocabulary . Then again, your graphic + +abilities, both verbal and + +physical, may be very much on the thin side . Instead, your vocabulary + +might be + +skewed toward logic and mathematical + +is in the + +sciences, philosophy + +terms because your background + +, law, or mathematics . Perhaps you are that much sought + +after, well -rounded person whose vocabulary + +is rich without + +being specialized . + + Chapter1 + +you + +You + +may + +enjoy + +when + +be + +able + +looking + +at + +art, and + +see + +them + +you + +favorite + +not + +period + +home + +you + +perspective + +, you + +intrigued + +by + +illustrate + +objects + +At + +some + +in + +has +that + +forgotten + +everything +the + +by +This + +aging + +to + +expect +own + +from + +have + +idea + +of + +what + +that + +, in + +fact + +, there + +past + +, you + +the + +favorite + +of + +them + +Acropolis +means + +are + +of + +, but + +artist + +or + +your + +own + +in +using + +perspective +dozens + +through + +, say, a Pissarro + +a + +reproductions + +sketch + +in + +must + +What + +, but + +you + +aren + +' t brought + +, and + +most + +of + +intellectual + +a + +3 - point + +. You + +would + +different + +things + +and +you + +a + +special + +by + +this + +idea + +, then + +visual +by + +how + +to + +be + +ways + +to + +, visual +you + +one + +of + +course + +the + +the + +few +? + +edge + +in + +of + +geometry + +bits +You + +. + +of + +liberal + +may + +have + +coronary + +arrest + +by + +. +your + +baggage + +curriculum + +vitae + +you + +carry + +, I hope + +about + +how + +things + +look + +increase + +this + +kind + +of + +variety + +of + +computer + +thinking +to + +a + +trigonometry + +, whatever + +or + +is + +about + +trigonometry + +important + +taken + +. It + +.) + +and + +have + +geometry + +share + +at + +went + +are + +exactly + +who + +quick + +summary + +of + +basic + +know + +a little + +Logo + +but + +I hope + +says +that + +, and + +you + +are + +. + +excitement + +by + +models + +. If + +you + +just + +because + +that + +you + +are + +words + +, I + +you + +encour + +are + +are . + +baggage + +gives + +a very + +you +use + +already +the + +manual + +that + +willing + +to + +that + +you + +are + +you + +have + +never + +came +do + +with + +your + +some + +learning + +before + +, probably + +Logo + +. It is brief + +because +copy + +of + +, not + +I + +expect + +Logo + +. In + +other + +about + +Logo + +mechanics + +you + +have + +been + +on + +your + +. + +If +some + +other + +( I am + +saddened + +2 + +to + +still + +build + +chapter + +or + +Picasso + +a Picasso + +probably + +able + +a course + +to + +This + +willing + +your + +show + +computer + +differentiate + +. You + +be + +that + +. + +will + +Your + +that + +some + +book + +stimulated + +can + +phase + +paintings + +geometry + +looking + +you + +I hope + +have + +in + +words + +type + +excited + +not + +we + +Finally +whatever + +may + +space + +every + +side + +have + +taken + +education + +hearing + +by + +suggestion + +time + +( Everybody + +you + +you + +do + +the + +describe + +side + +, and + +. While + +to + +computer +to + +met + +Logo + +language +think + +of + +and +you + +most + +learning + +likely + +this + +BASIC + +before + +other +Logo + +language +, and + +introduced +was +this + +to +BASIC + +book + +will + +. + + Introduction + +give you the chance to right that terrible wrong .) If you do know something +about one computer language, you should be able to plunge happily into the +manual of a second language - Logo . I will give you some directional help, +though, by suggesting what questions you need answered in your manual . Then it +will be up to you to learn the specifics. +I assume, too, that you have played around with personal computers and +know how they "feel." You may like or dislike these machines, but your feelings +are based on personal experience. You are familiar with disks, disk drives, keyboards, and program editors . + +No baggage + +If + +you + +have + +learn + +had + +acorn + +rough + +puter + +going + +who + +is + +, + +. + +If + +and + +as + +to + +" + +others + +skills + +doing + +Logo + +the + +yourself + +- + +on + +other + +give + +I + +personal + +your + +hand + +you + +- + +own + +, + +help + +or + +you + +you + +Logo + +is + +in + +a + +have + +when + +think + +computers + +course + +- + +access + +you + +should + +, + +ask + +stick + +to + +for + +a + +it + +- + +around + +- + +and + +have + +never + +you + +may + +find + +teacher + +, + +and + +if + +tried + +to + +this + +tutor + +, + +you + +book + +or + +are + +friend + +patient + +, + +. + +craft + +in + +" + +as + +doing + +it + +for + +effective + +needed + +you + +as + +can + +well + +very + +read + +. + +But + +Logo + +in + +or + +much + +like + +about + +making + +order + +to + +furniture + +learning + +a + +furniture + +craft + +, + +develop + +the + +. + +and + +You + +can + +you + +can + +individual + +craftsmanship + +, + +read + +talk + +to + +talents + +you + +must + +and + +physically + +. + +For + +old + +on + +program + +about + +with + +- + +tenacious + +Learning + +it + +, + +to + +Programming + +about + +experience + +language + +willing + +curious + +do + +no + +the + +timer + +newcomer + +can + +overly + +intimidating + +spirits + +high + +to + +suggest + +a + +craft + +, + +beginning + +small + +. + +And + +by + +offering + +, + +a + +master + +artisan + +projects + +encouragement + +that + +can + +certainly + +are + +reasonably + +, + +he + +be + +of + +taxing + +can + +keep + +help + +. + +but + +the + +novice + +The + +not + +'s + +. + +3 + + Chapter1 +This chapter is designed to reinitiate you into the excitement of Logo craft; +all the exercises within the chapter have been fashioned by an experienced +craftsman . These initial projects should be copied . All artisans begin learning +their craft by copying what others have done . This is not to deny their +creativity but rather to allow for a strengthening of the basic skills that support +individual creativity . Good craftsmanship, of course, requires both skill and +creati ve flair . +For my purposes, skills are as much frames of mind as forms of physical +dexterity . For example, in this chapter I will stress the usefulness of three such +skills : first, an ability to break down big problems into smaller problems ; second, +a willingness to imagine yourself as " walking " shapes into existence; and third, +a propensity to tinker with your Logo machinery . Very soon (starting with the +exercises at the end of this chapter, in fact) you will be asked to apply these +skills to support your own kind of invention . +Craft is about building things by hand, and that is what you will be doing +with Logo. + +Copying and tinkering + +Copying + +computer + +programs + +opinion + +about the usefulness + +is so widespread + +that I had better give you my + +of it all . In the previous + +paragraph + +I said that + +copying was a good thing at the start of one 's apprenticeship . As you go through +this chapter, I hope you will want to try out my procedures . That 's OK . But if +you simply type my procedures into your computer, you will only reproduce what +I have done . And that will bore us both . The book shows what I have done ; it +doesn 't show what you can do . My procedures offer you a starting place, so that +you don 't have to build from zero . But it is up to you to go beyond that start . +So please do copy the ideas of any procedure + +that strike your fancy . But, + +once you have made those ideas work on the screen, play rough with them . Give +the copied procedure +4 + +funny and outlandish + +arguments . (Very big or very small + + Introduction + +numbers + +could + +then + +? + +be + +Does + +make + +your + +a + +few + +mands + +a + +but + +what + +procedure + +. + +the + +Can + +is + +still + +inside + +little + +changes + +you + +funny + +work + +body + +of + +guess + +a + +? + +the + +what + +argument + +Can + +you + +) + +What + +explain + +procedure + +; + +might + +? + +happen + +happens + +how + +change + +? + +some + +before + +Go + +of + +you + +on + +the + +to + +com + +- + +experiment + +on + +? + +Get + +nice + +, + +copied + +changes + +just + +these + +outlandish + +into + +the + +procedure + +habit + +, + +of + +make + +a + +tinkering + +few + +, + +just + +changes + +a + +to + +it + +little + +. + +so + +that + +Whenever + +it + +you + +does + +write + +, + +something + +or + +else + +copy + +, + +a + +. + +Equipment + +Your + +most + +than + +important + +the + +computer + +Select + +a + +track + +them + +, + +and + +; + +than + +don + +good + +I + +lot + +will + +write + +worry + +, + +the + +. + +a + +of + +the + +Glue + +. + +. + +' t + +smoke + +Get + +lines + +in + +Rubber + +The + +. + +and + +of + +glue + +is + +it + +You + +will + +, + +. + +Be + +at + +careful + +the + +. + +finally + +, + +of + +using + +same + +time + +If + +. + +I + +fancy + +, + +- + +with + +find + +the + +less + +. + +plenty + +of + +get + +there + +room + +; + +no + +for + +will + +for + +messy + +is + +paper + +pages + +any + +need + +a + +not + +you + +to + +careful + +let + +you + +. + +and + +glue + +in + +in + +you + +will + +graph + +, + +Stick + +whenever + +and + +need + +keep + +sketches + +good + +Since + +. + +to + +little + +. + +means + +. + +disposal + +you + +the + +never + +That + +you + +your + +want + +the + +bound + +important + +images + +better + +you + +the + +more + +: + +handwriting + +Glues + +this + +. + +mixing + +best + +organize + +Queen + +pages + +that + +is + +way + +far + +at + +printed + +those + +is + +may + +the + +the + +be + +paper + +the + +in + +your + +with + +unlined + +notebook + +cement + +lot + +strike + +is + +everything + +crabbed + +in + +And + +- + +, + +well + +, + +get + +piece + +bound + +that + +It + +manuals + +means + +encourage + +will + +. + +and + +notebook + +Also + +. + +technical + +That + +. + +format + +. + +notebook + +listings + +worked + +large + +space + +book + +a + +. + +a + +the + +, + +organization + +notebooks + +a + +unlined + +procedure + +that + +Small + +glue + +all + +illustrations + +a + +, + +, + +hesive + +, + +things + +lot + +and + +notebook + +about + +carefully + +reorganize + +Don + +' t + +stuff + +diagram + +this + +diagrams + +that + +need + +, + +newspaper + +suggest + +of + +in + +is + +on + +large + +work + +portraits + +equipment + +work + +with + +your + +magazine + +of + +you + +notebook + +of + +word + +a + +piece + +the + +, + +though + +world + +' s + +; + +it + +is + +best + +notebook + +very + +flammable + +ad + +- + +. + +. + +5 + + Chapter 1 +Dialects + +Unfortunately, there is not just one Logo . While some Logos are more alike than +others, most have quirks .1 I use Terrapin MacLogo throughout this book . All the +procedures have been written in this dialect using an Apple Macintosh Plus. +Most of the images were generated by Logo procedures and printed on an Apple +Imagewriter II printer . The rest were done by hand, mine . +You may have a different machine and a different Logo . To make life as +easy as possible, and to eliminate the need to talk about dialects, I have tried +hard to avoid using those components that vary most between Logos. The bad +news : this is a book about graphics and graphics is the area in which Logos +differ most . So I skirt any graphics razzle- dazzle that might work in one Logo +and not in another . I don 't use funny pen patterns, polygons filled with patterns +that look like brick walls or tile roofs, or automatic mirrors that reverse images. +There are no sprites or multiple turtles . The only colors I use are white, black, +and (very occasionally ) a reversing pen color . All the line drawings have been +done with a standard, narrow -width pen. + +Caveat emptor + +This is a little late for a warning, but here it is anyway : This is not a bookabout +Logo. You will end up knowing a lot about Logo, and that is no bad thing . But the +goal of the book is to get you to build visual models, and Logo is only a means to +that end. God knows, we could have used Pascal. But it just so happens that Logo +is easier to learn and easier to use than most of the other languages that we +1. Appendix A in Brian Harvey 's Computer Science Logo Style, volume 1: +Intermediate Programming (Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 1985), gives a nice +summary of the syntactic differences between Logos. It gives no help with +differences in graphics, though . + +6 + + Introduction + +could have selected. Logo notation is neat and tidy ; it looks nice on the page and +that encourages visual thinking . But most important, because Logo is so easy to +play around with, it won 't get in the way . +Turtles are us + +We will concentrate on the graphic parts of Logo . And that means " turtle +graphics ." The intent of Logo's turtle metaphor was to inspire young children to +explore shapes. The turtle is a tiny triangle of light that is moved about the +screen via Logo commands . As the turtle moves, it leaves a trace of light . +Children are encouraged to imagine themselves in the turtle 's place and to draw +a shape by walking through it, as the turtle would walk through it . +Children have the necessary body knowledge to walk a circle, even though +they cannot express their circle drawing rules before walking them . Walking +the turtle around an invisible circle translates the body 's knowledge into word +commands : " I' m walking him forward a little bit, now I' ll turn him a little, I 'm +walking him forward a little bit, now I'll turn him a little . . . I'll keep doing +this until until he's finished . Yes, that 's it ; I'm back where I started ." Once +said, the words are available to be transformed into Logo commands. +Because adult bodies may be more spatially intuitive than children 's, your +turtle visualizations can be far more effective than a child 's. There is a problem +with adults, though ; they aren't used to playing imagination games as adults +and must be coaxed into it . Children are happy to play silly games; adults may +be embarrassed to try . I will be asking you, after all, to imagine yourself as an +electronic turtle . And what would that feel like, I mean physically ? Use your +turtle body and walk around a bit . +Don 't reject visualization and muscular thinking before you try it . What +was good enough for Uncle Albert should be good enough for you . Listen to what +he said: "The physical entities which seem to serve as elements in thought are +certain signs and more or less clear images which can be 'voluntarily ' reproduced +7 + + Chapter1 +and combined . . . this combinatory play seems to be the essential feature of +productive thought . The above elements are, in my case, of the visual and some +of the muscular type ." - Albert Einstein + +Turtle space + +Turtles live on your computer screen . Make sure you know the size of yours, since +different + +computer + +screens have different + +generally + +stated in vertical + +dimensions . Screen dimensions + +(the y -axis direction ) and horizontal + +are + +(the x -axis + +direction ) measurements . Pinpoint the x = 0 and y = 0 point on your screen . +The turtle can be moved about the screen using cartesian x-y coordinates or +turtle coordinates . Cartesian commands send the turtle to a specific xy position +on the screen, without +Various + +regard to the turtle 's current position . + +SET commands + +move the turtle + +through + +cartesian space . Review + +them . +In the turtle + +reference system, all commands + +refer to the turtle 's current + +position, not its final position . The turtle is moved forward, backward, turned +left or right + +in relation to where it is now . + +Review the turtle reference commands : FD, BK, PU, PD, RT LT . +In the cartesian system, the destination + +is the important + +thing ; in the turtle + +reference system, it 's the trip . + +Making shapes +Let's draw a simple shape using turtle reference commands . Suppose you would +like the turtle to draw a square box located at the center of the screen (usually + +the origin of the xy coordinate system). Here are the three steps you would take: +First, you would clear the screen by typing CG (clear graphics ). The turtle +now sits at 0,0 and faces straight up . + +8 + + Introduction + +Second, you would +through + +think about the commands + +needed to walk the turtle + +the shape . Use the turtle metaphor . + +1. " OK turtle ? Go forward 50 steps and turn right by 90 degrees. That completes +the left side of the box." + +2. "Now, go forward another SOsteps and turn right by 90 degrees. That completes the top of the box." + +3. " Go forward yet another 50 steps and turn right again by 90 degrees. That +completes the right side of the box." + +4. " Go forward another 50 units and turn right 90 degrees. That completes the +bottom edge of the box." + +That 's it . The turtle has walked around the four sides of a size 50 box, +arriving back to where it started . These prose commands would translate into +Logo as: +1. FD 50 RT 90 +2. FD 50 RT 90 +3. FD 50 RT 90 +4. FD 50 RT 90 + +The third and last step would be to type these commands on the keyboard . +And here is what you will see. + +9 + + Chapter 1 +" 2- + +, + +J + +4- + +Great . This series of commands + +wasn 't it tedious + +does indeed + +draw + +the square you wanted ; but + +to type in all that stuff ? The command + +FD 50 + +RT + +90 was + +typed four times . Surely there is a shorthand method to repeat this line four +times without typing four times . Review the REPEAT command ; it is exactly +w hat we need here. Try it . +CG + +REPEAT + +4 + +[ FD + +50 + +RT + +90 ] + +Notice that the line REPEAT 4 [ FD 50 RT 90 ] is a kind of operational +definition + +of what + +a square + +is : a square + +is four + +sides, four + +FD + +commands + +, with + +each side joined at right angles to the next, the RT 90 commands . That 's tidy, +but it 's still a bore to type two lines each time you want a size 50 box on the +screen . After + +all, you may want + +Wouldn 't it be convenient + +to draw + +100 boxes . + +to be able to " tell " Logo your + +square and then to give that definition + +definition + +of a + +a name ? + +Logo proceduresgroup commandsunder a single name + +You can group a series of Logo commands together under a single name by writing +a Logo procedure . The name of the procedure is a shorthand for all commands in- + +10 + + Introduction + +cluded + +in it . Typing + +the name of the procedure + +tells Logo to automatically + +execute each line of the procedure in turn, just as if you had typed them, one after +another, on the keyboard . +You can " tell " Logo your definition + +of a square by creating + +called SQUARE. Logo will " remember " your definition + +a procedure + +until you either erase it or + +turn off your computer . +Review the defining and editing procedures in your Logo manual . + +Shapes defined. and drawn by procedures + +Let 's get on with writing + +the necessary procedure . Here it is : + +TO BOXSO +REPEAT 4 [ FD 50 RT 90] +END + +Logo will add BOXSO to all its other commands . Each time you type BOXSO, the + +turtle will draw a square of size 50. The figure will be drawn at the turtle 's current position + +on the screen . Unless you move the turtle + +to a different + +starting + +point, each time you type BOXSO, the square produced will be on top of the +previously drawn figure . So move the turtle around to new positions and draw +some + +more + +boxes . + +But you can certainly be more imaginative than that . Create an interesting +design on the screen using only the BOXSOprocedure and move commands. If you +have a color screen, you might want to investigate the effects of changing the +screen's background color and the color of the pen. Keep track of what you are +doing in your notebook so that you can reconstruct your successfuldesigns. +Here is a simple command that wraps boxes around the screen: +REPEAT 25 [ PD BOX50 PU RT 15 FD 60 LT 15 ] + +11 + + Chapter 1 +Wrapped boxes + +Here are two different + +images produced + +by that one -liner . How are they differ - + +ent ? Is one image more pleasing than the other ? Why ? + +12 + + Introduction + +Generalizing + +procedures + +What about boxes of different sizes? You could edit the BOX50 procedure every +time you wanted it to draw a different size box. You could also define many BOXlike procedures, each to draw a different size box. But that doesn't seem very efficient, does it ? After all, Logo itself doesn't have a different FD command for +every possible length of line that you might wish the turtle to draw . +There is not a FD- 1O command for drawing lines of length 10 and a FD- 43 +command for drawing them 43 units long . Logo has a single FD command . Whenever FD is used, an argument must be used in conjunction with it : the form is FD +argument . A single argument must be typed just after FD. For example, one could +type : FD 10 or FD 43. The value of the argument " tells" FD how to go about its +business of drawing straight lines . Isn't this convenient ? One command does a +variety of things . FD + +argument + +draws straight lines of any length . If we + +change the value of the argument, the line length changes accordingly . +Let's generalize BOX50 in terms of box size as FD is general in terms of line +length . + +Adding an argument to a procedure + +Define a new box procedure that has a size argument . The value of the argument +will tell the box procedure how to go about its business of drawing boxes. Changing the value of the argument will change the size of the box. You can now draw +boxes of any size from, say, 1 unit to 5000 units . Use this example as a "pattern " +for incorporating an argument into a procedure. +TO BOX : EDGE + +REPEAT4 [FD : EDGERT 90] +END + +13 + + Chapter 1 + +Putting a demonsuation procedure together + +I am sure that by this time you have already designed some interesting patterns +with various BOXprocedures. Some of these patterns you probably liked enough +to print and glue into your notebook. Remember to include a few written comments +on what you were trying to achieve. +Perhaps you would like to show off your designs. You could show your pals +the images in your notebook . But seeing an image is not the same as seeing how +the image is drawn, the order in which the pieces are visually assembled. How +would you go about demonstrating this? You could retype all the Logo commands +needed for your screen collage. What else could you do? +Remember that Logo procedures can group a series of commands together +under one name. So let 's define a new Logo procedure that will run all the +necessary steps to demonstrate your design. Once defined, you will only have to +type the demonstration procedure 's name to have your designs redrawn on the +screen. Your demonstration procedure will have no arguments; it will only do one +thing : generate a specific design that you want to show to your friends . If you +wish to show off with several designs, you could design specific Logo procedures +to reproduce each design. +Here is an example of such a demonstration procedure : +TO DEMO +; A demonstration +procedure +to show off a design +; produced from multiple +boxes of different +sizes . +REPEAT 4 [ BOX 100 BOX 98 BOX 96 BOX 75 BOX 40 +BOX 35 BOX 30 RT 90 ] + +END + +To see the pattern defined by DEMO +, type it : + +14 + + Introduction + +Funny feelings + +Do you have a funny feeling that this isn't enough, that we aren't producing +great enough images? Let's think about this for a while . +Drawing with Logo should not be the same as drawing with a pen or pencil . +What can be sketched quickly by hand is unbearably tedious to sketch with +Logo. You may have tried sketching with Logo by moving the turtle as you would +move your sketching hand . It doesn't satisfy, and it doesn't work . Logo is a +unique medium for visual expression; don 't expect it to, be like other media . +Visual modeling with Logo is as different from drawing as clay modeling is +different from photography . Our Logo media is a visual modeling media . We use +it best to build models . Why ? To encourage us to think about shapes. The +drawing is done to encourage thinking . +So don 't worry too much (now ) about the final image. Don 't worry if your +designs aren't amazingly beautiful ; don 't be concerned if they aren't " arty ." +This isn't, after all, a book about computer "art," but it might be useful to think +about ART for a minute . Here is a quote from a computer art type, Harold Cohen +from the University of California at San Diego : " For most people outside of art, +15 + + Chapter 1 + +probably, art is directed + +primarily + +at the production + +of beautiful + +interesting + +images ; and who is to argue that a complicated + +beautiful + +than an Elsworth + +machine + +simulation + +Kelly + +painting + +of Mondrian + +Lissajou figure is less + +or a Jackson Pollock ; or that a + +is less interesting + +plagiarizes ? To talk of beauty or of interest + +objects and + +than + +the original + +it + +is to talk of taste, and matters of + +taste cannot be argued with much profit . The fact is that art is not, and never +has been, concerned + +primarily + +with + +the making + +patterns . The real power, the real magic, which + +of beautiful + +or interesting + +remains still in the hands of + +the elite, rests not in the making of images, but in the conjuring of meaning ." +A little professorial, this . But do you think he has a point ? +Go back to your demonstration + +procedures, the ones that have no arguments + +so they do only one thing . A procedure +drawing + +procedure + +much thinking +procedures + +that does only one thing is like a box + +that draws only one size of box . One box doesn 't encourage + +about the nature of boxes, does it ? Can you use your demonstration + +to explore the nature of a collage that intrigues + +with the collage demonstration + +procedure + +Maybe you could generalize +argument . To generalize + +does ; and that 's our appropriate + +that draws it . Tinker a bit . + +the demonstration + +a procedure + +you ? Play around + +procedure + +is to stretch your thinking + +by adding + +an + +about what it + +work, too, because it respects the uniqueness of + +the Logo art medium . " It 's the tinkering + +that counts, not the artiness ." Pin that + +phrase over your computer screen . + +Generalizing + +a procedure with arguments + +Let 's go back to that BOX procedure . Can we generalize + +it so that it draws + +triangle " boxes " as well as square ones ? While we are at it, let 's ask BOX to draw +boxes with any number + +of equal sides . These shapes will be regular + +polygons + +with n sides . Why not call the generalized procedure NGON for n-sided polygon ? +Look again at the procedure +BOX into NGON. + +16 + +BOX and decide what needs to be changed to turn + + Introduction + +TO BOX :EDGE +REPEAT4 [FD : EDGERT 90] +END +You need to add a secondargument : N. This will tell Logo how many sides +to draw. We can replacethe REPEAT 4 with REPEAT : N. FD : EDGEwill stay +the same, but what about the angle you want the turtle to turn before drawing +the next side? It surely will be different for different sided polygons. +Generally, sketching focusesgeometric thinking . Here are some walking +plans that you might issue to the turtle to do NGONs +. + +7. +<. + +1 '1 + +~ + +\ + +2 + +A +~ + +! + +- + +\ + +. + +How can you calculate the angle indicated by the " ?" for any n-sided poly gon? Your geometric intuition should tell you that the turtle, after making : N +turns, will end up facing the same direction in which it started . The amount of +each individual turn will be 360 divided by the number of turns, or 360/ : N. (Now +is the time to recall Logo 's mathematical capacities. Review the Logo notation +to add, subtract, multiply, and divide .) +You are ready to write the new procedure NGON +: + +TO NGON:N : EDGE +REPEAT :N [FD : EDGERT 360/ :N] +END + +17 + + Chapter 1 + +Try it out . Notice that when : N becomes large, the drawn figure becomes a +circle (almost ). Carry out some clever visual experiments + +with NGONs. + +Some observations + +Look back carefully at what we have done so far with procedure writing . We +started with a list of commands that drew a box of a single size. Next, we +grouped these commands into procedures that could draw boxes of several +different sizes. Next, we generalized the BOX procedure with an argument so +that it could draw boxes of any size. Finally, we produced a still more general +procedure, NGON, that can draw any regular, polygonal + +"box" - triangles, + +squares, pentagons, hexagons, and so on- of whatever size we wanted . + +Making the simple more complete + +What next ? How can we make these simple polygons more interesting ? Maybe +we can add another polygon characteristic to NGON +. +Sometime in your life you were probably given an exercise like the follow ing . " Cut out some different sized squares from a sheet of colored paper and think +about placing the squares on a large piece of white paper . First, try to arrange +the squares so that your design feels unbalanced and looks wonky . Next, +rearrange the squares to create a balanced design." +What kinds of changes did you make? What about creating an arrangement +that looks sad and another that looks euphoric ? Each design used the same +squares. What made them different ? Their placement . +Make NGONdraw a bunch of NGONsand put them on the screen according to +some placement rule . Take out your notebook and doodle . Here are some results +from my doodling . Your approach will be different . I'll explain mine, and I'll +expect that your plans will go into your notebook. + +18 + + Introduction + +Sketches of spinning polygons that grow or shrink as they spin + +- - _..~~ ~ + +(s:e..,.."'('",,.J(,. +~ l (,.G +--c:12 +. + +/ + +l' +(r.G, -r-"JC::r SMA Ll . En- + +SI =iit C+-,p, ~ CrE + +19 + + Chapter1 +Word description of sketched ideas + +" I want Logo to draw a series of polygons rotating around a common point, and I +want each successivepolygon to get bigger, or maybe get smaller . +" I don 't know what angle to turn between one polygon and the next, so I'll +include an argument called : ANGLE that I can vary, to see what happens. +" 1 don 't know how big the growth should be between one polygon and the +next, so I 'll define another argument called : GROWTH +. I 'll play with different +values of : GROWTH +to see what looks best. +" How do I make : GROWTHwork ? Growth can be of two sorts: growth by a +constant amount, or growth by a constant percentage. I 'll try the latter . That +means that if I want polygons to grow by 10%, I define : GROWTH +to be 1.10. For a +90% shrinkage I would use : GROWTH += .9." + +A procedure to spin polygons +TO SPINGON : N : EDGE :ANGLE : GROWTH +NGON : N : EDGE +RT : ANGLE +SPINGON : N ( : EDGE* : GROWTH +) :ANGLE : GROWTH +; Here is the recursion . +END + +What is new here? First, there are more arguments than you have seen +before. Every time you use SPINGON, you must remember to type four numbers +after it . Second, this procedure is recursive : the last line in the SPI NGON +procedure asks that SPINGONbe done again, but with some arguments changed. +For example, ( : EDGE) becomes ( : EDGE* : GROWTH +) the first time recursion is +called; and then ( : EDGE* : GROWTH +) becomes ( : EDGE* : GROWTH +) * : GROWTH +the +second time recursion is called . A recursive procedure is a procedure that uses +itself as one of its parts . +Will SPINGON ever stop? Try it out . + +20 + + Introduction + +Somespingons + +SPINGON30 2 10 1. 02 95 + +HOMECG REPEAT 3 [SPINGON4 120 0 . 95 50 RT 90] +SPINGON 4 120 0 . 95 19 + +21 + + Chapter1 +Stopping recursive procedures + +One last procedural writing point to review . Having put SPINGON into motion, +how do you make it stop at a stage of your choosing? You need to have a way of +telling it how to stop . That 's another characteristic to include as an argument . +Look at the following modification to SPINGON. Review the conditional commands in Logo. IF + +. + +. + +. + +[ something ] is such a conditional . Using the IF + +phrase, everything becomes very tidy . +TO +; + +SPINGON + +IF +; + +: N + +Note + +the + +: TIMES +This + +< +is + +NGON + +: N + +RT + +: ANGLE + +: GROWTH + +argument + +1 + +above + +[ STOP + +the + +: TIMES + +. + +] + +conditional + +stopper + +. + +: EDGE + +: ANGLE + +SPINGON +; + +: EDGE + +new + +: N + +Note + +( : EDGE + +the + +new + +* + +: GROWTH + +) + +: ANGLE + +above + +. + +me + +give + +you + +topic + +that + +gives + +most + +students + +talk + +about + +: + +maintenance + +argument + +: GROWTH + +( : TIMES + +- + +l + +) + +END + +Boring + +logistics + +Before + +ending + +Logo + +language + +one + +about + +of + +the + +most + +from + +files + +the + +, let +. The + +boring + +please + +. Do + +chapter + +manual + +it . But + +material + +files + +this + +same + +things + +review + +, + +how + +review + +to + +how + +to + +erase + +for + +storing + +to + +save + +files + +, + +and + +a few + +text + +more + +file + +items + +material + +how + +to + +as + +catalog + +retrieving + +files + +graphics + +to + +review + +from + +the + +most + +problems + +. So + +files + +, + +, + +I + +how + +and + +information + +how + +your +is + +won + +'t + +to + +retrieve + +to + +talk + +print + +. + +A note on the procedure presentation style used in this book + +I have tried to make the presentation + +of procedures + +possible . Here are several of my presentation + +22 + +rules . + +in this book as readable as + + 00 +t~o +:r:1~hj +~ +hj +-C +:jHo +-C +:jH~ + +Introduction + +First, the many commentsrule . I have included wordy explanations in some +of my procedures. These comments begin with the Logo command " ; " . There is, of +course, no need for you to include these comments in your own version of my procedures. However, it is a good idea for you to put comments in your own procedures. +Second, the meaningful cluster rule . I often include extra parentheses to +group like elements into a cluster. This is useful, for example, when an argument +is composed of a collection of Logo material, but you want to see it as a single +cluster of information . Here is an example from this chapter. Notice the use of +comments, too. +TO SPINGON : N : EDGE : ANGLE : GROWTH: TIMES +; Note the new argument above . +IF : TIMES < 1 [ STOP] +; This is the conditional +stopper . +NGON : N : EDGE +RT : ANGLE +SPINGON : N ( : EDGE* : GROWTH +) : ANGLE : GROWTH( : TIMES- l ) +; Note the new argument above . +END + +Third, the body structuring +page without + +rule . Procedures should be laid out nicely on the + +too much information + +should be divided + +on anyone + +line . Long procedure + +statements + +up between lines to make them more readable . The special + +character + +" - " is used to indicate + +continued + +from one line to the next . Here is an example . Notice that the Logo + +material + +within + +the [repeat brackets ] would + +long statement had not been divided + +TO SQUIGGLE +REPEAT :N [ + +END + +when + +: B + +Logo statement + +have been difficult + +has been + +to read if the + +into several short lines . + +: N + +:A + +- + +130 + +- + +:A + +- + +50 + +- + +:B + +a single + +] + +23 + + Chapter 1 + +The symbol " - " indicates, of course, that the return key should not be used +becausethe Logo statement continues. Consult your ov- mLogo manual for handling +the problem of procedure layout . +Exercises + +There are five exercises to explore before going on to the material of chapter 2. +The first is so important that we will go through it together, step by step. You +can work on the other exercisesby yourself . + +Exercise +1.1 +Make NGONmore versatile by doing two things to it . First, improve NGONso that +it will draw polygons around a central point; and second, improve NGONso that +it can be given an argument that specifies not the length of an edge of the +polygon but the radius of the polygon. I' ve made up the term radius of a polygon . +It is the radius of the smallest circle that just encloses a regular polygon . The +center of this circle is the point around which the polygon is to be drawn . Seethe +diagram below . + +t + +~ + +.J, + +. + +" + +" + +' + +0 + +. + +. + +. + +. fr.o + +. +. + +. +. + +. +. + +. +. + +. + +R lS ~ + +' + +. + +" + +t>\ ~ S 0 ;:: 1' ~ l...vG-l.?, J + +Call the revised procedure CNGONfor " entered NGON +./I + +24 + +. + +' + +. +. + +. +. + +. +. + + Introduction + +Two hints : First, ask yourself what arguments CNGONwill need. This is +another way to ask yourself what information must be given to CNGONso that it +can go about its business of drawing centered NGONs +. CNGONneeds only two pieces +of information, or two arguments : the number of sides of the polygon to be drawn +and the radius of that polygon . That means that the first line of the new +procedure will look like this : + +CNGON:N : RAD +Second, imagine yourself as the turtle . How would you walk through the design +that CNGON must make? Draw a simple diagram to describe such a " turtle +walk ." You might want to divide the diagram up into individual scenes. Later +you can translate each scene in words and then into Logo notation . Here is the +first instance where this turtle visualization is really needed. Let yourself go; +talk out loud ; get on with it without too much thinking . + +Word description of the turtle walk (see sketches on next page) + +Diagram +A: Gettingread~ to drawthe~ol~gon. +You, as the turtle, begin your journey from position (1), the center of the proposed +polygon . You are facing straight up . +Pick up your pen and move forward by the amount of the polygon 's radius . +This is : RAD. This puts you in position (2). +You now need to turn right by an amount that is labeled (angle) on the +sketch (3). What will + +(angle ) be related to? Will + +(angle ) be different + +for + +differently shaped polygons, that is, polygons with different numbers of sides? +Yes. Will (angle) be related to the overall size of polygons ? No . Don 't worry +about how to calculate (angle), yet; you can work that out later . + +25 + + Chapter 1 +Turtle walk sketches + +. +. + +: + +(3) + +. + +. + +. +. +. +. + +. +. + +~ A \) II .I.~ + +: +. +. +. + +. +. + +e +A + +::B + +t +t + +:~ (+) +(b) . ~ ) AIIJ6 +-tE~ + +. + +c + +26 + +~ c..~) + +,]) + + Introduction + +After turning right by the amount of (angle), you are looking along one of +the polygon 's edges (4). +Put down the pen in preparation for drawing the polygon . + +Diagram B: Drawing the I2o1~gon. + +You are at position (4) and ready to draw an n-sided polygon . You can use the +procedure NGON. But what arguments will you use? It needs some values for : N +and : EDGE. Right ? +Yes, but + +wait + +a minute + +. What + +should + +the + +value + +for + +: EDGE + +be ? You + +know + +the + +value of : N, the number ')f sides of the polygon . And you know the value of the +new argument, : RAD. What must the polygon 's edge dimension be so that, after +it is drawn, it has a radius equal to : RAD? In other words, we need to be able to +express : EDGE in terms of : Nand : RAD. OK . We know the problem, what we +have to work on, but let 's not stop yet . Label the edge thing that must be +calculated (edge). We will return to it in a minute . +Now you can draw an NGON : N (edge). +You began the NGONfrom position (4). You will end at the same place. + +Diagram +C: Gettingread~ to returnto thecenter +. +You are at position (6). You must now turn left by the amount of (angle); this is +indicated by (7). This leaves you in position (8), pointing straight up . + +Diagram D: Returning to the centerof the ~ol~gon. +Pick up your pen and back down, by an amount equal to : RAD, to the polygon's +center. Finally, put your pen down in preparationfor whatever might comenext. +Note that you, as the turtle, have ended in the sameposition (9) as you began +(1). +27 + + Chapter 1 + +A turtle walk transfonned + +into a Logo procedure (almost ) + +No more words are necessary. Here it is. +TO CNGON : N : RAD +PU FD : RAD +RT (angle ) PD +NGON : N (edge ) +LT (angle ) +PU BK : RAD PD +END + +The procedure is sketched. And we know what we know and what we don't. The +two amounts, (angle) and (edge), are still unknown . To figure these bits will require a little geometry and trigonometry . We might as well use this opportunity +to review all the bits and pieces of polygons . + +The Geometry of CNGONs +two diagrams in conjunction with the word and equation + +Use the following +descriptions . + +, + +. +. +. + +k + +/' :: !~d.e + +: +. +. +. + +~~ /2. + +. + +. + +- 6 ~\ : +/ + +- + +" + +\ + +e/ 2. + +f +6., ' 2. + +.-...-. + +. + +' + +. +. +. +. +. +. +. + +:, + +.. + +, + +.. . ' +. .. + +' +. + +~ \, .- + +. + +. + +-" + +. +. + +. + +' \ + +. + +. + +: + +." + +- + +- + +. ' . . + +, +. + +. + +, + +. +, +, + +' + +. + +. + +.'t. + +. + +..' + +. + +. . + +. + +. . . . .. + +. + +." ",., + +D +., +~ :~ o... +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. +' + +D + +. + +. + +. + +Q.. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. r " +' - + +~ +- ' + +. + +. + +. + +, + +. + +. + +' + +. + +' + +' + +....., ~~ + +. + +. +. + +' + +. + +. +. + +' . +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +, +. + +, + +. + +. + +. . + +- + +. +, + +' + +28 + +. + +. + +. +. + +. + +. + +. + +- + +. +- + +' + +. + +. + +. + +' + +. + +. + +. + +. + +, . +v + +. + +IJ.., + +. + +. + +. + +. + +.\" .''..*.'' ...tIt' +..'7~' + +Iv + +- - + +. + +. + +. + +" + +, + +. + +" " ... + +c.1 + +. + + Introduction + +The first problem + +we face is to find an expression for angle d in terms of n, + +the number of sides of the polygon . The second problem is to find an expression +for the length of a polygon 's edge, e, in terms of its radius, R, and n, the number of +sides . +In preparation +with + +for these two acts, let 's look at all the angles associated + +polygons . The central angles, labeled a, are easy . They are each equal to + +360 / n . The external angles, labeled c, are also equal to 360 / n . The external angle +is the turning + +angle used in NGON. What about the internal angles, labeled b . We + +need some work here : + +(1) c = 360jn, +(2) c + b = 180. + +29 + + Chapter 1 + +Putting (7) and (6) togetherand solving for e gives +(8) e = 2*R*sin (180/ n) <---Secondl2roblernsolved. +Review + +the following + +trig + +functions : sine, cosine, and tangent . What + +is an + +arctangent:? Draw some diagrams to explain each of these functions . Glue them + +on the insidecoverof your notebook. +Installing the necessary geometry into CNGON + +Here's how far we have gotten with CNGON +: +TO CNGON : N : RAD +PU FD : RAD +RT (angle ) PD +NGON : N (edge ) +LT (angle ) +PU BK : RAD PD +END + +Now we can replace + +( angle + +) and ( edge ) with the needed expressions . + +Here is the finished CNGON +: +TO CNGON : N : RAD +PU FD : RAD +RT 180 - ( 90* ( : N- 2 ) / : N) PD +NGON : N (2* : RAD* SIN ( 180 / : N +LT 180 - ( 90* ( : N- 2 ) / : N) +PU BK : RAD PD +END + +30 + + Introduction + +Lessons + +and + +When + +solving + +visual + +problem + +in + +tips + +down + +turn + +, + +and + +Exercise + +Put + +into + +then + +1 + +problems + +several + +plug + +one + +presented + +chapter + +. + +or + +placing + +simple + +balance + +or + +' s + +the + +little + +reproduction + +little + +more + +thing + +. + +solutions + +want + +to + +shapes + +emotions + +title + +. + +. + +, + +DEMO + +act + +below + +( That + +CNGON + +problems + +, + +Solve + +together + +try + +each + +to + +procedures + +reviewed + +them + +might + +reproduced + +this + +smaller + +the + +and + +Make + +You + +like + +form + +to + +break + +of + +the + +small + +big + +solution + +one + +the + +single + +big + +problems + +. + +. 2 + +together + +ideas + +, + +by + +more + +strangely + +think + +some + +on + +a + +A + +painting + +What + +the + +? + +in + +Can + +this + +chapter + +by + +way + +. ) + +you + +do + +about + +field + +be + +What + +something + +. + +make + +imaginative + +Modify + +use + +every + +procedure + +of + +the + +in + +the + +. + +more + +blank + +could + +that + +of + +exercise + +paper + +the + +more + +the + +to + +Russian + +that + +do + +similar + +depict + +artist + +elegant + +emotion + +, + +you + +described + +above + +different + +eight + +feel + +when + +of + +feelings + +Kasimir + +these + +, + +of + +Malevich + +red + +looking + +is + +rectangles + +? + +at + +this + +? + +31 + + Chapter1 +Exercise1.3 +Combine the ideas of SPINGONwith your newly constructed CNGON +. + +Exercise +1.4 +Design a fancier CNGONthat fills up a polygon with textures. Here are a few +visual tips for Exercises 1.3 and 1.4: + +32 + + Introduction + +Exercise +1.5 +Design a Logo procedure that puts polygons on the vertices of other polygons . +Hint : look carefully at the body of CNGON. When does the turtle arrive at a +polygon vertex ? Mark the vertex arrival place in the CNGONprocedure . You +might consider this location as the right spot to install some recursion : when the +turtle arrives at any vertex, ask it to do another CNGONcentered on that vertex . +This recursive drawing will place polygons on the vertices of polygons on the +vertices of polygons . You will need to figure out a way of stopping the recursion +machinery, or it will continue forever . Define a new argument, : LEVEL, to keep +track of recursion levels. What about the relative sizes of the polygons ? Should +they get bigger or smaller ? Can you handle that? +Don 't forget the following tricks : + +1. Imagine yourself as the turtle . +2. Sketch the design that the turtle must walk through . +3. Describe the turtle walk in words . +4. Divide + +the walk up into logical sections . + +5. Note the bits you know and the bits that will need some further + +thought + +and + +research . +6. Translate the words into Logo commands . + +7. Test it out with realistic and totally outlandish argument values. + +33 + + Chapter 2 +Visual Modeling + +" In the case of miniatures, in contrast to what happens when we try to +understand an object or living creature of real dimensions, knowledge of the +whole precedes knowledge of the parts . And even if this is an illusion, the point +of the procedure is to create or sustain the illusion, which gratifies the +intelligence and gives rise to a sense of pleasure which can already be called +a es the tic ." + +Claude Levi -Strauss, The SavageMind +Models + +Most physical models are miniatures, smaller versions of something else. Model +railroad + +engines are good examples, and many of us have had pleasant + +experiences with them . They can be picked up and looked at from any angle, and +they can be experimented with, too . How many wagons, for example, can a +model locomotive pull ? Attach 10 wagons and see if the locomotive can pull +them . And if you should sit beneath a model railway bridge when the tiny +engine rolls across it, pulling all those wagons, what will the sound be like ? +Will it be like the real thing ? Listen carefully and you will experience a double +thrill : an excitement that comes from using a model to hear how a full -sized +locomotive might sound; an excitement that comes from simply playing, on your +own terms, with a miniaturized piece of the world . + + Visual Modeling + +I + +believe + +closely + +at + +the + +our + +clarity + +ourselves + +, + +that + +this + +kind + +of + +world + +, is + +very + +useful + +of + +vision + +not + +in + +just + +well + +. + +is + +about + +construction + +as + +This + +visual + +book + +images + +are + +produced + +by + +more + +whatever + +they + +raw + +material + +Logo + +get + +in + +OK + +. No + +Logo + +. But + +An + +important + +What + +more + +first + +. But + +material + +in + +the + +model + +Chapter + +to + +a + +talking + +in + +next + +requires + +what + +ask + +now + +few + +of + +my + +style + +; + +a review + +'s + +an + +image + +have + +a + +fair + +patterns + +and + +models + +of + +, images + +will + +our + +models + +though + +All + +must + +try + +first + +. OK + +. Models + +and + +times + +, you + +craft + +design + +visual + +procedures + +fact + +that + +involving + +their + +Logo + +. In + +build + +does + +fair + +mean + +now + +is + +the + +time + +. + +Logo + +mechanics + +text + +the + +good + +time + +of + +. Logo + +hard + +not + +be + +, + +is + +the + +to + +let + +? + +- producing + +machine + +. In + +you + +working + +of + +Logo + +, the + +the + +using + +you + +will + +the + +exercises + +at + +Logo + +, a + +and + +that + +get + +used + +centered + +polygon + +of + +turtle + +the + +'s + +style + +right + +assignment + +walks + +, and + +build + +through + +. + +be + +some + +helpful + +. + +the + +geometry + +you + +to + +away + +. Be + +. This + +simple + +the + +throughout + +apply + +introduce + +that + +end + +the + +your + +1 ; go + +would + +to + +at + +to + +Chapter + +chapter + +Logo + +compare + +used + +. Try + +the + +looked + +need + +probably + +will + +yet + +you + +trigonometry + +1 + +to + +scan + +review + +material + +, Chapter + +'t + +let + +what + +of + +haven + +1 will + +' t just + +review + +introduction + +you + +. Don + +addition + +on + +If + +Chapter + +geometry + +should + +understanding + +section + +some + +to + +? + +with + +out + +the + +time + +exercises + +maybe + +try + +know + +much + +a + +next + +, and + +already + +is + +you + +, + +in + +the + +you + +, so + +bines + +from + +more + +convinced + +explores + +. Other + +. + +look + +by + +using + +world + +Logo + +am + +in + +that + +designs + +building + +that + +1, + +1 describes + +some + +but + +to + +narrative + +, you + +of + +in + +spend + +about + +. Let + +the + +described + +examples + +book + +pause + +Chapter + +if + +not + +introduction + +knowledge + +Even + +constructed + +model + +pursued + +machinery + +be + +your + +best + +modeling + +imaginary + +is + +, I + +models + +real + +us + +addition + +is + +create + +the + +encourages + +. . . + +language + +visual + +of + +will + +book + +of + +play + +of + +kind + +or + +it + +. In + +such + +from + +, will + +this + +way + +comes + +current + +much + +abstract + +, but + +the + +special + +we + +represent + +because + +manipulation + +a + +very + +that + +by + +the + +Sometimes + +, + +enjoyment + +developed + +. + +machines + +play + +my + +Logo + +- + +sure + +to + +exercise + +com + +geometry + +. + +- + +35 + + Chapter2 +Go back and take at peek at Chapter 1 right now . Have a good read and +take your time with it . If you are a real Logo high -flier, test your flair by doing +the exercises at the end of Chapter I, before you glance through the hints given +there. After having a go at these problems, compare your Logo style with mine . + +On to modeling + +I have decided to begin this work with something + +concrete, something + +from the world of things . We can do some abstract modeling +later on . The example that follows + +is a description + +machine . I never built + +of ideas or emotions + +of a device that I vaguely + +remember seeing described in an old Scientific American +a pipe - and -roller + +selected + +magazine . I 've called it + +the thing, but I always wanted + +to see + +how it worked . + +Pipes and rollers + +Imagine that we are wandering about a construction site where there are useful +bits and pieces lying about, free for the taking . While this wandering will be +done only in our minds, the images seen there are based on impressions from past, +real excursions. +We will need some short sections of plastic pipe, the kind used for +plumbing . Try to find as many different -diametered pipes as you can. Here is a +sketch of what you might have picked up so far. + +36 + + Visual Modeling + +Next, let 's assemble a collection + +of wooden + +dowels + +of various + +diameters, + +from very small diameters to very large ones . Dowels, or rounded wooden pegs, +are used to join together adjacent parts by fitting +holes . Dowels + +are used by cabinetmakers + +tightly + +into two corresponding + +to assemble fine pieces of furniture + +when nails or screws would be unsightly ; and large dowel -pegs are still used to +fit together wooden beams when aesthetics are more important + +than cost . Call + +the dowels that you have assembled " rollers " ; you will see why in just a minute . +Here is a sketch of my dowel collection . (Sketches are models, too .) + +Assemblin19the pipe -and-roller machine +Now, imagine that one section of pipe is floating in the air at eye level ; one end +of the pipe is clearly visible to us, and the pipe 's length is parallel to the + +37 + + Chapter2 +ground . Now, hold one of the dowel -rollers parallel to the length of the pipe +and place it on top of the pipe . + +Next, imagine rolling the dowel around the circumference of the pipe until +it arrives back at its starting position at the top of the pipe . You will have to +hold the roller very carefully so that it doesn't slip on the pipe but rolls nicely +in contact with + +the pipe . If you roll + +the dowel around + +the pipe in a + +counterclockwise direction, the dowel will also turn counterclockwise . + +- + +' + +" + +The dowel would + +' + +, + +turn in a clockwise direction + +. + +. + +" + +if the rolling -about -the- pipe was + +also in a clockwise direction . Note the two motions of the roller : the roller goes +around the pipe as it turns around it own center . The two centers, the center of the +pipe and the center of the roller, will feature in all our calculations . + +38 + + VisualModeling +Now that you have an image of the physical machine in your mind 's eye, I +can ask you to begin manipulating the parts of the image. Imagine playing with +this model in your mind . What will the roller "look like " as it rolls around the +pipe ? Can you draw a picture of it ? Or better still, can you create a Logo model of +this roller / pipe machine that can illustrate the motions for us? +Imagine, for example, that we glue an arrow onto the end of the roller . + +What pattern will the tip of this arrow trace out as the roller moves +around the pipe ? Imagine a series of photographs taken at regular intervals as +the roller moves around the pipe . Let's construct a Logo machine that will work +in this photographic way . In other words, let 's build a Logo machine to model +the physical pipe -and-roller events visually . +Roller talk + +At first glance, this exercise looks pretty +than the centered polygon +break this problem +polygon + +problem + +difficult .! certainly + +more complicated + +problem discussed in Chapter 1. But, if we could just + +down into smaller, more manageable parts, as we broke the +down, some of the complexity + +might vanish . So let 's set about + +doing just that . +First, we can talk about the geometry +already + +of rolling + +know . Then, we can do a turtle -walk + +words . Finally, Logo will + +act as the glue + +cylinders + +to see what we + +scenario - with + +sketches and + +to stick + +all the individual + +parts + +together . + +39 + + Chapter 2 + +Look at the figure on the left below . We see the roller at the top of the +pipe, position (a), and then rolled counterclockwise around the pipe to position +(b). How much has the roller turned between points (a) and (b)? The dark bands +in the figure indicate the contact surfaces between the roller and the pipe . If +there is no slipping, the length of the band on the roller must equal the length of +the band of the pipe . Why ? +a- + +(b)( +. + +We could think of this rolling in another way . See the figure on the right +above. Imagine that the roller stays fixed at position (a). The roller now rotates +at (a) while the pipe is rotated- clock wise- underneath it from (b) to (a). In +this alternative view, the roller also turns in a counterclockwise manner, by the +distance indicated by the dark band . Here, as in the figure on the left, the +length of the band on the pipe must equal the length of the band on the roller . +How can we calculate the lengths of these bands? First, note that the bands +can be described as segments of a circle, that is, some fraction of the total +circumference of a circle . Well, what do we know about circumferences ? Any +circle 's circumference, C, equals 2nR, where R is the radius of the circle . Now +look at the figure on the next page. + +40 + + Visual Modeling +( a. ) + +- + +The + +band + +' + +- + +- + +on + +the + +pipe + +fraction + +is + +the + +number + +of + +degrees + +in + +where + +band + +27tRp8 + +/ + +length + +360 + +, + +of + +the + +What + +next + +physical + +? + +8, + +/ + +measured + +a + +circle + +. + +The + +Rp + +is + +the + +radius + +on + +the + +We + +photograph + +the + +distance + +to + +point + +much + +that + +outset + +? + +two + +circumference + +degrees + +of + +the + +pipe + +360 + +. + +, + +. + + ( phi + +), + +, + +( a ) + +and + +the + +same + +Rr + +to + +is + +the + +degree + +Here + +. If + +we + +it + +is + +360 + +pipe + +is + +each + +other + +in + +of + +pipe + +, + +. + +the + +, + +This + +total + +therefore + +, + +provides + +of + +other + +rotation + +(b ) . + +by + +radius + +to + +each + +the + +thinking + +equal + +equal + +the + +on + +The + +Here + +of + +divided + +band + +expressions + +are + +between + +for + +you + +Listen + +on + +radius + +: + +its + +of + +the + +roller + +talk + +more + +about + +around + +, + +the + +by + +the + +length + +the + +the + +roller + +. + +, + +since + +the + +. + +Then + +we + +roller + +, + +in + +terms + +we + +want + +: + +know + +the + +and + +the + +of + +how + +pipe + +dividing + +pipe + +/ + +represent + +is + +the + +expression + +So + +of + +the + +in + +length + +: 27tRr4 + +express + +between + +knowing + +stopping + +set + +of + +Rr + +expression + +And + +roller + +can + +distance + +rotation + +degree + +fraction + +), + +terms + +degree + +8Rp + +This + +to + +the + +some + +( theta + +they + +rearrange + +CP = + +8 + +dimensions + +can + +of + +angle + +is + +, + +360 + +by + +the + +roller + +relative + +many + +times + +can + +calculate + +number + +of + +we + +the + +, + +rotation + +of + +we + +the + +can + +8, + +the + +stoppings + +use + +. + +the + +roller + +tidy + +from + +one + +, + +you + +. + +big + +. + +But + +this + +problems + +before + +we + +problem + +down + +go + +on + +to + +than + +you + +into + +smaller + +the + +turtle + +thought + +walk + +you + +ones + +knew + +makes + +will + +at + +the + +getting + +41 + + Chapter 2 +started easier. And once you get started moving in any direction, you will +discover that you are already familiar with much of the scenery. + +A turtle walk around the pipe + +Remember that a turtle -walk scenario describes in words and sketches how you +want the turtle to walk through a design . Let yourself go, but be specific . +Addressing your instructions to the turtle and talking out loud may be helpful . +Let's use the sketches on the next page as the focal point of this scenario. I have +divided + +my turtle walk into small scenes and have given each a letter + +designa tion . +The previous shapes in this section were drawn with Logo procedures, but I +have intentionally + +left the following figures in freehand form ; they are taken + +from my own Logo notebook . I wanted to remind you that sketches come before +Logo procedures that draw rounder circles. The following sketches record my +visual doodling about this particular problem . But to appreciate the usefulness +of sketches, you must do some yourself . Don 't just look at my examples. +Because sketches can be effective visual aids for careful thinking, they +need to be drawn carefully . I occasionally use rulers and a compass, but not +always . Of course, the small diagrams on the next page are final sketches, not +beginning ones. Final drawings, like final Logo procedures, are the results of +many preliminary studies, many of which did not " work out properly ." + +Word description of the turtle walk + +DiagramA: Qrawingthe~i~e +Begin at position (1) facing straight up. Draw a circle around point (1) with +radius Rp. This will be easyto do using CNGON +. (This procedure is listed below, +but seeChapter 1 for a full description of it . Think of it as a black-box procedure +42 + + I "" +' -.. / + +" + +. + +D. +' + +, + +. .:. + +.'-' +. + +" +. + +. . . + +.. + +. + +. + +, + +. + +, +, +. + +\ ...." +. +v +, +. + +" ' " " + +. + +~. + +. + +' + +' + +. + +, + +, + +' + +, + +" + +' + +J>" + +" + +.. + +, + +, + +. + +' + +' + +, + +. + +~ +- ' +. + +" +D> + +. + +' + +, + +, + +, +, + +. + +' +, + +. + +. + +Visual Modeling + +Turtle -walk sketches of the roller -pipe machine + +E. + +F. + +q +G +. + +H. + +43 + + 1111 + +~ + +MOU + +s1uawn + +Jo + +l + +~ lE + +Sn ! pEl + +PlnoM + +09 + +OM } + +a1l1 + +UO ! 1 ! sod + +ld2uoI O + +! Jap + +MElp + +JeldE4~ + +~ + +PUE + +aa + +aD + +! od + +' UMElP + +01 + +. IEl : JuaJ + +aq + +lad + +pue + +E punolE + +UO ~ Alod + +a1 . I ~ Jo +la +. uO ~ Alod + +o + +~ Slalpun +!{J~ S~~OlE +! li! Melp +! JJ1U3 +lanDl +U + +~Ua ~ ; Alod +) l( Z +~ ) Sn +apl +UO +uO +pap! !pt1 ! sod +!?ls - JO +oz :urOlJ +E- + +liD +SDa +a1l1 ! 1 !qJrqM + +S + +!aIJl +;2u +) t ?! !1le +Mt +J + +suo + +a1l1 + +' + +Jo + +~ Alod + +lEln + +~ al + +SMElp + +' + +1E1l1 + +auop ! s Jo~ Iusel +! 1 ! sod +sap +laqwnu{ 1 ! ' UOa1l1 +'N + +2u + +a1l1 + +E + +sau + +G + +~ ~UnOUle +dUlOS +pdUln +~ dq +II ! M ++ d ~ S' !2u a ;!)JeJ +ut ?~ sale! P nOA +al, l ~ +{ 1 MelO +l { J !l { M U ! U + +UO ! ~ e ~Ol +dq ~ d ~ elrole +.~unOUle +I ~nOA +: g! !UIarr +WEl2E +Uo +} ! soa +xau +{lanOl +S +U +lallol +! J ale.Ia1 all +al! }Oa{ }~~Ot~?l +ual +U~ snln +! ~Ua +{! M +!UO +lO ! ~ +1 !:usod +: )! aao +ruelS ! ~s +l {' Je +1 } 01 +!G ~ + +: + +al { 1 urOlJ + +snUl + +noA + +sell +paAour + +!a + +( + +( + +) +all + +ldIIOl +1aA + +.M +al +.( ) U +all } O + +~ dSne +; ) dH +sell +laIIol +~ u ! od +~V +} Jo .Ia } uaJ + +dq +10U + +OU +II N! M +MOlle +dq ~ ' ( Z ) +?( 1dn) uo uad +!UMelp +} ! soda1 . I '~ad~aq;! )d! dueJ +at ' {~}xaJo +.Ia } uaJ al {at1 { '} aJuaH +O } ) { Jeq +! 1U +! od +MOlle + +! 1le1S + +put +2U + +?lp +MoN +~S MOllE +aa + +~ ~! ~Ueleaala +! MEla pal +lO +]a4 UO +: J a1l1 + +~Ua ; ) a1 . I ~ I ( ZMOlle +) uo ! ~ ! sod +o ~ aAOW +1el { 1 pue ! J ' 1E1l1 +dn +1laIJl +{ 2 ! el1S +a1l1 { 1saqS ! ! lJSWnJl +!J + +pala Jo + +~ a4~ Alod +~ liD +uo + +al + +~ all1 +( Z ) -uo . 09! ~ ! sod +uo +Sn ! pEl + +! a aqa4 PlnoM +~ JD + +! 1. I . L ' lallol +NO ~ N : ) : aldwExa +. + +s . aNlm + +Sa ) { E1 NO ~ N : ) 1U + +' av + +OZ + +1UallnJ + +. UMElp + +Aue + + Visual Modeling +Diagram F: Orienting +therolleranddrawing +thearrow + +The roller has moved from position (2) to position (3) by rotating about its own +center. We used the symbol to indicate this rotation . The angle is measured +relative to the dotted line linking the centers of the pipe and roller : (1) to (3). +You have arrived at position (3), pointing along the axis (1) to (3). If you +now turn left by angle = 8Rp/ Rr, you will be facing in the correct direction to +draw the arrow . Draw the roller circle, too. + +Diagram +G: Gettingbackto thecenterof the12i12e +Turn right by 4>, pick up the pen, and move back down to (1). + +DiagramH: Pre~aringfor thenextrollersto~~ing~osition +Get + +ready + +to + +position + +to + +the + +( 4 ) . The + +the + +dotted + +culated + +cj> at + +the + +arrow + +, turn + +be + +back + +and + +A + +turtle + +To + +start + +a + +by + +cj> at + +38Rp +look + +(4 ) + +the + +/ Rr + +Why + +at + +the + +transfonned + +, recall + +that + +equals + +? Ora +figures + +to + +go + +, + +a + +on + +have + +to + +an + +down + +few +page + +40 + +Logo + +procedures + +glue + +arrow + +an + +of + +for + +the + +any + +center + +( 5 ) is + +not + +to + +of + +Because + +move + +out + +to + +relative + +length + +moved + +left + +the + +pipe + +in + +convince +help + +cj> must + +turn + +shown + +onto + +shaft + +and + +measured + +has + +now + +the + +arrow + +again + +28 ? + +roller + +may + +some + +8 + +? + +and + +diagrams + +angle + +( 4 ) is + +Why + +to + +by + +point + +/ Rr + +: you + +position + +w + +left + +( 4 ) . Why + +28Rp + +back + +into + +draw + +the + +position + +stopping + +we + +to + +( 2 ) . Turtle + +next + +: turn + +at + +(1) + +starting + +cj>, and + +walk + +procedure + +angle + +position + +right + +image + +points + +the + +starting + +Angle + +will + +linking + +to + +roller + +rotation + +position + +relative + +from + +next + +roller + +line + +Angle + +write + +draw + +28 + +by + +cj>, + +be + +cal + +- + +degrees + +draw + +the + +. + +the + +diagrams + +yourself + +of + +. But + +all + +it + +this + +. Go + +. So + +let + +. + +the + +face + +of + +the + +roller + +'s + +: L . + +45 + + Chapter2 + +SHAFT + +TO + +ARROW + +; + +To + +; + +each + +: L + +draw + +a +tip + +simple +is + +FD + +arrow + +of + +by + +. 2 * + +given + +; + +PD + +LT + +140 + +FD + +. 2 * + +: L + +BK + +. 2 * + +: L + +RT + +280 + +FD + +. 2 * + +: L + +BK + +. 2 * + +: L + +LT + +140 + +shaft + +length + +: L . The length + +of + +: L . + +: L + +BK + +: L + +PU +END + +PIPEGONs + +Let 's call the procedure +will + +that will + +be the arguments ? Certainly + +carry out this turtle + +walk + +P IPEGON . What + +the radius of the pipe and the radius of the + +roller will be needed . We will also need to know e and how many stopping points +we would like to photograph . Here is the list of arguments so far : + +: RP, the radius of the pipe +: RR, the radius of the roller +: THETA, the angle distance between stopping places +: N, the number of stopping places + +Let's add one more, : CUM, that will keep track of the total of the angle +turned from the starting roller position . We can now write the first line of +PIPEGON: +TO + +46 + +PIPEGON : RP : RR : THETA : CUM : N + + Visual Modeling + +How do you feel about rushing right into doing the rest ? The following + +is + +not my first " rush " or even the second . My first few attempts had bugs in them, +and they didn 't work as I had planned . But procedures + +almost never work the + +first time . That 's OK as long as your energy is up to fixing them . + +TO PIPEGON: RP : RR : THETA : CUM : N +IF :N < 1 [CNGON20 : RP STOP] +PU FD : RP + : RR PD +LT : CUM* : RP/ : RR +ARROW : RR* 1 . 5 +CNGON20 : RR +RT =CUM* =RP/ =RR + +PU BK : RP + : RR +LT :THETA +PIPEGON: RP : RR : THETA ( : CUM+ : THETA) +END + +( : N- l ) + +Supporting procedures +TO + +CNGON + +: + +N + +: + +RAD + +. + +, + +To + +draw + +an + +N + +- + +sided + +polygon + +centered + +on + +the + +turtle + +of + +the + +circle + +' + +s + +. + +, + +current + +position + +. + +RAD + +is + +the + +radius + +that + +. + +, + +would + +pass + +through + +all + +of + +the + +polygon + +' + +s + +vertices + +. + +. + +, + +See + +Chapter + +PU + +FD + +RT + +180 + +NGON + +: + +180 + +PU + +BK + +( + +N + +( + +: + +for + +a + +full + +description + +of + +CNGON + +. + +RAD + +- + +: + +LT + +1 + +2 + +90 + +* + +( + +* + +: + +90 + +RAD + +( + +: + +RAD + +* + +( + +: + +N + +- + +* + +SIN + +2 + +N + +- + +2 + +) + +/ + +) + +/ + +: + +N + +( + +180 + +: + +N + +) + +PD + +/ + +: + +N + +) + +PD + +END + +TO + +NGON + +; + +To + +; + +drawn + +; + +is + +: + +N + +: + +EDGE + +an + +draw + +N + +given + +REPEAT + +N + +sided + +[ + +: + +FD + +polygon + +turtle +EDGE + +by + +: + +- + +the + +from + +. + +' + +s + +The + +current + +first + +edge + +position + +will + +, + +be + +and + +its + +length + +. + +EDGE + +RT + +360 + +/ + +: + +N + +] + +END + +Some + +I + +pip + +typed + +. egon + +PIPEGON + +productions + +60 + +30 + +60 + +0 + +6 + +. + +This + +models + +, + +in + +a + +visual + +way + +, + +the + +rolling + +of + +a + +47 + + Chapter2 +roller of radius 30 around the circumference of a 60 radius pipe . The roller stops +along the circumference every 60 degrees, and 6 rollers will be drawn . The argument : CUM is given an initial value of o. What is : CUM being used for ? What +happens if you begin with some other value, say 43.5? + +~ + +One last point . In my turtle-walk scenario I drew the pipe circle before +doing anything else. The procedure PIPEGONdraws it last. Why did I change +the order of things ? Well, I wanted to use recursion and to be able to specify the +number of times recursion would happen . I used the argument : N to take care of +this . PIPEGON's first line looks at the current value of : N; when : N"becomes zero, +PIPEGON should be stopped . It is easier to know when a procedure should be +stopped than when it has just begun, and this seemed a nice place to draw the +pipe, after all the rollers had been drawn . Could you reorganize the procedure to +draw the pipe before drawing any of the rollers ? + +Exploring PIPEGONdynamics +One of the pleasures of modeling is playing with the little model you have + +48 + + Visual Modeling +built . Let's fiddle with PIPEGON's parts to see what happens . I will show you +only a few things to give you the idea. Let's start with some different argument +values . +Here is the portrait of PIP EGaN + +60 + +30 + +2 + +0 + +180 . + +But I don 't like all those circles. So I removed PIPEGON's third line . Here is the +new version . The asterisks ( * * * ) mark where the line was removed from the +original version of the procedure . Don 't type them, though . +TO A . PIPEGON : RP : RR : THETA : CUM : N +; Arrow - only pipegon + +new + +name + +IF :N < 1 [CNGON20 : RP STOP] +PU FD : RP + : RR PD +LT : CUM +* : RP/ : RR +ARROW: RR* 1. 5 +(* * * ) + +< - - - + +RT : CUM +* : RP/ : RR +PU BK : RP + : RR +LT : THETA +A . PIPEGON : RP : RR : THETA ( : CUM+ : THETA) +END + +( : N- l ) + +line + +removed + +< - - - + +new name + +49 + + Chapter2 +Now this is a portrait of A . PIPEGON + +60 + +30 + +2 + +0 + +180 . + +Instead of drawing an arrow on the roller, let 's draw a stripe along a +diameter . We can use CNGONto draw a two- sided polygon with radius equal to +the roller . We take out the ARROWprocedure and insert CNGON +. Here it is: +TO + +; + +S . PIPEGON + +.s..triped + +: RP + +: RR + +IF + +:N + +< + +PO + +FD + +: RP + +LT + +: COM * : RP / : RR + +(* * * ) +CNGON + +2 + +1 + +[ CNGON ++ + +: RR + +PO + +BK + +LT + +: THETA + +: RP + +S . PIPEGON + +20 + +: RP + +: N + +< - - - + +new + +name + ++ + +STOP ] + +<- - <- - - + +: COM * : RP / : RR + +50 + +: COM + +PD + +: RR + +RT + +END + +: THETA + +pipegon + +ARROW +2 - sided + +removed +CNGON + +installed + +here + +: RR + +: RP + +: RR + +: THETA + +( : COM + : THETA + +) + +( : N- l ) + +<- - - + +new + +name + + Visual Modeling +And here is a portrait of s . PIPEGON + +60 + +30 + +2 + +0 + +180 . + +Now, imagine an invisible arrow glued to the front of the roller . At the tip, +there is a flashing light . Here is the new part to fit into our P IPEGON machine : +TO FLASH : L +; Flashes a light +at distance +: L from the starting +; and returns +the turtle +to where it started . +PU FD : L PD +REPEAT 6 [ FD 2 BK 2 RT 60 ] +PU BK : L PD +END + +point, + +To install FLASH into PIPEGON, we could fix a value for : L, perhaps based +on the value for : RR. Or we could extend PIPEGONby adding another argument . +Call + +the + +extension + +TO + +L . PIPEGON + +. + +: RP + +: RR + +: L + +: THETA + +[ CNGON + +20 + +: RP + +STOP + +IF + +:N + +< + +PU + +FD + +: RP + +LT + +: CUM * : RP / : RR + +FLASH + +1 + +L . PIPEGON + ++ + +: RR + +: L + +: CUM + +< - - - + +RT + +: CUM * : RP / : RR + +PU + +BK + +LT + +: THETA + +: RP + +L . PIPEGON + ++ + +<- - - + +FLASH installed +CNGONremoved + +arg + +. + +: RR + +: RP + +: RR : L : THETA ( : CUM+ : THETA) +< - - - + +END + +new name and + +PD +< - - - + +( * * * ) + +:N + +] + +( :N- l ) +new + +name and arg + +51 + + Chapter 2 +Here is the flash portrait + +~ +* +. + +. + +~ + +* + +"' + +* + +. + +~ + +- + +~ ~ +* .. +* +~ + +J "' " + +.,. - + +~ * .... + +"' ~ + +* + +- + +40 2 0 180 +- 40 2 0 180 + +. + +* + +*' * * + +" ~ " + +. + +~ + +* ~ .. + +* + +- + +30 +30 + +- + +- + +- + +.. * + +* . + +L .PIPEGON 60 +L .PIPEGON 60 + +of : + +os + +.,. + +- + +.. + +* + +~ + +. + +*' + +. +. + +. + +. + +~ + +~ + +.. + +"" + +1 + +,: + +' " + +.. + +.. + +. + +~ +~ + +~ + +:' + +t + +* + +' " + +* + +..* +* +~ + +. + +. +~ + +.. +~ + +.. + +. +,. + +" ' ~* ~" tt ~ * ~ + +o ' \ W* + +*" ~ ' " + +" .. + +. *~ r +.. "" + +"" + +.. +. + +tt + +~ ~ +- + +* + +* +" + +. + +~ + +.. * + +,," . + +~ + +- + +" + +What happens if we make the radius of the roller negative ? Right . The +roller is inside the pipe . Some examples are shown on the next page. +Cosure + +Have you noticed that even the most complex designs we have done so far are +drawn quite quickly ? Each is complete by the time the roller has made a single +360-degree trip around the pipe . If the roller makes a second trip around the +pipe, the design repeats exactly. We can describe this kind of design as one that +has " closed upon itself " or, more briefly, that has " closed" after one trip . +Not all designs produced by our PIPEGON machine will close after only one +trip ; some will take several trips to close, and others will require a great number +of trips . Experiments will show that altering the sizes of the roller and pipe +leads to different closure patterns . What determines the number of trips before +closure occurs? Can you calculate the trips until closure if you know the sizes of +the roller and pipe ? Could you "find " a design that never closed? + +52 + +.. + + Visual Modeling +A portfolio of roller -inside -pipe portraits + +53 + + Chapter 2 +On the next page is a PIPEGON design that closes only after a number of +trips around the pipe . The individual + +images show the design at various trip + +stages around the pipe . Can you guess the pipe and roller sizes I used? + +Words elicit images + +Words that are visually descriptive, like closure, should call up a variety of +images in your mind . This elicitation of mind -images can be enormously useful in +visual modeling . In each of the following exercises, I will stress the importance +of words . We must talk a lot in conjunction with sketching a lot . Take a few +minutes here to think visually about the word closure. Say " closure " : what +images does it bring to mind ? Tell the turtle to "hurry up and bring a design to a +close." Jot down, or sketch, the image ideas elicited in your own mind by the +chanting of the word . Put it all in your notebook. +Suppose you needed to find a synonym for closure. What would you suggest? +Any suggestion must be descriptive of all the image work we have completed . By +the way, you probably won 't find closure in a standard dictionary . Why is this? +Imaginary machines + +At the start of this chapter + +I mentioned + +that sometimes + +we would + +model + +machines from the real world - pipes and rollers are very real world - and other +times we would +model + +model machines that aren 't so real . Perhaps we can make one + +do both real and imaginary + +things . For example, can we make our + +P IPEGON machine draw some fantastic designs ? (By the way, look at that word +imaginary . Why does it have image in it ? Can you imagine why ?) +Let 's imagine + +a striped + +generate a composite + +picture + +roller inside a pipe . The procedure + +PIPEGON will + +of this roller as it travels around + +the inside of a + +pipe . So far, this is just like +introduce + +54 + +the fantasy + +the situations + +viewed + +feature . Make the radius + +above . But now, let 's + +of the roller + +larger than the + + Visual Modeling +A slowly closing pipegon + +55 + + Chapter2 +radius of the pipe in which it " rolls ." Is this possible? Can it be done? I asked +PIP E GON to do it, and the results are shown on the next page. What is +happening ? Are these pictures of real or imaginary machines? How can you +work out your answer? Can you sketch it ? + +Recapitula lion + +Let's summarize what has happened in the last few pages. We have built a +Logo model that can produce a large variety of images, some of them very +surprising . But more important, we have seen how the act of modeling can +facilitate the visual exploration of some of the characteristics of a real-world +machine . Once we began to tinker with our model, we wanted to tinker further . +Some of our designs posed difficult questions whose answers were not at all +obvious . Closure was such a question . We needed to do more tinkering and more +experimenting to come to grips with what was going on. +Could we have predicted the directions this tinkering and experimentation +would take before we started? I don 't think so. Once we begin to model parts of +our world, the act of modeling takes on a life of its own . I think we have touched +what Levi -Strauss said happens when one plays with miniatures . Model play +" gratifies the intelligence and gives rise to a sense of pleasure which can +already be called aesthetic." I hope you would also describe visual modeling as +fun . + +Why pipes and rollers ? + +I started + +with + +this particular + +have used any number +direction . I will + +machine + +of alternative + +illustrations + +, but + +in it . I could + +this was my own + +show you, in the chapters to come, dozens of other examples + +that illustrate + +the ways in which + +look at the + +differently + +56 + +because I was interested + +world + +. + +visual modeling + +encourages + +the modeler + +to + + Visual Modeling + +Imaginary + +PIPEGONs? + +:11,/Ill + +I + +S + +// + +/ I] + +57 + + G +It noAUI +Ana +Aill asalSaSt +lO al lO l +a +' +PIlOM +pJJ +)! a~.loa~ +Jo +' I.lOM +alII +:S1S +!JS! SAIla +'CaldoaJ +){ooq S!l{1 01 aA!1EUla1It +?lit +?a1~ +!lM +01 noA +?M! 1ua +I !~1JaJJa +{~!M +Ua~ +S!SUOJ +'1Ut +a~ElnJ +lEu +~~n lO passaldxa AnEqlaA '~no pa ~JE AI~!J! + +all S + +' + +saWOJ awEJ o~ W!EIJ S, + +~lnJ 02 aw ~aI '~uawnJop + +UE +. Jo ){lOM al{~ noA o~ 2U!JnpOl ~ +IEuoslad AlaA E S! ){ooq s!l {~ ~El{~ pa ~~!WpE 2U + +~Eal2 SEll Ol{M ~s!20IOl {JAsd UEJ!lawy + +)! U! UlOq 'Ana)! a2loa ~ '2u !PI!nq Iapow ~noqE 2u ! ){U!l {~ UMO AW paJua + +A20IOl {JAsd PUE ' A20IO !JOS ' SJ!SAlld ' SJ!~Ewal {~Ew U! paU !El ~ SEM 5' 0 + +a){EW o~ Sa!l ~ uoslad l {JEa ~El{~ Ma !A S!l { wall + +~JEJ UI 's~s!~ua !Js Aq pasn asol {~ o~ lEI !W!S alE ~El{~ sanb ! ul{Ja~ 2u !sn PIlOM + +s~s!~ua !Js SE aldoad lIE paMa !A + +UOpast?q alt ?SaS +!JlaXa al{1 JOIIV .pU!ill U! ~U!MOIIoJ +ast?~ald +l {J!la\.{1 +{M daa){ +s~aldwa +lO 1ng +sula ~~Ed ~ualEdsuEl ~ l {2nollI ~ PIloM s!l { ~E S){OOIUEW" + +{1 Jo ~U!laplO al{1 'laAaMoH .s1uapmSAill Jo s1Sala1u +! al{1alput +s1Sala1u +! PIlOM +{~ l?{J!l +{M JO! liMO +sa!~!IEol al{~ laAO ~!J o~ s~dwa ~~E ual {~ PUE Sa + +!JlaXa Aill paJt?Id AllnJalt ?J aAt?l{ I .Alt?l1!qlt ? IOU S! al{~ +){ooq +S!l{1 +U!l {Jns +SaS +!JlaXa +sula +~~Ed +~nOl{~!M ~aA 'po02 iClaA SAEMIE ~ou S! ~!J alI .1 'pasod + +? U! sla1dt?l{J asal{1 paJnpOl1u! put ? palaplo aAt?l{ I ){EW +put? sla1dEtp +o~ alqEun J!J!Jads +S! UEW U!l{1 +~El{~!M +~ !aua20wol { pa ~E!~UalaJJ!pUn .UE l {Jns aq o~ SlE + +.n1.JnJ +.Is V S! ){ooq al{1 Jo aN!1qns al{1 1El{1 IIt?Ja~ .UO!l{st?J paln1Jnl1S +f..1aA +,'nE ~E 2u !l {~ +ou UEl{~ InJdlal { alOW S! ~!J load E uaAH '~! JO asua + +01 1f.JvoJ +.ddv +az!s lOJ uo ZU1JJS +iCl~ aldoad +~El{~ +sula ~~Ed al{~ o~ SlJn.llSUOJ aWEU al{~ saA!2 Ana)! + +, +?ns!A 01 l{Jt?olddt ? dUO ' AlaS!Jald AlaA +' nOA MOl{S +01 +uO!1ua1u +- S~ +JnlS!~SUOJ +asall! ].AW +' S]3POUlsula ~~Ed asal{~ paIIEJ aAEl{ naM SE ~snf PlnoJ + +SnO!Aqo os aq II!M s!l[1 Jo ssaulnJasn al{11t?l{1 adol{ +I .SJ'UEW +!l[dt?lsalqEua +~ put?2u!Iapoill +{~ PUE +~EllM alE Aall ]. 'PIlOM all ~ 2u !nl ~suOJ Jo SAEM alE,,- sIa + +pa ~ElnwloJ +AI~!J!Idxa +' lO !AEl{aq JO aSlnOJ E ~lEllJ o~ ' OO~ SIEW!UE l +.saldillt ?xa liMO lnOA l{~noll {1 'l{Jt?olddt ?liMO lnOA PU!J +01 pa~t?lnOJUa +aq II!M + +' +asuas +lall AI SESUE +' +89 J8ldE4~ + + Visual Modeling + +other courses of behavior or inconsistent with them, intellectually reasoned or +vegetatively sensed." +Each person's scientist aspect encourages him to " improve his constructs by +increasing his repertory, by altering them to provide + +better fits, and by + +subsuming them with subordinate constructs or systems." For Kelly, human +behavior is the application of scientific method in making sense of a particular +environment . Rather than merely responding to surroundings, people use an +experimental approach to test and extend their system of personal constructs . +Each person 's goal, in Kelly 's view, is to build + +explanatory + +models that + +effectively explain and predict personal environments . +Kelly suggested shortcuts for improving construct systems. Kelly 's shortcut +was to encourage individuals to make their own constructs verbally explicit . His +most famous method for eliciting and verbalizing personal constructs is known as +the repertory grid technique . Using slightly different words, Kelly 's techniques +encouraged individuals + +to build verbal models of their own constructs . Once + +built, these verbal models could be analyzed in much the same way as we have +analyzed our pipe -and-roller model . Tinkering with constructs would occur +naturally, and this would encourage further tinkering . And as a result of this +play, construct models might become more general and more powerful . +Kelly worked with verbal rather than visual models, but many of his ideas +can be extended to the latter . My interest, as was Kelly 's, is to suggest how to +describe our inner models . While Kelly was interested in the verbal description +of models, I am interested in more graphical descriptions . My goal is to +encourage you to look at your own visual baggage. Obviously, I need words, too, +to help in my form of elicitation . Sometimes, you may think that I rely on words +too much . Too much chat, you might say. . . +If you are intrigued by this very brief account of George Kelly 's work, find +his book A Theory of Personality: the psychology of personal constructs (W . W . +Norton, New York, 1963). All the Kelly quotes were taken from it . + +59 + + Chapter2 +Exercises + +Exercise +2.1 +Can you come up with some rules about P IPEGON closure ? Specifically, can you +characterize + +a final + +pipegon + +image in terms of the dimensions + +of its parts ? + +Experiment + +a bit . Try to make some generalizations . Do the generalizations + +up after more experimenting ? Whether you feel successful in this activity +find the following +(Cambridge + +or not, + +book in your local library : E. H . Lockwood, A Book of Curves + +University + +Press, Cambridge, 1963). + +This book may help you think +image ideas to think +math . Look + +hold + +about closure . It may also suggest other + +about visually . Don 't worry + +too much about the book 's + +at the diagrams, and read the chapter + +chapters : cardioids, limac ;ons, astroids, right + +names . Listen + +to these + +strophoids, tractrices, roulettes, + +and glissettes . What images do these names dredge up ? Sketch them before you +find the book . + +Exercise +2.2 +How do you feel about carnivals and amusement parks ? Do you enjoy their +mechanical rides ? I 'm not talking about tame rides, like the merry -go- round or +carousel, but wild rides that yank the rider through space. On the next page is a +sketch of a machine that gave me a dose of healthy terror . +Suppose that we are watching this machine from a safe distance. A brave +friend is sitting inside it and pointing a very bright flashlight at us. What +pattern will this light trace out as the machine grinds into life ? +The pulls and pushes on the rider of this machine change suddenly and +unexpectedly . Can you make a picture of this ? Can you describe visually why +this kind of machine is so scary? + +60 + + Visual Modeling + +f "t..~ 5HUhf ' T + +, . . . . . ~- + +- + +- - + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +. + +. + +. + +- + +Exercise +2.;2 +Design some imaginary carnival rides and give your machines imaginative +names. Draw big sketchesof your ideas; draw them large enough so that others +can "read" them. Describe the ride in words so that potential travelers will +know what to expect, beforethey climb aboard. You had better show them some +pictures of the trip as well. Why not use Logo to generatethesescenes +? + +Exercise +2.4 +Do you know the term "kinetic sculpture " ? If not, you can guess what they are, or +rather what they do? Kinetic sculptures are mechanical or electronic sculpture machines that move, clank, or flash . Some even squirt water (for example, the +wonderful kinetic fountain designed by Nikki de Saint-Phalle and Jean Tinguely +opposite the Pompidou Center in Paris). + +61 + + Chapter2 +Carnival rides are a special class of kinetic sculptures . They may not seem +suitable for art gallery installation, but I have seen films of amusement park +rides included in exhibitions . The French sculptor Jean Tinguely does kinetic +sculpture on a more modest scale. Below is a reproduction of his " Homage a +Marcel Duchamp," done in 1960. It is human scale, about 5 feet high . +Design and build a kinetic sculpture using Logo . You might start by trying to +model the Tinguely machine. PIPEGONsare a kind of kinetic sculpture, too. + +62 + + Chapter 3 +Visual Discovery + +"The + +discoverer + +seen + +before + +is + +the + +[ person + +Norwood + +Russell + +Hansen + +" In + +order + +to + +think + +productively + +the + +realm + +of + +physical + +thought + +in + +represented +Rudolf + +] who + +sees + +in + +familiar + +objects + +what + +no + +one + +else + +has + +." + +which + +about + +objects + +the + +or + +properties + +that + +the + +nature + +of + +abstract + +of + +the + +of + +a + +theory + +situation + +fact + +or + +problem + +, one + +needs + +to + +be + +a + +explored + +, whether + +in + +medium + +of + +can + +be + +." +Arnheim + +The style of discovery + +This chapter continues the exploration of visual models and how they can +stretch your mind -and-eye's vision into areas unfamiliar to you . The style of +presenta tion remains the exercise form . Exercises will + +encourage you to + +experiment dynamically with the simplest of shapes. I hope to convince you, +through illustrations, that playing experimentally + +with familiar + +and plain + +objects can lead you into a space filled with objects that are not only unfamiliar +but surprisingly different from what you expected. + + Chapter 3 + +Problem -solving style + +This book is structured + +around + +two kinds + +exercises described in the text to illustrate + +of exercises . First, there are many +what I consider to be good problem - + +solving style . You don 't have to do it my way, but I want you to see one person 's +way . Second, the exercise section at the end of each chapter offers several open ended problems +generally + +that demand + +are not illustrated + +originality + +and flamboyance + +. These exercises + +in the text ; I don 't want to influence your creativity + +by showing you how anybody else did them . +Let 's begin this chapter, therefore, by finishing + +up some of the more specific + +exercises at the end of Chapter 1. From now on, at least one assigned problem +from + +the previous + +chapter + +will + +be discussed + +in detail + +at the start + +As I have already mentioned, much of the learning + +quired by watching +copying + +chapter + +of each + +of a craft is ac- + +and copying someone who is used to doing it . Constructive + +can lessen your programming + +anxiety by providing + +a firm support + +for + +personal exploration . (I' ve said that before, but it is worth repeating .) + +Centered polygons with CNGON + +Let's begin with a final look at Exercise1.1. This problem askedyou to refashion +NGON +. The new procedure, CNGON +, should draw an n-sided polygon around a +central point. CNGON +, named for enteredNGONs +, will take two arguments: first, +the radius of the circle circumscribedon the polygon, and second, the number of +polygonal edges. Here is the completed version with plenty of comment lines, +eachintroduced by a semicolon: +TO CNGON:N :RAD +PU FD : RAD +; Move out to the circumference of circumscribed +circle . +RT 180 - (90* ( : N- 2) / :N) PD +; Turn right to face along one of the edges of the polygon . +NGON:N (2* : RAD* SIN 180/ : N) +; Draw an NGONwith edge expressed in terms of the radius . +64 + + Visual Discovery + +State transparency + +What on earth does that mean? Notice an interesting feature of CNGON. After +CNGONhas drawn a figure, the turtle is returned to its starting place. CNGONputs +the turtle back to where it found it (in terms of its screen location and its +heading ). We can also refer to the turtle 's position and heading as its state. +Because CNGONleaves the turtle in the same state in which it found it, CNGONis +said to be state transparent . NGON, by the way, is also state transparent . We +will find this notion useful later in this chapter, so remember the technical +term . It 's a nice visual description, as well . +The distance traveled so far + +Recall, now, how you began your review of Logo mechanics. First, you drew boxes +of fixed size. You then extended the idea of '~ ox" to include polygon shapes of +any number of sides and designed a procedure, NGON +, to draw them. +CNGONuses the ideas of NGONbut extends them . Our next step is to extend +CNGONto make it more general. Let's think about generalizing CNGONto solve +two of the exercises at the end of Chapter 1. Exercise 1.3 asked you to add the +notion of spin to CNGON +, and Exercise 1.4 asked you to fill up CNGONwith other +CNGONs. Let 's start with the latter as it is a bit simpler and has one less +argument . + +65 + + Chapter3 +Generalizing CNGONto draw concentric polygons + +The diagrams accompanying the exercise suggested one way of filling + +up + +polygons : draw many increasingly smaller polygons, one inside another, until +you have filled up the polygon with color or with texture . + +Theideain sketches +: + +Co ~ ~ Dij +OF A C- L + +C-e.,..)~ +~ Q\ JAQ +..GS + +c. o~ M 0...J CE.oJ +" TCC2 +. +II~ At -L- T (1.t p. ..JG +: LE. ~ + +Theideain words: +Draw several polygons around a central point using CNGON. Allow + +each + +succeeding polygon to be a different size. If the radius of each succeeding polygon +"shrinks " by 1 unit, the shape outlined by the largest polygon will gradually +fill up with color . In summary, the new procedure will draw concentric polygons . +The size of the first polygon will be set by one argument ; the amount of size +change of succeeding polygons will be determined by another argument ; the +number of sides to the polygons and the number of concentric figures will be +determined by two additional arguments . Let's call this new procedure CONGON +for concentric polygons . What will the first line of CONGONlook like with all +the needed arguments nicely arranged? + +66 + + Visual Discovery + +The idea asa Lo~o procedure: +TO CONGON:N : RAD : SLICE : TIMES +; CONGON +stands for ~ centric NGONs +. +; : N is the number of sides . +; : RAD is the radius of the first +figure . +; : SLICE is the change in radius of succeeding NGONs +. +; : TIMES is the number of polygons to draw . +Once design ideas are written down in sketchesand words, with all the +argumentsdefinedand named, writing the Logo procedurebecomesvery easy. +CONGON +needsa structure to executeCNGON +as many times as is specifiedby +the argument : TIME S. We can use recursion for this, similar to its use in +SPINGONin the last chapter. +TO CONGON:N : RAD : SLICE : TIMES +; Concentric polygon exercise . +IF : TIMES < 1 [ STOP] + +CNGON : N : RAD +CONGON: N ( : RAD- : SLICE ) : SLICE ( : TIMES- l ) +END +Experimenting with CONGON + +First, fill up a square of radius equal to 80 totally with color . Second, fill up a +square of radius equal to 80 with 20 concentric squares. Make each succeeding +square 4 units smaller than the previously drawn one. Third, fill a square frame +of radius equal to 80 and width equal to 20 with black . If you have a color Logo, +you can set the pen to the color you wish . I am sticking with black and white . +Here + +are the three + +commands + +; the results + +are shown + +on the next + +page : + +CONGON4 80 1 80 +CONGON4 80 4 20 +CONGON4 80 1 20 + +67 + + Chapter 3 +TO + +SPIN + +. + +; + +Concentric + +; + +Note + +IF + +; + +SPIN + +: + +new + +: + +N + +: + +RAD + +: + +polygon + +< +: + +N + +: + +and + +1 + +[ + +SLICE + +: + +exercise + +name + +TIMES + +CNGON + +RT + +CONGON + +new + +STOP + +TIMES + +: + +ANGLE + +. + +argument + +: + +ANGLE + +. + +] + +RAD + +: ANGLE + +Single + +new + +. + +CONGON + +command + +: + +N + +. + +( + +: + +RAD + +- + +: + +SLICE + +) + +: SLICE ( : TIMES- l ) :ANGLE + +END + +Is this procedure state transparent ? Well, no . The turtle always returns to +the center of the figure, and that was where it started from, but there is no +guarantee that the turtle will end facing in its original direction . The turtle +turns a total amount, to the right, from its starting heading of : TIMES * : ANGLE +degrees. To make this procedure state transparent, we need to turn the turtle +back to the left by this amount after all the polygons have been drawn . Can we +insert such a command in SPIN . CONGON +above? The problem is that the : TIMES +argument is decreased by 1 each time recursion is used in the procedure 's last +line . This is the stopping mechanism . When SPIN . CONGONis finished, the +value of : TIMES is zero. +We could embed SPIN . CONGONin another new procedure, which we call +SPIN . Why is SPIN + +able to use the original + +value of : TIMES + +SP IN . CONGON isn 't? Note : there are other ways of handling + +when + +this state + +transparency problem . This is my way ; I like it because it can be understood +easily. It 's also very tidy because it doesn't demand any more arguments or the +introduction of local variables- which we haven't discussed yet . + +TO SPIN :N : RAD : SLICE : TIMES :ANGLE +; State - transparent +SPIN. CONGON +runner . +SPIN. CONGON:N : RAD : SLICE : TIMES :ANGLE +LT :TIMES* :ANGLE +END + +SP IN does only two things . It runs SPIN . CONGONand then returns the +turtle 's heading to its original state. + +70 + + Visual Discovery +SPIN productions + +The first figure was run with SPIN 6 100 4 25 5 and the second with only +the sign of the last argument value made negative . This changes the spin +orienta tion . + +Squarish SPIN images + +The left figure was produced with SPIN 4 100 4 25 5; how can we make it +more complex ? The right figure suggests a new kind of complexity that we +haven't yet seen. It is a composite image that includes the left figure with its +mirror image placed on top of it . + +71 + + Chapter 3 + +More squares + +SPIN 4 120 2 60 5 + +A winter + +holiday + +SPIN 4 120 1 120 5 + +wreath + +Visual experiments + +It might be interesting to set up a more controlled experiment with SPIN . For +example, let 's build a structure to see how SPIN -produced designs vary as we +alter the arguments . We can simplify + +72 + +the experiment by changing only one + + Visual Discovery +variable + +I have decided to look first at the effect of an altered + +at a time + +: ANGLE argument . + +I thought it would be nice to seea number of SPIN . CONGONS +on the screen at +the same time, so that I can compare the effect of the single changed argument . +By looking at the size of my screen, and deciding that my individual + +figures + +would be about 50, I decided where (the cartesian x-y addresses) on the screen I +would put them. Here is my visual simulation machine. +TO + +EXPLORE + +: N + +: SLICE + +: TIMES + +: Al + +: A2 + +: A3 + +: A4 + +:A5 + +the + +screen + +. + +To + +, + +explore + +five + +different + +figures + +on + +at + +once . + +. + +, + +Only + +the + +angle + +variable + +PO + +SETXY + +( 0 + +PO + +SETXY + +( 70 + +PO + +SETXY + +( 70 + +- + +PO + +SETXY + +( - 70 + +PO + +SETXY + +( - 70 + +60 + +will + +be + +changed + +. + +0 ) + +PD + +SPIN + +: N + +50 + +: SLICE + +60 + +) + +PD + +SPIN + +: N + +50 + +: SLICE + +60 + +) + +PD + +SPIN + +: N + +50 + +: SLICE + +- 60 + +) + +PD + +SPIN + +: N + +50 + +: SLICE + +) + +PD + +SPIN + +: N + +50 + +: SLICE + +: TIMES :Al +: TIMES :A2 +: TIMES :A3 +: "rIMES :A4 +: TIMES :A5 + +END + +I don 't much like using the cartesian system to move the turtle around the +screen, but this seemed an easy and quick way to start experimenting +turtle -reference moving + +Four experiments + +. I 'll do + +la ter . + +with EXPLORE + +73 + + U) + +Chapter + +...... +~ + + Visual Discovery +Some surprising images with EXPLORE + +The figures on the last two pages looked isolated to me, so I decided to make +them overlap by increasing the values used for the : TIMES argument . Having +increased this value, I went back to my initial rule : keep all the arguments +constant but one, the : ANGLE argument . Suddenly I had designs that were +surprisingly + +intriguing . I think one reason for this surprise is that we can no + +longer predict the results of our experiment before we carry it out . And in +addition, it is not at all obvious why the experiment proceeds the way it does. +For example, note the strange central figure in the following group . Note, +too, how it grows larger from the first to the third figure . The shape of that +beast is very responsive to small changes in : ANGLEvalues. And the beast exists +only within a narrow range of values. Our experimental machine has shown us +something visually odd growing inside these designs. It has also indicated that +this form of oddness is extremely sensitive to small changes in our experimental +parameter . This is a sort of visual sensitivity analysis. +The argument values used are placed above each experimental result . +EXPLORE 4 4 40 4 4 444 + +75 + + Chapter3 +EXPLORE4 4 40 4 . 5 4 . 5 4 . 5 4. 5 4 . 5 + +EXPLORE4 4 40 5 5 555 + +76 + + Visual Discovery +EXPLORE44 + +EXPLORE + +4066666 + +4 + +4 + +40 + +10 + +10 + +10 + +10 + +10 + +77 + + Chapter3 +EXPLORE 4 4 35 15 + +15 + +15 15 15 + +Tiling spinning shapes + +The overlapping + +of the previous + +images suggested another kind of experiment : + +could the spinning shapes be placed on the screen so that they would not overlap +too much but would still touch and influence each other ? +A student of mine considered + +this as a problem + +in tiling . Here 's what she + +decided to do : + +1. First, she used SPIN to produce many large single designs . +2. She printed + +these out on her printer . + +3. She made dozens of photocopies . +4. She cut out the designs and placed them on a large piece of stiff paper . + +She could then move the design cutouts around the paper, rotating and fitting +them together to form larger, composite designs. This is similar to fitting decorated tiles together in various ways to create different patterns . +Here is the surprising + +result of one such cutout exploration . Four + +SPIN . CONGONS +have been fitted together, like tiles, to form a larger design. + +78 + + Visual Discovery + +Logo -laid tiles + +You probably detected that the above composite design could be done with a +Logo procedure far more easily than with scissors and glue . I designed the +following procedure to tile four square designs together . Any idea what that +argument called : ALT is for ? : ALT is short for alternating . If it is set to 1, all +four of the tiles will spin to the right ; that is, there will be no alternation of +spin direction . However, if : ALT is set to -1, the odd tiles will spin to the left +while the even tiles will spin to the right . +Notice the use here of the MAKE command to alternate the sign of the +turning angle. If you have forgotten the MAKEcommand, review it now in your +Logo manual . +TO LAY . SQ. TILES : RAD : SLICE : TIMES : ANGLE : ALT +REPEAT 4 [ PU FD : RAD PD SPIN 4 : RAD : SLICE : TIMES : ANGLE +PU BK : RAD RT 90 +MAKE "ANGLE : ANGLE * :ALT] +END + +79 + + Chapter3 +The next illustration +alternation + +shows two square tile designs with + +different + +spin + +schemes . The first is always to the right, the second alternates . + +--~ .. + +~ + +k' + +~ff + +Here are two partially + +overlapping + +square tile designs . Note the + +appearance of more serpents. + +Laying other tile shapes + +Why not tile triangular shapes? The only quirk here is the necessity to turn the +turtle 180 degrees to face the center of the composite design before drawing a +SPIN . CONGON +. Why is this turn necessary? + +80 + + Visual Discovery + +TO + +LAY + +REPEAT + +. TR + +. TILES +6 + +: RAD + +[ PO + +FD + +: RAD + +: SLICE +PD + +: TIMES + +: ANGLE + +turtle + +to + +: ALT + +- + +LT 180 +; + +Orientation + +SPIN +RT + +of + +3 +180 + +: RAD + +: SLICE + +: TIMES + +face + +center + +. + +: ANGLE + +- + +; Reorientation +of turtle +. +PU BK : RAD RT 60 MAKE " ANGLE : ANGLE * : ALT ] + +END + +Hexagonal tiling patterns + +Why not? The procedure is straightforward . Note that the angle turned between +tiles is now 120 degrees. + +81 + + Chapter3 +TO + +LAY . HEX . TILES + +REPEAT + +3 + +PU + +BK + +RT + +120 + +MAKE + +END + +: RAD + +: SLICE + +[ PU FD +: RAD PD SPIN +6 : RAD +: SLICE +: RAD + +: TIMES : ANGLE : ALT + +: TIMES :ANGLE + +- + +" ANGLE + +: ANGLE + +* + +: ALT ] + +Something curious occurs now . Note that three of the four designs below +look as if they are interlaced . Are they? What is happening ? + +~ ~ (j~. +", .~ +.~ .. u#f~ +.... +" + +",~ + +"" +\~~ +~, +,\,,-,, ' " .. + +, I : I' + +' \ \,\' .," + +",i;5j1 +;I +. + +"S +~ +-"lilii;'~'" + +: +' I I +,, . : + +~, lil +\. 1 +.,"! I1 + +, + +I., + +.. t + +J" t + +~ +!I, +x,"'-\ ' + +I'(II +;! +.! + +,~~~~~ + +' . .~ +' +" . .,' + +. + +Iff! I + +~~ "~~~::~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~':-.., +~ + +- + +':' ',," + +", "/ " + +" + +'/ + +. + +.~ + +~ ~.,"'-;~~ ~ +\i /.;I/1 +.; + +"~~ +\ ' .Ii'(ilii +'~~~ +\' ' .J + +!';t.t +If + +!'ttilij +bi,,"I + +\" +: 07 + +',:" +~, "'::: +~ ~:l' + +I .,,:,ltl + +'1 +.1"\;1 + +' " + +~ +"i. +;;111 +:~! +I.Ii' +" +. tt, " "" +: :1 +..'11 +VfIll +"! +~"'~,~ +11 +',,", \ +",-,\, +~~~V +'[""""l +'' +.." +...,....." ~ +~ +~ ~\~~ -~ff ~ +"~\~:,,,"~ .f!J +" . . ., N, . + +~.~' + +" ' " + +. + +~;~ p - + +82 + +IJ!I'1~, +, . " " + +." ' + +II .' + +Il}t + +, \ + +I ' + +...,::,~~ ~./ + +. + + Visual Discovery + +Still only polygons + +We have come a long way from the original BOX procedure of Chapter 1 to the +surprising designs shown above. But do not forget that all the images we have +created so far are still only polygons . Polygons, yes; but we have gone out of our +way to play and experiment with these simple shapes, not just to complicate +them but in the hope that we might see something new through them . Have you +found the images of this chapter sufficiently strange to justify that hope? + +Extending the range of exploratory models + +Before going on, I would like to describe another exploratory model . In the +following case, a model is used to investigate some of the visual characteristics +of a painting . So far, we have only looked at our own work . The results of the +next exploration show that models can be effective visual thinking tools for +analyzing somebody else's images . Specifically, this model will be inves tigating the qualities of balance in a design composition . + +A Delaunay machine + +Here is a reproduction of a 1938 painting, entitled " Disque," by the French artist +Robert Delaunay . I recently discovered this work in a Paris museum . Although +the thing is enormous, about 5 by 6 meters, I had never seen it before. Why, I +wondered, did I like it so much? +I decided to think about this by building a model to " simulate " the picture . +Obviously, I did not hope - or want - to reproduce the painting . I can always go +and see the real painting whenever I want . Perhaps, I thought, I could fashion a +model to explore some of the characteristics of a painting that I especially +liked . And that might help me to see better what attracted my eye in the first +place . +83 + + Chapter3 + +I would be exploring two things with my model : the world I was looking at +in the Delaunay painting and the world of how I felt about it . I was sure that +the latter would predominate . Why ? Because I am convinced that models tell +more about their builders than about what is being modeled . + +Painting elements +I decided against using too many design elements. The ones I selected were a bit +arbitrary, but they were based on my impressions of the design elements used by +Delaunay . Notice that none of my elements is an exact replica of anything in the +painting . I built a different Logo procedure to draw each of these elements and to +place them onto an imaginary canvas grid . Each element and its procedure is +shown below . + +84 + + Visual Discovery +These procedures are simple and easy to read, but I want to add a few +comments. I decided not to vary every possible dimension in my experiments. The +double rings, for example, have a fixed size. However, while the form and size +of the other design components are also fixed, each can be placed at different +locations of the canvas. These design element locations are defined by two +arguments : first, an : ANGLE argument sets the element 's angular position, +measured clockwise from the straight -up position ; and second, a : DIST argument +defines the elements distance from the center. +Each procedure is state transparent . Why might this be useful when we +begin to use these procedures to paint canvases? + +TO DOUBLE +. RINGS +CONGON +40 120 5 5 +CONGON +40 80 2 5 +END + +85 + + Chapter3 +TO WIDE. SPLINES :DIST :ANGLE +RT :ANGLE +REPEAT15 [FD : DIST BK :DIST RT 3] +LT :ANGLE+ 45 +END + +TO NARROW . SPLINES +RT : ANGLE +REPEAT 7 [ FD : DIST +LT : ANGLE + 21 +END + +I + +86 + +: DIST +BK + +: ANGLE +: DIST + +RT + +3] + + o + +tIj + +~ +Z +G) +to! + +. . + +-.J + +0 + +I -' + +H + +.. + +-3 + +G) + +tUG ) +0 +to! +tIj + +Z + +1-3 ~ + +. . C/ ) +01 -3 +H +C/ ) . . + +C/ ) +I -3I -' WtUtIj +0001 +to! +1-3 I -' I -' hj +00 + +to! ~ +~ + +. +1-3 + +O ~ ~ +HOOtIj + +~ +G) + +zzz + +oo + +1-3 +~ +O +-3 +1-3 +.. ~ + +.. + +~ + +ZZ +t:i:' G) G) + +tIj +ZtUOO +00001 + +zz + +O + +tIj + +~ +Z +G) +to! + +. . + +I-' + +0 + +tIj +. +1-3 + +H + +.. + +C/ ) +-3 + +Z +tUG ) +0 +to! +tIj + +1-3 ~ + +.. +01 +H +C/ ) + +.. + +-3 + +G) + +to! ~ +~ + +G) + +~ + +1-3 +~ +O +-3 +0 +.. Z + +C/ ) +I -3NtUtIj +001 +to! +1-3 I - ' hj +00 + +O ~ +HOtIj + +.. + +~ + +Z +t:i:' G) + +tIj +ZtUO +0001 + +Visual Discovery + +87 + + Chapter3 +TO FOUR. TARGET : DIST : ANGLE + +RT :ANGLEPU FD : DIST PD +LOCAL " R MAKE" R 25 +REPEAT4 [CONGON +40 : R +2 MAKE" R :R +PU BK : DIST LT :ANGLE +END + +5] + +1 + +~~r:;;:;~~ +o ~.,~ + +/(,r '~, ) + +~ + +) + +1 +' ~~~~ ~~~~ +i~~' +TO FIVE . TARGET : DIST :ANGLE +PO +RT + +LOCAL + +: ANGLE + +PU + +" R + +REPEAT +PO BK +END + +5 + +: DIST + +88 + +FD + +MAKE + +: DIST + +" R + +5 0 + +[ CONGON + +40 + +LT + +: ANGLE + +: R + +1 + +5 + +MAKE + +" + +R + +: + +R + +- + +1 + +0 + +] + + Visual Discovery +Delaunay experiments + +Six illustrations + +of Delaunay + +experiments + +follow + +. Turn + +at the + +in different + +orientations + +. How + +do you + +designs + +orientation + +of the page effect a specific + +more + +pleasurable + +opinion + +? What + +to look +makes + +the book 'around +feel + +design ? Do you find + +about + +and look + +them ? Does + +some of the designs + +at than others ? Is there an outstanding + +design, in your + +it so ? + +89 + + Chapter3 + +Balance + +My feelings after this experiment ? Did I discover why I liked the painting so +much ? Yes. I was convinced (or rather, I convinced myself ) that the aspect of the +Delaunay painting that caught my attention was its balance. I watched myself +as I tried to place my design elements on the screen. I kept thinking to myself : try +to balance the composition . This was difficult because the weight of each of my +elements was hard to calculate until after I tried a new configuration . +I discovered, however, through experimentation, that the eye has its own +rules for judging the balance of designs. To evaluate balance, we seem to divide +pictures into two equal parts . This division is horizontal, not vertical ; a left and -right partitioning, not an up -and -down one. We look into each half, +visually add up the weight of the elements seen there, and compare these +weights with a similar calculation made within the second half . Usually, we +find a balanced scene to be more pleasant than an unbalanced one. In fact, +extreme visual imbalance can make me feel very uneasy. + +Howdoes +theeyecalculate +theweight +ofadesign +element ? Here are some +rules . The relative + +90 + +size of shapes is important + +: bigger + +forms may be judged + + Visual Discovery + +heavier than smaller ones. But relative color value is also important . For +example, white against black, because it attracts our attention, has more weight +than gray against black, which attracts less attention . Thus a small black object +might be heavier than a large gray one, if both were on a white background . +Variety of shape is also important in weight calculations . A more complex +shape, because it attracts the eye, may be judged heavier than a boring shape. +For example, a small asterisk may have more weight than a larger circle . +Relative position is important, too. For example, a small shape in an extreme +position can sometimes balance heavy shapes that are more centrally located. +When all the elements of a scene seem to radiate from a central point, a +kind of balance known as radial balance occurs. +Because the eye seems to be concerned with horizontal rather than vertical +balance, rotating a picture can destroy its balance. Why ? Or, on the other hand, +a rotation can fix an unbalanced picture . +Now go back and look at the Delaunay painting . I see a calming image +made from disparate elements, finely balanced into a single design. Turn it on its +side and what happens? Now go back and look at the Delaunay simulations . Do +they halance? How would you change each of them to make them more balanced? Try some balancing exercisesyourself with a design machine of your own +invention . + +Polygons placed on the vertices of other polygons + +There is one remaining exercise to discuss from Chapter 1. Exercise 1.5 asked you +to design a Logo procedure that will draw polygons centered on the vertices of +other polygons . You need to have a good feeling for what this problem is really +about before you rush off and try to solve it . As always, small drawings can help +by making problems easier to visualize and to manipulate . +Even the simple sketches below should make the problem clearer. You will +see the pattern required . Start by drawing one polygon . Now draw a series, or a + +91 + + Chapter3 + +layer + +, of + +the + +vertices + +could + +polygons +of + +change + +the + +from + +those + +could + +, from + +Recursion + +The + +the + +original + +of + +, from + +one + +of + +drawn + +. The + +the + +previous + +layer + +the + +same + +just + +remain + +polygons + +though + +vertices + +polygons + +as well + +similar + +the + +the + +polygons + +polygons + +triangles + +in + +anyone + +layer + +to + +to + +size + +squares + +design +the + +next + +polygon +sizes + +. Now + +of + +the + +draw + +polygons + +polygons + +in + +- + +getting + +larger + +or + +. We + +could + +change + +the + +. But + +let ' s work + +to + +. We + +pentagons + +can + +let + +their + +on + +one + +smaller + +layer + +- or + +all + +of + +the + +shape + +relative + +only + +sizes + +with + +change + +, + +. + +again + +hint + +given + +CNGON + +TO + +on + +, might + +CNGON + +PU + +FD + +RT + +180 + +in + +Exercise + +be + +helpful + +: N + +1 . 5 suggests +. Let ' s look + +that +again + +recursion +at + +, placed + +CNGON + +inside + +the + +body + +of + +. + +: RAD + +: RAD +- + +NGON + +:N + +( 90 * ( : N - 2 ) / : N ) +( 2 * : RAD + +* SIN + +LT + +180 + +- + +PU + +BK + +: RAD + +We + +want + +to + +polygons + +. Let + +' s find + +the + +' s arrival + +at + +polygon + +around + +180 + +PD + +. + +/ :N ) + +( 90 * ( : N - 2 ) / : N ) +PD + +END + +turtle + +centered + +draw + +centered +the + +the + +vertex + +arrival + +place + +: once + +a vertex + +take +CNGON + +could + +be + +place + +a vertex + +The + +asked + +a vertex + +, CNGON + +current + +position + +, and + +92 + +the + +polygon + +, so + +inside + +'s current + +reached + +draw +could + +can + +another + +the + +asked + +forth + +. How + +can + +will + +find + +the + +the + +is + +spot + +where + +polygon + +vertex + +to + +find + +the + +arrival + +it ; once +draw + +other + +draw + +to +another + +. +recursion + +drawing + +around + +again +we + +to + +a vertex + +of + +corresponds + +command +on + +the + +vertices + +that + +position + +polygon + +be + +the + +procedure + +insert + +CNGON +in + +) around + +CNGON + +turtle + +is + +we + +the +we + +inside + +so + +( CNGONS + +. Then + +point + +to + +reaches + +draws + +polygons + +should + +procedure + +CNGON + +this + +polygon + +a polygon + +new + +around + +vertex + +arrival + +point + +points + +inside + +NGON + +the +? NGON + +. + +, + + Visual Discovery + +93 + + Chapter3 +TO NGON:N : EDGE +REPEAT :N [ FD :EDGE (* * * ) RT 360/ :N ] + +END + +The ( * * * ) symbol indicates the place in the procedure NGON where the +turtle arrives at a polygonal vertex . How can we find this location inside CNGON +when it uses NGON? Look closely at the following . How does this version of +CNGONdiffer from what we have been using ? Not at all . NGONhas been opened +up so that we can see its parts. All of NGONis now placed inside of the body of +CNGON +; there are no longer two separate procedures . The vertex arrival point is +still marked with ( * * * ) . + +TO CNGON:N :RAD +PU FD : RAD +RT 180 - (90* ( :N- 2) / :N) PD +REPEAT :N [ FD (2* : RAD* SIN 180/ :N) +RT 360/ :N ] +LT 180 - (90* ( :N- 2) / : N) +PU BK : RAD PD +END + +Vertex arrival + +(* * * ) + +point + +Now try saying in words what you would like to insert at the ( * * * ) above and +what arguments the insertion requires . Here is an sample of such " wordy " +thinking : " OK, turtle : whenever you find yourself at the vertex arrival point +(the place between drawing an edge and turning in preparation for drawing the +next edge), draw another polygon . As you are drawing that next polygon, stop +after each edge and plan to do another polygon . But don 't do this forever . To stop +yourself, you will need a new argument ; call it : LEV, for recursion level . +"You also will need to know if each succeeding layer of polygons is to get +bigger or smaller in terms of of the preceding layer . So, define another argument ; +call it : FAC for growth factor . This will define for you whether to shrink or +enlarge polygons from one layer to the next. +"Give the new procedure a new name, RECGON +, for illursing + +94 + +polygQnS. + + Visual Discovery + +" One last idea. Maybe you should think about rotating the polygons at a +vertex in relation to the previous polygon . Call this argument : ROT. Look at my +sketches below ." +/' +<::) v(:~~,.. Ae.e' vAl. PO +"' T . +/ + +1" 'T' +~L j),E +o~ +T" +aT'-E +AT c....,o.J +V€Q.TE" +AI2~I~ L f'o..JT . + +~ Ro-rAT.O.J " oJ6l.~ . +"\ + +~ + +/ + +DI2ECTlo +..I OF-n. a.TL~ +,' " Pfl-E1'AC1 +.ATlo..I FolZ +. +D~",. ~ t ",G +-o..> +Aeo.J..J[) T"IE: VE +: ~T~" +p",. . rr . + +. . . =, + +iy + +~ + +.......) + +~.f... + +~ + +-..,: + +,;, + +Two +' . . " " ." +.' + +.' +..,.,.." . +. + +. + +. + +PO~o;.' e.,- e + +eOTAT +.', + +~ + +'..""" . +" + +~ +. + +' + +. + +00 : +' - v60 + +' ) s . + +"..."> +.:.."'.0 +.,.., +G + +2oT" = 4S. + +, + +" . +. + +~ + +) + +. +. + +,~ " $ + +a. " 1" E " + +" + +. + +. + +" + +. . + +. + +, + +~oT = 00 + +95 + + Chapter3 +The assembled RECGON +Now we need to convert CNGONinto RECGONbased on these words and sketches. +Here + +it + +is + +TO + +RECGON +; + +Recursing + +IF + +: LEV + +; + +, + +with + +plenty + +: N + +of + +comments + +: RAD + +: FAC + +: ROT + +polygons +< + +Stops + +1 + +FD + +: RAD + +RT + +180 + +- + +REPEAT + +: N + +on + +[ STOP + +the + +PU + +recursion + +( + +at + +( 90 + +* + +: N - + +2 + +) + +[ + +FD + +( 2 + +* + +: RAD + +LT + +: ROT + +- + +; + +/ + +- + +PU + +BK + +: RAD + +Note + +that + +, + +values + +( 90 + +polygons + +) +* + +. + +180 + +inserted + +: ROT + +; + +Reorients + +; + +Is + +/ + +the + +- + +drawing + +: RAD + +: FAC + +next + +: ROT + +: LEV + +recursion + +: RAD + +turtle + +2 + +) + +figure +- + +1 + +. + +- + +apparatus + +argument + +is + +. + +scaled + +by + +: FAC + +. + +- + +state +360 + +: N + +before + +the + +is +how + +. + +PD +SIN + +* + +Here + +: N - + +level + +: FAC + +Note + +( + +proper + +turtle + +; + +* + +of + +: N + +; + +RT +180 + +: N + +Orients + +RT + +: LEV + +vertices + +] + +RECGON + +LT + +. + +by + +removing + +transparency + +/ + +: N + +) + +/ + +rotation + +an + +issue + +angle + +here + +. + +? + +] + +: N + +) + +PD + +END + +used + +of + +the + +five + +figures + +RECGON + +has + +must + +drawn + +be + +. Only + +five + +arguments + +supplied + +: RAD + +to + +and + +it + +. + +. + +: LEV + +These + +change + +Therefore + +, + +values + +control + +their + +each + +values + +time + +the + +from + +RECGON + +is + +characteristics + +one + +level + +of + +recursion to another. Can you see how these two arguments control the scaling of +the RECGONdesign as well as its complexity (that is, level of recursion ) ? +Recursion is a tricky business, but it is also very elegant. Many art students +have told me that they find recursion aesthetically pleasing ; they like its +"shape," somehow . + +96 + + Visual Discovery +Understanding recursion experimentally +Recursion is the most elusive concept in this book . I believe it is also one of the +most powerful because it provides you with an entirely new metaphor for visual +thinking . Working and thinking about recursion will encourage you to look -think +at your world differently . In a strange way, recursive thinking gives you the +power to make the world look different . +You may not understand recursion at all in the beginning, until you have +experimented, over and over again, with recursive procedures written by others. +If you can understand one recursive procedure well, you are on your way to using +recursion on your own terms. Toward the goal of understanding a recursive +procedure, you must design your own experimental apparatus to test it out . +Let's playa bit with RECGON +. Watch how RECGONdirects the screen turtle +from one part of the design to another ; the turtle is walking through recursion +space. Try to get an intuitive feeling for how recursion " does it ." At the end of +this series of design experiments, we will talk more about the mechanical nature +of RECGONand introduce you to a kind of visual model of recursion . For the +moment, though, just play about with RECGON +. +For example, ask RECGONto place squares at the vertices of other squares +down to four levels of recursion . Four levels means that there will be squares on +squares on squares on squares. The value that we will type for the argument : LEV +will be 4. Now, what about scaling the design? If we make : FAC equal to .5, the +squares will get smaller as recursion progresses. Finally, what about the rotation +angle, : ROT? Let's try 45 degrees to start . To make this rotation idea less cryptic, +we will experiment with different values to see what happens . One last item : +set the beginning : RADto 50 units . + +97 + + Chapter 3 + +Square RECGONs + +RECGON4 50 . 5 45 4 + +RECGON4 50 . 5 0 4 + +Triangle RECGONs +RECGON3 50 . 5 30 4 + +RECGON3 50 . 5 0 4 + +Less obvious RECGONs + +Before going on to experimenting + +with funny values for arguments, to see what + +RECGONdoes, let me pose a question . Can you calculate the number of figures that +RECGON must draw for any kind of polygon + +98 + +and any level of recursion ? If you + + Visual Discovery + +could calculate the number of figures that must be drawn, you could guess how +long anyone design might take to draw . Let's try to attack this for a specific +case. Later, you can generalize the approach . +Think about square RECGONs +. A level 1 RECGON +would draw only one square, +but + +a level + +2 RECGON + +would + +draw + +an additional + +four + +squares + +on + +the + +vertices + +of + +the first : that makes five squares for level 2. Now, at level 3, we must put four +squares + +on each + +of the squares + +drawn + +at level + +2 . That + +means + +another + +4 times + +4 . In + +total, level 3 includes 16 + 4 + 1 = 21. Can you work out the general formula for +number of figures in terms of n, the kind of polygon, and L, the level of recursion? +Here are two more RECGONs. The second design was drawn using the +reversing pen color . + +Can you verify that the second design was formed from 341 squares? (1 + 4 + +4 *4 + 4 *4 *4 + 4 *4 *4 *4 = 341 .) + +RECGON4 50 (l / SQRT2) 0 4 + +RECGON + +4 + +10 + +( SQRT + +2) + +0 + +5 + +<,,/ +/ " /,,/ +,,,/ +/,,> +A +" +/ + +,, / +/ " + +" +/ +" +/ + +,, / +/ " +,, / +/ " +V + +<,,/ +/ ",,/ +/,,/ +/,,> + +Recursion diagrams: visual models of recursion + +We will be talking a lot more about recursion in the following chapters. But let +us end this exploratory work with RECGONby presenting a visual model of how +recursion + +works + +. + +99 + + Chapter 3 + +Before + +visual + +you + +read + +rather + +than + +a + +" happening + +" + +on + +" happening + +" + +inside + +recursion + +than + +students + +are + +technical + +my + +technical + +It + +a + +little + +itself + +, so + +let + +'s + +that + +Logo + +makes + +first + +. This + +copy + +copy + +asks + +The + +to + +third + +a + +is + +be + +copy + +If + +third + +more + +copies + +of + +third + +copy + +where + +it + +written + +Suppose + +sheet + +calls + +below + +it + +recursion + +the + +100 + +a + +copy + +is + +are + +mixed + +first + +a + +original + +procedure + +turtle + +goes + +in + +search + +of + +the + +recursion + +". d + +copy + +does + +not + +turtle + +is + +reading + +The + +turtle + +is + +a + +are + +the + +indicated + +45 + +path + +paper + +and + +liberal + +if + +arts + +you + +hanker + +defined + +to + +be + +run + +again + +, imagine + +locates + +this + +copy + +below + +its + +instructions + +next + +located + +in + +the + +instructions + +turtle + +the + +again + +deeper + +climbs + +up + +copy + +, the + +of + +the + +the + +second + +. + +. + +no + +second + +terms + +. If + +under + +goes + +. The + +on + +instructions + +back + +to + +the + +3 . + +the + +for + +turtle + +the + +the + +values + +that + +takes + +5 + +arguments + +the + +whatever + +and + +no + +from + +the + +looking + +turtle + +fof + +climbs + +the + +top + +place + +up + +to + +top + +sheet + +. Suddenly + +sheet + +down + +to + +arguments + +sketches + +the + +the + +diagram + +one + +at + +this + +the + +of + +from + +each + +procedure + +it + +. If + +on + +identical + +sheet + +the + +there + +that + +Notice + +which + +from + +from + +diagram + +50 + +recursion + +be + +further + +itself + +from + +the + +, carries + +recursion + +of + +drops + +climbs + +4 + +sheets + +instructions + +read + +course + +call + +graphical + +can + +and + +on + +is + +. + +the + +, of + +of + +made + +continues + +instructions + +turtle + +search + +are + +and + +reads + +turtle + +, + +copy + +turtle + +to + +itself + +procedure + +copy + +begins + +and + +created + +call + +in + +as + +. + +asks + +is + +The + +and + +procedure + +copy + +as + +. + +dinner + +a + +what + +intuitive + +. But + +is + +describe + +that + +art + +students + +third + +not + +for + +procedure + +. When + +found + +true + +to + +I + +with + +an + +science + +a + +What + +encouraging + +scientist + +how + +copies + +itself + +with + +have + +, a + +original + +secol + +always + +I + +turtle + +the + +the + +almost + +follows + +coincide + +, + +in + +. What + +. + +necessarily + +However + +goes + +license + +recursion + +the + +does + +the + +visual + +useful + +computer + +the + +again + +not + +visualize + +of + +. If + +indicate + +values + +This + +following + +second + +RECGON + +arrows + +. + +my + +of + +. + +more + +these + +Here + +type + +far + +the + +, the + +. The + +often + +copy + +of + +. + +computer + +where + +the + +Think + +your + +to + +left + +does + +where + +is + +the + +instructions + +diagrams + +to + +run + +you + +description + +, take + +the + +show + +technical + +difficult + +try + +to + +results + +truth + +is + +, I need + +ones + +, though + +after + +off + +the + +models + +sense + +on + +procedure + +top + +where + +along + +with + +of + +level + +two + +another + +. + +on + +the + +the + +sheet + +. + +top + +just + +without + +it + +had + +left + +after + +we + +it . + +operation + +shows + +to + +currently + +ends + +sheet + +path + +level + +is + +is + +things + +; and + +. First + +, second + +, + +, + + Visual Discovery + +Recursion diagram of RECGON 4 50 . 5 45 3 +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + +: LEV (4 50 .5 45 4 ) +TORECGON +:N :RAD +:FAC:ROT +IF :LEV< 1 [STOP +] +POFD:RAD +RT180- (90*(:N-2)/ :N) PD +LT:ROT +F~O~ +REPEAT +:N [(RECGON +FD.(2*:RAD +180 +/ :N +) - :ROT +~ ~S +AI +:N *SIN +:FAC +*:RAD +:FAC +:LEV +-1 - l mM +RT:ROT +RT360 +/ :N ] +LT180- (90*(:N-2)/ :N) +POBK:RAD +PD +END +'itS +-------------------------------------------------------TORECGON +:N :RAD +:FAC:ROT +:LEV(4 25 .5 45 2) +IF :LEV< 1 [STOP +] +POFD:RAD +RT180- (90*(:N-2)/ :N) PD +LT:ROT +FaVf +'? +REPEAT +:N [( FD +(2*:RAD +180 +/ :N +) - :ROT +~?tP +RECGON +:N *SIN +:FAC +*:RAD +:FAC +:LEV +-1 - l II( +'O +"\'ES +RT:ROT +RT360 +/ :N ] +LT180- (90*(:N-2)/ :N) +POBK:RAD +PD +END +-------------------------------------------------------TORECGON +:N :RAD +:FAC:ROT +:LEV(4 12.5 .5 45 1) +IF :LEV< 1 [STOP +] +POFD:RAD +RT180- (90*(:N-2)/ :N) PD +LT:ROT +~v~ +REPEAT +:N [CRECGON +FD(2*:RAD +180 +/ :N +) - :ROT +lR~ +:N *SIN +:FAC +*:RAD +:FAC +:LEV +-1 ~~ET +{ +RT:ROT +RT360 +/ :N +LT180- (90*(:N-2)/ :N) +POBK.:RAD +PD +END ------------------------------------------------ --0 RECGON +:N :RAD +:FAC:ROT +:LEV(4 6.25 .5 45 0) +IF :LEV< 1 [STOP +] + +101 + + Chapter 3 + +Visual thinking + +Do I need to summarize + +what we have been doing ? I don 't think so. Theillus- + +trations show it : a kind of visual thinking + +about objects and shapes . + +Exercises + +Exercise +3.1 +Look back over the composite designs that were made from the SPIN . CONGONS +in this chapter . Design a Logo procedure that will produce composite designs +from a number of different design elements. +The following + +series of designs was done by a student . She labeled the + +collection " Hurricanes ." They should give you some ideas. But don 't limit +yourself to figures based on the square. + +102 + + Visual Discovery + +103 + + Chapter3 + +104 + + Visual Discovery + +105 + + Chapter 3 + +Here is another student "solution " to this exercise. He has constructed a map of +France with alternatively spinning hexagons. + +106 + + Visual Discovery + +Exercise +3.2 +Design a procedure that combines the ideas of SPIN . CONGONs +with the ideas of +RECGONS +. + +Exercise +3.3 +Look back at the Delaunay machine . Invent a queasy machine that produces the +most unbalanced + +designs imaginable . Try to characterize + +in words what your + +designs are doing and what you were doing . + +Exercise +3.4 +Build + +an exploratory + +a reproduction + +to your + +local + +to carry +museum + +artists . Don 't limit + +work, even +Inspiration +doing + +of a painting + +of the painting + +best . Go out +different + +model + +photographs +may + +strike + +any Logo until + +lot of time looking +After + +you + +acteristics + +you + +from + +have + +finished +tried + +this + +of a painting + +without + +changed + +your + +? + +you . Postcard + +a collection + +quite + +of + +are the + +; include + +by + +realistic + +work + +as you + +pictures + +. Don 't start + +up over your + +desk . Spend a + +different + +is pinned + +images + +of reproductions + +painters + +a variety + +sure you have + +can . + +. + +to simulate + +painting + +two + +collection + +characteristics +toward + +buy + +as large + +at those postcards +have + +with + +you . Make + +to geometric + +comparing + +your painting + +around +and + +yourself + +. Select + +that interests + +exercise + +, describe + +. Remember +copying + +that + +clearly +you + +what + +char - + +can simulate + +the image . Have + +your + +the + +feelings + +Exercise +3.5 +Study the following several pages of figures . Bring out your visual thinking +gear; can you decompose these composites into their components? + +107 + + Chapter3 +Stone mason marks + +,. + +5. + +b. + +3. +108 + + Visual Discovery +More stone mason marks + +/ --- --... + +10 +. + +..._~J_=~/ + +13. + +"--- ------""" + +II. + +109 + + Chapter3 +These symbols, called stone mason marks, are copies of the marks builders +of Gothic cathedrals left as signatures on their work . The mark actually put on +the stone is that indicated by the dark lines . These lines are selected segments +from an underlying matrix of lighter lines . The design of an individual + +stone + +mason's mark was, therefore, a two -stage operation : first, design the underlying +line matrix ; and second, make an aesthetic selection of line segments from this + +matrix to express an individual 's or guild 's signature . The exercise here is to create the line matrices similar to the examples drawn . +Select one of the examples that strikes your fancy . Look hard at it . Think in +terms of polygons and the placement of polygons . Make some free-hand sketches +in your notebook on how you would draw the matrix, component by component . +Next, try to design a Logo procedure that parallels your own drawing . +Take the very first design, for example. It is composed of a circle in which +are placed squares of different sizes and orientations . Finally, several straight +lines are drawn to connect the vertices of the squares to the center of the design. +You can do far more than just reproduce the designs offered here. Generalize +your MASON.MARKprocedures so that you can produce a suite of designs based on +the theme suggested by anyone example . Take the first design again, for an +example . Your procedure could have one argument for the overall size of the +figure, while another might define the kinds of polygons placed inside the +circle. The first design has squares inside the circle, while the second design has +triangles . Perhaps your generalized procedure could draw both designs. +Finally, you might want to design some kind of experimental apparatus +that will display several of your designs on the screen at the same time, each +with a slightly different degree of oddness. +If you find all of these designs too boring, design your own . +For a historical description of these symbols and a full geometric analysis +see Matila Ghyka 's The Geometryof Art and Life (Dover, New York, 1977). + +110 + + Visual Discovery + +Exercise +3.6 +Design a personal mark in the manner of, but not limited to, the approach used +by the Gothic stone masons. This mark should be a visual model of several +aspects of your personality . This exercise will + +require a combination + +of + +introspection and Logo designing . You may find that your Logo designs actually +help the looking within yourself . +Start this exercise by doodling in your notebook before you write any +procedures . Without thinking too much about what you are doing, write down a +list of your own personality quirks . Do this as fast as possible. Now go back over +your list and make small sketches of whatever images come into your mind . Try +to make a sketch for each word . But if one word doesn't cause an image to pop +into your mind quickly, leave it and go on to the next. Finally, combine some of +your best sketches into a single design theme and design a Logo procedure to +explore it . Don 't intellectualize what you are doing . Do everything as quickly as +possible. Think about what you have done only when you have generated some +personality images. +You may find that you will produce many personal marks that you aren't +happy with . That 's OK . Put them all in your notebook and write a short note on +what you were trying to accomplish with each. This is important : keep a trace +of what you are thinking and doing . +Finally, select one or two individual marks . These images are to be included +in your published biography . This is the only authorized biography of your life +and you may wish to write a few words of description . Don 't worry about being +too personal in your description : the book 's production run will be very, very +small . And since few people will read your comments, you can be totally candid . +The next page shows an example of a mark designed by one of my students. +He found a basic theme that he presents in various configurations . Following the +images is his description of what he was trying to say with the mark . + +111 + + Chapter 3 + +112 + + Visual Discovery + +Thestudent +'s 12ersonal +markex12lained +in words~ +"I liked the idea of using circles in my personal mark. I wanted to show that I +have many interestsand that no one single interest is most impor.tant to me. I try +to be a well-rounded person (sorry about that). I get a lot of personalsatisfaction +from seeing how a number of different disciplines interact with each other. +Math and art are two examplesof my interests. +"I wanted the circlesnot to overlap in the design- I found that Gothic stone +masonmarks get too busy when too many lines overlap; I try to get my life pretty +organized, so I wanted to show the circlesin my head all touching- but in a nice +neat way. I like being clever with math, so I was pleasedto be able to work out +the math in this design. I wanted the balls to get bigger and to fit nicely +together. They do look a bit like ball bearings, I'm afraid. Maybe I come across +to peopleas a bit of a machine. I don't know. +"I like the top mark becausethe turtle overlappedon the screenturning two +of the circlesinto little moon shapes. Thesemoons have rather soft outlines, and +they would never work asball bearings. The moonsgaveme the idea of softening +up the entire mark- making it more organicand lessgeometric. I figured out how +to have my printer make the first two designs look squashed; I liked the +comparisonwith the nonsquashedthird design. The bottom mark is done with +CONGON +. It looks like Greekjewelry that is made from thosewasher-like things. +"These three marks illustrate how I try to apply my mathematicalmind to +soft, organic (human) problems. And Greek jewelry? I think it is an exampleof +math-inspired designsthat servehumanistic ends." + +113 + + Chapter 3 + +The following + +is not an example of a personal mark ! + +Why ? Because a physical likeness of the author is not the same as a model of +the author 's personality . + +114 + + c hapter 4 +c ircuIar Grids + +" Language + +is + +an + +expression + +of + +thought + +George + +" By + +of + +human + +reason + +and + +not + +merely + +a + +medium + +for + +the + +free + +to + +. . . ." + +Boole + +relieving + +concentrate +Alfred + +instrument + +the + +on +North + +more + +brain + +of + +advanced + +all + +unnecessary + +problems + +work + +, a + +good + +notation + +sets + +it + +. . . ." + +Whitehead + +Modeling for communication and thought + +Like algebra, geometry, or any other language, the language of modeling is both +a medium for communication and a notation system that helps structure thought . +You can crystallize an idea about a shape or complex of shapes into Logo +procedures. Logo gives you a language both to name the shape and to define how +to go about drawing the shape. Once the shape is named in a procedure, that +name can be used as a shorthand for the method of constructing and exploring the +visual implications of the shape's definition . +In the preceding chapters you have seen that our visual intuitive sense is +limited in many cases. That explains why some of the images are so surprising . +Most people 's visual vocabulary is fairly rudimentary, even when it comes to +something as commonplace as polygons . Visual exploration with models can + + Chapter 4 + +help increase your visual vocabulary by forcing it to describe unexpected shapes. +Have you felt visually stretched ? + +Unpacking and repacking shape packages + +The goal of this chapter is to encourage you to take complicated designs apart in +order to find their basic elements, the building blocks. Once unpacked, a complex +design can be explored by modeling each of the component parts in turn . And once +the small -part models are completed and named, you are free to concentrate on +how to put the parts back together again, that is, how to repack the package +with which we started . Along the way, you may be able to find several +alternative ways to repack the pieces. +Do you remember the first time you took a small machine apart ? I remember + +happily attacking a large, mechanical alarm clock . The pleasure came from +solving two puzzles : to separate the pieces and then to put them back together +again. And because I had seen through those puzzles, and had arranged all the +small parts carefully on a carpet, I knew that the reassembled clock was not the +same as the original . + +Circular grids + +Having + +explored + +polygons + +extensively, are you beginning + +to see the world + +packed with them ? Were you able to spot and recreate in procedure + +forms the + +polygons hidden inside the stone mason marks of Exercise 3.5? I want to use this +mason mark exercise as an example + +of how to go about the unpacking + +repacking + +images . The mason marks are good ex- + +of complicated, composite + +amples, too, of a special kind of composite shape organization +elements are all arranged +circular + +116 + +grids . + +around + +and + +. The component + +a central point . I call this class of designs + + Circular Grids + +Analyzing mason marks + +Let's go through the exercise of analyzing the mason mark designs to illustrate +the usefulness of Logo shape and placement notation . The following discussion is +not the only description of what one can see in stone mason marks ; don 't be +alarmed if the work you did yourself doesn't correspond exactly to the following +illustrations . There is no single " correct" answer . But there is a proper style of +approach . The following examples are designed to show you that style . +Go back and look carefully at all the stone mason marks at the end of the +last chapter . Think about the following questions: + +1. What shapes are used? +2. What shapes are not used? +3. Wha t shapes are used together? +4. What shapes are not used together ? +5. Are individual marks symmetric ? If yes, can you see the point of symmetry ? +Are some marks partially symmetric ? (Be sure that you have a definition of +symmetry at your fingertips . Are there different kinds of symmetries ?) +6. Within any individual mark, is anyone shape repeated over and over again +in a way that might suggest recursion? +7. What are the characteristics that make all the marks alike ? +8. What are the characteristics that make each mark unique ? +9. What already written Logo procedures could be used to produce parts of the +marks ? +10. What new Logo procedures need to be designed? + +Now look back over the marks and quickly jot down your answers to these +questions . Don 't mull over the words ; write them down as they come to you . + +117 + + Chapter 4 +Written + +observations + +You probably noticed that + +1. All the designs are composed from a few basic shapes: circles, squares, and +triangles . You can produce all of these easily with CNGON. + +2. All the marks reveal a common characteristic: the orientation of the polygons +around a center. Each mark has a design symmetry "around " the center of this +theme circle. Each mark uses a limited combination of polygons . For example, +squares and circles occur together in the same mark, but triangles and squares do +not. Excepting the circle, no polygon beyond the 4-gon level is used. There are, for +example, no pentagons or octagons. For polygons centered on the circle's center, +CNGON +can be used. + +3. Two polygons + +of the same size and shape are often overlapped + +to form stars . + +For example, one triangle in Mark 2 is rotated 60 degrees from another, to form a +six -pointed star, while one square, in Mark 1, is rotated 45 degrees from another +to form an eight -pointed star . This is easy: use a combination + +4 . + +There + +are + +require + +and + +special + +second + +example +two + +5 . There + +the + +boxes + +fact + +118 + +that + +special + +the + +circles + +new + +procedures + +two + +at + +least + +mentioned + +7 + +has + +twice + +polygon + +grid + +placements + +of + +within + +placement + +of + +at + +vertices + +polygons + +vertices +here + +at + +already + +Mark + +the + +of + +has + +, the + +of + +forms + +marks + +of + +. First + +placement + +the + +are + +kinds + +attention + +, + +, + +need + +of + +two + +the + +the + +of CNGONsand RTs. + +smallest + +squares + +in + +of + +triangle + +the + +marks + +Marks + +7 + +other + +in + +that + +and + +10 ; + +polygons + +Mark + +: + +for + +13 . You + +will + +, and + +each + +. + +recursion + +one + +that + +of + +them + +appear + +in + +operating + +might + +be + +structured + +as + +many + +boxes + +: + +with + +as + +the + +Mark + +group + +of + +first + +, + +a + +recursive + +10 + +the + +is + +grid + +marks + +placement + +procedure + +" very + +suggestive + +of + +- + +the + +" + +of + + Circular Grids + +recursion ; and second, notice the occurrence of polygons nesting inside circles +nesting inside polygons . This nesting is called " inscribed " polygons . That is, a +polygon is inscribed, or drawn, to fit within another shape. You will see this +nested-shapes recursion in many of the marks : note the two smaller squares +nested inside the larger squares in Mark 1; also note the same kind of nesting in +the triangles of Mark 2. New procedures will be required here. + +6. Straight + +lines are sometimes + +polygons - the diagonal + +used to join the vertices + +of some of the basic + +cross inside a square - or the polygons + +overlap of the basic shapes - the lines joining + +the intersection + +formed by the + +points of the two + +triangles . New procedures here, too . + +You will need new procedures for the last three points : + +1. Placement of polygons at the vertices of other polygons . +2. Two kinds of recursion: nested/ inscribed polygons and grids . +3. Some special line drawers to connect certain polygon vertices. + +Recursive design features + +Let's start with the recursion while your energy is high . Until recursion becomes +second nature to you, you will need a lot of concentration to understand how it +does what it does. But believe me, recursion will soon become as natural to you as +using any other form of shape description . +Look at the following four designs. Then look back at Mark 1 and 2. Seehow +natural some of these shape descriptors are becoming ? Do you see the kind of +recursive procedure that is needed, just by looking at these pictures ? +Put your ideas into words, though, just to be on the safe side. Remember to +record your thoughts and doodles in your notebook. + +119 + + Chapter4 + +3. + +J. + +If. + +:2;. +Inscribed polygons + +We need a procedure that will first draw a circle of a given size, and then draw +an NGONinside this circle. The NGONis said to be an inscribed polygon if it just +fits + +inside + +a circle + +, and + +this + +will + +be the + +case + +when + +the + +NGON + +has + +the + +same + +radius + +as the circle. Next, the procedure needs to know if it should go to another level +of inscription : should it draw a circle inside the NGONjust drawn and inscribe +another polygon inside this circle ? Let 's use : LEV to be the argument that +indicates the number of nested polygons -inside -circles that is required . The +procedure will have the following form : + +120 + + Circular Grids +TO + +INGON + +: N + +; + +INGON + +stands + +; + +: N + +; + +: RAD + +; + +Set + +; + +If + +; + +: LEV + +is + +: C ? + +; + +To + +IF + +: C + +; + +Do + +if + +you + +no + +circles + +you + +level + +decremented + +the + +circles + +to + +be + +drawn + +recursion + +, + +as + +30 + +the + +a + +Do + +polygon + +, + +and + +be + +drawn + +drawn + +? + +. + +. + +. + +usual + +: RAD + +. + +] + +circumscribing + +circle + +: RAD + +: N + +; + +inscribed + +] + +[ CNGON + +Inscribe + +; + +. +the + +will +of + +[ STOP + +want +: N + +of + +want + +recursion +1 + +NGON + +sides +. + +1 + +1 + += + +INGON + +of + +, + +the + +stop +? + +CNGON +; + +1 + +< + +nscribed + +radius + += +* + +is + +: LEV + +: LEV +~ + +number +its + +: C ? + +: C ? +for + +the +is + +IF + +: RAD + +polygon +( ? ? ? + +INGON + +inside + +) + +: C ? + +again + +with +: LEV + +the +( : LEV + +the + +- + +circle +1 + +. + +) + +correctly + +calculated + +: RAD + +and + +. + +END + +The + +only + +radius + +drawn + +calculation + +. + +problem + +value + +of + +The + +following + +the + +is + +next + +, + +what + +should + +smaller + +little + +go + +inscribed + +diagram + +in + +the + +place + +polygon + +should + +be + +of + +in + +useful + +the + +terms + +as + +( ? + +of + +you + +? + +the + +think + +? + +) + +. + +This + +is + +the + +polygon + +just + +through + +this + +. + +e : l (3~o/ ~) :; 18olvv +J1 . + +(..ose :. ~ + +C +.oSl +\C +()o/",,) =-~ +Notice that a polygon has been drawn inside a circle of radius R. What is +the radius of the circle inscribed inside this polygon ? To answer this question, +we must find an expression for r in terms of R. Then we can handle the ( ??? ) +term in the INGONprocedure . +Do you see that the angle e (theta) equals one-half of 360/ n, where n is the +number of sides of the polygon ? Using the definition of the cosine, we have cos e += r / R. By putting these two expressions together and rearranging terms, we find +the needed expression: + +121 + + Chapter4 +r + += + +R* cos + +180 / n + +ultirn2lte line becomes : +WecannowfinishupINGON +. Thepen + +INGON +:N (:RAD +*COS +180/:N) + +: C? ( : LEV- l ) + +The underlined expression has replaced the (???) . OK ? Let's try it out . + +INGON 4 100 1 2 +Gives + +design + +1 + +on page 120 . + +CG +INGON 4 100 1 2 RT 45 +INGON 4 100 a 2 +Gives design 2 on page 120 . +. + +, + +CG +INGON 3 100 1 2 +; Gives design 3 on page 120 . +CG +INGON + +3 + +100 + +1 + +2 + +INGON + +3 + +100 + +a + +2 + +; + +Gives + +design + +RT + +4 + +on + +60 + +page + +120 + +. + +Grid -of -squares turtle walk + +Now for the grid of squares that appears in Marks 3, 6, 7, 10, and 16. Let's go +through a turtle -walk exercise similar to that introduced to solve the CNGON +problem at the end of Chapter 1. Imagine that you are at the center of a circle of +radius + +: RAD and + +that + +you + +want + +to fill + +How would you go about doing it? + +122 + +up + +an inscribed + +square + +with + +other + +squares + +. + + Circular Grids + +~AD + ++ + +~AD/2 + +1. Starting at point 1, draw a CNGON 4 + +: RAD. The radius of this square equals + +the radius of the circle in which you are sitting . + +2. Next, consider dividing this square into four smaller squares. You could draw +these four squares by first going forward, after picking up your pen, by : RAD/ 2, +putting down your pen at position (2) and running a CNGON4 : RAD/ 2. Then, get +yourself back to point (1) with your pen up . Turn right 90 degrees and get over to +position (3). Run another CNGON 4 : RAD/ 2 and get back to the center point (1). +Do the same for (4) and (5) + +3. Ready for the recursion twist ? Suppose you want to divide the square centered +on position (2) into four smaller squares . On arriving + +at point (2), you would want + +to draw four squares around this spot . You must go forward by an amount equal to +half the distance : RAD/ 2, do a CNGON 4 +You would + +( : RAD/ 2 ) / 2, and then get back to (2). + +then turn 90 deg! ees in preparation + +( : RAD/ 2 ) / 2. The remaining + +for the second square of radius + +two squares would follow in similar fashion . + +123 + + Chapter 4 + +4. But wait . Suppose when you were in position to draw the CNGON 4 with the +radius ( : RAD/ 2 ) / 2, you considered yourself to be in the center of a square that +should be divided again into 4 smaller squares. This is recursion . + +And here is the Logo version of the words above : + +TO SQUARES : SIZE +: LEV +; Grid maker of squares in groups of four . +IF : LEV < 1 [ CNGON 4 : SIZE STOP] +; Draw a square if you wish to recurse no deeper . +REPEAT 4 [PU FD : SIZE / 2 PD ; Get to center of a square . +SQUARES + +( + +; + +Consider + +; + +squares + +PU + +Get + +; + +preparation + +; + +squares + +SIZE + +/ + +2 + +) + +current + +( + +: + +LEV + +- + +l + +position + +) + +- + +as + +center + +of + +4 + +. + +BK + +; + +: + +: + +SIZE + +back + +/ + +to + +2 + +PO + +RT + +center + +and + +for + +moving + +90 + +] + +turn + +to + +90 + +the + +degrees + +next + +in + +center + +of + +. + +END + +Another recursion diagram + +STEP +SQUARES100 2 + +Watch the turtle read each instruction + +and then carry it out . The STEP command + +slows the action of the turtle + +so that you can watch both the screen and the + +procedure . Use the following + +diagram + +to follow + +how the different + +levels of + +recursion are linked . This recursion diagram is similar to the one you saw when +you worked on RECGON. Remember ? If you have trouble comparing +on the screen with this recursion diagram, turn your printer + +what you see + +on to print out what + +Logo is doing . Compare this printout, line by line, with the recursion diagram . + +124 + + Circular Grids + +SQUARESrecursion diagram + +The following + +recursion diagram describes what " happens " after you type + +SQUARES 100 2. The level of recursion here is 2. Don 't forget to type STEP. + +TO SQUARES : SIZE : LEV (100 2) +IF : LEV < 1 [CNGON 4 : SIZE STOP] +REPEAT4 [PU FO : SIZE/ 2 PO ( SQUARES ( : SIZE/ 2) ( : LEV- 1) - - PU BK : SIZE/ 2 PO] ") +ENO'"J)a'f./E~"f= +- - - TO SQUARES : SIZE :LEV (50 1) +IF : LEV < 1 [CNGON 4 : SIZE STOP] +REPEAT4 [PU FO : SIZE/ 2 PO SQUARES ( : SIZE/ 2) ( : LEV- 1) PU BK : SIZE/ 2 PO] +TO SQUARES : SIZE : LEV (25 0) +IF : LEV < 1 [ CNGON 4 : SIZE STOP] +REPEAT4 [PU FO : SIZE/ 2 PO SQUARES ( : SIZE/ 2) ( : LEV- 1) PU BK : SIZE/ 2 PO] +ENO +Exploring recursing; squares + +Now, design an EXPLORE-type procedure to investigate how SQUARESoperates +at different: levels of recursion . The following is such a procedure . +TO + +SQ + +. EXPLORE + +; + +To + +explore + +; + +different + +PU + +SETXY + +SQUARES +PU + +SETXY + +SQUARES +PU + +SETXY + +SQUARES + +: SIZE + +: Ll + +the +recursion +70 + +60 + +60 + +: SIZE +- + +70 + +: L4 + +level + +and + +at +size + +values + +. + +: Ll +- + +: SIZE + +: L3 +procedure + +PD + +: SIZE +70 + +: L2 + +SQUARES + +PD +: L2 + +- + +60 + +PD + +: L3 + +PU SETXY- 70 60 PD +SQUARES: SIZE : L4 +END +125 + + Chapter 4 +RT 45 SQ. EXPLORE 80 0 + +1 + +2 3 produces the following diagram : + +More complicated grids + +Suppose + +you would + +complicated + +like + +the SQUARES + +procedure + +to do something + +to the squares it gets around + +to drawing + +at the lowest recursion + +level . An example might be to put a cross in each box . The following +draws such a cross, but how should it be incorporated + +more + +procedure + +into SQUARES? + +TO CROSS : SIZE + +REPEAT4 [FD : SIZE BK : SIZE RT 90 +END + +We will want the cross made just after a square is drawn, so that they both use +the same size value . That means that CROSS is placed just after CNGON 4 +: SIZE in SQUARES. The following + +revised SQUARES procedure, called + +SQUARES. x, incorporates CROSS. Changes from or additions to the SQUARES +procedure are underlined . You might guess that any number of alternative pro cedures could replace CROSS +. A circle drawer (CNGON30 : SIZE ), for example. + +126 + + Circular Grids +TO + +SOUARES + +IF + +.X + +: LEV + +< + +REPEAT + +: SIZE + +1 + +4 + +: LEV + +[ CNGON + +[ PU + +FO + +: SIZE +/ 2 + +.X + +( : SIZE + +SQUARES + +PU BK + +CROSS +:SIZESTOP] + +4 + +: SIZE + +- + +PO + +( : LEV- l ) +90] + +/ 2) + +: SIZE / 2 PO RT + +END + +The + +diagrams + +exhibit + +on + +some + +of + +reconstruct + +them + +Placement + +of + +RECGON + +maybe + +we + +really + +need + +place + +shape + +placement + +. + +, +. + +, +. + +, + +; +PU + +can + +break + +a + +put + +. + +other + +any + +this + +It + +'s + +for + +doing + +kind + +of + +marks + +' s + +getting + +as + +is + +fancy + +grid + +well + +. + +recursion + +You + +words + +thing + +, + +the + +tips + +of + +and + +orient + +. + +should + +. + +now + +any + +be + +then + +notation + +Here + +of + +it + +is + +let + +'s + +other + +than + +a + +and + +the + +but + +simpler + +location + +use + +of + +something + +place + +to + +use + +at + +into + +current + +to + +kind + +polygon + +will + +easier + +it + +this + +down + +that + +turtle + +than + +mason + +of + +They + +able + +to + +polygons + +job + +procedure + +the + +examples + +assemble + +a + +polygon + +. + +RECGON + +. + +CNGON + +at + +defined + +return + +the + +turtle + +talk + +about + +Logo + +to + +some + +But + +All + +we + +to + +a + +its + +new + +: + +TIPGON :N : RAD : DIST : ROT +To place an n- sided polygon of radius : RAD, at a distance +: DIST from the current turtle +location . +: ROT is ~ ation angle of the polygon is relation +to +the +FD + +CNGON +PU + +will + +from + +starting + +stone + +procedure + +that + +are + +. + +on + +one + +page + +of + +yourself + +is + +distance + +next + +flavor + +polygons + +was + +procedure + +TO + +the + +the + +LT + +turtle + +' s original +: DIST RT : ROT PD +: N : RAD +: ROT BK : DIST PD + +heading . + +END + +TIPGON is a building block procedure that fits nicely into others . On the +page after next are a few examples of how TIPGON can be so used . You should be + +able to reconstruct all of these quite easily. By inspection ? + +127 + + Chapter4 +Mason mark designs from squares + +/ / - - - -- ~ + +,..-----....,.. + +" " ......._ ~ - - - --...../ + +128 + + Circular Grids + +Some TIPGON-generated figures + +129 + + Chapter 4 + +Special line procedures + +Let 's overlap + +two similar + +NGONs to form a regular + +trigonometry + +needed to find the rotation + +star with + +2*:N points . The + +between the t\.A1ONGONs is easy : the + +angle between points of the composite star will be 360 divided + +by the number of + +points or 360 / (2*:N ). So the star operation is : + +CNGON: N : RAD +RT 360/ (2* : N) +CNGON: N : RAD + +An example . Make a six -pointed star from two triangles of radius 100: + +CNGON3 100 +RT 360 / (2* 3 ) +CNGON3 100 + +The star produced is top left one on the next page. +The bottom left figure is the star with the intersection points of the two +triangles connected. The top right figure shows the star again, but now with the +star points opposite each other joined . The bottom right star combines the +connections of the top right and bottom left ones. +The exercise for you is to think about the trigonometry + +needed for this + +exercise and then to design a procedure that will draw these two kinds of lines +for any star drawn from a composite of two similar polygons . Try out your own +ideas before going any farther . Here is my solution ; I 've called the procedure +STRIPES: + +130 + + CircularGrids + +3. + +Y. + +2. +TO + +STRIPES + +; + +: + +; + +If + +; + +points + +; + +If + +IF + +: + +N + +is + +N + +: + +RAD + +number + +: + +Ll + +? + +: + +L2 + +? + +: + +of + += + +1 + +? + += + +1 + += + +1 + +Ll + +? + +ngon + +draw + +: + +' + +L2 + +s + +? + +sides + +lines + +and + +: + +joining + +the + +joining + +opposite + +RAD + +is + +radius + +NGON + +. + +intersection + +. + +: + +Ll + +draw + +[ + +lines + +RT + +90 + +/ + +: + +* + +COS + +REPEAT + +( + +: + +: + +RAD + +N + +[ + +CNGON + +180 + +SETH + +1 + +[ + +0 + +: + +N + +[ + +: + +N + +180 + +CNGON + +RT + +0 + +points + +. + +) + +- + +/ + +/ + +( + +COS + +: + +N + +: + +N + +90 + +] + +/ + +: + +N + +) + +- + +- + +] + +REPEAT + +SETH + +2 + +/ + +RT + +IF :L2? = + +star + +N + +2 + +180 + +/ + +: + +RAD + +] + +- + +- + +] + +END + +You + +might + +want + +to + +verify + +that + +STRIPES + +works + +in + +a + +number + +of + +situations + +. + +Here are two examples from me. The bottom left star was generated by : + +131 + + Chapter 4 + +CNGON3 100 +RT 360/ (2* 3) +CNGON3 100 +STRIPES 3 100 1 0 +The top right star came from this : + +CNGON3 100 +RT 360 / (2* 3 ) +CNGON3 100 +STRIPES 3 100 0 1 + +The bottom right star combines the top right and bottom left stars. +That 's all . You should now be able to generate most of the stone mason +marks given at the end of Chapter 3 using the procedures that have been +discussed in this chapter. Want to try a few ? + +TO MARK +. 13 : SIZE +INGON 3 : SIZE 1 2 +RT 180 (INGON 3 : SIZE 0 2) LT 180 +REPEAT6 [TIPGON 30 ( : SIZE/ 2) ( : SIZE/ 2) 0 +RT 60] +STRIPES 3 : SIZE 1 1 +END + +132 + + Circular' Grids + +Here 's another . Notice that this mark uses both the grid recursion and the +inscribed polygon recursion patterns: + +TO MARK +. 16 : SIZE +CNGON30 : SIZE +REPEAT2 [ SQUARES: SIZE 2 RT 45] +STRIPES 4 : SIZE 0 1 +REPEAT2 [ INGON4 : SIZE 0 2 RT 45] +END + +Generalized Gothic stone mason mark procedures + +The procedures we have just looked at, MARK. 13 and MARK. 16, are not very +general . They can each produce only one design . Their only generality is an +ability to produce fixed designs of different sizes. That isn't very interesting . +What about designing a more general mark procedure that would include an +additional argument for controlling the shapeof the design produced ? Exercise +4.6 will ask you to design a generalized mason mark procedure with at least 3 +arguments . Here is a preview of such a generalizing approach . +The following procedure was designed to draw either Mark 1 or Mark 2. I +also wanted to see a mason mark figure based on pentagons and hexagons. I +therefore added a second argument, : N, that would control the shapes selected +to construct the mark . This new procedure thus has an argument that determines +the overall shape as well as one for setting the size of the mason mark . + +133 + + Chapter 4 + +It is often interesting to see what " happens" to designs produced by a Logo +procedure as the procedure 's arguments are given more and more extreme values. +Sometimes designs produced with such extreme value arguments are very boring . +But other times one finds designs that are totally unexpected and very exciting . +Here is a start at my generalized mason mark : + +TO G.MARK :N : SIZE +CNGON30 : SIZE +INGON :N : SIZE 0 2 +RT 360/ (2* : N) +INGON : N : SIZE 0 2 +LT 360/ (2* : N) +STRIPES :N : SIZE 1 +END + +1 + +And here is an EXPLORE-type procedure that will show you how G. MARKproduced design change with changing : N values: +TO + +; + +M . EXPLORE + +To + +PU + +SETXY + +G . MARK + +PU + +SETXY + +G . MARK + +PU + +SETXY + +G . MARK +PU + +SETXY + +G . MARK + +: SIZE + +explore +70 +: Nl + +: Nl + +the +60 + +: N2 + +: N3 + +G . MARK procedure +PD + +: SIZE + +70 +: N2 + +- 60 + +- 70 +: N3 + +- 60 + +PD + +: SIZE + +- 70 +: N4 + +PD + +: SIZE + +60 + +PD + +: SIZE + +END + +The following diagram is produced with + +M. EXPLORE50 3 456 + +134 + +. + +: N4 + +at + +different + +: N values + +. + + Circular Grids + +Comment : the extreme values, : N = 6, for example, aren't very interesting . +The figure becomes confused and muddied with too many lines . Here is the +reason why all of the stone mason designs in the illustrations given at the end of +Chapter 3 limited their ngons to a max of n = 4, squares. Circles seem to be a special case. The G. MARKbased on the hexagon above does suggest some work in the +following direction . Spider webs, maybe? + +135 + + Chapter 4 + +The quality of polygon lines + +Here is a simple pentagon produced by the CNGONprocedure . Look at the five +edges of this polygon . They are straight lines and they connect the vertices of +the pentagon together . + +11 + +Must we use a straight line ? Suppose we want the vertices to be connected +with a line whose quality +qualities + +is different + +from that of a straight line . Different + +line + +could mean wavy, jagged, or dotted lines . Or maybe we might decide + +that we want + +the vertices + +of a polygon + +to be joined + +shape . Why not remove the FD edge command + +together + +with + +a special + +from CNGON and replace it with + +some other procedure that draws a new shape between the vertices . +Once whatever shape the new procedure draws between one vertex and the + +next is completed, the turtle must be placed at the second vertex facing the same +direction it faced at the first . The new procedure + +must operate + +exactly + +like + +FORWARDin terms of the turtle 's starting and ending state . In other words, the +turtle must be left in the same heading state in which it was found, and the +distance between the two vertices must remain equal to : EDGE. If this were not +true, we could not replace the FD : EDGE command with our new procedure . +Why ? In fact, we can replace FD : EDGEwith any procedure as long as it follows +FORWARD +'s starting and ending conditions . Are you happy with this? + +136 + + Circular Grids + +Can you state the conditions necessary for us to replace one part of a +procedure + +with + +an alternative + +part ? How must the parts relate ? How + +is this + +business like the notion of state transparency ? + +Stars + +Let's consider drawing stars. Look at the sketch below . A star is a polygon with +a different quality of edge. Instead of a straight -line edge, the star has an edge +with a " kink " in it . If we could write a procedure to draw " kinked " edges that +follow the beginning and ending state conditions of FD, we could exchange the FD +: EDGE in CNGONwith the kinked line procedure . This exchange will create a +new gon-drawing machine called STARGON +. If we are careful, STARGONwill be a +more general form of CNGON +becauseit will draw stars as well as polygons . + +~ 0 + +~ +0 + +"\: + +'t +: ~ P&' ~ + +137 + + Chapter 4 +Let's call the new procedure that will draw the kinked line STAREDGE. +Before we do a turtle -walk description of the staredge, let's decide how we will +characterize its major feature, kinkiness, in terms of an argument called : KINK . +Suppose we say that if : KINK = 0, there will be no kinkiness to the staredge and +so the star drawn will look exactly like a polygon . That 's fine : a star with no +kinkiness is a polygon . On the other hand, if : KINK = 1, then the kink in the +staredge will extend down to the center of the figure . The shape of this star will +look like the spines of an umbrella . A : KINK of .5 should produce something +midway between a polygon and an umbrella frame. + +Turtle walk through the staredge +1. The turtle begins at position (1). It is facing the next vertex at position (7). + +2. The first thing that STAREDGEmust do is to turn right by the angle labeled +: TANGLE (for lop ~ngk ) at (2). Don 't worry about the calculations yet; we can +work those out later . + +3. Now, go forward by the amount labeled : SLOPE +. (3) +4. N ow, turn left by the anglelabeled : BANGLE(for Qottom@g1g) at (4). +5. Go forward by the : SLOPE +. (5) +6. Turn right : TANGLE +. (6) +7. The turtle is now in position (7). STAREDGE +hasmoved the turtle from vertex 1 +to 7, and the turtle heading at 7 is the sameas it was at 1. This correspondsto +what FORWARD +accomplished +, so we canexchangethe two procedures. + +138 + + CircularGrids + +Staredge calculations +Here are the calculations that will be needed . I 've written + +a supporting + +procedure called SQ that squares its argument ; your own version of Logo may +already have this command . SQRTis my Logo's command for square root . +I am pleased that this project will encourage you to review a little more +geometry and trig . You will need to remember the arctangent and its associated +ARCTANcommand ; we use this to calculate the angle : TANGLE. Also, you might + +n +~ +n +I.:.:. +~ +:::r +. +0 +:=' +cn + +recall the Pythagorean theorem : in a right triangle, the square of the length of +the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squared lengths of the other two sides. We + +..tIjc../) .. +.. .. +I-3:I: +tx +:J +:ZOZ +l;.rt-t :l;.r1-31 +:J +):J +G +) t"CJG +) G +tx +t-ttx +:Jt-t +tx +:J tx +:J +II II II II II + +use that to find the : SLOPE. +TO SQ : A +; To square +OP : A* : A +END + +a number . + +2* : RAD* SIN 180/ :N +:KINK* : RAD* COS 180/ :N +ARCTAN: HT : EDGE +/2 +SQRT (SQ ( : EDGE +/ 2) + SQ : HT) +2* : TANGLE +Putting STARGON +together +Where shall we carry out these calculations ? We could place them inside the +new procedure STAREDGE. But this wouldn 't be very efficient since the math +needs to be done only once, not every time a STAREDGEis drawn . So let 's place +the calculations at the start of the procedure STARGON. Here are the two new +procedures. + +139 + + Chapter 4 + +TO STAREDGE: TANGLE: SLOPE +RT :TANGLE +FD : SLOPE +LT 2* : TANGLE +FD : SLOPE +RT : TANGLE +END +TO STARGON : N : RAD : NOTCH +; Centered star exercise . +(LOCAL " EDGE " HT " TANGLE " SLOPE) +MAKE " EDGE 2* : RAD* SIN 180 / : N +MAKE " HT : NOTCH* : RAD* COS 180 / : N +MAKE " TANGLE ARCTAN : HT : EDGE/ 2 +MAKE " SLOPE SQRT (SQ ( : EDGE/ 2 ) + SQ : HT ) +; These MAKE commands calculate +the +values +that +; will +use below . +PU FD : RAD PD +RT 180 - (90* ( : N- 2 ) / : N) +REPEAT : N [ (STAREDGE : TANGLE : SLOPE +) RT 360/ :N] +LT 180 - ( 90* ( : N- 2 ) / : N) +PU BK : RAD PD +END + +STAREDGE + +Global and local variables + +Notice that I have made the staredge variables all local variables . We don 't +need the value of these staredge calculations outside of STARGON. Do you +remember the difference between local and global variables ? Global variables +have an existence outside as well as inside the body of the procedure that +created them . These variables never go away, in fact, until they are erased. The +command NAMES lists all global variables currently in your workspace and +EDNAMEallows you to edit a specific variable . Check your Logo language manual +to verify these commands in your own Logo dialect. +Local variables, on the other hand, exist only inside the procedure that +defines them . A local variable is, however, available to any procedure that is +used within the body of the procedure that defined the variable .l +1. Most traditional Logos, including the dialect used in this book, apply this +approach, but some recent implementations such as Coral Object Logo favor an +140 + + Circular Grids + +Logo isn't very good at " number crunching ." Because Logo is so slow with +mathematical calculations, structure your procedures to calculate as few times as +possible. Group the " dirty " math work in one place using MAKE commands, so +Logo can go on to what it does most quickly : moving the turtle about the screen. If +possible, LOCALize all the MAKE-created variables . +A look at STARGONswith different + +My recommended + +: KINK values + +way to explore a new procedure is to design an EXPLORE-like + +procedure . Each of the following + +diagrams + +shows a set of five stargons . The + +value of the : KINK factor is noted on each individual +Note that the stars produced + +stargon . + +with a kink value greater than 1 are pulled + +" inside -out ." Why is this ? Look carefully . Perhaps you would + +like to use the + +STEP command to slow the turtle down as it draws one of these inside - out things . + +alternative approach in which local variables are available only to the +procedure that created them and not to any others. Your Logo manual should +describe the method it uses to define the range or " scope" of local variables . If it +applies the second approach, you will need to make some (relatively simple ) +modifications to the procedures given in this book . + +141 + + Chapter 4 + +142 + + CircularGrids + +STARGON +-produced designs + +Below + +are + +produced +designs + +, but + +several + +designs + +that + +explore + +shapes + +. I won + +' t give + +you + +it has + +much + +in + +common + +the +the +with + +: KINK + +argument + +effect + +on + +actual + +procedure + +used + +CONGON + +of + +3 . Re ~ ember + +Chapter + +to + +STARGON +create + +- + +these +? + +143 + + Chapter 4 + +Fractalgons + +Put off for a moment asking what a fractal might be. Instead, consider yet +another way of altering the quality of the polygon edges drawn by CNGON +.. +Recall how we built STARGONfrom CNGONin order to draw kinked lines +between polygon vertices . Here is a turtle -walk description of another line +shape that can replace FORWARDin CNGON +: take the distance between vertices +and call it : DIS T. Now have the turtle go forward by one-third of : DIS T and +turn left 60 degrees. Then go forward another one- third of : DIS T and turn right +120 degrees. Now go forward another : DIST / 3, turn left 60 degrees, and finish up +with FD : DIST / 3. Here is the shape of this new kind of line : + +- - _/ ! \ \ _---And here is a triangle with ordinary straight sides: + +What if you now replaced the straight line sides with the new shape? And +after you have done this, what if you could replace all the straight line +elements within the new shape with a smaller version of the new shape? And +then, what if you could replace the remaining straight line segments with +smaller versions of the shape . . . What is this? Recursion, again. + +144 + + Circular Grids + +145 + + Chapter 4 +FRACTALGONS: a new recursion + +Look closely at the following + +machine + +two procedures . You should + +have a feeling for + +what is going on as soon as you scan the lines . But what will that argument +do ? Notice, too, that the kind of recursion + +used in FRACTAL is not exactly the + +same as that used in RECGON . There are four +FRACT AL where FRACTAL +recursion + +diagram + +" calls " itself + +for yourself + +: DIR + +places within + +the procedure + +(makes use of recursion ) . Make a + +and use STEP to verify + +that your + +recursion + +diagram arrows are correct . +Can you now give a definition, based on FRACTALGON, of a fractal design ? +Of a fractal ? Try . What is the quality + +of the edge line in a fractal design ? + +TO FRACTALGON : N : RAD : LEV : DIR +; If : DIR = 1 turn outward . +; If : DIR = - 1 turn inward . +LOCAL " EDGE MAKE " EDGE 2* : RAD* SIN 180/ :N +PU FD : RAD PD +RT 180 - 90* ( : N- 2 ) / : N + +REPEAT :N [FRACTAL:EDGE : LEV : DIR +RT 360 / : N ] +LT 180 - 90* ( : N- 2 ) / : N +PU BK : RAD PD +END +TO + +FRACTAL + +IF + +FRACTAL +LT + +120 + +FRACTAL +LT + +146 + +: DEPTH + +: DIR + +1 + +[ FD + +: DIST + +( : DIST + +/ 3 ) + +( : DEPTH + +STOP +- l ) + +] + +:DIR + +/ 3 ) + +( : DEPTH + +- l ) + +: DIR + +/ 3 ) + +( : DEPTH + +- l ) + +: DIR + +/ 3 ) + +( : DEPTH + +- l ) + +: DIR + +( : DIST +* : DIR +( : DIST + +60 * : DIR + +FRACTAL +END + +< + +60 * : DIR + +FRACTAL +RT + +: DIST + +: DEPTH + +( : DIST + + CircularGrids +SomecuriousFRACTALGONS + +147 + + Chapter 4 +Observations + +Have you noticed that most of the designs in the first three chapters have been +" circular " ? These circular patterns reveal a symmetry based on a central point, +and that 's why I've called them circular grids . +There is one final example of circular grids in the chapter . It is another +example of how a complicated figure can be unpacked into its components and +then restructured . This example shows how a generalized model of the basic +component can lead to a wide variety of recomposed images based on the theme +of the original . While all the images share the same original characteristics, +they are surprisingly different in feeling . +Nephroids + +"Nephroid " means kidney -shaped. It is a nice example of a complex circular +grid . +Look carefully at the following diagram . Can you decompose the design +into its polygonal components as you did with the stone mason marks? Could you +draw a nephroid on a drawing board with a straight edge and compass? Most +important, could you do a turtle -walk scenario? That walk might begin to form +in your mind as soon as you start scanning the design with your eyes . . . + +148 + + Circular Grids + +Nephroid + +walk scenario + +Here is a little sketch that might help . Imagine a circle whose center is labeled +(1) . Begin to walk + +along the circumference + +Stop at equal intervals + +of this circle starting + +along the circumference + +at point + +(2) . + +(3, 4, 5, ...) and draw a circle - + +one at each stopping place - whose center is your current position . The radius of +each circle will +diameter + +be such that its circumference + +of the big circle that you are walking + +will + +just touch + +line AB, the + +on . How can you calculate the + +radius of each of the circles that you must draw ? + +A + +tEroJTErz +. +Av(", ~ ()~ u ' TTL +:!E: CI~c.LE: = : ~ D *" <;,.J 9 +Look at the right -hand diagram above. The thing that must be calculated +is labeled " radius of the circle to be drawn ." You know the : RADof the big circle, +and you could probably figure out the angle 8. If you know these two things, then +trigonometry will again supply you with help . The radius you need is simply +: RAD* SIN e. The same simple relationships are useful over and over again. +We can use TIPGON to move out from the center (1) to a position on the +circumference, draw the circle, and then move back to (1). You can then turn the +turtle at (1) an appropriate amount in preparation for using TIPGON again. + +149 + + Chapter 4 + +What about that angle e? You need that in order to calculate the radius of +each of the circles that TIPGON places out there on the circumference of the big +circle. You can use the command HEADING. HEADINGgives you the turtle 's current +angular orientation + +as measured in degrees from the straight -up position . + +Straight -up is 0 degrees; pointing toward 3 o'clock is 90 degrees; straight -down +is 180 degrees; and pointing toward 9 o'clock is 270 degrees. The line AB +indicates the straight -up position . SOHEADING will give you the angle you need +to calculate the radius for each circle that must be drawn . What about tilting +the design with respect to the line AB ? Let : TILT + +represents the degrees of + +clockwise tilt . +Here it is: + +TO NEPHROID +; + +: CIRC + +; + +how + +; + +: TILT + +; + +horizontal + +RT + +: TILT + +REPEAT + +is +many +is + +: CIRC : INC : TILT +t-hp r ~rl ; ' ] ~ of the +times +the +clockwise + +turtle +rotation + +big +stops +of + +circle +along +figure + +. + +: INC specifies +the circumference +from the + +. + +. +: INC + +LT :TILT +END + +[TIPGON 30 ( : CIRC* SIN (HEADING +RT 360/ : INC] + +: TILT + +: CIRC 0 + +On the next page are a few nephroids . Because the screen resolution is +limited, these nephroids look as if they had been knitted rather than drawn . + +Generalized nephroids + +Let's consider producing a series of nephroid designs based on a more generalized +model of the component part . Instead of circles, let 's use STARGONs. With +STARGONswe can still generate circle-based nephroids, but we can also explore + +nephroids built up from stars . And what will that look like ? + +150 + + Circular Grids + +151 + + Chapter4 +First, let 's extend TIPGON to manipulate STARGONS +instead of CNGONs +. Call +the extension TIP . STARGON +. + +TO TIP . STARGON:N : RAD : KINK : DIST : ROT +; To place an n- sided stargon of radius : RAD and +; kink :KINK, at a distance : DIST from the current +; turtle +location . :ROT is ~ ation angle of the +; in relation +to the turtle ' s original +heading . +PU FD : DIST RT :ROT PD +STARGON:N :RAD : KINK +PU LT : ROT BK : DIST PD +END +Now, we can insert TIP . STARGONinto an extended NEPHROID, called + +STAR.NEPHROID +. +TO STAR. NEPHROID: CIRC +. + +, +. + +, +. + +, + +: CIRC is the + +: N + +, + +kink + +; + +from + +. + +RT + +of + +the + +turtle + +many times + +how +is + +number + +: KINK . +the + +: INC + +radius + +of + +sides + +: N + +the + +of + +; TILT + +is + +horizontal + +: KINK + +: TILT + +big + +circle + +stops + +alonq + +component + +. + +: INC specifies +the circumference + +stargons + +clockwise + +. + +with + +rotation + +of + +figure + +. + +: TILT + +REPEAT + +: INC + +[ TIP + +. STARGON + +:N + +( : CIRC + +: KINK + +RT + +LT :TILT +END + +- + +* SIN + +: CIRC + +: TILT + +( HEADING +0 + +- + +360 / : INC ] + +Unpacking and repacking image packages + +The + +images + +of + +this + +chapter +ones + +patterns + +into + +simpler + +chapter + +better + +than + +more + +challenging + +152 + +words +areas + +. + +, + +illustrate + +the + +and + +images + +. Now + +these +it ' s your + +power + +chance + +of + +decomposing + +recapitulate +to + +extend + +the +these + +complex +ideas +notions + +of + +the +into + + Circular Grids +STAR . NEPHROIDs + +- + +153 + + Chapter 4 +More STAR . NEPHROIDS + +Some + +curious + +symmetric + +images + +the + +. The + +close + +PIPEGONs + +154 + +things + +left + +seem + +half + +and + +others + +of + +Chapter + +to + +be + +happening + +is + +not + +the + +same + +do + +not + +? + +2 . + +If + +you + +. + +as + +have + +the + +Some + +of + +these + +right + +half + +. Why + +forgotten + +the + +term + +images + +is + +are + +it + +closure + +that + +not + +some + +, look + +at + + Circular Grids + +Exercises + +There are ten exercises this time . The first seven involve more work with +circular grids, while the last three branch into the worlds of rectangular and +random grids . There are fewer hints included because you should have the basic +skills now to be your own designer . Try to create designs that are as different +from the ones in this chapter as possible. + +Exercise +4.1 +The nephroid on page 148 is composed of many individual circles. (Can you count +the actual number of component circles from the design itself ?) The method for +locating and drawing each of these component circles was described on the last +few pages of this chapter. +Many other complex designs can be built up entirely from circles (or other +polygons ). The cardioid (heart shape) is another example of such a composite +design . It is illustrated on the next page. Can you suggest how the cardioid is +generated ? Note that both the nephroid and the cardioid seem to be threedimensional, at least at first glance. Examination, however, will show that the +" depth cues" are ambiguous and not totally consistent with " real " world +perspective . This kind of ambiguity, though, can add interest to an otherwise +straightforward, geometric design. + +155 + + Chapter 4 +Cardioids + +156 + + CircularGrids + +Now + +look + +spheres + +whose + +on + +here + +? Are + +the + +nephroid +Dream + +nephroids + +at + +the + +fronts + +following +are + +the + +3 -D + +and + +cardioid + +up + +some + +, cardioids + +three + +transparent + +methods + +but + +used +designs + +elegant +, and + +designs + +these + +to + +. These + +whose + +draw + +seem + +backs + +these + +are + +globes + +to + +illustrate + +opaque +similar + +concentric + +. What + +is going + +to + +used + +those + +in + +? + +Logo + +procedures + +transparent + +to +spheres + +create + +designs + +inspired + +by + +. + +157 + + Chapter 4 + +Exercise + +4 .2 + +I once asked you to design a personal mark . Now we move from the individual to +the cosmos. In Hinduism and Buddhism diagrams called mandalas are used to +illustrate the structure of the universe and the place of the observer within it . +They are also used in meditation and visualization exercises. Two examples are +shown below . I would like you to generate a series of mandalas, each based on +aspects of your own personalcosmology. Be ready to " explain " your diagrams . + +158 + + CircularGrids + +Exercise +4.3 + +While + +we + +the + +are + +thinking + +standard + +begins + +glyphs + +at + +( 6 ) + +( 1 ) + +Virgo + +and + +, + +( 12 + +) + +Simplify + +. + +each + +identity + +. + +meanings + +and + +Libra + +Pisces + +the + +twelve + +runs + +, + +Can + +( 8 ) + +you + +may + +the + +cP + +, + +( 9 ) + +to + +so + +t + +b + +can + +' + +V + +; + +following + +zodiac + +, + +drawn + +by + +me + +( 4 ) + +Cancer + +, + +(3 ) + +Gemini + +, + +( 10 + +) + +, + +Capricorn + +the + +it + +of + +( 11 + +a + +would + +to + +them + +. + +, + +form + +astrology + +te + +into + +. + +The + +, + +) + +your + +series + +(5 ) + +circular + +Leo + +, + +, + +grid + +its + +the + +are + +Aquarius + +lose + +read + +Here + +? + +visual + +traditional + +designs + +. + +4 + +( YY + +) 1 + +\ + +7 + +5 + +9 + +on + +incorpora + +~ +6 + +I + +the + +into + +3 + +rrQ +5 + +at + +@ + +2 + +cfJ + +look + +which + +book + +n + +1 + +them + +beyond + +a + +you + +the + +Taurus + +of + +point + +borrow + +tha + +a + +Sagittarius + +each + +the + +take + +of + +( 2 ) + +redesign + +want + +, + +through + +to + +signs + +cosmos + +signs + +Scorpio + +symbol + +You + +of + +the + +for + +Aries + +( 7 ) + +about + +; : ~ + +8 + +: : : ~ + +* + +10 + +11 + +12 + +Exercise +4.4 + +Playing + +cards + +You + +might + +hearts + +, + +these + +images + +deck + +. + +who + +lent + +offer + +be + +and + +may + +should + +you + +set + +intrigued + +spades + +( You + +another + +the + +of + +to + +redesign + +. Or + +maybe + +the + +not + +be + +be + +astrology + +able + +designs + +the + +face + +as + +challenging + +to + +borrow + +book + +that + +of + +for + +deck + +Exercise + +be + +standard + +cards + +a + +for + +can + +card + +King + +you + +of + +structured + +Tarot + +4 .3 . ) + +, + +as + +suits + +: + +Queen + +as + +the + +cards + +Listen + +diamonds + +, Jack + +face + +, + +cards + +from + +to + +circular + +these + +the + +, + +and + +Joker + +of + +same + +wonderful + +the + +grids + +. + +clubs + +, + +. + +But + +tarot + +person + +face + +159 + + Chapter + +4 + +card + +names + +Chariot + +: + +, + +Strength + +Temperance + +The + +Fool + +your + +The + +you + +Priestess + +Hermit + +, + +, + +Tower + +design + +a + +as + +, + +, + +Wheel + +Star + +of + +, + +Empress + +, + +Fortune + +Moon + +, + +Sun + +, + +, + +Emperor + +, + +Justice + +Last + +, + +Hierophant + +, + +Hanged + +Judgment + +, + +Man + +World + +, + +, + +and + +Lovers + +, + +Death + +, + +finally + +, + +clock + +. + +sim + +circular + +grid + +pIe + +as + +icon + +possible + +for + +one + +or + +more + +of + +these + +cards + +? + +Keep + +each + +. + +.5 + +standard + +to + +High + +. + +4 + +numbers + +want + +Devil + +designs + +Exercise + +, + +, + +, + +Can + +of + +Magician + +face + +Remember + +change + +is + +to + +the + +whole + +a + +keep + +circular + +grid + +track + +system + +of + +of + +seconds + +reckoning + +. + +Redesign + +, + +it + +minutes + +time + +with + +, + +. + +. + +symbols + +and + +hours + +rather + +. + +But + +than + +you + +may + +. + +Exercise +4.6 +Design a generalized Gothic stone mason mark that has three arguments . One of +these arguments should control the size of the design and the other two should +control the shape. Don 't limit yourself to the examples already shown ; produce +a series of designs that could be used for late-twentieth -century cathedral +building . + +Exercise +4.7 +We didn 't spend much time on fractals in this chapter . Go back and look at the +FRACTALGONs. Can you dream up some fractals of your own ? We will look at +fractals again in the exercise section of Chapter 7. + +160 + + Circular Grids + +Exercise +4.8 +Design a Logo procedure + +that will + +put a shape into a rectangular + +grid . You + +should be able to define the number of rows and columns that the procedure will +use and the distances between them . You might want to be able to change the +shape that goes into this grid as well . Make sure your rectangular +placed at different + +grid can be + +starting places on the screen . + +Remember : the secret to success is always to go through + +the sketch / turtle + +walk / more sketches scenario . Here is a little design that will get you started on +your walk . Break up the tasks into sections, write a Logo procedure for each, and +put the sections together into a master procedure that controls the action . + +'2. =. tJv~ ?>~ or:: +2. owS +G :: .JlJ~ ~'6l2- Dr: +CoL\.At-"\,JS + +*- =. Sr\APE +- + +Exercise +4.9 +Design a procedure that will place a certain number of STARGONsrandomly on +the screen (a random rectangular grid ). Look up the RANDOMcommand in your +Logo language manual and carry out some visual experiments with it . Try to say +something about how you feel when you look at the " designs" produced by your +random machine. + +161 + + Chapter 4 + +Exercise +4.10 +Piet Mondrian was a painter who specialized in rectangular grids . Find one or +two postcards, or small reproductions, of Mondrian 's work that you like . The +portability is important because I want you to pin them up over your desk or +work space. Now, spend a lot of time looking at these Mondrians . Can you +characterize, very roughly, the grid themes of your Mondrian examples? +Can you translate your characterization of Mondrian grid themes into a +Mondrian model ? + +The end of the chapter at last + +Sometimes people think that Logo procedures must be complicated to be good . +Wrong . Go back and look at NEPHROID; it really has only one line . Here are two +rectangular grid procedures that are short and surprising . They should get you +into shape for Chapter 5. +TO ZIP : SIZE : GROWTH +; Set your pen to the reversing +; and try ZIP 10 5 . +REPEAT 2 [ FD : SIZE RT 90 ] +ZIP : SIZE + : GROWTH: GROWTH +END +TO ZIPM : SIZE : GROWTH +; Set your pen to the reversing +; and try ZIPM 10 1 . 05 . +REPEAT 2 [ FD : SIZE RT 90 ] + +ZIP : SIZE* : GROWTH +: GROWTH +END + +162 + +color, + +color, + + Chapter 5 +Rectangular and Random Grids + +"Teased by the crisscross of the world ." +John Galsworthy + +Placement, motif, and symmetry + +By now you should have an appreciation for the power of visual models to aid +your thinking about shapes. Simulating stone mason marks encouraged you to +think about clusters of shapes and their relative placement . In these mason +mark designs, placement was carried out in reference to a single point that +became the center of the final composition . Often, an arrangement of objects +around the center was repeated to create a special kind of balanced figure, a +symmetric one. But what is symmetry ? +Let 's be as simple as possible about this notion . To say that a design is +symmetric means that each part of the design has the same organization as some +other part . It is the repetition of parts that creates a certain balanced quality in +the whole . All balanced designs, however, are not necessarily symmetric . Look +back at the Delaunay machine in Chapter 3 for an example of balance without +symmetry . Can you imagine a design that is partially symmetric or partially +not? +Specifically, symmetry describes a correspondence in size, shape, and +relative position of parts in reference to a dividing line, or median plane, or + + Chapter5 +about a center or axis. +Circular symmetry is a special form of design balance in which the +correspondence of parts is about a central point . Look back at the stone mason +marks you produced in Chapter 4. How would you describe the nature .of the +circular symmetry exhibited in them ? Look, too, at the designs you made to +represent your own character in the personal mark excursion, Exercise 3.6. How +much symmetry do you find there ? We know something of balanced personalities, but what would a symmetric character be? Put your comments in your +notebook. +This chapter will + +investigate + +another form of balance - rectangular + +symmetry . Here the correspondence of elements will be relative to the rows and +columns of a rectangular grid rather than to a central point . +Let me have one last word about symmetry before we move on to modeling it +explicitly . Symmetric designs can be viewed on two levels . We can divide the +composite design into the motif and the rule of repetition. For example, look +back at two symmetric images in the last chapter- STARGONS +and NEPHROIDs. +The STARGONmotif is the kinked line and the repetition rule is the machinery +of CNGON. In the nephroids, the motif is the circle and the repetition rule is +stated as the last line of the NEPHROID procedure (see Chapter 4). +A small review of list mechanics + +The first example of rectangular symmetry will be taken from Exercise 4.8. This +problem asked you to design a generalized rectangular -grid machine . But first +we will need to review some Logo list -handling mechanics in preparation for the +approach I would like to take to this problem . Please read the list section in +your Logo manual, and I'll quickly go over the most important list operations . + +164 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +L-. I + +List definition +Lists are collections of Logo elements enclosed by square brackets [ ]. Be careful +not to confuse these square brackets with two other kinds of brackets available +on most computers : round brackets ( ) and curly brackets { }. Round brackets are +..... + +usually called parentheses. +Here are some examples of lists that contain one or more elements that are +not themselves lists : + +[ JIM ] +[JIM CLAYSON +] +-rlOO 200 3 - 201 +[JIM LOOKS85 BUT ACTS 16] +[STARGON4 40 . 5] +[FD 100 RT 45 FD 100] +Lists may contain elements that are themselves lists . That sounds a bit +recursive, doesn't it ? + +[REPEAT4 [FD 25 RT 90] ] +[ [ [MIT] [CHICAGO +] [LONDON +] ] [ [AMERICANCOLLEGEIN PARIS] +[ PARSONS +]]] + +Lists may also contain no elements. These " empty lists " are very special +beasts, and we may find them useful later on: + +[ +The following list is not empty. It has two elemen .ts, each of which is an +empty list: + +[[ + +]] + +165 + + Chapter 5 + +Valuesof variables +canbelists +The value of a variable can be a list as well as a number or a word . +MAKE + +; + +" JIM + +Variable + +MAKE +; + +" JIM +Variable + +MAKE +; + +" JIM + +Variable + +21 + +' s + +value + +is + +a number . + +" HAPPY +' s + +value + +[ STARGON +' s + +values + +is a word . +5 50 . 5] +is a list . + +Th ~ READLIST construct + +Let 's design a procedure to carry out the following + +tasks : + +Ask the user to type a special x-y screen location on the keyboard . +Put the two numbers typed into a list . +Make this list be the value of a global variable . +TO GIVE . PT +; To create +a global +variable +named +; : POINT whose value +will +be a list +; containing +the x and y values +typed . +PRINT [ Give the x and y values +of the point +MAKE " POINT READLIST +END + +]] + +Notice that the PRINT command can be used to print a message on the +screen. The message to be printed must be a list, but the outer brackets will not be +printed . +Type GIVE . PT and it will talk to you by printing the message: "Give the x +and y values of the point ." +You will notice another new command, READLIS T, on the line after the +PRINT statement . When Logo arrives at a line that contains a READLIST +command, Logo will wait until something is typed on the keyboard . Whatever + +166 + + Rectangular and Random Grids +is typed is placed within a single list, and this list is made available at the +location +The + +of the word + +READLIST + +. + +line + +" POINT + +READLIST, causes the following three operations + +to be carried + +MAKE +out : + +1. Logo waits until something is typed (for example, 100 200 ). +2. Logo puts whatever has been typed into a list (for example, [ 100 200 ] ). +3. Logo creates a global variable named : POINT and makes its value equal to +the list made available by READLIST (for example, typing : POINT would now +give [ 100 200 ] ). + +Try the procedure . Type GIVE . PT, type in two numbers, and check to seeif a +variable called : POINT has been created and given the values you typed . + +Takingindividualelements +outof a list +Now, let 's send the turtle to the screen address that is now stored within the list +named : POINT. You might think that the following should work : +SETXY : POINT +No . We have to take the numbers out of the list before the SETXY command is +happy . SETXYneeds two arguments, not a single list that has two numbers inside +it . +There are many list manipulation commands in Logo, and you should review +them in your own language manual . We will discuss only a few of these +commands here . FIRS T list returns the first element of that list ; LAS T list +returns the last element; BUTFIRST list returns the list with its first element +gone; and BUTLAST list returns the list with its last element missing . Some quick +examples : + +167 + + Chapter5 +FIRST [A B C ] returns A +LAST [A B C ] returns +C +BUTFIRST [A B C] returns +[B C] +BUTLAST [A B C] returns +[A B] +These commands can be used in combination : + +FIRST BUTFIRST [A B C] returns B +LAST BUTLAST [A B C] returns B + +Two + +don + +' t + +final + +commands + +know + +how + +returns + +the + +many + +of + +, + +one + +. + +concise + +you + +don + +' t + +could + +So + +TO + +let + +GO + +. + +; + +To + +; + +stored + +: + +' s + +like + +send + +a + +5 + +the + +: + +turtle + +, + +off + +a + +with + +BF + +BF + +to + +: + +POINT + +named + +. + +: + +JIM + +elements + +BF + +Sometimes + +. + +you + +COUNT + +: + +: + +fifth + +ITEM + +JIM + +. + +: + +[ + +stored + +you + +But + +of + +PARIS + +as + +] + +the + +want + +there + +element + +10 + +location + +and + +BF + +the + +though + +that + +list + +many + +returns + +to + +off + +JIM + +. + +list + +JIM + +this + +turtle + +in + +list + +FIRST + +ITEM + +something + +the + +are + +the + +have + +say + +: + +do + +in + +you + +command + +send + +there + +elements + +suppose + +You + +we + +elements + +number + +Finally + +fifth + +before + +: + +. + +is + +JIM + +Why + +the + +. + +a + +Be + +more + +careful + +? + +list + +: + +POINT + +the + +command + +. + +PT + +send + +the + +turtle + +as + +to + +the + +list + +the + +x + +value + +- + +y + +position + +of + +: + +POINT + +. + +PU + +SETXY + +FIRST + +: + +POINT + +LAST + +: + +POINT + +PD + +END + +Putting + +A + +several + +single + +Logo + +example + +SENTENCE + +will + +[ + +SENTENCE + +168 + +A + +B + +up + +out + +a + +few + +[ + +- + +SENTENCE + +into + +make + +] + +100 + +Look + +Carry + +elements + +N + +the + +M + +] + +50 + +list + +point + +. + +returns + +[ + +returns + +in + +experiments + +a + +[ + +your + +A + +- + +manual + +to + +see + +B + +100 + +and + +for + +yourself + +N + +M + +50 + +] + +] + +compare + +it + +how + +they + +with + +are + +different + +LIST + +. + +. + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +While you have the manual in front of you, take a peek at LPUT and FPUT . +How are they different + +from SENTENCE and LIST ? These list manipulators + +may + +seem a bit ponderous + +at first, but you will soon get a firm, visual sense of how + +they work . And that will help you decide when they are useful . + +Regular rectangular + +grids + +Now we can get on with Exercise 4.8. " Design a Logo procedure +shape into a rectangular + +that will put a + +grid . You should be able to define the number of rows + +and columns that the procedure + +will use and the distances between them . You + +might want to be able to change the shape that goes into the grid as well . Make +sure your + +rectangular + +grid + +can be placed at different + +starting + +places on the + +screen ." + +Turtle - walk sto ~ boarding + +As usual, the best way to approach a complicated + +Logo problem is to do a turtle - + +walk diagram . A turtle - walk diagram is similar + +to the story boards used to plan + +TV and cinema advertisements +illustrate + +. The story board is a series of small, sketched + +cartoons + +that + +the major + +events + +to be covered + +individual + +cartoon is accompanied by a few written + +we have done with turtle walks : sketch the important + +in the film . Each + +comments . Sounds like what +" events " and comment on + +them in words . +On the next page is an example of how an illustration + +and design student + +used the story board approach to structure the rectangular grid exercise. + +169 + + Rectangular and Random Grids +Descriptions of the story board cartoon screens + +" Cartoon A indicates the preparation + +that must be carried out before the grid is + +started . The screen must be cleared and the GET . PT procedure run to define the + +upper -left -hand -corner starting point of the grid . Somehow, the shape notation +of the little figure that will make up the grid needs to be done here, too. I don 't +yet know how to do that, though, so I 'll just assume that something, maybe a +variable called : MOTIF, 'holds ' the necessary shape notation . GO. PT puts the +turtle at the first grid position . +" Cartoon B shows the drawing of one individual figure at any point in the +grid . I 'll assume that this can be done by using whatever is inside : MOTIF . My +notation + +will + +be : PAINT + +: MOTIF . (Still + +don 't know + +how .) PAINT + +will + +take the + +turtle from its current grid location, draw the little shape inside : MOTIF, and +then return the turtle to the grid location on which PAINT found it . So some kind +of state transparencymust be respected by PAINT . +" Cartoons C, D, and E sketch + +the movement + +of the turtle + +from + +one column + +to + +the next. The turtle must move over to the next column until it has completed all +the columns of anyone row . To do this, the turtle needs to pick up its pen, turn +right 90, move forward the between-columns distance, turn left 90, and put down +its pen . I'll call this procedure CSTEP, for olumn ~ + +ping . CSTEP's single + +argument will be the distance between columns . +" Cartoons F, G, H, and I sketch + +the movement + +of the turtle + +from + +the end of a + +finished row to the beginning of the next row, if an additional row is required . +Cartoon G shows the turtle, after lifting its pen, moving left to the x value of the +starting point, : POINT . The turtle then turns right 180 and goes forward by an +amount equal to the between-row distance. The turtle turns another right 180 and +puts down its pen. The name of this procedure will be RSTEP, for row ill2ping . +RSTEP's single argument will be the distance between rows ." + +171 + + Chapter5 +Story board cartoons into Logo notation + +Everything that the illustration student said above is correct. Her intuition was +very good and her idea about PAINT : MOTIF (before she knew about lists) is +very elegant. Let's use her story board "characters" and translate them into +formal Logo notation. +The procedureto set up the upper-left-hand starting point has already been +written . It's GIVE . PT. Our procedure GO. PT sends the turtle to the starting +place. +What about PAINT :MOTIF? What is :MOTIF? + +Let's think of : MOTIFasbeinga list of the Logocommandsthat will draw +the neededfigure. For example +, supposewe want a grid madefrom individual +stars with 7 points. We could make the value of : MOTI F be a list like +[STARGON +7 10 . 5] . How do we then"paint" this list? +Painting the :MOTIF list + +We + +are + +already + +command + +We + +could + +could + +list + +be + +simply + +[ something + +the + +familiar + +] + +as + +follows + +used + +say + +is + +with + +RUN + +: + +to + +Make + +REPEAT + +the + +MOTIF + +REPEAT + +[ something + +: + +get + +the + +1 + +] . + +sure + +the + +n + +list + +: MOTIF + +So + +we + +[ Logo + +painted + +. + +can + +turtle + +is + +A + +answer + +where + +Here is an example of RUNninga : MOTIF list : + +172 + +. 5] + +- + +shorter + +then RUN the list that defines the motif . + +MAKE"MOTIF [STARGON +7 10 +RUN :MOTIF + +commands + +- + +of + +saying + +question + +want + +construct + +drawn + +way + +the + +you + +or + +] + +on + +the + +This + +screen + +. + +REPEAT + +of + +the + +. + +motif + +how + +to + +1 + +to + +paint + +be + +, + +and + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Don +is no +the + +' t forget + +problem + +turtle + +and + +how + +it found + +to ask + +keyboard + +, to place + +the + +: MOTIF + +variable + +value + +of + +: MOTIF + +; + +used + +list + +must + +because + +be state + +this + +transparent + +procedure + +. There + +always + +leaves + +it . + +procedure + +the + +GIVE + +STARGON + +with + +MOTIF + +a tiny + +on + +To + +the + +this + +where + +typed + +; + +, that + +about + +Let 's write + +TO + +, though + +that + +results + +the + +elements + +of the + +: MOTIF + +list + +into + +list, and + +to make + +the + +be the + +list + +be + +. + +. MOTIF +set + +up +by + +the + +the + +PRINT + +[ Give + +PRINT +MAKE + +[ The +" MOTIF + +master +the + +Logo + +grid + +that + +- building + +commands + +shape +commands +READLIST + +must + +will + +be + +procedure +that +be + +define +state + +. +the + +transparent + +shape + +] +] + +END + +To verify what we have done so far, type GIVE . MOTIF and then respond +with + +a series of state -transparent + +Watch the turtle . Everything +Let 's name the master + +Logo commands . Next, type RUN + +: MOTIF . + +OK ? +procedure + +that will + +put + +the pieces of the grid + +procedure together FLAG . FLAG will need four arguments : + +: COLS +: ROWS +: CDIST +: RDIST + +- + +number of columns +in the grid +number of rows in the grid +distance +between +the grid ' s columns +distance +between +the grid ' s rows + +173 + + Chapter5 +Before we write FLAG, we can write the much simpler CSTEPand RSTEP: +TO CSTEP : C +; To move the turtle +; The between - column + +PO RT 90 +FD :C +LT 90 PD +END + +over one column . +distance +is : C. + +TO RSTEP : R +; To move the turtle +from the end of one row +; over and then down to the beginning +of the next . +; The between - row distance +is : R. +PU SETX FIRST : POINT + +RT 180 +FD :R LT 180 PD +END + +We can now easily fit the pieces together . +TO FLAG : COLS : ROWS : CDIST : RDIST +; To create a rectangular +grid flag . +; : POINT holds the x - y starting +position +and +; : MOTIF holds a state - transparent +shape . +GO. PT + +The circle notations used above are transposed into the REPEAT commands +of the completed FLAG procedure below . Notice that one REPEAT is "nested" +inside another REPEAT. This REPEATnesting copies the circle nesting above. + +174 + + Rectangular and Random Grids +TO FLAG + +: COLS + +; + +To + +create + +; + +: POINT + +has + +; + +: MOTIF + +has + +: ROWS : CDIST : RDIST +a rectangular +grid +flag . +the x - y starting +position +a state +transparent +shape + +and +in it + +. + +GO . PT +REPEAT + +: ROWS + +[REPEAT: COLS [RUN :MOTIF CSTEP : CDIST] - + +END + +RSTEP : RDIST ] + +That 's it . The compactness of the FLAG procedure is possible because we +used lists for " holding " our MOTIF description, nested REPEAT commands, and +short, support structures - GIVE . PT, GO. PT, GIVE . MOTIF, RSTEP, and CSTEP. +But don 't overlook the difficulty + +of understanding + +that double repeat + +operation . Try getting an intuitive feel for it by running FLAG with STEP turned +on; watch carefully what happens. +Did you rejoice that none of the procedures associated with FLAG used +recursion ? The REPEAT construct and recursion methods are often alternative +ways of accomplishing a modeling task. The choice between the two approaches +is often a personal one; one method may simply seem more aesthetically +pleasing to you for a specific problem . Occasionally, you may feel strongly that +recursion is the right visual metaphor for what you are modeling and other +times that it is not . Exercise 5.2, at the end of this chapter, asks you to +restructure FLAG using recursion, avoiding all uses of REPEAT. You should then be +able to make your own comparisons between these alternative styles. +On the next page you will see an exploration of grids made up only of +squares. Can you guess : MOTIF's value for each of the illustrations ? + +State transparency in the MOTIF list + +The FLAG-produced grids on the previous page all used either CNGONor CONGON +in their MOT I F lists . Remember how careful we were to design those two +procedures so that they both left the turtle in the same position in which it was +found ? This is state transparency. If you include procedures in a FLAG MOTIF list + +175 + + , +Chapter5 +Rectangular grids composed of squares + +00000 +00000 +00 <> <> <> +0 0 00 0 + +176 + + Rectangularand Random Grids +that are already state transparent, everything is fine . If, on the other hand, you +wish to make a grid design from a non -state-transparent procedure you have +some additional work to do. Let 's review these ideas by going through the +exercise of turning a non-state-transparent procedure into a state-transparent one +and then making grids with it . Suppose we want to make a grid ' with a teepeeshaped figure like the following : +. + +. + +. + +: + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +' + +. + +. + +. + +Here is a procedure for drawing the teepee shape: + +TO TEEPEE : SIZE +RT 30 FD : SIZE +RT 120 FD : SIZE +END +This procedure is not state transparent because it does not return the turtle +to its original position . The starting and ending positions of the turtle are shown +below . +. + +. + +. + +. +. + +. +. +. + +. . .. . b " . " + +.. ..~..... . .,..<:]... +. + +. + +. + +177 + + Chapter5 + +There are two simple ways to make TEEPEE state transparent . The first is +the most obvious : simply move the turtle backward to where it began. Call this +procedure TPI . +TO TP1 : SIZE +; First +approach +RT 30 FD : SIZE +RT 120 FD : SIZE +BK : SIZE LT 120 +BK : SIZE LT 30 +END + +to + +making + +TP state + +transparent + +. + +This method doubles the length of the procedure, and the additional +length obscuresthe procedure's design. Proceduresshould be as short and as +descriptive as possible; that's good modeling style. Perhaps there is another +way to make the statetransparencyof the proceduremore obvious. +We really want to say something quite simple to the turtle : "Remember +where you started from- and in which direction you were heading- and then go +back to that position after you have finished drawing the teepee." The second +approach does this explicitly; but we need two new supporting proceduresto +make it work nicely. +The procedureRECORD +. pS assemblesthe turtle's current x-y position and +heading into a three-elementlist called : Ps . The operation of RESTORE +. pS +shouldbe obvious. +TO RECORD +. POS +; Records the turtle ' s current position +MAKE "pS ( SE XCORYCORHEADING) +END + +state + +. + +Note : when the command SE has more than two arguments, as in the +situation above, parentheses must be placed before SE and after a space left +behind the last argument . Verify this in your own Logo manual . + +178 + + Rectangular and Random Grids +TO + +RESTORE + +. POS + +; + +To + +restore + +; + +recorded + +in + +PU + +SETXY + +FIRST + +SETHEADING + +the + +turtle + +: + +: + +LAST + +to + +POS + +the + +position + +state + +. + +POS + +: + +FIRST + +BF + +: + +POS + +POS + +PD +END + +Here, then, is an obviously + +state + +- + +transparent + +teepee + +maker + +: + +TO TP2 : SIZE +RECORD +. POS +TEEPEE : SIZE +RESTORE +.POS +END + +You + +will + +find + +many + +more + +uses + +for RECORD + +. POS and + +RESTORE + +. POS . + +A Mayan -inspired grid that vibrates + +I hope the square and teepee grids make you think about rectangular symmetries and that you are now impressed with the help Logo models give us in +exploring visual ideas. I will admit, though, that these grids are not the most +exciting images to look at. They lack surprise and " quirkiness ." They are, in fact, +too balanced and too symmetric . So I am pleased to present a student -designed +grid that exhibits an odd, surprising quality - within a symmetric framework . +I' ll let the student + +describe + +his own + +work . + +" I wanted to make a grid from square-ish spirals that wrapped back on +themselves. I needed to use the RECORD. POS and RESTORE. POS procedures +because I wasn't sure where my spiral would end up, and I had to make them +state transparent . I came up with the Mayan description of the grid only after I +looked at my results . I was surprised about the vibrating quality of the grid ; I +tried to explore the source of the vibration by changing the arguments that I +gave to my procedures." + +179 + + Chapter5 +Here are the two procedures the student needed for his : MOTIF list : +TO + +SPIRAL +IF + +: LEG + +: LEV + +< + +: FAC + +1 + +REPEAT + +2 + +SPIRAL + +( : LEG + +[ STOP + +[ FD + +: LEV +] + +: LEG +- + +: FAC + +RT +) + +90 + +] + +( : LEV- l ) + +: FAC + +END + +TO LAY + +: LEG + +. +, + +Position + +. +, + +intervals + +: FAC +4 + +REPEAT + +4 + +: LEV + +spirals + +at + +around +[ RECORD + +a +. POS + +SPIRAL + +: LEG + +RESTORE + +. POS + +SPIRAL 90 15 12 + +180 + +90 + +15 + +degree +point + +- + +END + +LAY + +90 + +central + +12 + +..J + +L + +I + +I + +: FAC :LEV +RT 90] + +. + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Two Mayan grids + +For both illustrations below, the : MOTIF list was [LAY 30 5 12] . The FLAG +arguments were 4 3 65 65. The reversing pen color was used for the second +illustration . + +181 + + Chapter5 +Adding random components to rectangular grids + +One effective way to make rectangular + +designs more visually + +entertaining + +add limited + +amounts of randomness + +by exploring + +Exercise 4.9: " Design a procedure that will place a certain number of + +STARGONsrandomly + +to them . I would like to introduce + +is to + +this idea + +on the screen (a random rectangular grid )." + +How did you approach this ? No doubt you looked up the RANDOMcommand +in your Logo manual and found that it could produce " random numbers " ; but what +are those ? The exercise of generating + +random grids will give you a visual model + +of what these random + +look like . You need a good feel for these + +things actually + +random numbers because we will be using the idea of randomness for the rest of +this chapter and in several future chapters . + +Randomnumbers + +The Logo command RANDOMrequires a single, integer argument . Logo then +produces an integer in the range from 0 to the argument minus 1. For example, +RANDOM4 would produce a single number that could be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Each of these +numbers is equally likely to be returned by Logo, and it is very unlikely that you +could correctly guess what Logo would respond every time you type RANDOM +argo +Guessing a single RANDOM4 outcome correctly is tough . It is even tougher to +predict correctly the pattern of the numbers given by Logo if you should type +RANDOM4 over and over again. There may indeed be a pattern, but it cannot be +guessed easily before it occurs. Unless, of course, you are exceptionally lucky, +have ESP, or know the model that your version of Logo uses to generate random +numbers. +Let's design a Logo procedure to generate a series of random numbers so that +we can look at them . Here is an example of such an exploratory tool . + +182 + + Rectangular and Random Grids +TO RANDOM +. NUMBER: RANGE : N +; To PRINT : N random numbers in the +IF : N < 1 [ STOP] +PRINT RANDOM ( : RANGE ++l ) +RANDOM +. NUMBER : RANGE ( : N- l ) +END + +Note + +on + +the + +several + +screen + +SIN + +43 + +random + +for + +the + +the + +or + +that + +random + +number + +Random + +screen + +random + +need + +have + +be + +to + +to + +using + +. You + +calculation + +. + +never + +to + +) + +be + +procedure + +. + +. Other + +Second + +, + +First + +, + +larger + +than + +as + +large + +as + +the + +arg + +, + +say + +- + +, + +: RANGE. + +use + +of + +PRINT + +to + +display + +of + +this + +would + +be + +PRINT + +examples + +remember + +be + +0 to + +tha + +~ + +RANDOM + +I . If + +you + +: RANGE + +arg + +want + +, + +it + +you + +to + +will + +outputs + +a + +be + +possible + +have + +to + +use + +not + +just + +. + +locations + +random + +different + +a + +of + ++ l + +numbers + +correspond + +this + +can + +: RANGE + +need + +two + +about + +variable + +number + +( + +next + +value + +PRINT + +RANDOM + +We + +things + +range + +decide + +how + +but + +random + +numbers + +the + +x - y + +numbering + +have + +RANDOM + +for + +function + +screen + +each + +dimensions + +to + +make + +position + +of + +, + +some + +can + +positions + +convention + +maximum + +may + +the + +let + +me + +adjustments + +be + +on + +, and + +the + +the + +screen + +show + +used + +to + +your + +screen + +range + +of + +these + +. Because + +you + +the + +generate + +. Obviously + +we + +numbers + +must + +different + +screen + +size + +screens + +that + +I + +will + +: + +"2..r;- + +0 + +,0 + +-, " 00 + +'"2.. 00 + +- \ '2..5"" + +183 + + Chapter5 + +Notice + +that + +the + +x coordinates + +of + +run + +from + +- 125 + ++ 125 . To + +requires + +negative + +as + +produce + +negative + +numbers + +coordinates + +Generalizing + +What + +need + +Let 's design + +range + +how + +do + +we + +is + +a + +, we + +be + +Logo + +range + +a + +from + +- 200 + +random + +clever + +. + +that + +will + +to + ++ 200, and + +position + +numbers + +a bit + +that + +procedure +may + +include + +procedure + +that + +improves + +new + +procedure + +RR + +for + +numbers + +this + +random + +must + +run + +pick + +as positive + +a new +the + +possible + +less + +here + +a defined + +Call + +screen + +. But + +on + +since + +this + +RANDOM + +the + +y + +screen +will + +not + +RANDOM + +we + +within + +well + +to + +my + +and + +the + +do + +it ? + +. RR will + +need + +second + +to + +two + +negative + +positive + +integers + +as + +RANDOM + +random + +numbers + +within + +a defined + +arguments + +, the + +first + +to + +the + +end + +. Call + +the + +higher + +might + +help + +. We + +than + +and + +higher + +than + +: HI + +. We + +' +\ t + +- + +f + +well + +number + +extends + +a drawing +never + +as + +a random + +and + +define + +upon + +Perhaps +: LO + +produce + +- + +want + +random +want + +LO + +define +them + +: LO + +to + +do + +this + +. + +range +lower + +and + +of + +end +: HI + +numbers + +that + +are + +these + +numbers + +here + +: + +- + +~ \ + +- + +. + +of + +. But + +never + +- + ++ + +l...o + +We +no + +could + +express + +less + +than + +: LO + +Perhaps + +we + +could + +: HI + +and + +: LO + +We + +already + +difference + +between + +RANDOM1 + + +184 + +and + +and + +no + +this + +a little + +more + +than + +generate + +random + +then + +these + +know +: HI + +( : HI + +add +how +and + +to +: LO + +: La ) + +differently +: LO + +plus + +numbers +to + +by +the + +saying + +difference + +between + +0 and + +that + +we + +want + +between +the + +numbers + +: HI + +and + +difference + +: LO . + +between + +: LO . + +generate +using + +random +RANDOM + +: + +numbers + +between + +0 + +and + +the + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +This expression will produce numbers never smaller than 0 and never bigger +than ( : HI - + +: La ) . The random number we want, the numbers that fall in the + +range between : La and : HI, could be found with : +: LO + RANDOM1 + ( : HI + +: La ) + +ure : +Wethushavetheideaweneedto writetheproced + +RR : LO : HI +To generate +a single +random number +in the range defined +by : LO and : HI . +OP +( : LO + RANDOM1 + ( : HI - : LO + +TO +. + +, + +. + +, + +END + +Note the appearance of the new command OP, short for OUTPUT. Look it up +in your Logo manual . Why do we need OP in the procedure RR? +Experiment with RR. Notice that it works fine for negative numbers . For +example : +RR - 100 +RR - 100 + +- 50 +50 + +But what 's wrong with the following ? +RR 100 + +- 100 + +Using RR to generate random screen locations + +We can easily + +generate + +a random + +screen location + +for my screen with + +the + +following : +SETXY (RR - 200 200) (RR - 125 125) +Let's use this SET idea to send the turtle to a random position on my screen. +185 + + Chapter5 +TO GO. RANDOM +. SCREEN +; To position +the turtle +at a random x - y screen +PU SETXY (RR - 200 200 ) (RR - 125 125 ) PD +END + +point + +Putting the random grid procedure together + +We can now put the pieces together. GO. RANDOM. SCREENsends the turtle to a +random screen position . Next, we want a : MOTIF placed at this point . Then we +send the turtle on to the next random position with GO. RANDOM. SCREEN. The +: MOTIF to be drawn at each stopping position can be defined, just as we did in +the rectangular grid exercise, as a list of Logo commands . We call the master +procedure that combines the pieces RANDOM +. PLACER. +Let's build a few : MOTIF lists to test out RANDOM +. PLACER. + +MAKE" ORNAMENTl[STARGON +5 20 . 5] +MAKE" ORNAMENT2 +[CNGON4 30 CNGON30 30] +1 or RUN : ORNAMENT2 +. Remember +Now we could tell Logo to RUN : ORNAMENT +that this is equivalent to typing: +RUN [ STARGON +5 20 . 5] +RUN [CNGON4 30 CNGON30 30] +Here is what these two : MOTIF lists look like : + +""i:? + +186 + + Rectangularand RandomGrids +Naming is power +Much of Logo's power comes from its ability to make a name, like : ORNAMENT +1, +have the value of- or be equivalent to- something else that is much more +complicated . This super shorthand is enormously useful . Once we decide how to +do something in Logo, we give it a name. Then all we need to remember is the +name of the things to be done and not the complicated bits and pieces actually +required to get them done. +Building the visual model of random numbers +No + +more + +TO + +talk + +RANDOM + +here + +it + +is + +. + +. PLACER + +; + +To + +; + +: MOTIF + +IF + +: T + +GO + +. RANDOM + +RUN + +; + +place + +the + +: MOTIF +shape + +randomly +< + +1 + +[ STOP + +: T +list + +on + +given + +the + +screen + +as + +the +: T + +argument +times + +. + +] + +. SCREEN + +: MOTIF + +RANDOM + +. PLACER + +: MOTIF + +( + +: T - + +l + +) + +END + +Visual experimentation +Try running this routine by typing the following : +RANDOM +. PLACER : ORNAMENTl 25 + +~ + +* ~u W + +u {:? + +~ + +~ + +~ + +Uu +187 + + Chapter 5 +RANDOM +. PLACER : ORNAMENT225 + +() +Generalizing + +I + +the + +was + +surprised + +expected + +to + +figures + +that + +often + +of + +see + +when + +I + +" mess + +pleasing + +and + +from + +boring + +if + +have + +geometrical + +, + +little + +screen + +, + +for + +Second + +which + +the + +entire + +the + +I + +character + +of + +a + +at + +. + +nice + +I + +could + +blend + +some + +of + +, + +random + +Instead + +I + +of + +. + +The + +balance + +lively + +a + +character + +another + +were + +seen + +, + +. + +First + +it + +would + +let + +as + +a + +'s + +, + +wraps + +found + +random + +. + +of + +the + +the + +subdued + +. + +I + +of + +grid + +of + +some + +others + +design + +collections + +placement + +in + +and + +grid + +one + +of + +way + +of + +giving + +life + +clean + +up + +the + +random + +element + +the + +window + +of + +screen + +be + +able + +randomly + +the + +randomness + +addition + +around + +to + +this + +The + +an + +of + +like + +are + +. + +be + +that + +, + +figures + +screen + +. The + +grids + +margins + +example + +, + +looked + +: MOTIFs + +Some + +general + +at + +little + +. + +can + +all + +: MOTIFs + +first + +distinctive + +the + +already + +before + +more + +of + +produced + +structure + +But + +" + +I + +was + +clusters + +grids + +while + +Many + +were + +. + +wondered + +you + +saw + +tangled + +others + +and + +188 + +I + +what + +: MOTIFs + +neutral + +my + +by + +a + +composite + +of + +machine + +different + +unbalancing + +a + +placer + +were + +quite + +grids + +random + +. + +If + +I + +little + +a + +: + +figure + +finishes + +at + +to + +change + +the + +. + +could + +So + +far + +define + +, + +of + +we + +to + +a + +procedure + +I + +don + +'t + +is + +too + +near + +the + +top + +size + +have + +the + +the + +rectangular + +randomness + +animation + +placer + +tidiness + +If + +bit + +and + +and + +placed + +. + +a + +into + +into + +static + +design + +and + +like + +the + +the + +a + +. + +make + +it + +overlapping + +bottom + +of + +the + +" window + +" + +into + +. + +of + +been + +" window + +the + +using + +the + +size + +" + +and + +define + +size + +of + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +its location on the screen, I could have several " fields " of randomly placed +: MOTIFs on one screen. Here is a sketch of what I have in mind . + +Because wind owing +randomness + +to structured + +might + +be useful + +when + +we attempt + +patterns, let 's start working + +to add bits of + +on this window + +business + +first . + +Defininga windowasa list +Let 's define the size and placement +let 's use the following + +of a window + +in terms of a list . Arbitrarily + +, + +convention : the first element in the list represents the y + +value of the top of the window, the second element is the x value of the right +edge of the window, the third + +element + +is the y value + +of the bottom + +of the + +window, and the fourth element is the x value of the left edge of the window . I +started at the top of the window + +and went around it in a clockwise direction . My + +screen would be represented as a window + +MAKE" MY. SCREEN [ 125 +Here is a procedure + +200 + +with the following + +- 125 + +that will take a window + +characteristics : + +- 200] +list as its single argument + +and draw + +the window on the screen. + +189 + + Chapter 5 +TO BOX : WINDOW +; To draw the outline +of a rectangular +; window list +on the screen . +RECORD +. POS +PU SETXY (LAST : WINDOW +) (FIRST : WINDOW +) PD +; Positions +turtle +at top left - hand corner of window . +SETX (FIRST BF : WINDOW +) +; Draw top of window +SETY (LAST BL : WINDOW +) +; Draw right +edge of window . +SETX (LAST : WINDOW) +; Draw bottom of window . +SETY (FIRST : WINDOW +) +; Draw left +edge of window . +RESTORE.POS +END +Note that BOXbegins by positioning the turtle at the top left -hand comer of +the window and then draws the window by moving the turtle around the +window in a clockwise fashion . BOXis state transparent, too. BOX : MY. SCREEN +will draw a nice frame around whatever images are on my screen. + +Eliminating +theoverlat2 +of:MOTIFs +near +thewindow +edge +~ +Suppose that the : MOTIF that we are using is: +MAKE " PIP + +[ STARGON5 20 . 5] + +If we were careful never to let : PIPs be drawn any closer than 20 units from +each of the four window edges, we would never have any edge-overlap problem . +We could just make the window smaller by 20 units in each of the four directions . +A picture helps: + +~ ~t' + +. + +. + +. + +. + +~ + +. + +. + +. + +" + +. + +t + +~ + +" +' + +. + +. + +. + +. + +' + +. + +: + +E~ + +; cI, vc: I-.a..tA :~ + +'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : +"::: W 1.oJ' V0 voJ + +190 + +. + +~ + +~c. a. ff "J +~ ~,.,.. ~ + + Rectangular and Random Grids +But how do we know how much to reduce the window +is changed + +to something + +else ? If we knew the number + +when the : MOTIF list +of the element in the + +: MOTIF list that referred to the " radius " of the : MOTIF to be drawn, we could +pluck out this element and use it in our calculations . We are now at a stage in +Logo when +following + +Logo notation + +upgraded + +is easier to " talk " than English . So look + +at the + +RANDOM. PLACER . I have called this new, extended version + +RANDOM. PLACER . X. + +: MOTIF : WINDOW : N : T +: T : MOTIFs within +a given +; +: WINDOW +with +no +overlaps +at edges . +of the element within +the : MOTIF list +; +: N is +the +number +" radius " of the : MOTIF shape . +; +that +defines +the +" BOTTOM " LEFT) +( LOCAL +" TOP +" RIGHT +1 : WINDOW +) - (ITEM : N : MOTIFJ +MAKE +" TOP +( ITEM +2 : WINDOW +) - (ITEM : N : MOTIF +MAKE +" RIGHT +( ITEM +3 : WINDOW +) + (ITEM : N : MOTIF +MAKE +" BOTTOM +( ITEM +4 : WINDOW +) + (ITEM : N : MOTIF +MAKE +" LEFT +( ITEM + +TO + +; + +RANDOM + +To + +. PLACER + +randomly + +.X + +place + +, +J +, + +J + +REPEAT + +:T + +[ PU + +- + +SETX + +RR + +SETY + +RR + +PD + +RUN + +: LEFT : RIGHT +: BOTTOM: TOP + +- + +- + +- + +: MOTIF] + +END + +Note that the procedure GO. RANDOM. SCREENhas been incorporated into +the body of RANDOM. PLACER . X and that a REPEAT statement has replaced +recursion . I think the procedure " reads" well and needs no more explanation . So +let 's try it out . + +191 + + Chapter5 +Random grids willi no edge overlap + +192 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Kandinsky grids + +Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) was born in Moscow but trained in Munich . He +totally abandoned realistic art for the abstract, a form he consid ~red to be more +spiritual . He made great use of simple geometric forms placed within +frameworks that could be labeled "randomish ." +A good example of such work is " Several Circles, No 323," reproduced on +the next page. The original painting is 1.4 meters square, and the circles glow +with translucent light, not at all like this tiny and opaque reproduction . It is +enormous and transparent . I have also included Kandinsky 's pen-and-ink study +for this painting . +Stare at this poor reproduction for some time or, far better, go out and find +yourself some Kandinsky reproductions on postcards. +On the page following the reproductions, you will see a few of my Logo +attempts to simulate Kandinsky 's " Several Circles ." They are, of course, pale +imitations, but that is not the point . Now it 's your turn . Look at this painting +and try your best to simulate several of the visual ideas expressed within it . +There is more going on than just randomly placing circles. + +193 + + Chapter5 +Kandinsky circles + +194 + + Chapter5 +Random grids with multiple windows and multiple motifs +Look back at the random grids . There is no single focus of attention, no single +place that immediately + +attracts the eye in any of these designs. A single focal + +point isn't always wanted in a design, but let's experiment with trying to place +one within + +a randomized + +The following + +pattern . + +experiment is my own . You can certainly come up with + +different approaches, though your exercise should have the same goal as mine, +namely, exploring the visual idea of focusing random grids. +I tried to focus a random grid by introducing two different sizes of the same +shape (one large square versus many small ones) and by differences in placement +(one large window for the small figures and one smaller window for the large +figure ). I divided my screen into two windows, one on top of the other. +MAKE +MAKE + +" T . FRAME +" B . FRAME + +[ 120 +[ - 40 + +140 +140 + +- 40 +- 120 + +- 140 ] +- 140 ] + +; +; + +The +The + +top +window +. +bottom +window + +Here is a picture of the two windows, using the BOXprocedure . + +BOX : T. FRAME +BOX :B. FRAME + +196 + +. + + Rectangularand RandomGrids +Here + +are + +MAKE +; + +two + +: MOT + +" ORNAMENT3 + +A + +small + +MAKE +; + +the + +larger + +that + +[ CONGON + +square + +" ORNAMENT4 + +A + +IFs + +filled + +I will + +4 + +use + +5 + +: + +1 + +[ CONGON + +4 + +30 + +rimmed + +in + +black + +square + +4 ] + +completely + +with + +1 + +black + +. + +5 ] +. + +And the procedure that will carry out the experiments : +TO R. FOCUS. DEMOl +CG RT 45 +RANDOM +. PLACER. X : ORNAMENT +3 : T. FRAME3 20 +4 :B. FRAME3 1 +RANDOM +. PLACER. X : ORNAMENT + +END + +Here is my first experiment (the result is shown on the next page): + +BOX : T. FRAME +BOX :B. FRAME +R.FOCUS +. DEMOl +CG +R. FOCUS +. DEMOl +CG +R. FOCUS +. DEMOl +I then decided to look at the visual impact of a few modifications +one focusing + +idea (two windows, two different + +sized + +: MOTIFs + +to this + +of the same + +shape ). Here are my changes in the experiment . Notice that the two windows +are now vertical + +rather than horizontal . + +MAKE " L . FRAME [ 120 +MAKE " R. FRAME [ 120 + +70 - 120 - 140 ] +140 - 120 70 ] + +BOX : L . FRAME +BOX : R. FRAME +TO R. FOCUS +. DEMO2 +CG RT 45 +RANDOM +. PLACER +.X : ORNAMENT +3 : L . FRAME3 20 +4 : R. FRAME3 1 +RANDOM +. PLACER +.X : ORNAMENT +END + +197 + + Chapter5 +Focusedrandom grids #1 +aa +a +a + +a + +a +a + +a + +a + +. + +a + +a +a + +a + +a +a + +D +a + +a + +a +. + +a + +a + +a + +- + +. + +. +a + +a. a + +a + +a + +a + +a + +a + +D +a + +a + +a + +. + +a + +aa +a + +a + +a +a + +a + +~ + +a +a + +. + +a +a + +D +198 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Here is my second experiment + +(the results are on the next page ) : + +BOX :L . FRAME +BOX :R. FRAME +R. FOCUS +. DEMO2 +CG +R. FOCUS +. DEMO2 +CG +R. FOCUS +. DEMO2 + +Addingrandomto theregular +A good place to begin on this venture is to look at the Dutch painter Piet +Mondrian . Did you try Exercise 4.10? There I asked you to select a few examples +of Mondrian grid painitngs, study them, characterize the grid themes, and +translate your characterizations into Logo procedures. +I selected the painting " Compositie met kleurvlakjes ill . 3" of 1917. I am +sorry you cannot see the colors- pale blue / gray, oleander pink, and butter scotch- though you can see the shapes and their placement. +Here is what I said to myself . "Those boxes are all upright and almost on a +rectangular grid . The dimensions of the boxes themselves are randomly changed +in both height and width, but I will simplify that a little, altering them only in +the height dimension ." How to do it ? + +199 + + Chapter5 +Focusedrandom grids #2 + +. + +D + +. + +. + +a + +. + +. + +. + +. +. +. + +. + +. + +. +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +.. + +. +. + +. + +. + +. + +D + +. + +. + +. +. + +. . + +. + +.. +. + +D +. + +. .. + +.. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. +. + +200 + +. + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +" Suppose we start with a regular, rectangular grid . The turtle arrives at a +point, but before we draw anything, we randomly 'perturb ' the position a little +in the x-direction and a little in the y-direction . Then we draw a box that has +itself been perturbed a bit in the height direction . Then we go back to the +arrival point and let the regular grid machine move us to the next point, and so +forth . . . ." +The following procedure mirrors this description . Some samples are shown +on the next page, along with the real Mondrian . +TO +. + +, + +M + +: E + +: DH + +To + +. BOX +draw + +a + +Mondrian + +The + +x + +position + +y + +position + +: DX + +: DY +box + +based + +the + +box + +on + +current + +x + +- + +y + +position + +. + +. + +, + +for + +found + +is + +. + +number + +, + +from + +the + +range + +- + +: DX + ++ + +to + +: DX + +by + +adding + +to + +current + +by + +adding + +a + +random +x + +. + +. + +, + +The + +~. + +number + +for + +from + +the + +The + +height + +from + +the + +range + +The + +width + +of + +box + +range + +of + +the +the + +box + +: DH + +to + +box + +: DY + +is + +is + +found + +to + ++ + +equal ++ + +is + +: DH + +: DY +to + +to +: E + +a + +current + +y + +plus + +a + +random + +random +. +number + +. + +always + +equal + +to + +: E + +. + +" HT + +~ . + +LOCAL + +the + +" HT + +~ . + +MAKE + +: E + +. POS + +~ . + +RECORD + ++ + +RR + +( - + +: DH + +) + +: DH + +PU + +SETX + +( XCOR + ++ + +SETY + +( YCOR + ++ + +RR (- : DX) : DX) +RR (- : DY) : DY) + +PD + +REPEAT 2 [ FD : HT RT 90 FD : E RT 90 ] +RESTORE.POS +END +The next operation is to place M. BOX - with appropriate arguments - into +a : MOTIF list and then use FLAG to grid the whole affair . Note : M. BOX is state +transparent . +Probabilistic selection of : MQTIFs + +The Mondrian + +boxes exercise was a start toward + +the integration + +of random + +elements into defined geometries . Let 's look at one more attempt at this kind of +integration + +before going on to the exercises of this chapter . + +201 + + Chapter 5 + +and two grids of Mondrian + +boxes + +00 DO D +DO D DO +DO ODD +0 DD 0 D +DO ODD +DO ODD +DODD 0 + +A real Mondrian + +0 DD 00 DO +ooDDO DO +D +0 DDDDD +0000 +DO D +D 00 DODD +202 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Suppose we want to produce a regular rectangular grid from several +: MOTIFS, but we want the selection between alternative : MOTIFs at any point to +be probabilistic . That is, at any arrival point in the grid, we would like the +choice between drawing + +one : MOT I F or another to be based on given + +probabilities . +Let 's think this through using a model . Define a procedure that selects +between two lists according to a probability measure. Let the probability P 1 be +measured in hundreds units, that is, the number of times an event will occur in +one hundred chances. The probability of selecting the first list, + +: L 1, should + +then be : P 1 / 1 0 0, and the probability of selecting the second list, : L2, should be +1 - + +( : Pl / 1OO) . + +TO P . GET : P1 : L1 : L2 +; To output one of two lists +(either +: L1 or : L2 ) when the +; probability +of the first +being selected +is given by : P1 . +; +: P1 is given as times in 100, e . g ., 1 in 100 = . 01 . +IF : P1 > RANDOM100 +[OF : L1 ] +<- - - ??? +OP : L2 +END + +How does this procedure work ? The real action comes on the line with the +question marks . RANDOM100 will give one number selected from the range 0 to +99, one hundred possibilities in all . The chance that the number selected will be +0 is 1 in 100 or .01; the chance that the number selected will be 0 or 1 is 2 in 100 or +.02; and the chance that the number selected will be 0 or 1 or 2 is 3 in 100 or .03. +Suppose that we set : P1 = 3. Now look back at the marked line above. IF +: P1 > RANDOM100 will be TRUEonly if the random number generated is 0 or 1 +or 2. As already stated, this will happen only 3% of the time . Therefore, P . GET +will output : L1 3% of the time and : L2 97% of the time when : P1 is set to 3. +Don 't be alarmed if you have trouble with these ideas. Probability and +statistics are difficult subjects, and our intuition generally doesn't give us much +help since it hasn't had much experience in a probability laboratory . Let's give + +203 + + Chapter 5 + +your intuition a little education on how the probabilistic P . GET operates. Here +is a procedure to run P . GET1000times to "see" what happens. + +TO VERIFY :P1 :A +; To test out P.GETfor any value of :P1. +; :P1 is measured in hundreds. So :P1 = 1 +; would mean a probability +of . 01 or 1%. +; Always give :A a value of 1 to start . + +IF :A > 1000 [STOP] +IF +P. GET :P1 [YES] [NO] ) = [ YES] ) [PRINT :A] +VERIFY : Pl ( :A + 1) +END + +??? + +Look at the line with the question marks . If P . GET selects the first list, +[ YE S], then : A is printed out . If P . GET selects the second list, [ NO], then +nothing is printed out . : A is the index that keeps track of the number of times +VERIFY has run P . GET. Here is the first experiment . I typed VERIFY 1 1 and +the following was printed . Don't be alarmed when you get different numbers for +the same experiment . They should be different, shouldn 't they? + +40 +114 +143 +234 +300 +545 +838 +850 +950 +988 +The interpretation : VERIFY had to run P . GET 40 times before [ YES] was +selected. It wasn 't until the 114th time that [ YES] +third + +was selected again . The + +[ YE S] occurred on the 143rd time, and so on. In summary, 10 [ YE S ] + +selections were made in 988 runs of P . GET. That indicates a probability of 10/ 988 += .01012, very close to 1 in 100. That was just what we wanted to happen . + +204 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Let's try it again, this time typing VERIFY 1 1. Here's the response: + +18 +41 +170 +277 +279 +300 +412 +466 +498 +707 +770 +844 +863 + +Your + +turn + +to analyze + +these numbers . Change + +the value + +of + +: Pl + +and + +experiment a bit more . Are you getting a feel for how random numbers can help us +select things + +probabilistically + +? + +Probabilistic grids + +Suppose we would + +like to produce a grid that is a combination + +of the following + +two : MOTIFS : + +MAKE" Ll +RUN : Ll + +[ CONGON30 + +20 + +5 + +2] + +MAKE" L2 [CONGON +30 +RUN : L2 + +20 + +1 + +5] + +0 +0 +205 + + Chapter5 +Our task now is to assemble the : MOTIF list . We certainly will use P . GET +in the list to select from : Ll and : L2 . Let's start with : Pl = 50 (a probability of +selecting : Ll of .5 or 50%). You might guess that the : MOTIF list should look +like this : +MAKE " MOTIF [P . GET + +The reason why +discussed + +50 + +: Ll + +: L2] + +this is not correct + +is subtle . Remember + +when + +we first + +: MOTIF lists, we said that the list must contain Logo commands that + +can be RUN to produce + +the : MOTIF . The list above does not contain + +such + +instructions . How do we get them ? We have to run P . GET 50 + +: Ll + +for one of the lists that does have the : MOT I F commands + +to be output . The + +following + +: L2 in order + +is correct : + +MAKE " MOTIF [RUN P . GET + +50 + +: Ll + +: L2] + +Here is a little experiment that may help you in understanding the double +run business. Type the following lines and analyze the results . How do these +resul ts rela te to the discussion so far? + +RUN [P. GET 50 : Ll +RUN [RUN P. GET 50 + +: L2] +: Ll +:L2] + +Here is another comparison + +to explore . Which is correct and why ? + +MAKE" MOTIF [ : Ll ] +MAKE"MOTIF [RUN : Ll ] +Designs + +Below are four probabilistic ring gri ds. The first grid uses this : MOTIF list : +MAKE"MOTIF [RUN P. GET 100 : Ll +206 + +: L2] + + Rectangularand RandomGrids +The second grid uses the same list but with the value of : P1 changedfrom 100to +0: + +MAKE" MOTIF [RUNP. GET 0 : Ll + +: L2] + +The third and fourth grids blend the two : MOTIFs according to the list : +MAKE " MOTIF [RUN P . GET 30 : Ll + +Think + +about + +what + +: L2] + +ideas are being + +illustrated + +here . What + +does + +probabilistic mixing of : MOTIFs mean in this context ? We are introducing some +amount of randomnessinto a geometric design . What exactly does randomness +mean? On the page after next are some samples that illustrate these ideas using +square grids, while those on the page following introduce a new design, a tiny +spiral, into probabilistic grids . + +What is important + +? + +This + +chapter + +is + +the + +longest + +discussing + +the + +machinery + +random + +numbers + +. Don + +encourage + +you + +objects + +that +your + +amount + +of +the + +your + +visual + +use + +strike + +amplify + +only + +to + +aesthetic + +fancy + +'t + +the + +book + +needed +forget + +Logo + +your + +vision + +model + +in + +fancy + +, and + +; the + +have + +to + +build + +rectangular + +, though + +, + +that + +parts + +to + +machinery + +I + +. Why +am + +satisfaction + +parts + +. We + +model + +. Be + +the + +that + +careful + +, after + +perhaps + +too + +grids +real + +explore + +? Because + +certain + +spent + +goal +the + +visual + +and +of + +models +give + +, though + +, not + +to + +get + +to + +be + +aimed + +generate + +, patterns + +is + +an + +the + +and + +enormous + +involved +at + +to + +, and + +extend + +you +too + +time + +book + +can + +will + +always + +to + +this + +images + +this + +all, is + +much + +with +object + +of + +. + +207 + + Chapter 5 + +Probabilistic ring grids + +00000 +00000 +00000 +00000 +00000 +00000 +00000 +00000 + +208 + +0 0 000 +0 0 000 +0 0 000 +0 0 000 +00000 +00000 +00000 +00000 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Probabilistic square grids + +00000 +<><><>:.0.<> +000 <><> <><><><>~ +00000 +.0.<><>-0><> +00000 +'<>(>-<><>.0. +<} .I( ..o.o <> O /(:);;.(>/(:)t() +.().()<><>'<'>' <>. o~ <>() +<) . 00 <>.0. <) /(><) () .(> +<>-<><>.0.0 <>OI ()<:!I<) + +209 + + Chapter 5 + +Probabilistic grids with spirals, rings, and squares +The little spirals should be easy to reproduce . Can you guess at the : MOTIF lists +used for all the designs? What is happening in the last : MOTIF ? There are +three + +: MOTIFs + +. How + +could + +this problem formally . + +this + +be structured + +? Exercise + +5 .5 will + +ask you + +to attack + +. + +$0>~~ $0>~ $w ~ ~ ooo +~ $0>$0>~ $w (0) $ii > ~ 00 +~ $0>$0>~ $w (0) 0 10o ~ +~ $0>$0>~ $w 0 ~ OJ0 0 +(OJ~ ({:I)0 \ 0 ~ . $0> $0>$ w +(OJ\ 0 ('0) 0 ( 0 ~ $;a>$0> $0>~ +~ \0) 0 ~ 0 . $;a>(l~ $0>~ +~ (0) 0 ~ ~ . $;a>$0>. . ~ +~ . . . ~ . $;a>$0> $0>CO +) +~ . $0>. ~ ~ $;a>$0> ~ ~ +~ $0>$0>~ ~ ~ (0) $0> ~ . +~ $0>. ~ ~ ~ $;a>. ~ ~ +210 + + Rectangular and Random Grids +Exercises + +There are eighteen exercises this time . They are not so easy, but you will +surprised, I hope, by how quickly +forget + +be + +ways to start will pop into your head . Don 't + +the turtle - walk / story -board approaches + +to developing + +pops, though . + +intuitive + +brain - + +' + +Exercise +5.1 +Go back and look at the circular grids you produced in Chapter 4. Review, as +well, the personal mark that you created for Exercise 3.6. Add some randomness +to these designs. + +Exercise +5.2 +Restructure the FLAG procedure using recursion techniques. A void any use of the +REPEAT command . Compare the two methods on aesthetic grounds . You might +want to define carefully in words exactly what you mean by "aesthetic." + +Exercise +5.3 +The rectangular +directly + +grid + +procedures + +that we have studied + +so far place one row + +below another . Design a more general FLAG procedure + +even -numbered + +that allows the + +rows to be indented by some given amount . Use either repeat or + +recursive methods . + +211 + + Chapter5 + +Exercise +5.4 +Produce a super, razzle-dazzle demonstration of designs never seenbefore by +Earthlings using the ideas of this chapter: motif descriptions with lists, +placement of these motifs using variations of geometrical repetition rules, +random number generation, and probabilistic list selection. +During the preparation of this exercise, jot down any designrules that you +discover. llIustrate your rules with examplesof designs that "work well" and +onesthat IIdon't work at all.1I + +Exercise +5.5 +Generalize P . GET so that it can select any number of lists . Extend the definition +of :Pl so that it can specify the probability of selecting eachof the possible lists . +Use your generalized P . GETto produce a number of multiple - : MOTIF designs. + +Exercise +5.6 +Although we have designed a procedure called FLAG, we haven't designed any +flags yet . Redesign your own country 's flag so that it better represents current life +there - as you see it . You might want to find a book on heraldry so that you can +break all the established rules and traditions . Or not . Either way, keep the +iconography simple . Describe your heraldic symbols and symbolism in your +notebook. + +Exercise +5.7 +If +flag + +you + +have + +a flair + +for + +- machine + +that + +will + +argument + +212 + +values + +are + +flag + +modeling + +design + +established + +a +for + +, design +flag +the + +for + +a generalized +any + +country + +country +. + +, multiple +once + +the + +- argument +appropriate + +, + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Exercise +5.8 +I + +found + +this + +Design + +exercise + +course + +One + +of + +: + +the + +function + +and + +the + +a + +pieces + +of + +artwork + +test + +pattern + +numbers + +to + +test + +linear + +provide + +they + +number + +& + +is + +not + +cH8 + +- + +, + +in + +there + +rectangular + +What + +a + +test + +Exercise + +test + +illustration + +1962 + +during + +tomato + +too + +you + +some + +of + +an + +eventual + +need + +is + +kind + +on + +French + +TV + +test + +a + +Color + +of + +and + +television + +pattern + +quality + +of + +and + +black + +. + +The + +picture + +he + +the + +time + +as + +have + +and + +thin + +lines + +image + +that + +has + +. + +the + +. + +main + +resolution + +So + +, + +as + +value + +well + +as + +course + +into + +include + +, + +or + +another + +role + +8 + +even + +call + +. + +around + +a + +. + +letters + +character + +element + +tradition + +scale + +Channel + +three + +design + +this + +white + +. Of + +designed + +follow + +, + +tuned + +major + +been + +to + +a + +broadcast + +viewer + +need + +for + +slot + +the + +thick + +not + +used + +. + +the + +, but + +Be + +central + +circular + +sure + +to + +fill + +the + +." + +pattern + +with + +that + +this + +? + +could + +the + +same + +; + +Pop + +cans + +this + +want + +the + +. + +next + +Take + +not + +advantage + +have + +Art + +Each + +, + +of + +of + +been + +was + +, + +of + +are + +perturbed + +from + +.) + +Your + +characteristics + +faces + +will + +- + +images + +the + +however + +the + +realized + +strengths + +in + +Warhol + +may + +of + +message + +to + +eyes + +exhibit + +maybe + +Andy + +. You + +the + +( openness + +randomly + +is + +movement + +sameness + +you + +page + +characteristics + +many + +contain + +patterns + +do + +on + +soup + +I + +exercise + +broadcast + +at + +no + +classroom + +technicians + +being + +the + +a + +any + +of + +other + +Logo + +and + +medium + +. + +5 .9 + +The + +the + +, + +can + +show + +design + +is + +screen + +design + +the + +, + +but + +they + +judging + +tell + +of + +for + +broadcasting + +" Traditionally + +format + +in + +to + +wall + +patterns + +detail + +' re + +- + +to + +colors + +varied + +the + +preparing + +usually + +pattern + +though + +is + +the + +patterns + +of + +a + +is + +of + +composed + +of + +8 + +fidelity + +" Test + +to + +" Channel + +first + +of + +pinned + +Marilyn + +openness + +one + +face + +series + +or + +three + +, + +a + +of + +to + +and + +of + +mouths + +, + +next + +before + +'s + +design + +grid + +. + +different + +- + +Monroe + +each + +'s + +the + +of + +" Marilyn + +Warhol + +Warhol + +produce + +a + +two + +recall + +of + +, + +'s + +rectangular + +soup + +can + +, + +done + +in + +grid + +of + +is + +exactly + +, + +whose + +. + +stylized + +faces + +tiltiness + +( Recall + +expressions + +you + +," + +visually + +of + +the + +eyebrows + +, + +etc + +Mondrian + +. + +Don + +experiment + +box + +'t + +use + +too + +. + +213 + +.) + + Chapter 5 + +Exercise +5.10 +I + +love + +Mondrian + +paintings + +in + +several + +a + +this + +. + +others + +are + +simulate + +characteristics + +of + +Some + +not + +We + +of + +. + +simulated + +chapter + +examples + +canvas + +and + +. + +I + +. + +want + +you + +Mondrian + +the + +want + +with + +are + +'s + +use + +rectangles + +you + +them + +you + +I + +several + +studying + +to + +of + +to + +of + +do + +Logo + +characteristics + +more + +analysis + +vertical + +produced + +select + +the + +and + +by + +these + +several + +characteristics + +procedures + +. + +Clearly + +of + +this + +horizontal + +of + +one + +sort + +. + +bars + +bars + +to + +of + +I + +include + +articulate + +are + +colored + +in + +from + +these + +paintings + +state + +, + +in + +words + +his + +, + +and + +, + +the + +. + +This kind of exercise in no way trivializes the work of a Mondrian . Rather, +you should have a better sense of his artistic genius after you have tried to copy +paintings like these. + +214 + + Rectangularand RandomGrids +Two more Mondrians + +I + +215 + + Chapter5 + +Exercise +5.11 +Islamic art offers a treasury of circular and rectangular grid designs. Although +at first glance many look complex, a second look will uncover one or two basic +motifs that are repeated over and over again according to some grid protocol . +Look through the following + +illustrations ; they exhibit designs of increasing + +complexity . +Find a design that appeals to you . Design a collection of Logo procedures +that can produce designs in the style of the one you have selected. Make sure +that your procedures are general enough to be able to produce a seriesof designs, +all based on a single theme. State the theme in words . +You might be able to produce a number of the illustrated tile designs from a +single Logo procedure . This exercise is very similar to the stone mason marks of +Chapter 4. + +216 + + Rectangularand RandomGrids +Islamic tile design #1 + +217 + + Chapter5 +Islamic tile design #2 + +218 + + Rectangularand RandomGrids +Islamic tile design #3 + +219 + + Chapter5 +Islamic tile design #4 + +220 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Islamic tile design #5 + +221 + + Chapter 5 +Islamic tile design #6 + +222 + + Rectangularand RandomGrids +Islamic tile design #7 + +223 + + Chapter5 +Islamic tile design #8 + +224 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Islamic tile design #9 + +225 + + Chapter5 +Islamic tile design #10 + +226 + + Rectangularand RandomGrids +Islamic tile design #11 + +227 + + Chapter 5 + +Islamic tile design #12 + +228 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Islamic tile design #13 + +229 + + Chapter 5 + +Exercise +5.12 +Are you beginning to see grid patterns everywhere ? +This chapter has suggested that grid -thinking is a convenient method for +finding and analyzing regular patterns . Furthermore, our work with random +components suggested that grid -thinking can be extended into the realms 'of +irregular shapes and forms . The design materials used in the chapter, however, +were selected from the created worlds of the artist and designer . The final two +exercises of this chapter suggest that grid -thinking + +can also be useful in + +describing ways of seeing irregular patterns in the natural world . +I have a small, seventeenth-century house located in the department of the +Sarthe, about 100 miles southwest of Paris. The Sarthe, nestling between +Normandy and the Loire Valley, is covered with forests, fields of apple trees, +ponds, streams, and marshes. During the long and mild Sarthe summer and +autumn, the meadows surrounding my tiny house are filled with the ochre and +black and white cattle that are typical of this region of France. +But most typical of the area is the ubiquitous wood stack. Every Sarthe +farm has at least one, and each stack grows larger after the annual harvest of +farm trees and hedgerows . And even though many farms are no longer heated by +wood, the Sarthe farmers continue to build new stacks. Although I have often +noticed these wood piles in a casual way, it was only recently that I began to +sketch them and to think of them as sculpture . Suddenly, I realized that these +stacks are magnificent " wood works " ; in fact, they are huge log grids. +On the next page is a quick sketch of a stack of logs. What rules might have +been used to decide how to stack the various sized logs into this big pile ? Design +some Logo procedures to generate log grids based on different stacking rules. + +230 + + Rectangularand RandomGrids + +'- + +- + +- + +- + +- ~~ - - - + +Exercise +5.13 +Twenty -five years ago I fled from the Chicago cold to the continuous summer of +Southern California . I lived in a funky house high in the Hollywood + +Hills + +overlooking polluted - yet gloriously lighted - Los Angeles . Alas, I suffered +from one great loss. While my garden was lush with tropical plants, I had no +pool . My sense of incompleteness was made only more bitter by the fact that I +looked down on a city filled with thousands and thousands of pools . The +impression of distant pools is still vivid in my mind . +Last summer I visited my Pasadena mother -in -law and her pool . One lazy +afternoon, sitting in a deck chair and still a bit high from the pool chemicals, I +studied the patterns created inside that pool by LA light hitting the rippling +crystalline water . Yes, it was pool -light grids that I saw; and one Pasadena pool +was suddenly different from all the other pools. +Unfortunately, you may not have a pool at your disposal to study, even one +at a distance. As an alternative, the basins of fountains are good ; they contain +clear water with plenty of surface disturbances . If you lack both pools and +fountains, I suggest that you look at a few paintings by David Hockney . I know +of no other painter who has so well caught Southern California pool light . +Look closely at the following + +Hockney painting . Does it suggest an + +approach to designing watery grids ? Can you generate a series of pool -light +grids that are all of your own making ? But maybe you would rather describe the +reflective patterns seen in rivers, streams, or lakes ? + +231 + + Chapter5 + +Exercise +5.14 +If you attempted the Hackney grid exercise, you may have found yourself +needing an arc drawing procedure. We can draw circles, but what about arcs? +Design a left and right drawing arc machine that takes two arguments: the +radius of the circle of which the arc is part, and the angle of the arc. Hint : the +circumferenceof any circle is equal to 2nR, where R is the radius of the circle. +The length of an arc is equal to the circumferenceof the circle from which it is +taken times the angle turned by the arc divided by 360degrees. + +232 + + Rectangular and Random Grids + +Exercise +5.15 +Every season of the year has some major festival . Use Logo to help you design an +appropriate + +greeting card for a fete that is coming soon . Don 't forget the + +envelope; your card and envelope designs must complement each other. +The only rule for this exercise is this : produce a card that could not have +been easily or appropriately realized in any other medium . You can combine +Logo designs with other materials, however, and collages are fine . You might +want to add visual remarks with paint, inks, photographs, glitter, whatever, to +your Logo-produced images. Or you may want to cut away parts with an Exacto +knife . You can photocopy your prints onto different colors and strengths of paper, +and you can build cards into the third dimension . But whatever you create, it +must reflect the style and flavor of Logobuilt visual models . + +Exercise +5.16 +We have worked +wanted + +only with rectangular + +to place a motif randomly + +windows + +in this chapter . Suppose you + +into a triangular + +or circular + +window . How + +could you do it ? + +Exercise +5.17 +Suppose you wanted to place a motif randomly into a rectangular window, but +suppose, too, that you did not want the motifs to overlap within the window . +Any ideas? + +233 + + Chapter5 + +Exercise +5.18 +Are you exhausted by all this ? Or excited, uplifted, depressed, furious ? I think +it 's time for you to do some visual modeling of your moods and subjective feelings. +Pick an emotion from the list that follows and design a Logo machine to produce +images that correspond to your idea of this particular state of being : Love, lust~. +greed, enthusiasm, envy, jealousy, happiness, joy, aggressiveness, lethargy, +alertness, hunger, guilt, fury, anger, compassion, generosity, arrogance, +passivity . +In preparation, you may want to jot down the ideas, shapes, colors, textures, +and images that come to mind as you freely associate this emotion with the +contents of your mind 's baggage. As you think about your selected emotion, try to +imagine how you feel about its opposite . Thinking about an opposite or reverse +state can often focus your vision of the original state. +Let yourself go with this exercise, but be concrete; capture your ideas and +feelings graphically . Sketch fast; grab the images as they float by . Don 't worry +about how you will explain to others what you have done . Describe simply +what you see inside yourself with Logo procedures. +Consider the following . Include a two -way switch on your emotion modeling +machine . One switch position should direct your machine to illustrate the +positive side of an emotion, while the other position will show the negative or +reverse side of it . Instead of a switch, you might be happier with a dial that +would let you illustrate a series of emotional states between, say, love at one +extreme and hate at the other . + +234 + + Chapter 6 +Islamic Designs + +" Know, oh brother . . . that the study of sensible geometry leads to skill in the +practical arts, while the study of intelligible +geometry leads to skill in the +intellectual + +arts . . . . " + +From the " Rasa'il," translated by S. H . Nasr . + +Islamic designs combine circular and rectangular grids + +In the last two chapters, we have been working on circular and rectangular grids . +Within these chapters, the major exercise was to decompose given designs into +their basic components so that these parts could be modeled as generally as +possible. We then went on to build models to place these parts into forms that +were either circular or rectangular . We referred to these two design aspects as +the motif and the repetition rule . +The goal of this work was to build models that produced not just a single +design but a suite of designsall based on one or more themes. The exercises at the +ends of these chapters encouraged you to take your design apparatus outdoors, +into distant fields, to find and sketch more exotic subjects. Now we turn to +Islamic art, an exceptionally rich source of sophisticated geometric designs. We +will use a selection of these fascinating patterns to test your modeling style and +then to extend it into new dimensions . Indeed, we will end the chapter with +three- dimensional designs. + + Chapter6 + +Much + +of + +combination + +fact + +of + +, these + +complexity + +circular + +into + +sensed + +and + +rectangular + +are + +often + +combinations + +ordered + +rectangular + +rectangular + +and + +the + +. Our + +job + +is + +most + +useful + +our + +is + +Islamic + +designs + +repetitions + +of + +multilayered + +patterns + +designs + +modeling + +in + +and + +that + +to + +are + +make + +tool + +several + +recursive + +in + +this + +is + +turn + +geometric + +created + +by + +a + +design + +motifs + +. In + +: circular + +grids + +are + +combined + +into + +larger + +complexity + +intelligible + +, + +. + +' + +The + +ability + +rectangular + +, therefore + +this + +end + +let + +, a + +will + +be + +using + +this + +procedure + +useful + +as + +need + +another + +have + +a + +first + +element + +of + +the + +the + +original + +list + +, + +list + +, and + +first + +list + +of + +so + +element + +list + +items + +on + +. How + +original + +whose + +of + +original + +elements + +accomplish + +this + +as + +list + +list + +they + +rotation + +refashion + +you + +second +could + +the + +to + +might + +? You + +remaining + +236 + +manipulator + +form + +, whose + +a + +first + +element + +think + +list + +are + +: + +new + +this + +to + +become + +then + +, and + +list + +was + +the + +change + +third +as + +the + +output + +here + +whose + +element + +was + +of + +, and + +FLAG + +a + +list + +the + +last + +the + +is . Suppose + +element + +second + +element +kind + +'s + +it + +rather + +than + +REPEAT + +FLAG + +procedure + +starting + +x + +last + +list + +of + +element + +of + +the + +rotation + +; + +is + +a + +keep + +procedure + +the + +of + +original + +. Rotate + +element + +. Here + +you + +was + +the + +all + +possible + +5 .2 + +manipulators + +We + +the + +to + +general +chapter + +Exercise + +list + +really +this + +columns + +a + +crucial + +begin + +you + +would + +of + +let + +'s + +a + +different + +. They + +to + +methods + +that + +, +and + +. + +asked + +position + +Additionally + +Rotating + +is + +ind + +'s + +5 . We + +as + +place + +patterns + +need + +it + +to + +the + +first + +allow + +will + +each + +inden + +be + +use + + Islamic Designs + +TO ROT : LIST +; +OP + +To + +put + +LPUT + +first +FIRST + +element +: LIST + +of +BF + +a list + +at + +the + +end + +of + +the + +list + +. + +: LIST + +END + +Note the presence of the command OP. What happens when the argument +given to ROT is a single-element list ? When the argument is the empty list ? + +A generalized rectangular grid machine + +I think you will understand the following + +procedures as you read them . I + +believe, too, that you will find the recursive form of FLAG to be easier to read +than the REPEAT fonn introduced in the last chapter. Do you think that " easier +to read" is the same as more aesthetic? +Here is a summary of the arguments of the revised procedure called RIFLAG +in which the RI stands for recursive and indented : +: COLS denotes column information and must be a list . Each element of : COLS +indicates the number of columns per row . For example, [ 3 2 1 ] indicates that +the first row has 3 columns, the second row has 2 columns, and the third row has +1 column. +: ROWSis the number of rows . This will normally equal COUNT : COLS. +: CDI ST is the distance between columns. +: RDIST is the distance between rows . +: J. lI denotes indentation characteristics and must be a list . The elements indicate +the amount of indentation for each row in relation to the x-position of the left most motif in the first row . Therefore, there is an indentation value for each + +237 + + Chapter 6 + +row- except +thefirst. Positive +indentnumbers +meanthattheindentation +is to +theright, andnegative +onesindicate +leftwardindenting +. Forexample +, suppose +: IN is [20 10 - 10] . Thisindicates +thatthesecond +rowis indented +20unitsto +therightof thestartof thefirstrow, thethirdrowis indented +10unitsto the +rightofthefirstrow, andthefourthrow20unitstotheleftof thefirstrow. +COUNT +: INshould +normally +beequalto (COUNT +:ROWS +) - 1. Why?If we,. +wantnoindentation +onanyrow, setindentto [0] . Verifythisafteryouhave +readthrough +theprocedures +below +. Suppose +thatwewanttheoddrowsindented +by10andtheevenrowsbyO?Set: I Nto [10 0] . +The completed RIFLAG +TO RIFLAG : COLS : ROWS: CDIST : RDIST : IN +; Indented FLAG procedure with different +; number of columns per row possible . +IF :ROWS< 1 [STOP] +ROWER: CDIST (FIRST : COLS) +; + +Do + +a row + +of + +the + +IRSTEP + +: RDIST + +; + +down + +to + +( ROT + +: COLS ) + +Move + +RIFLAG + +proper + +column + +number + +next + +row + +and + +( : ROWS - l ) + +indent + +: CDIST + +, + +if + +; +; + +ROWER + +IF + +:N + +RUN + +: C + +< +: C + +ROWER + +: C + +238 + +1 + +[ STOP ] + +: MOTIF + +CSTEP + +END + +:N + +separated +paint +a row of +: N images +distance +: C. +the +between +- column + +To +by + +images + +( :N- l ) + +necessary + +: RDIST + +END + +TO + +of + +. + +: IN + +( ROT + +. + +: IN ) + + IslamicDesigns +TO + +PU + +IRSTEP + +: R + +SETX + +; + +Move + +back + +, + +; + +point + +RT + +180 + +FD + +: R + +: IN + +( FIRST + +LT + +to + +then + +: POINT + +) + ++ + +x - position +move + +(ITEM 1 : IN ) +row ' s starting +of the first + +the + +over + +indent + +amount + +for + +the + +Chapter + +5 . + +next + +row . + +180 PO + +END + +TO + +CSTEP + +; + +This + +PO + +RT + +FD + +: C + +LT + +90 + +: C + +is + +the + +same + +as + +used + +for + +FLAG + +in + +90 + +PD + +END + +TO GO. PT +PO SETXY (FIRST : POINT) +END + +(LAST : POINT) + +Do you understand why ROT and EVAL were used in the RIFLAG procedures ? +Why must GO. PT be executed before RIFLAG? +Some RIFLAG examples + +The following examples used the motif list MAKE " MOTIF [ CNGON4 20 ] . + +GO. PT +RIFLAG [ 4 3 2 1] + +4 + +50 + +50 + +[ 0] + +00 0 0 +00 0 +00 +0 +239 + + Chapter6 +GO. PT +RIFLAG [ 4 321 + +] + +4 + +50 + +50 + +[ 25 50 75] + +00 0 0 +00 0 +00 +0 +GO. PT +RIFLAG [ 4 5 4] + +3 + +50 + +50 + +[- 25 0] + +0 000 + +00000 +0 <>0 <> +Starting work on tile design + +Exercise 5.11 asked you to find an Islamic tile design that appealed to you and to +design a suite of Logo procedures that produced designs in the style of the design +you selected. Your procedures were supposed to be general enough to produce a +series of designs, all based on a single theme. +Let me illustrate the approach I would like to see you take by giving you an +account of my first Islamic tile exercise. Here is a design that struck my fancy . I +saw it in the classic Logo book, Turtle Geometry, by Abelson and diSessa. I +photocopied the image and pinned it over my desk. + +240 + + Islamic Designs + +Finding the minimal design elements + +The dotted lines enclosewhat I consideredto be the basic design elementof the +tile pattern: a hexagonon which six V-shapedarms are stuck. I reckonedthat if +I could write a procedure to draw this basicfigure, I could put it into a : MOTIF +list and then use RIFLAG to make a tidy grid of it . The finished rectangular +design clearly needs indented rows, so the indenting amounts will have to be +calculated. + +241 + + Chapter6 + +The next two sketches show the necessary geometry and trigonometry to +design the procedures that will draw the figure inside those dotted lines . +~ oo +- + +. +. +. + +-1') co~~o i + +~I :r + +A ~ + +Putting the geometry together +I have defined two characteristics of the basic design, and these characteristics +became the two arguments of my procedure . They are : R, the radius of the +hexagon, and : I, one of the dimensions of the V-shaped arms design. +The main procedure is PIP . It uses two subsidiary procedures, BARS and +ARMS . Can you " read " them ? +242 + + IslamicDesigns +TO PIP : R : I +CNGON6 : R +BARS : R : I +END +TO BARS :R : 1 +REPEAT6 [ (ARMS : R : I 1) (ARMS : R : I +END +TO + +ARMS + +; + +:F + +controls + +:R + +; + +If + +: F + +; + +If + +:F = - 1, + += + +: I + +: F + +1, + +the + +the + +RECORD + +. POS + +PO + +FD + +: I + +LT + +( 30 * : F ) + +FD + +( : R - : I ) * COS + +RT + +( 30 * : F ) + +RESTORE + +orientation +arms + +the + +arms + +are + +are + +of +drawn + +drawn + +the + +- 1) RT 60] + +arms + +leftward + +rightward + +. +. + +. + +PD +FD + +30 +: I + +. POS + +END + +Here is PIP 60 20 : + +Putting PIP into a rectangular grid + +Before +wecanmakea rectangular +gridof PIP, weneedto knowthebetween +-row +andbetween +-columnamounts +. Thefollowingdiagramsuggests +howto calculate +: CDIST +, : RDIST +, andtherowindentamounts +needed +torunRIFLAG +. Doyousee +thatthedottedtriangleis an equilateral +triangle +? Theedgesareall equal +, and +theinternalanglesareeach60degrees +. + +243 + + Chapter 6 + +~+T. +~ + +Here is a demonstration procedure ; use NEST . DEMO to watch the effect +changes in : Rand : I have on the final design. +TO + +NEST + +. DEMO + +: R + +: I + +: COLS + +( LOCAL +" EDGE +" VERT ) +MAKE +" EDGE +( 2 * ( : R + : I ) * SIN +; + +: EDGE + +MAKE +; + +the + +" VERT + +: VERT + +MAKE + +is + +is + +between + +: EDGE +the + +" MOTIF + +* COS + +distance + +. + +30 + +between + +[ PIP + +60 ) + +- column + +- row + +:R + +distance + +. + +: EDGE + +: VERT + +: I ] + +GO . PT + +RIFLAG + +: COLS + +; + +how + +Note + +the + +( COUNT +indent + +: COLS ) +list + +is + +assembled + +( LIST + +( - 1 * : EDGE / 2 ) + +0) + +. + +END + +A suiteof designs +based +uponasingletiletheme +On thefollowingfour pagesaresomeexperimental +resultsfromNEST +. DEMO +. +Eachdiagramhasa differentselection +of : I and: R values +. Thesmallerfigure +is drawnwithPIP : I : R, andthelargerfigurewithNEST +. DEMO:I : R. +Theactual: I and: R valuesusedfor eachdiagramarenoted.Couldyou +haveguessed +thesenumbers +?Experiment +withsomeothervalues +, includingsome +negative +ones +, andthengetonwithyourowndesignseries +. +244 + + IslamicDesigns +NEST . DEMOdesigns #1 +PIP 36 12 + +PIP 10 30 + +245 + + Chapter 6 +NEST . DEMOdesigns #2 + +PIP 30 15 + +PIP 25 20 + +246 + + Islamic Designs +NEST . DEMOdesigns #3 + +\b/j(\\ + +~ + +PIP 30 5 + +PIP 20 30 + +~ u ;~;><~~ u ~ + +~ u~ +~o~ +M + +yy +~ M~~:~~~M~ + +247 + + Chapter 6 +NEST . DEMOdesigns #4 +Can you guess the arguments used for these two designs? + +248 + + Islamic Designs +Another tile design exercise + +Let 's go through + +another + +example + +of dividing + +an Islamic + +tile design into its + +component parts and writing + +Logo procedures to draw them . Because your visual + +sense is far more developed + +now than it was when we started this game, you + +should be able to decompose designs very quickly +Look + +now + +, + +at + +the + +isn + +' t + +design + +it + +is + +edge + +the + +elements + +hexagon + +basic + +are + +has + +of + +the + +next + +page + +; + +can + +you + +say + +Like + +many + +" + +quickly + +how + +to + +do + +it + +# + +? + +It + +' s + +easy + +? + +What + +basic + +on + +and naturally . Test yourself . + +an + +the + +design + +based + +odd + +hexagon + +element + +on + +feature + +? + +hexagons + +: + +. + +American + +Why + +do + +Indian + +other + +you + +Islamic + +think + +teepee + +this + +shapes + +designs + +is + +are + +so + +? + +, + +Here + +placed + +the + +the + +on + +each + +. + +* + +How + +outline + +of + +can + +we + +the + +teepee + +draw + +this + +is + +an + +figure + +equilateral + +? + +First + +triangle + +, + +let + +' s + +with + +handle + +the + +a + +triangular + +teepee + +shape + +bite + +out + +. + +of + +The + +one + +side. Equilateral triangles keep popping up . In fact, the entire teepee shape can +be neatly subdivided into tiny equilateral triangles . Let's call the edge length of +these tiny equilateral triangles a. That means that the edge of the teepee shape + +will be 3a. + +249 + + Chapter 6 +Islamic tile design #14 + +250 + + IslamicDesigns +Drawing the teepee shape + +tQ +0 +0 +-rt +1 +'~tQ +1 +-' +~ +rt + +(l. + +. + +. + +0. . + +. + +. + +' +. + +. + +. + +0.. + +0... + +rh1 +-10 +;-.l3 +jh1t +i +h1t +i +01 +3 +01 +3 +!~ +\)...~0 +'\..~0 +IN +-'N +O +* +JI I I ..~ + +l .1) + +Q. . + +. + +( I) + +\ . ~ RT~ + +The following MAKEstatement creates a variable called : TP and makes its value +equal to a list that includes all the Logo needed to draw the teepee shape. : TP +is just another motif list . The shape will be drawn, starting from the turtle 's +start position, as shown above, and ending in the same place. So, yes, : TP is a +state-transparent list . +MAKE " TP + +. +, + +FD :A +LT 60 +FD :A LT 120 FD 3* :A +LT 120 +FD :A] + +reach + +point + +(1 ) + +reach + +(2) + +reach + +(3) + +Before you try to RUNthis list, use MAKEto give : A some value. For example, try : +MAKE " A 20 +RUN : TP +MAKE " A 50 +RUN : TP + +251 + + Chapter 6 + +Did you make any mistakes when you typed the value for : TP? If so, you +can edit_what you typed instead of starting allover again . Consult your Logo +language manual for the commands to edit names. Editing names is similar to +editing procedures. +Now let 's put the teepee shape on the edges of a hexagon . Look at the +following procedure . TPGONis a very simplified CNGON +; it only draws six-sided +polygons . It is easy to see that the edge of a hexagon is equal to its radius +because hexagons are made from six equilateral triangles . + +TO TPGON:RAD +PU FD : RAD PD +RT 120 +REPEAT6 [FD : RAD RT 60] +LT 120 +PU BK : RAD +END +How can we modify this procedure so that those teepee shapes are placed +on the edges of the hexagon? We could express this another way . Remember, +back in Chapter 3, when we spoke about changing the quality of the edgesof +polygons ? There we changed the straight line quality of a polygon 's edge into a +kinked star edge. Later in the chapter, we installed a fractal edge. Now we +want to change the straight line quality of hexagon edges into " teepee edge +quality ." + +252 + + Islamic Designs +Here it is: + +TO TPGON: RAD +PU FD : RAD PD +RT 120 +LOCAL "A MAKEitA : RAD/ 2 +REPEAT6 [RUN : TP FD : RAD RT 60] +LT 120 +PU BK : RAD PD +END + +And here is an example of its visual output : + +* + +What next? We can put TPGONinto an RIFLAG. TPGONgoes into the : MOTIF +list, but then we must calculate the values for the : RDIST, : CDIST, and : IN +arguments . What we want to end up drawing is shown at the top of the next +page. But before we discuss how to carry out these calculations, let 's summarize +what we have done so far . After we summarize, we will sermonize, offering a +few rules on breaking down designs into their basic components . We might be +able to apply these rules to other Islamic designs. In preparation for all this, go +back and look again at the teepee grid . + +253 + + Chapter6 + +Breaking down complex designs + +When you first looked at this design, it probably looked complex ; the basic +design elements were not initially obvious . But a closer look uncovered the basic +component : six teepee shapes placed on the edges of a hexagon . Deeper +inspection showed that both the hexagon and the teepee shapes could be broken +down into small equilateral triangles . The edge dimension of these small +triangles conveniently became the basic dimension of the entire design, and we +labeled this edge length : A. + +We defined the teepee shape with a Logo list ; this list was incorporated +into a procedure that drew a hexagonal composite, or swirl, of teepee shapes; + +254 + + Islamic Designs + +and finally, we wanted to make the name of this swirl -drawing procedure the +value of the variable : MOTIF . We also planned to use RIFLAG to draw teepee +swirl grids . +A small review and a few lessons + +Note + +the + +style + +problem + +was + +with + +do + +individual + +the + +of + +Logo + +- + +now + +represents + +- + +we + +a + +pieces + +usefulness + +we + +smaller + +or + +Logo + +in + +that + +into + +procedure + +commands + +method + +solving + +down + +Logo + +something + +drawing + +the + +a + +the + +Note + +problem + +broken + +either + +putting + +to + +of + +the + +Logo + +the + +all + +list + +. + +The + +the + +the + +features + +. + +final + +A + +complex + +Each + +design + +visual + +was + +was + +structured + +constructed + +by + +. + +of + +method + +. + +elements + +together + +drawing + +give + +above + +design + +concept + +like + +followed + +naming + +shape + +a + +short + +of + +in + +all + +of + +a + +name + +the + +method + +this + +. + +teepee + +Once + +we + +using + +, + +like + +a + +: + +but + +know + +TP + +is + +. + +how + +list + +of + +The + +short + +Logo + +name + +and + +of + +tidy + +. + +Once we name a method, we can forget how its inner mechanism operates. We +can concentrate our energies on the next problem . +Now for the rules for finding the smallest design elements of a complex +figure . Keep your eye open for simple polygonal structures . Triangles / hexagons +and squares/ octagons are ubiquitous because they fit, or " tile," together so well . +Look carefully, though . You may not see the basic polygons because their edge +" qualities " have been altered . +Finally, let 's work out the necessary row and column dimensions of these +teepee swirl grids . +The three diagrams on the following + +page illustrate + +the calculations + +needed. We are again manipulating the elements of equilateral triangles . +Do you see that the edge of the large equilateral triangles linking the +centers of the teepee swirls equals six small equilateral triangle edges? +We called the edge of the small equilateral triangle : A. Recall that the +height of any equilateral triangle is equal to either : EDGE* SIN + +60 or : EDGE* + +cas 30. Why are these two forms equivalent ? + +255 + + Chapter6 +Grid placement calculations for teepee swirls + +\0 +E +-.~-\. +~/j~ +256 + + Islam]c Designs +Let 's use this geometry to write a demonstration + +procedure + +that will fit the + +teepee figures together . This routine should work for any size teepees . + +TO TP . DEMO : SIZE +. + +, +. + +, + +: COLS +: SIZE is the radius +of the hexagon +on which the teepees +will +be placed . Remember that +: A is : SIZE / 2 . : COLS must +be a list +whose elements +define +the columns +per row . + +(LOCAL " EDGE " VERT) +MAKE " EDGE 6* : SIZE / 2 +; : EDGE is the between - column distance +MAKE " VERT : EDGE* COS 30 +; : VERT is the between - row distance . + +. + +MAKE " MOTIF +[ LT 30 TPGON : SIZE RT 30 ] +GO. PT +RIFLAG : COLS (COUNT : COLS) : EDGE : VERT (LIST +; Note how the indent +list +is assembled . +END + +(- 1 * : EDGE/ 2 ) 0 ) + +Compare TP . DEMO with NEST . DEMO. Why are they so alike ? Because both +demonstration + +procedures + +place design elements at the vertices of equilateral + +triangles . +TP . DEMO can produce designs similar to those on the next page . TP . DEMOis +generalized + +only in terms of the size of the design, the number of rows, and the + +number of columns per row . That 's not as interesting +beginning + +as the designs shown at the + +of the chapter, is it ? How could TP . DEMObe further generalized, more + +in the spirit of the NEST . DEMO designs shown earlier ? + +A star and saw blade design + +Let's try your eye on Islamic Tile Design #4 from Exercise 5.11. Note several +things . First, note where the turtle starts drawing the saw blade . This is not +arbitrary . The turtle begins at the vertex in the saw blade that will touch each +of the vertices of the underlying hexagon. (Go back and look at the STARGON +discussion in Chapter 4 where we talked about polygon edge qualities and the +rules that govern the replacement of one kind of edge with another .) Look at the + +257 + + Chapter 6 + +Teepee swirl grids + +258 + + Islamic Designs + +sketch below . The dotted figure is this underlying + +hexagon . Remember that all + +hexagons are composed of little triangles . Let 's have the turtle go to each of the +hexagon vertices in turn ; we can use a CNGON 6 : RAD to do that . Therefore, the +starting + +place in the saw blade list must correspond + +to where the saw blade + +figure touches the vertices of the small, dotted b.exagon . + +MAKE" SAW [REPEAT3 [REPEAT3 [FD :A LT 60] +LT 60 FD :A RT 120 FD :A RT 60 FD 2* :A +60] ] +LT + +The second thing to note about the list : SAWis that it is state transparent . +Why is this necessary? +Finally, note the uses made of the nested REPEAT commands within the +list . The saw blade figure is actually a composite of a simpler form that is +repeated three times. Do you see this hook form ? +You might test yourself by writing your own alternative list structure for +the saw blade figure . Start your list at a different point or draw the figure in a +clockwise rather than a counterclockwise direction . Remember, though, that the +start of the : SAW list must correspond to the hexagon drawing procedure . +Remember that the : SAWshape is being placed on the edge of a hexagon. + +259 + + Chapter 6 + +Putting the saw blade into a hexagon swirl + +The following procedure, SAWGON +, is similar to TIPGON from Chapter 4. Rather +than retracing the shape of the underlying hexagon, placing the sawblades on +each edge (which is what TPGONdid ), SAWGONbegins at the hexagon's center +and moves out to each vertex in turn . Once there it runs the SAWlist and then +returns to the center. It then turns to face the next vertex and moves out to it . This +is repeated six times. +TO SAWGON: A + +To place six sawblades on the edges of a hexagon . +Note that the turtle +must turn right +60 degrees +before RUNning the list +: SAW. After +RUNning : SAW +the turtle +turns left +60 degrees . The radius +of the +underlying +hexagon is : A . Why? +REPEAT 6 [ PU FD : A PD RT 60 RUN : SAW LT 60 +PU BK : A RT 60 ] +. + +, + +. + +, + +. + +, + +. + +, + +. + +, + +PD +END + +Putting SAWGONinto RIFLAG +We must now calculate the distance between rows and columns of these SAWGONs +so that they will fit neatly together . We want the hooks of the design to close +properly - one hook just inside another . The design will have indented rows, so +this amount must also be calculated. +Look at the design on the next page and compare it with the previous +teepee grid calculations . We are again faced with large and small equilateral +triangles . +The SAWGONswirls are centered on the vertices of equilateral triangles . +This geometry has been incorporated in the demonstration procedure SAW. DEMO +. +It is just like NEST. DEMOand TP. DEMO +. + +260 + + Islamic Designs + +TO SAW . DEMO : SIZE +: COLS +; : SIZE +is +the +dimension +of the +small +; equilateral +triangle +a. +( LOCAL " EDGE " VERT ) +MAKE " EDGE 5 * : SIZE +; : EDGE is +the +between +- column +distance +MAKE " VERT : EDGE * COS 30 + +. + +; : VERT is +the +between +- row distance +. +MAKE " MOTIF +[ LT 30 SAWGON : SIZE +RT 30 ] +; Why the +30 degrees +GO . PT +RIFLAG +: COLS ( COUNT +; Note +how the +indent +END + +tilting +: COLS ) +list + +of + +SAWGON? + +: EDGE : VERT { LIST +is +assembled +. + +( - I * : EDGE / 2 ) + +0) + +261 + + Chapter 6 + +Composite designs that hook nicely together + +262 + + Islamic Designs + +Simplifying + +the SAWGONswirl + +You may have noticed + +that we should modify + +the SAWGON procedure + +since it + +draws too many SAWshapes . Several SAWsare repeated, one on top of another . In +fact, SAWGON needs to draw + +only + +two saw blades rather + +than six for the + +composite design to mesh . The two diagrams below should convince you . + +* + +263 + + Chapter6 +Overlapping designs + +Go back and look at Islamic tile designs 11-13 at the end of Chapter 5. Notice +that these designs look as if they were woven from a pliable material . Part of +the design passes behind other parts, and this woven quality seems to follow +consistent design rules . Can we simulate these designs with the techniques + +some +we + +have +To + +actually + +developed +start +look + +interlocking + +so + +your +at +circle + +far ? + +thinking + +, make + +interlocking +, triangle + +, and + +some + +sketches + +polygon + +rings + +square + +rings + +of +. + +a few +Here + +interlocking +are + +a + +few + +rings + +. Let ' s + +sketches + +of + +: + +Suppose we want to draw these designs using Logo. Is it possible to break +the design down into smaller component parts that can be defined by lists or +small procedures? Are these basic design elements placed around some invisible +shape- as the teepeesand saw blades were placed around an invisible hexagon? +Perhaps the following exercise will give you some ideas. + +264 + + Islamic Designs + +A grid of interlocking square rings + +Look + +closely + +at the grid + +below . Would + +the component + +design + +elements + +be + +different if the grid had only a single row ? Why ? + +265 + + Chapter6 +An animated assembly of square rings into a grid + +Now look hard at the following . + +~ +266 + + Islamic Designs + +The basic design components + +The following two diagrams illustrate what we want . The first shows the basic +element and the second shows the element placed around a square. + +* + +* + +267 + + Chapter6 +Overlapping square rings calculations + +The characteristics +the radius + +that will + +be needed to draw the basic design element are : + +of the square rings, the thickness + +of the rings, and the distance + +between the rows and columns of these rings in a final ring grid . Let 's start with +equal row and column distances . The following +modeling +be happier + +diagrams illustrate + +one way of + +this ring problem . It isn 't the only way of doing it . Perhaps you would +with + +another + +method . That 's OK . As long as you create " ringy " + +shapes . Build a model of these shapes in a manner that is most natural to you . + +r- + +()~ +~ + +\ "<> + +t >IST +- + +" 2. + +, +~IiJ 4 $0 = .je + +..E:"""t- ~1S +-s.o +- rc~ +- E1 +- ~!:.oJE +~ - ::., +&~ ' C'\)&"f, (:~6) ':: ~ 'DIJ~ I ~"J 4-So +L.\"rTL-t;- e.v~ C: LE +.) ': l ~~PIl.\~ - 't>'ST12' ) J<;,-J 4-C.o +'.\' H =. -rHit ~,JE +,S~ + +268 + + Islamic Designs + +Overlapping square rings procedures + +The + +procedures + +below + +individual +square +an + +component +. You + +should + +element + +TO +. + +, + +follow + +the + +, and + +RINGS + +the + +similarity + +see + +around + +a square + +WING + +: BE + +State + +- transparent + +: LE + +used + +by + +diagrams + +on + +places + +the + +this + +between + +, while + +TPGON + +previous + +page + +component +RINGS + +places + +an + +. WING + +around + +and + +TPGON + +element + +around + +radius + +of + +draws +an + +the + +invisible + +. RINGS + +places + +a hexagon + +. + +: TH +element + +that + +is + +. + +, + +RINGS + +procedure + +RT + +135 + +FD + +( : BE - : LE ) + +FD + +( : BE - : LE - : TH ) + +RT + +FD + +( : LE - 2 * : TH ) + +RT + +90 + +LT + +45 + +FD + +90 + +. + +FD + +It + +RT + +: TH + +RT + +90 + +90 +90 + +FD + +: TH + +( : LE - : TH ) + +END + +TO RINGS + +: RAD + +; + +Interlocking + +; + +: TH + +; + +horizontal + +; + +centers + +( LOCAL + +: TH + +: DIST + +square + +the + +thickness +and +of + +" BE + +square + +rings +of + +vertical +rings + +. + +the + +: RAD + +rings + +is +, + +distance +in + +a + +and + +: DIST + +between +grid + +squares + +, + +the +the + +. + +" LE ) + +: RAD/ (SIN +45). +. +MAKE" LE ( : RAD- ( : DIST/ 2) ) / (SIN 45) +REPEAT4 [PU FD : RAD PD WING :BE : LE : TH PU BK : RAD RT 90] +PD +END +MAKE + +" BE + +TO RING . DEMO :RAD : TH : DIST :COLS +MAKE " MOTIF [RINGS :RAD : TH : DIST] +GO. PT +RIFLAG : COLS (COUNT: COLS +) :DIST : DIST ( [ 0] ) +END + +269 + + Chapter6 +An alternative structuring of WING and RINGS + +You + +probably + +compared + +latter + +elements + +were + +You + +will + +Logo + +. Below + +some + +time + +find + +one + +MAKE + +TO + +come + +to think + +" WING + +RINGS + +design + +designed + +to realize + +is the + +more + +the + +list + +lists + +alternative +the + +to the + +procedures + +on + +the + +previous + +between + +the + +two + +approaches + +[ RT + +135 + +- + +FD + +( : BE - : LE ) + +FD + +( : BE - : LE - : TH ) + +RT + +( : LE - 2 * : TH ) +90 + +LT + +45 ] + +: RAD + +: TH + +; + +Interlocking + +; +; + +: TH the +horizontal + +thickness +and + +; + +centers + +of + +90 +RT + +: TH + +90 + +90 + +interchangeable + +RT + +90 + +. Do + +- + +: TH + +- + +- + +: DIST +rings + +. + +the + +rings +distance + +of +vertical +rings + +in + +: RAD + +a + +, +grid + +radius + +of + +and +: DIST +between + +is + +the +the + +squares + +. + +(LOCAL " BE " LE) +MAKE" BE :RAD/ (SIN +45). +. +MAKE" LE ( :RAD- ( : DIST/ 2 / (SIN 45) +REPEAT4 [PO FD : RAD PD RUN :WING PO BK : RAD RT 90] +END + +. +The procedureRING. DEMO +is the same for both of the approaches + +270 + +page . Take + +- + +FD + +. +in + +? + +FD + +LT + +( : LE - : TH ) + +square + +square + +? Why + +two + +as a procedure + +often + +other + +RT + +is structured + +TP . The + +are + +than + +FD + +SAW and + +procedures + +differences +the + +WING + +with + +and + +aesthetic + +FD + +WING + +as lists, while + +that + +about + +element + +, + +you + + IslamicDesigns +Three ring grids of differenIt thicknesses, with all other characteristicsfixed + +271 + + Chapter6 +Three ring grids with different separations, with all other characteristics fixed + +272 + + Islamic Designs + +Three ring grids with + +II + +extreme value " arguments + +273 + + Chapter 6 +Exercises + +Exercise +6.1 +The + +TP and + +saw + +you + +design + +a single + +You + +would + +have + +equilateral + +blade + +designs + +Logo +to + +triangles + +were + +procedure + +draw + +of alternative + +in a grid + +by + +produce + +either + +design + +also + +Start + +that + +in a basic +, your + +together + +equilateral + +characteristics + +characteristics + +nicely + +of tiny + +find + +these + +a series + +composed + +procedures + +designs + +, equilateral + +triangles + +. Print + +paper + +may + +to consider + +blowing + +photocopy + +a sheet + +over + +paper + +, structuring + +designs + +into + +Carry + +the + +the + +polygons + +Exercise + +6 .2 + +recently + +by + +the + +Dover + +design + +274 + +with + +in + +? Can + +words + +components + +you + +we + +the + +. And + +of + +values + +of + +they + +could +fitting + +based + +on + +triangles + +and + +all + +a large + +rectangular + +grid + +of small + +a good + +grade + +grid + +up + +onto + +your + +triangle + +of translucent + +out + +experiment + +Daniel + +images + +designs + +placement + +changing +design + +? + +new + +- grid + +image + +tracing + +tile + +designs + +triangle + +properties + +with + +other + +shapes + +Dye 's + +book + +heavy + +with + +an + +paper + +and + +the + +translucent + +on + +tiny + +of + +, + +place + +. Translate + +your + +that + +tile + +together + +. + +Lattice + +Designs + +, + +; I offer + +you + +do ? + +you + +tile + +. Trace + +same + +here . Can + +several + +either + +designs + +. + +several + +produce + +this + +a pad + +grid + +discovered + +republished + +to draw + +. Find + +triangular + +out + +Which + +I + +machine + +procedures + +, by + +the + +. Can + +. + +interlocking + +enlarging + +draw + +, all + +of these + +describe + +. Then + +could + +a procedure + +want + +that + +element + +designing + +. You + +could + +triangles + +Sheets + +1974 . This + +use + +the + +book + +design + +procedures +shown + +have + +studied + +with + +in feeling + +between + +the difference + +1200 + +methods +that + +of the designs + +has + +are generalized + +lattice +Islamic + +Chinese + +illustrations + +of this + +? See if you +the + +, + +chapter +enough + +can combine + +designs +designs + +to analyze +so that + +some + +only +these + +they + +can + +of the Islamic + +below + +. Can + +you + +and + +those + +shown + +express + +in + +below + +? + + IslamicDesigns +Lattices for Exercise 6.2 + +DDDDDDDDD DD DD DD +DDDDDDDDD D8D +~ D8D +~ D8D +~ + +DDD +DDD +DDD~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ffi +DDD +DDD +DDD D8D +~ D8D +~ DBD +~ +DDDDDDDDD 8 ~ 8 ~ 8CUJ +DDDDDDDDD + +~ DBD +~ DBD +~ DBD + +275 + + Chapter6 +More lattices for Exercise 6.2 + +O~ + +OOODOOOOOOOOO + +B Qon + +L + +- + +nOQQ +U~ o + +O[=== ~U + +- + +01 I1 +01 +~ I I 10 +10 +01 + +I + +01 + +1 ~ + +01 +01 + +I + +1 + +ooDu uD +~ + += JD + +O[:= =~JC=: ~ 0D + +c::=J0d c::=J00 +DO +[O~ +:=[~~ +:] 01 +------1[4~ +:=] 0 +~~~~~:JL-~ O[~=~=~] +D0d c:::::::J0D +D c::] CJoD +c::::::Jo +d c::::::J0D +DO +[~~~~:=] 01 +------1[4==] 0 +01 + +276 + +~ + +D +ID + +n[=::===~ O + +DODDODDDDDDDDc + +~ + +~ + +10 + +~ + +I + +O~ n + +~DoD +~ + +10 + +I + +1 + +I + +=~~ + +II + +101 + +I + +CJDDCJDDCJDDD +DD DD DD +Do oDD ODD DD + +DbJDDbJDDbJDD +0000000000 +0000000000 +DDDDDDDDDDDDD +DD DD DD +Do ODD ODD DD +DDDDDDDDDD +DCJ + +DCJ + +DCJ + + IslamicDesigns + +Exercise +6.3 +Every city has oriental rug merchants. Visit one of these vendors, but remember +to take your sketchbook along with you . Record several rug designs that strike +your fancy. Explore these designs with a suite of Logo procedures. Hand color the +results and place them in your notebook. + +Exercise +6.4 +Mostlargecities +, anywhere +in theworld, nowhaveat leastonemosque +thatcan +bevisitedby non-Moslems +. Visita localmosque +, takingalongyoursketchbook +, +andrecordseveral +motifsthatstrikeyourfancy.Later,overa glassof minttea, +exploreyoursketches +with Logoprocedures +. Handcoloryourresultsandplace +themin yournotebook +. +Exercise +6.5 +Go + +Work + +back + +on + +To + +design + +and + +look + +one + +of + +encourage + +# 12 + +of + +at + +these + +the + +or + +you + +Chapter + +overlapping + +on + +a design + +, I have + +5 ) + +done + +tile designs at the end of Chapter 5. + +Islamic + +of + +your + +included + +by + +own + +here + +a + +French + +. + +an + +overlapping + +architectural + +design + +( inspired + +student + +at + +by + +Parsons + +School of Design in Paris. It is the most elegant Islamic design done in Logo I +haveseen. The studentnevershowedme his procedures; he wanted to keepthem +"secret." He did show me a few illustrations of the componentparts he isolated +in his design. I have also included his visual investigation of the effect of +varying the width of thesebasic design elements. + +277 + + C) V CD0) + +E + +CD +Cl +) +CDC + +Cl) + +CDo +. + + IslamicDesigns +Component parts of the student design + +~ + +== ~I' + +,~'--= + +=:=~ " +/~:= +"" +~ + +- + +// +// + +~ + +// +// + +"" + +/.\;'l---'" +,.-~'.\.cl +,.",./'.~ +"'~ +) +---:. +. +. +: += +0 +. +. +; += +: +~ +'~"" \-,.;//,- '" +~ +. +~(--=~.). /~~::~~ +Jl +. +/ +~ +' +A +_~\. +LJ7~ + +279 + + Chapter 6 + +Visual exploration + +280 + +of different + +design element thicknesses + + Islamic Designs + +Exercise +6.6 +Celtic art used overlapping patterns extensively. Th~ forms are based, +obviously,on the directobservation +of knottedropeand othermaterials +. Try the +empiricalapproach +. Getsomerope or heavytwine and tie a few knots. Sketch +what you seeand try to reproducethe resultswith Logoprocedures +. I include +someCelticexamplesto get you started. This illustration is takenfrom Celtic +Art: themethods +of construction +by GeorgeBain(Dover, 1973 +). + +281 + + Chapter6 + +Exercise +6.7 +One could characterize most of the work illustrated in this book so far as totally +geometric . Some of you might go so far as to claim that these designs- although +visually surprising and intellectually + +interesting - are excessively geometric, + +that they lack " life " and have no organic qualities . +You might be ready to ask whether the shape notation capability of Logo +can produce designs that share visual characteristics with pieces of the living +world . Chapter 7 will argue that this question can be answered "yes." +This exercise introduces a tree-drawing problem that will be developed at +length in the next chapter. I want you to think about it on your own, though, +before you see my presentation; so don 't read ahead into the next chapter. + +A recursive +definition +: atreeisabranch +attached +- ~~~to +~- a +~tree +~--Branching + +is not the only characteristic + +others, and we will + +eventually + +that make trees trees ; there are many + +investigate + +some of them . But branching + +is + +perhaps the most noticeable feature of trees . Look at the sketches on the next +page, taken from a nature guide book . + +282 + + IslamicDesigns + +" ., + +Goat " 'illo'" + +Ilornhcam + +ScssilcOak + +Pcduncul31C +03k + +Ah, the +branchy + +of trees . So let 's start with Logo procedures + +that draw + +trees . + +Here +be tried + +branchiness + +. - . -_.)':ngli,;h 1.:1111 + +is a simple + +, but + +let 's start + +geometric +with + +branch + +. A more + +complex + +simple + +one + +. + +the + +first + +branching + +pattern + +could + +, (\\'',.,\''\". + +T4 + +Let's start building a tree according to the recursive definition . Draw a +branch and attach additional branches to it . Make each successive branch a bit +smaller than the branch to which it is attached . We can describe these +attachments in terms of recursion level : + +283 + + Chapter 6 + +~ + +)- + +y + +}-- -< +L ( \l'E: L I +t : """" + +LCI/E +::L 3 + +These diagrams don't look very much like real trees yet . But remember- we +are only trying to produce designs that share some visual characteristics with +real trees; and we are starting with a single characteristic : "branchiness ." +Moreover, we have simplified branching into a geometric "Y " shape. We will +come closer to producing realistic trees as we add more real tree characteristics. +Be patient . +Your exercise is to design a recursive Logo procedure that will draw these Ybranching trees. The basic procedure, BRANCH, will draw a single branch . You +may not be surprised to hear that BRANCHmust be state transparent . You will be +asked to explain why this is so at the end of this exercise. Be warned . +Here is the BRANCHprocedure : the two arguments are as indicated in figure +1 above. Notice that state transparency is accomplished by moving the turtle +back to its starting point with turtle movement commands. Using RECORD. pS +and RESTORE. pS in this situation will be discussed in the next chapter. + +TO BRANCH +:A +: T +a +state +,. Draw +transparent +FD : A RT : T +FD : A BK : A +LT 2 * : T FD : A BK : A +RT : T BK : A +END + +284 + +branch + +. + + Islamic Designs + +Yourwork +Expand BRANCH into a recursive procedure that can draw the Y-shaped trees +sketched in figure 2. Allow for an argument that scales succeeding branch size +and another that controls the levels of branch attachments, that is, the level or +depth of recursion . +Hint : find the places within the BRANCHprocedure where you would like +an additional BRANCHcreated. +Finally, why must state transparency be respected in this tree drawing +design? Be specific. + +285 + + Chapter7 +OrganicDesigns + +" Painting is a science and should be pursued as an inquiry into the laws of nature. +Why, then, may not landscape painting be considered as a branch of natural +philosophy, of which pictures are but the experiments?" +John Constable + +Tree experiments + +I will use Constable 's words to state this chapter 's goal . He suggested that +making pictures of our natural environment is an effective way to to see it more +clearly . Although I would substitute the term visual modeling for Constable's +landscape painting, I seek the same end and suggest similar means: visual +experimentation with segments of our personal world can school our eyes the +better to enjoy the richness of the larger world . +In this chapter I will offer you an essay on several characteristics of trees: +first, their "branchiness," and second, their quality of randomness -within -astructure . The illustrations should suggest other tree signatures to model . The +exercises at the end of the chapter will ask you to justify the title of this +chapter by looking at some nontree plants and beasts. +As you read through this chapter, please remember that I am showing you +my experiments with trees; this is the way I did it . Why trees? Every Logo book +has at least one recursive tree design, but few books play with the visual idea of + + OrganicDesigns +recursive trees . I hope my exercises illustrate +the visual implications + +how tiny tree machines can explore + +of such an idea . + +Simple recursive trees +Exercise 6.7 introduced you to the idea of drawing simple trees composed of Yshaped branches . Let 's complete that exercise so that we can get on with +drawing more realistic trees and other landscape designs. +Review the BRANCH procedure introduced at the end of Chapter 6. The +following procedure follows that discussion but adds an additional argument, +: B. The diagram shows how : B, the branch length, relates to : A, the trunk +length . Why might it be useful to have two length arguments, : A and : B, +rather than just : A? +TO BRANCH : A : B : T +To draw a state - transparent +FD +:A RT : T +FD +: B BK : B +LT +2* : T FD : B BK : B +RT +: T BK : A +. + +, + +To +Y shape . + +A + +END + +BRANCHis reproduced again below with the symbol (* * * ) inserted to indi cate the places in the procedure where the turtle arrives at the tip of a branch. + +BK + +~ + +287 + + Chapter7 +These are the two turtle positions where we would like to place another branch . +This is, therefore, the position + +to insert some recursion + +apparatus . Remember + +that recursion only means that a procedure uses itself in its own definition . In +other words, a recursive procedure asks that it be run again. You might want to +refer back to the recursion diagrams of previous chapters . +Once we have made BRANCH recursive, we will want to stop the recursion at + +an appropriate level . We can do this by adding an argument to control the depth +of recursion + +. Because + +we may + +also want + +the branches + +to decrease, or increase, + +with the level of recursion, we will need another argument + +to scale the : A and + +: B arguments as they are passed from one level of recursion to another . To keep +the names short, call the level argument + +:L and the scale factor argument + +: F. + +You should find the following procedure easily understandable in terms of +Logo syntax . But you may not be able to guess exactly how Logo will draw the +shape on the screen until you do some experimenting . Since we are making .:?imple +~ + +s from individual branches, let's rename our procedure S. TREE. Here it is: + +TO S. TREE :A :B :T : F : L +; To draw a simple, recursive Y- branched tree . +IF : L < 1 [STOP] +FD :A RT : T +FD : B (S.TREE ( :A* : F) ( : B* : F) : T : F ( : L- l ) ) BK : B +LT 2* : T FD : B (S.TREE ( : A* : F ) ( : B* : F ) : T :F ( : L- l ) ) BK : B +RT : T BK :A +END +That 's it . But to use it creatively + +will take some imagination + +and play . You + +might even be tempted to look at a few trees before you start your exploration . +Two pages of tree experiments follow . My intent was to present a series of designs +that folded and unfolded . I began with an unfolded +and proceeded toward + +a more folded -up one, a cypruslike + +designs with the folding / unfolding + +288 + +design, a Mondrian -ish tree, + +RECGONsof Chapter 3. + +tree . Compare these + + OrganicDesigns + +Simple tree experiments + +~. .). + +" ~ +.,.- + +'t - + +. . . ~ + +...- + +'t - + +- + +289 + + Chapter 7 +More simple tree experiments + +290 + + Organic Designs + +State transparency + +Let + +' s + +be + +respected + +and + +go + +back + +to + +in + +down + +turtle + +. + +with + +this + +fast + +more + +STEP + +current + +, + +of + +of + +the + +very + +transparency + +from + +marks + +in + +needed + +. + +any + +sense + +Multiply + +our + +Can + +, + +- + +is + +needed + +does + +defined + +? + +? + +draw + +a + +we + +saw + +is + +sketch + +of + +it + +a + +? + +not + +the + +familiar + +print + +many + +use + +one + +the + +during + +. + +recursion + +. + +Gothic + +stone + +state + +State + +Recall + +mason + +transparency + +was + +grids + +we + +are + +term + +what + +does + +the + +good + +place + +to + +making + +the + +design + +affair + +design + +the + +or + +out + +of + +NGON + +that + +Would + +at + +transparency + +because + +And + +Here + +are + +of + +? + +rectangular + +again + +follow + +in + +with + +within + +here + +speed + +you + +centered + +to + +shapes + +that + +the + +dealing + +, + +for + +state + +began + +5 + +the + +to + +useful + +, + +exercises + +the + +lets + +procedure + +procedure + +this + +book + +we + +If + +command + +you + +lag + +introduced + +Chapter + +list + +time + +lag + +been + +this + +. + +come + +a + +sketch + +. + +drawing + +trees + +really + +to + +mean + +? + +grips + +of + +with + +a + +concept + +trees + +forking + +the + +in + +a + +accomplish + +We + +If + +up + +answer + +This + +control + +. + +climbs + +? + +two + +multiply + +the + +Later + +you + +trees + +producing + +and + +transparency + +branched + +far + +. + +why + +. + +when + +why + +and + +concept + +make + +defines + +in + +transparency + +state + +far + +. + +you + +insert + +time + +L + +an + +it + +. + +to + +has + +exercises + +placed + +But + +: + +first + +and + +as + +with + +dialects + +this + +printing + +so + +, + +transparency + +turtle + +command + +time + +is + +state + +you + +manual + +want + +explored + +must + +the + +Logo + +down + +Would + +3 + +a + +some + +transparency + +4 + +. + +TREE + +reintroduced + +we + +recursively + +this + +. + +Chapter + +State + +. + +" Why + +STEP + +Logo + +might + +Chapter + +when + +Why + +You + +at + +your + +have + +was + +RECGON + +. + +state + +we + +in + +: + +Watching + +the + +line + +. 7 + +supply + +using + +in + +S + +level + +that + +down + +it + +" + +should + +one + +slow + +6 + +? + +trees + +TRACE + +it + +idea + +exercises + +So + +to + +recursion + +it + +review + +inside + +The + +slow + +called + +command + +way + +your + +procedure + +is + +places + +one + +, + +Exercise + +procedure + +of + +a + +Another + +of + +drawing + +branches + +through + +stepping + +question + +tree + +too + +step + +last + +the + +the + +moves + +you + +the + +have + +had + +new + +simple + +branches + +one + +number + +a + +? + +of + +To + +branches + +. + +do + +so + +Y + +Why + +, + +- + +shaped + +not + +let + +leaving + +' s + +pattern + +expand + +add + +to + +a + +fork + +; + +this + +S + +. + +TREE + +each + +single + +an + +branch + +forking + +additional + +forked + +design + +argument + +once + +, + +into + +a + +that + +. + +291 + + Chapter7 +Call this extended procedure M. TREE, for .m +..ultiply + +branching ~ + +. Its + +additional tree characteristic, the number of branches from a fork, will make +M. TREE more general than S . TREE. M. TREE will be able to draw everything +that S . TREE could draw, and more . Perhaps, too, M. TREE will create designs +that look more like real trees. +Let's call the new argument : N; it will specify the kind of forking to be used +within a tree drawing . Specifically, : N defines the number of branches that +leave the fork . Let's redefine the argument : T as the .tilt angle that the first of +these branches makes with the vertical . The new argument, : BT, will be the tilt +angle Qetween branches. The following diagram illustrates these new arguments: +~ iO + +". + +: + +: " + +~T + +Unfortunately this new procedure will have sevenarguments . You will need +to be organized to experiment with different combinations of these arguments . +You might want to design an EXPLORE-type procedure to run your experiments +and place multiple trees on a single screen. (Look back at Chapters 3 and 4 if you +have forgotten this powerful idea.) +TO M. TREE :A : B : N : T : BT : F : L +; To draw multiply +branched recursive +trees . +IF : L < 1 [ STOP] +FD :A RT : T +REPEAT : N [ FD : B +M. TREE ( :A* : F) ( : B* : F) : N : T : BT : F ( : L- l ) +BK : B LT : BT] +RT ( : N* : BT) - : T +BK :A +END + +292 + + Organic Designs + +A few examples of multiply branched trees + +293 + + Chapter7 +Placing fruit at the branch tips +Suppose + +we + +drawn + +by + +want + +to + +put + +M . TREE + +. + +Lacking + +procedures + +, + +texture + +TEXTURE + +and + +dependent +texture + +then + +change + +upon + +machine + +- setters + +. Here + +'s + +small + +colored + +color + +shapes + +, + +I + +will + +. ON + +and + +it + +back + +to + +nontextured + +and + +Logo + +dialect + +a + +TEXTURE + +little + +fruit + +( fruit + +need + +a + +. OFF + +, that + +?) + +machine + +the + +textured + +set + +black + +, you + +at + +tips + +the + +I ' ll + +invent + +fruit + +. + +pen + +color + +the + +. Because + +will + +of + +have + +to + +figures + +to + +two + +a + +pen + +textures + +write + +your + +fruity + +are + +own + +: + +TO FRUIT : SIZE +TEXTURE +. ON +REPEAT6 [FD : SIZE BK : SIZE RT 60] +TEXTURE +. OFF +END +Where + +should + +we + +turtle + +reach + +the + +tips + +Where + +does + +the + +turtle + +turtle + +decide + +that + +it + +located + +in + +first + +line + +TO + +the + +M . TREE + +: A + +insert + +of + +this + +the + +branches + +decide + +has + +not + +recursed + +of + +: B + +fruit + +: N + +machine + +? +to + +draw + +enough + +M . TREE + +and + +: T + +: F + +: BT + +Another + +is + +more + +into + +M . TREE + +way + +to + +ask + +branches + +? You + +should + +marked + +with + +? + +? + +find + +the + +Where + +this +: When + +this + +spot + +is : + +does + +easily + +symbol + +To + +IF + +draw + +multiply + +:L < + +1 + +branched + +. + +: L + +[ ( * * * ) + +STOP + +recursive + +trees + +. + +] + +. +END +The expanded procedure is a multiply +TO +; + +MF . TREE + +: A + +To + +multiply + +draw + +IF + +: L + +< + +FD + +:A + +RT + +REPEAT + +1 + +:N + +: D + +[ FRUIT + +: T : BT : F : L +branched recursive +: D STOP] + +~ + +. + +: N + +trees + +with + +: T + +[ FD +MF + +:A/ 2 +. TREE + +BK + +RT ( : N * : BT ) - : T +BK : A +END + +294 + +branched, fruiting + +:A/ 2 + +( :A* :F) : D : N : T +LT : BT] + +: BT + +: F ( : L- l ) + +fruit + +the + +; it + +. + +, + +the + +question + +Or + +( * * * ) + +does + +. + +is + + OrganicDesigns +Notice a few of the changes. First, I have removed : B, the second branch +size argument, and replaced it- within the procedure - with : A/ 2. I found that +I really didn 't need : B. Second, I have introduced a new argument, : D, the size of +the asterisk -shaped fruit . +Different fruit shapes + +We can change the fruit shapes placed at the tree tips by altering the FRUI T +procedure . But in fact, we can be more elegant than this . Recall our work with +rectangular grids in Chapter 5. We broke grids down into two elements: an +underlying placement mechanism that structures a grid, and the image motif to +be placed within this grid . We defined the image with a list . We could consider +the current exercise to be tree grids . The M. TREE procedure is the underlying +placement mechanism, and FRUIT is the image to be placed by it . This suggests +the following restructuring of MF. TREE. : FRUIT is now an argument that must be +a state-transparent image list . +TO FRUIT +. + +, + +; + +. LIST + +To draw +defined + +IF + +:L + +; + +Note + +FD + +:A + +REPEAT + +< + +. TREE + +multiply +by a list +1 + +[ RUN + +the +RT + +:N + +:A + +: FRUIT + +change + +: FRUIT + +branched +, placed +here + +: N : T : BT : F : L +recursive +trees with +at the branch tips . + +: FRUIT, + +STOP ] + +. + +: T + +[ FD + +:A/ 2 + +FRUIT. LIST . TREE ( : A* : F) +: FRUIT :N : T :BT : F ( : L- l ) +BK :A/ 2 LT :BT] +RT ( : N* : BT) - : T +BK :A +END + +295 + + Chapter7 +A few asterisk -fruit trees + +296 + + OrganicDesigns +More asterisk -fruit trees + +- + +- + +" + +" + +" + +- + +" + +" + +" + +" + +" + +" + +" + +- + +- + +- + +297 + + - + +(t) +~ + +~ +~ +..... +~ + +. + +-< +(t ) +~ + +2 +~ + +. + +..... + +(/) + +<: +, + +- + +- + +~ +I + +(... -.L. + +Chapter 7 + +> +. . . . . + + '" +(0 +(0 + +(") ...... ........ ..... ro - C +/) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (") 2" ~ +~ ~ Q. ~ ~. ~ p.. ~ +p.. o-J .-to ro '"1 ~ ~ ~ +1 +~ C +.... .-to +~::1 ~ +~ ro +/) .-to +~ 'ij..... .-to +'-< .!J; '-" +....-- Q +~ +c. +~ +""' ~ "' ~ ~ +'" +b g ~ ro ~ ~ 0 +O +'Qo :::::. +O +'Q 'ij""" p +.. :::::. +.... ro +'"1 g. O +'Q +""' +.... +'ij'"1 rox s- C +/) +..... +~ +p +.. ro +S +~ +~ +..... +'"""' +0 +~ ~ O +'Q .-to ':"': 0 +(") 2: .-to ...... ~ ~ +...... +ro +...... 0 +'"1 H +...... +p.. cr +.....' .-to +::J"" ~ +.... - ~ 0 +~ .-to ro <; ~ p.. ~ ~ +~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ +" ~ S. +~ +O C +p/).. p +.. ~ +~ O +'Q +U +) +..... +~ +.-to +ro +.-to +tIj ~ <; +'"1 +ro p.. +tIj p.. ro ~ ro :::;: p.. ro +0 +? ~ rn +.-to C +/) +. g. O +'Q ~ . +~ O Q +:r: '"1 0 O +'Q > g p.. ~ . +ro +ro ~ +..... ~ ~ ~ O' +.-to +'"1 (") +.r O +'Q +ro +~ .-to +~ "0 ro ~ +<; +~ U1 0 ~ - ~ +~ +'"1 < +..... +~ +';1'. .-to +~ +~ +ro +: +ro +(") +~ +.....,. +ro +~ +.-to ro ro +~. .... ro ~ +~ 'ij .e:: g ~ S ~ p.. +'"""' ~ +~ .-to ro '" C +/) +..... ::+ ~ C +/) ::J"" +10M~ +U1 ro ~ . +ro ~ ~ ro +.-to !1 p.. - ...... ~ p.. ';) +,",,", .-to +;:J ~ C +/) "". +/) ro +::J"" +ro +.-to +~ p.. C +1::1 +~ ~ +'ij +~ +rn +o +~ +C +~ ...... .-to +0 ...... /) +p.. .-to ~ ro S ~ ...... ~ +~ - ~ p.. ~ +'ij 0 +~ +~ +.-to +p +.. (") +...... ~ +1::1 +< +; +~ +(") +' +0 +ro +0 +~ +~. .... ~ +C +/) ~ +.-to +.... "" """ """ cr' ro ur ~ +O +'Q +ro ro 0 +0,-< ...... +ro +C +/) .-to +.-to +'"1 p.. ~ ~ '-< '"1 +~ H +~ +..... +'" +0 +~ +.-to +..... +~ ro . 0 ~ O +'Q .-to ::J"" Q +.-to p.. ~ .-to 0 ..... ro ro +- .-to ro p.. C +/) ~ '"1 cr' +1 +ro ~ +ro IJ +~ ~ 0 +0 +~::1 0 +1::1 ~ +H ro +~ +~ +.... +1 +::1 +ro +~ +~ +'"~"' O .,.,.. +p +.. +~ +'"1 +~ +""' ro +.-to +0 +~ p.. ~ :=: S ~. q '"""' +~ +~ 0 +~ ro +ro .-to +.- ro +~> 0 +'"1 '-< +...... +::J"" +C +/)- V +ro +~ ro + +..... OJ +::= ro +c7 +: 0" +.-to '"1 +'"1 +~ ro +';1 +'Q +0'. O +0 +~ S' +O +'Q +0 +"~ +...... +ro +~ +C +/) +...... +0 +0 +~ +~ +.-to +.-to +::J"" +ro +'ij +'"1 +0 +(") +~ +~ +'"1 +ro +~ +~ +.-to +'ij +'"1 +0 +p +~.. +(") +ro +'"~"' +.-to +::J"" +ro +'"""' +0 +...... +...... +0 +~ +..... +~ +O +'Q + +.,.,.. +~ +~ +~ +p. +S +8~ + +A +cO +p) +::J +0. +_ +0 +CD +~. +(Q +::J +U +> + + Chapter7 + +SEE'D +IvEA + +N~ = tJIJ.t"\; EQ +. . OF bflA..JC +.+-\ 't.S +F = ~c A L ffic .~~ +L'f:v :: ~~ ~ fL~ 0t0 +..J + +SEED +. + +, + +. + +, + +To + +: SL + +Try + +SEED + +IF + +: LEV + +FD + +: SL + +LT + +: AA / 2 + +REPEAT + +: NB + +: AA + +dandelion + +model + +< + +: NB + +LT :AA/ 2 +BK : SL +END + +605240 + +: LEV +flowers +. 6 4. + +: F + +[ STOP ] + +[SEED ( : F* : SL) :NB :AA :F ( : LEV- l ) +RT :AA/ :AD] + +" I liked how the figures produced were not perfectly symmetric . I could +have put the following turn command into the REPEAT list structure of SEED: +RT + +: AA/ ( : NB- l ) . But I didn 't like what this produced . I liked my original + +slightly wonky pattern . +/IAfter running SEED with various argument values, I decided to plug two +seed designs together. I wrote a little EXPLOREprocedure to do this ./l + +300 + + 0 - (0£1) C)ciCD +l)C (0 (I) + +Cl)CD +CD + + Chapter7 +Double seeds + +302 + + OrganicDesigns +Seeds as tree clusters + +" I thought I was designing seeds, but I suddenly saw the outlines of a cluster of +trees in the first image below . I erased some of the lines to make it look more +like several bushy trees growing closely together . I still don 't like the thin +trunks, though . I' ll draw in some better ones with India ink ." + +303 + + Chapter7 + +Introducing + +random + +" OK + +," + +I hear + +life + +. Real +Let + +more + +trees + +are + +lifelike + +: T and + +the + +trees + +" these trees are interesting, but they still lack a feeling of + +not + +as regular + +some + +shapes +into + +into + +say, + +'s introduce + +component +angle + +you + +components + +the + +the + +ones + +randomness + +. How + +can + +drawing + +between + +as + +- branch + +of + +into + +we +the +angle + +do +: A + +presented +these + +this + +? We + +lengths + +above + +.1I + +designs + +and + +see + +want + +to + +introduce + +, and + +perhaps + +if + +into + +that + +produces +a + +random + +the + +turning + +: BT . + +We might be able to use the procedure RR that was developed in Chapter 5 +to generate random grids . Recall that RR takes two arguments, : La and : HI, and +outputs a random number that falls in the range defined by these two arguments. + +TO RR : LO : HI +; To output a random number in the range : LO to : HI . +OP : LO + RANDOM(1 + : HI - : LO) +END + +What happens if : La and : HI are not integers ? Try some funny numbers . +FD RR ( . 5 * : A ) + +( 1 . 5 * : A ) would add some randomness into one of the + +tree components . The actual branch length drawn would range from .5 to 1.5 times +the original + +value of the argument . Obviously, .5 and 1.5 are arbitrary ; you can + +experiment + +with other values when we put everything + +together . + +The problem now is how to insert RR into M. TREE. A first guess might be to +put RR after every FD, BK, and RT command . Would this be correct ? +We can answer + +this question + +by posing + +another : Is the following + +state + +transparent ? + +FD RR 5 10 +BK RR 5 10 + +It certainly isn 't. RR 5 10 will probably give a different value in the two +situations . But we must move backward the same amount that we moved + +304 + + Organic Designs + +forward + +. + +Otherwise + +transparency +require + +FO + +: 0 + +BK + +: 0 + +the + +are + +several + +" 0 + +RR + +MAKE + +RECORD + +. POS + +FD + +5 + +RR + +don + +'t + +get + +back + +to + +the + +that + +we + +always + +get + +back + +to + +random + +ways + +of + +number +doing + +this + +be + +Let + +' s use + +REPEAT + +where + +we + +used + +for + +the + +FD + +and + +the + +FD + +:A + +BK + +, + +started +the + +BK + +and + +state + +from + +. We + +command + +. + +10 + +back + +the + +first + +method + +to + +handle + +list + +structure + +. The + +RECORD + +. POS + +and + +to + +the + +of + +the + +branch + +after + +all + +base + +. RR + +will + +be + +used + +in + +conjunction + +command + +, and + +the + +LT + +commands + +within + +be + +careful + +But +RESTORE + +. + +. POS + +procedure +. Why + +level + +of + +recursion + +tied + +to + +each + +and + +global +lifetime + +happy + +about + +this + +are + +arguments + +. I have + +for + +: D + +can + +make + +by +in + +making +your + +the + +other + +movements + +the + +FD + +procedure + +list + +S + +these + +two + +: POS +.) + +the + +have + +been + +unique + +their + +: B + +variable + +. It + +each + +unique + +and + +. ( Review + +variables + +them + +the +for + +variables + +gave + +: T + +inside + +variables + +Local + +RT + +. + +be + +local + +handle + +, the + +( created + +. POS ) must + +manual +that + +structure + +within + +can + +: A command + +: PO + +: D and +Logo + +situations + +. POS + +and + +? We + +:A + +RESTORE + +REPEAT + +RESTORE + +level + +value + +exist + +only + +. + +you + +Are + +? +, that + +procedure + +arguments + +the + +by + +this + +the + +with + +needed + +is + +of + +, again + +following + +value + +variables + +the + +Notice + +The +and + +recursion + +within + +the + +point + +: + +completed + +local + +starting + +10 +. POS + +getting + +same + +5 + +RESTORE + +the + +we + +demands +that + +There + +, + +not + +needed +replaced + +I have +. As +, and +the + +removed +I + +the + +have + +said + +I also + +wanted + +: B with + +: AI + +previously +to + +2 as I did + +, +cut +in + +I + +doesn + +found + +' t appear +that + +down + +on + +the + +the + +MF . TREE + +in + +two + +size + +number + +of + +procedure + +. + +305 + + Chapter7 + +Randomized + +TO + +trees + +RAND + +; + +To + +; + +with + +. + +: + +( + +: + +A + +: + +N + +: + +L + +< + +" + +[ + +STOP + +. + +RR + +( + +RT + +FD + +RR + +F + +: + +L + +recursive + +. + +" + +D + +) + +reasons + +transparency + +. + +5 + +* + +( + +: + +N + +: + +A + +) + +. + +5 + +* + +[ + +MAKE + +( + +: + +T + +1 + +: + +D + +BK + +: + +D + +LT + +RR + +RAND + +. + +. + +5 + +) + +( + +" + +FD + +RESTORE + +: + +. + +POS + +FD + +REPEAT + +BT + +] + +POS + +state + +RECORD + +: + +branched + +components + +1 + +LOCAL + +For + +T + +multiply + +randomized + +IF + +; + +TREE + +draw + +* + +: + +A + +) + +1 + +. + +5 + +* + +D + +: + +RR + +T + +( + +) + +. + +5 + +* + +: + +A + +/ + +2 + +) + +(1 . 5* : A/ 2 ) + +- + +. + +TREE + +( + +: + +A + +* + +: + +F + +) + +: N + +: T : BT : F + +- + +( + +. + +5 + +* + +: + +BT + +) + +( 1 . 5 * : BT ) ] + +POS + +END + +Again, please notice the use of the LOCAL command in the procedure 's second +line . We must + +have a value + +for + +: POS and + +: D for each level + +of recursion + +. These + +variables will not, typically, be the same for each of the branches that make up +the tree. LOCAL tells Logo to keep the variable indicated tied to each level of +recursion + +. There + +will + +be + +a different + +: POS + +for + +each + +level + +, and + +there + +will + +be a + +different : D for each level . Logo then uses the proper value for : POS and : D +CD +CD +cn + +It +H + +according to the turtle 's recursion status. This application of local variables is +extremely important, but not obviously so. How do you feel about it ? Can you set +up an experiment to test out the logic of its use? +You might want to run RAND. TREE with line two removed (the line that +makes : POS and : D local variables ). What happens to the turtle and why ? + +00 +t-i +I +..... +- + +I + +Make a print of the result and put it in your notebook . + +306 + + OrganicDesigns +Three series of random component crees + +How will the random machinery introduced into the procedure RAND. TREE +actually work ? What will the designs look like ? In order to see the effect of this +randomizing, we must produce a series of designs, with the arguments fixed . The +differences between the individual + +designs will be due solely to the random + +effects . +This exercise is similar to the random grid work we did in Chapter 5. +Remember the random placement of stars? Go back and take a look . +I've written an EXPLORE-type procedure to produce a series of designs. I +have indicated the arguments used at the start of each of the series. + +Recapitulation + +What have we done new in this chapter? I believe we have caught some of the +mystery of a living form when we mixed a little randomness into some strict +geometry . What are the implications of these tree machines? Whether or not +you choose to be philosophical about all this, I hope you can extend the image +ideas of this chapter to simulate the shapes of some other organic shapes. + +307 + + Organic Designs + +RAND . TREE + +series + +lb + +309 + + Chapter7 +RAND. TREE series 2a + +RAND.TREE 30 3 30 30 . 75 5 + +310 + + OrganicDesigns +RAND. TREE series 2b + +I + +311 + + Chapter 7 +RAND. TREE series 3 + +RAND.TREE 30 3 30 15 . 9 5 + +312 + + Organic Designs +RAND. TREES with fruit +I installed a RUN : FRUIT component into RAND. TREE and added a : FRUIT +argument. The following were produced using +FRUITED. RAND. TREE 60 : FRUIT 3 30 30 . 6 4 +with : FRUIT set to asterisks, then to circles, and then to squares. +.' :h + +OJ + +- + +; -~~ . +- + +J + +- + +. + +~ + +313 + + Chapter7 +Exercises + +Exercise +7,1 +Our randomized + +trees look + +more + +like weeds + +so thin . In " real " trees, the branches +Design +Make + +a Logo + +sure that +examples + +example + +was consciously + +produced + +by it . The second design +job + +illustrate + +of changing + +as different + +trunk + +planned + +is to design + +interesting +from + +that + +as the level + +that + +of recursion + +by a student + +, and you + +randomized + +thickness + +trees . The first +two + +designs + +to its designer . + +or nonrandomized +thickness + +. + +changes . Here + +are given + +was " a mistake," according + +are + +shorter . + +exhibit + +in nonrandomized + +in trunk / branch + +the examples + +the branches + +as they become + +branches + +thickness + +either + +variations + +thinner + +draws + +decreases + +are two + +Your + +become + +tree procedure + +this thickness + +than trees because + +. Try + +trees + +that + +to do something + +as possible . + +Exercise +7.2 +How + +about + +and + +creating + +trees + +explored + +designing + +forest + +or + +scientist + +He + +, + +; + +( + +Exercise + +see + +of + +; + +the + +length + +, + +the + +flower + +palms + +! + +, + +even + +the + +northern + +might + +tree + +" + +to + +essay + +find + +done + +reminded + +sticklike + +weeds + +European + +expect + +palm + +tree + +in + +. + +in + +by + +him + +terms + +segments + +of + +right + +; + +and + +the + +the + +trunk + +You + +the + +of + +a + +Paul + +Let + +' s + +tropical + +, + +, + +try + +rain + +a + +holidays + +be + +may + +the + +of + +. + +notice + +number + +in + +; + +number + +could + +. + +of + +changed + +composition + +arguments + +' s + +far + +distinctively + +they + +palm + +length + +or + +a + +So + +computer + +blue + +skies + +, + +. " + +these + +left + +Paul + +to + +) + +? + +you + +because + +which + +. 1 + +that + +is + +countries + +bend + +and + +are + +Here + +palms + +at + +7 + +, + +314 + +. + +a + +rate + +, + +begun + +oasis + +exotic + +orientation + +chapter + +" + +characterized + +the + +vegetation + +something + +selected + +to + +examples + +tropical + +this + +desert + +and + +tendency + +recursive + +leafy + +a + +Paul + +trunk + +" + +in + +. + +seas + +has + +in + +a + +blue + +some + +" + +as + +" + +fronds + +in + +procedure + +either + +fixed + +that + +the + +curviness + +palm + +The + +size + +of + +in + +trunk + +of + +the + +second + +random + +the + +trunk + +tree + +' s + +and + +head + +Below + +three + +their + +made + +are + +of + +its + +, + +was + +. + +cluster + +its + +lengthened + +structure + +or + +the + +segments + +five + +trees + + OrganicDesigns +Examples for Exercise 7.1 + +~ + +315 + + Chapter7 +Paul's palms for Exercise 7.2 + +316 + + OrganicDesigns + +. + +. + +317 + + Chapter 7 +Paul then used a random placement of palm trees to simulate oases. The viewer +must be in an airplane . + +\, + +it;. +;"i' + +;1, + +~ + +~,. + +-:Ij' + +.~(' + +~I +'r . + +' I + +],;.: + +'y.;: +'f" + +I + +J'" + +';111 +': + +I + +r + +~'. + +h;.. + +\ + +~i' + +I!. + +f: + +,: + +' ;'1:. + +, + +';!; +-j + +'I'i +-i \" + +' +. . . + +318 + +.. . + +'r + +! :. +~ +1. +.. + +(',. "\ +J.. + +)' + +."." +_ \ .... + +j + + OrganicDesigns + +Exercise +7.3 +Design a Logo tree -drawing + +procedure + +that prints a message on the screen to + +indicate the level of recursion currently + +being drawn . Make sure that your tree - + +drawing + +procedure has been slowed down, if necessary, so that the message can + +be easily read . You may want to use different + +pen colors to indicate the different + +levels of recursion . +Produce a complete graphic +recursion ; your + +package that visually + +package could be an effective + +recursion to those with no previous knowledge + +teaching + +illustrates + +one kind of + +tool for introducing + +of it . + +Exercise +7.4 +What about leaves? One interesting way to try capturing the color and texture +characteristics of " leafiness" is to design pointillist trees. What are these? The +Penguin Dictionary of Art and"Artists tells us that "According to the color theory +of neo-impressionism, it is possible to obtain brighter secondary colors, such as +green, by making a series of tiny blobs of both primaries (which in the case of +greens would be blue and yellow ) so that the blue and yellow blobs are very +closely intermingled but are not actually mixed . In this way, the colors mix in +the spectator's eye at a certain distance from the picture, giving a much brighter +and clearer green than is possible by actually mixing the pigments on the +palette ." +At least two other sensations are felt by the " spectator" when he or she +looks at a pointillist painting . First, the clouds of dots give the impression that +a surface texture exists; the eyes can feel it . And second, the individual + +dots + +float in space, giving an illusion of depth . This floating occurs partially because +of the natural tendency of reds and yellows to move forward and blues to recede +from the viewer . + +319 + + Chapter7 +Pointillist paintings for Exercise 7.4 + +320 + + OrganicDesigns +George Seurat (1859-1891) is the best-known pointillist +neo-impressionists + +painter, but other + +of the late nineteenth century experimented + +technique . Pointillist + +paintings + +with the + +are hard to " read " in black and white + +reproductions ; the color mixing and dot floating don't work ! But you can get an +"impression " of the method and the textures produced . I have reproduced here +Seurat's " La Seine a la Grande-Jatte" ; and second, Henry van de Velde 's (18631957) " Faits de Village VII - La ravaudeuse." +One student saw the problem of building a pointillist machine this way : +"OK, let 's use colored dots to represent the flash of color that might be reflected +from the tree's leaves. I will draw the reflected dot -lights and not worry about +drawing the individual leaves. Perhaps I can mix a number of different colored +dots together in the manner of Seurat. I can place the dots randomly, too, to give +a fluffy, organic shape. The randomness may give the tree a feeling of depth as +well . I think I will also try to indicate the direction of the light source - from +the sun; the side of the tree facing the sun should include more red dots, while +the side that would be in the shade could have more blue dots." +Hint : Rework the procedures placed into the : FRUI T list . Make them +capable of randomly placing a certain number of colored or textured dots in the +" vicinity " of the current turtle position . The procedure RRwill be useful for this . +For the selection of colors or textures, you may want to give a probability of +picking one color or texture over another . Look back at the procedure P . GET in +Chapter 5 for some ideas on probabilistically picking things from a list . Don 't +forget to make the : FRUIT list state transparent . + +Exercise +7.5 +What about curved sterns and branches? The following + +illustration + +is an + +example of Japanesepen-and-ink drawing . Does it suggest Logo procedures that +use arcs to simulate plants? Review the arc procedures you were asked to work on +in the exercise section of Chapter 5. + +321 + + Chapter7 +Japanesepen-and-ink trees for Exercise 7.5 + +322 + + OrganicDesigns + +Exercise +7.6 +What about curved roots? Here are two technical line drawings of plants, both +tops and bottoms ! Can you characterize these plants in terms of a few arguments? +How can you design and use arc drawing procedures? +Hint : The procedure RRmight be used to generate random arguments for your +arc drawing commands. + +/' + +Exercise 7.7 +There are dozens of other tree characteristics that you could model . The manner +in which architects draw trees should suggest some of these alternative tree +qualities to you . Architects surround their model buildings with model trees, and +the next several pages show some typical architectural renderings . Note the +different approaches to treeness. Pick one that strikes your fancy and design a +Logo model to do it . These designs are taken from Bob Greenstreet's Graphics +Sourcebook (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984). +Warning : The best illustrations to use for drawing trees are real trees. Go +outside now and look at some. + +323 + + Chapter7 +Architects ' trees for Exercise 7.7 + +:;~.:-:':'. +, + +. + +, + +\ . + +" + +, + +:,'.:' .' .' ..'ff;.;:."':...,::.,'.' .',' +. + +, + +" + +" + +. ' + +. . + +. + +. + +~ +:~,'.:~...,.:,:.::,:.3}~~~,~~::',::::..' :', +. ', + +. + +" vl ' ~( . + +" " + +' + +.' + +. . '- + +... . '. ' " . . " . . ~,.~ .,", .~", 1, ., ',. " ." +[!:"A( .! ....;";";'l "t :!;~ ~,' +-'):.~ ~ ~.:';.: ~>::::::.,\.'.' +, + +' + +... .tit. ' . ' + +. + +" + +" + +. + +. + +. + +" + +' + +', + +, + +. + +' + +, . 1: + +. + +' + +, + +. - + +.- + +., + +. + +.. + +' + +. + +.. + +~ + +., +, + +, + +, + +.t" . " " . " " ~." '(o\ "."' "" ." " ", +" . + +" + +. ' . .. . " +/ : +" .,' .., ' : +, I " + +i "~ .".\" "" '-:.... +;;"" ! "" .~ +"" .V +o;o':..." +; + +324 + +~ +' ~J, ~ + +. + +' + +' + +; ? '" ' + +, +. " + +. + +" " ., " +-, +'.., .,, ' .. + +" . ... +~,,"," +.< +' --1 +.. '':""_ +...")o: +" "' ..'~ ... +. ; + + Organic Designs + +Exercise +7.8 +Imagine yourself looking acrossa small lake. A single tree is growing on the +shore just oppositeyou. It is night, but a full moon illuminates the tree and this +image is reflected in the water. A breeze agitates the surface of the water. +Design a Logo model that draws both the tree and its reflection in the lake. +Include an argumentfor the velocity of the breeze. + +Exercise +7.9 +Former students have done some very interesting " Logo jobs" on fruit and +vegetables. Some vegetables literally cry out for recursive techniques. You don't +believe me? Go look at some artichokes, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus! Others +scream for the " oid " treatment introduced in Chapter 4 with nephrQi. d.s and +cardiQi.d.s: go look at apples, pineapples, oranges, carrots, bananas, carrots, +radishes, leeks, and turnips . +Design Logo procedures to produce a suite of designs based on the +characteristics of a single favorite (or hated) fruit or vegetable. No visual hints +here: go look at the real thing . + +Exercise +7.10 +Pick two different fruits, vegetables, or trees. Show how a single Logo procedure +can draw either of the two items, as well as shapes exhibiting characteristics of +both . +For example, suppose you picked a pine tree and a cauliflower . Your Logo +procedures must be capable of drawing both a pine tree and a cauliflower . But +your procedures must also draw figures (" caulipines " ?) that are transitional +between a pine tree and a cauliflower (a pine tree on its way to becoming a +cauliflower ). Or a cauliflower metamorphosing into a pine tree. +325 + + Chapter7 +Pick your two objects and fill several pages of your notebook with sketches +before you do any Logo programming + +. Do something + +thoroughly + +ridiculous, but + +correctly so. + +Exercise +7.11 +What about flowers and gardens and fields of flowers ? As you may have +noticed, I usually suggest two ways to begin Logo projects like this one. First, you +could go out and look at nature. In this case that would be studying " real" +flowers and gardens. Second, you could look at a drawing or painting of flowers +and gardens. Paintings of flowers are, of course, also real and help us to seebetter +the garden behind our house. +Let me suggest one artist who uses flower fields in almost all of his work . As +always, I offer you my own taste in artists . You may see something in these +reproductions that will start you off in some interesting direction . Then again, +you may want to find your own artist to explore. +Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) was an Austrian painter who worked in turn -ofthe-century Vienna . I am sure you have seen paintings like " Poissons rouges" of +1901/ 2, which is reproduced on the next page. Here Klimt contrasts flat +geometric motifs with the molded skin textures of the very human forms . The +contrast, even in this black -and-white reproduction, is striking . Each pattern +type, the human flesh and the geometric forms, is made more vivid by the +presence of the other. +On the page following + +is a painting in which Klimt uses only flower + +patterns; it is " Rosiers sous les arbres" of 1905. This sort of painting lacks visual +excitement . There is no focus, no contrast. No surprises ! Study this decorative +work, though, to see how the artist has placed his flower patterns on the surface +of the canvas. I would like you to Logo- produce Klimt -like flower fields, but add +a surprising point of contrast . If you use naked ladies, model only a few +characteristics . + +326 + + > + +OrganicDesig + +:)> +U + +Klimt + +.~.. +-~ +n +0 +-~ +~ +U1 +-~ +.~.. +OQ +-r'J +~ += +~ +rU1 +'J + +CoA +) +~ +"'..J + + ~ +N +Q +) +Chapter7 +A decorative Klimt + + Organic Designs + +Exercise +7.12 +Try modeling + +one specific flower . Pick + +personality, one that can be easily identified + +a + +flower + +from + +sunflowers, hollyhocks, iris, daffodils, tulips, + +that + +a + +distance + +daisies + +, + +has + +. + +lilies + +a + +Some + +vivid + +visual + +suggestions + +: + +. + +Exercise +7.13 +Surround + +your plants with + +a few insects . Butterflies, moths, ladybugs, + +dragonflies, beetles, and fireflies might be nice. + +Exercise +7.14 +We 've avoided animals so far . But what about some odd sea creatures ? There is +a snail -like creature +illustrated + +among + +the imaginary + +P IPEGONS of Chapter 2. Find an + +text on sea creatures and model something + +urchins, or sea anemones . Something living + +like squids, jelly fish, sea + +inside shells might be a challenge, + +too . Keep the modeled sea creature characteristics few in number - at the start . + +Exercise +7.15 +What could be more organic and more relevant to visual modeling than the +human eyeball? Take a close look at your own eyes in the mirror . Make special +note of the colors and patterns in your irises. Usually, on close inspection, you +will find that your two eyes are different from each other and quite irregular in +themselves. Design a Logo model of your own eyeballs. Generalize it to simulate +a wide range of eyes that include those of your cat and tropical fish . + +329 + + "l W + +Chapter7 + +Exercise +7.16 + +Recall the FRACTALGONsof Chapter 4. We changed polygons into FRACTALGONs +by changing the nature of their edges. We replaced the polygon 's single, +straight -line edge with an edge composed of four straight -line segments. We +then replaced each of these four straight -line segment with a smaller, four segment edge. And then each of these segments was replaced with smaller, four segment sections. We continued to break down - or fractal- single line segments +into multiple line segments until we arrived at the odd, fuzzy shapes illustrated +under the heading "Some curious FRACTALGONs +" in Chapter 4. +There was nothing special about replacing the straight polygonal edge +with a four -segment shape; we could have used other pattern combinations of +straight -line segments. But no matter what edge shape we selected, we would +have followed + +the fractal scheme of replacing the parts of an edge with + +miniaturized versions of the overall edge pattern . +Let's experiment with an alternative edge pattern, and let 's also introduce +some randomness into fractal designing . Take a look at the following figures . +Can you guess what is happening before reading the description below ? + +2 + +5 +330 + +8 + + OrganicDesigns +Start with the large triangle, figure 1. Imagine that a circle is drawn on the +midpoint of each of the three triangle edges (figure 2). Now pick a random point +within + +each of these three circles (figure 3), and use these points to break + +("fractal " ) the original triangle of figure 1 into the four triangles of figure 4. +Look at each of these four triangles . Imagine that a circle is drawn with its +center placed on the midpoint of each of the edges that define each of these +triangles (figure 5). Now pick a random point within each of these nine circles +(see figure 5), and use these points to fractal the four triangles of figure 4 into the +sixteen triangles of figure 6. +We could continue this fractaling to any level and see what happens. But, +first, what about those circles? How big should they be? The radius of a circle +should be related to the length of the line on whose midpoint it rests. Therefore, +the circles should get smaller as the fractaling + +progresses . The specific + +relationship of the circle size to the edge length could be given by some factor, +call it F. The larger the value of F, the more deformed the figure could become. +Now suppose we begin with a double triangle, similar to figure 8. What +will the fractaled figure 8 look like ? Here are four examples. The F factor was +kept constant for each. The differences between the figures are due solely to the +random component. Can you guess what level of fractaling was used? +What do these images look like ? + +331 + + Chapter7 +Fractallandscapes 1 + +332 + + Organic Designs + +Fractallandscapes 2 + +333 + + Chapter7 +Fractallandscape + +before and after some rain + +Here is one further level of fractaling . I' ve also decided to allow some rain to +fall on the landscape. What is happening ? + +334 + + (..) +(..) +U1 + +OrganicDesigns + +~ + +, + +More rain + + Chapter7 +What 's going on here? Are these scenesreally mountainous ? The last figure +looks like a scene you might see flying into Hong Kong . Why does the eye read +these figures as three-dimensional ? Where is the eye in relation to these scenes? +How would you color in all those little triangles so that they won 't look so +much like chicken wire ? How many triangles are there, by the way, in those +figures? Recursion is obviously being used; can you give the number of triangles in +terms of recursion level? +Can you put together a plan for experimenting with these visual ideas? +What about a fractal mountain machine; would that be possible? What do you +think the major problems would be? Put together some exploratory building +plans . + +336 + + Chapter 8 +Space + +"The question [is] whether spaceis real apart from space-filling objects." +W. T. Harris + +Reading objects in space + +Most of our work so far has been flat and two -dimensional . Our only real +excursion into planning depth characteristics was the overlapping Islamic tile +designs of Chapter 6. But even this was really only two -dimensional motif +manipulation . However, even though we haven't been much concerned with +spatial modeling, some of our line drawings occasionally seemed to float into +three dimensions : recall some of the lacy, random tree shapes of Chapter 7 +and- especially- the nephroid designs of Chapter 4. +Take a look at the series of circle-based nephroids below . Even though you +know that these are perfectly flat figures, do you have the impression that they +are also three-dimensional and that one nephroid can actually be placed inside +another? Why is this? Nephroids are ambiguous shapes (flat and rounded ), but +because the brain lives and works in a three- dimensional world, it resolves the +two -dimensional ambiguity of nephroids by placing them fully into 3D space; +nephroids are good examples of the brain adding space in order to read an object +better. Spend some time following the lines of these odd images. + + Chapter 8 +Intentional depth cues + +This chapter will + +concentrate + +on some of the ways in which + +depth + +characteristics can be explicitly designed into object scenes. Art students already +know how two -dimensional paper and canvas can be made to simulate space +through a wide variety of methods and systems, many quite arbitrary . They +know this because they have played with alternative spatial systems and +conventions . If you are not an art student, you may be coming upon these ideas +without such first -hand experience. So, before you are ready to incorporate +depth cues into modeled scenes, you need to explore how your eyes read and +interpret different forms of depth information . +We will be looking at several depth cues in this chapter : placement, +shading, size variation, shape overlapping, and vanishing point perspective . +The models of the chapter provide environments in which you can watch +yourself reacting to messagesfrom things in space. + +338 + + Space +Enclosing nephroids + +339 + + Chapter8 +Surface shading + +The following design element was much used by the Dutch artist and designer, +M . C. Escher. How should the eye read this figure ? Is it a flat design, a box seen +from the outside, or a box seen from the inside? The design is ambiguous, and the +eye switches from one interpretation to another. +The placement of several objects into a scene can sometimes resolve +ambiguity . The Escher box, however, becomes more ambiguous when it is placed +into a composite of similar shapes. + +340 + + C) + +CD co + + Space +Modeling a shaded Escherbox + +Let's write a procedure, E . BOX, to draw an Escher box and then shade it . We +will want the procedure to be general enough to draw different -sized boxes and +to alter the quality of shading on each of the three visible surfaces. The figure +itself is easy enough : a hexagon in which a Y shape is placed . The procedure +E . BOX has two arguments, : SIZE and : SLIST . + +: SIZE is the radius of the hexagon that encloses the Y shape; it is also the +length of the three arms of the Y. +: SLI + +ST + +is a list + +that + +has + +three + +elements + +, one + +for + +each + +of + +the + +three + +visible + +faces of the box. The order of the faces is: top, right, and left . The shading is to +be accomplished by drawing equally spaced parallel lines on each of the faces. +Of course, the number of shading lines can be different for each face. The number +of spacesbetween such lines, one number for each face, is to be placed inside the +: SLI ST. For example, an : SLI ST of [ 1 1 1 ] should draw the unshaded box; +each face will have only one space since an unshaded face has no lines . An +: SLIST of [ 2 2 2] should produce a box with two stripes of space on each face: + +If the elements in the list are equal to the : SIZE argument, each of the faces +should be filled completely with the current pen color- black, in my case. Here +is what + +E . BOX + +50 + +[ 50 + +50 + +50 ] should + +look + +like . + +343 + + Chapter 8 + +The Escherbox procedures +TO E . BOX : SIZE : SLIST +; To draw a simple Escher box with parallel +; line shading . : SLIST must be a three - element list +; Each element gives the number of between - line +; stripes +on one face . +LT 60 PD +REPEAT 3 [ SHADE : SIZE (FIRST : SLIST ) - + +. + +MAKE" SLIST BF : SLIST +RT 120] + +RT 60 +CNGON6 : SIZE + +END + +TO SHADE : SIZE : STRIPES +; To shade a single +face + +of + +an Escher + +of +; with parallel +lines . The number +; actually +drawn will +equal : STRIPES +LOCAL liD +MAKE liD : SIZE / : STRIPES + +box + +lines +. + +RECORD +. POS +REPEAT: STRIPES [FD : D RT 120 FD : SIZE BK : SIZE +LT 120] +RESTORE.POS + +END +I didn 't go through a turtle walk for the shading, but the method is clear. +Next, let 's put E . BOXsinto a grid . This is similar to work we did in Chapter 6. In +the following diagram the asterisks mark the centers of the E . BOXS. We need to +calculate the appropriate horizontal, vertical, and indent distances between +these asterisks in order to build a demonstration procedure using RIFLAG. + +344 + + Space + +Because the E . BOXs are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle, +we need to recall the relationship of the height of an equilateral triangle to its +edges: height = edge*cos 30. Go back to Chapter 6 a minute and review the +mechanics of NEST . DEMO, TP . DEMO, and SAW. DEMO. These three procedures +were also based on the equilateral triangle . Verify the calculations used in the +following +TO + +; + +: + +SHADED + +To + +. DEMO + +grid + +: SIZE + +a series + +: COLS + +of + +( LOCAL +" EDGE +" VERT ) +MAKE +" EDGE +2 * : SIZE * COS +-MAKE + +" VERT + +: EDGE * COS + +MAKE + +" MOTIF + +[ E . BOX + +: SLIST + +shaded + +E . BOXs + +30 + +30 + +: SIZE + +: SLIST + +] + +GO . PT + +RIFLAG + +: COLS + +( COUNT + +: COLS ) + +: EDGE + +: VERT + +( LIST + +( - 1 * : EDGE / 2 ) + +0) + +END + +One final note about my kind of surface shading . I could have used other +conventions. On the next page is one example of an alternative scheme. + +345 + + . + +Chapter 8 + +- + +. + +- + +- + +" + +~ + +Placement ambiguity +Look at the following + +grid of shaded Escher boxes . The grid is clearly composed + +of three rows of boxes, but how are the rows related in space ? Is the top row +floating + +in space above the middle row, or is it sitting on a surface and located + +behind the middle + +row ? And if the three rows are sitting + +on a surface, is that + +surface flat, inclined, or stepped ? This row placement is clearly ambiguous . + +346 + + Space + +C> +e + +Size variation + +One of the easiest ways to control the illusion of objects in space is through size +variations . An object close to us is bigger than an object farther away . So +differences in size can be read as differences in distance. This works fine for the +space placement of objects of the same diIriensions; but it is more difficult to force +a single space interpretation of objects of different real dimensions, and ambiguity creeps in . For example, try to read the following two scenes. Because the +shading on the boxes is the same, the eye guesses that the boxes have the same +real size. Hence, the size variations are read as cues about the scene's depth, and +the top row becomes the farthest away from us. +But there is an alternative reading . The top row might be small boxes that +are floating above the slightly larger boxes of the middle row that are floating +above the slightly larger boxes of the bottom row . Force your eyes to read the +scenesin these two alternative ways. Which way seems to be the eye's preferred +view ? Why ? + +347 + + Chapter8 + +~ ~ + +Multiple motif grids + +Can you guess how the last scenes were produced ? I tinkered with the generalized grid machine RIFLAG so that it could draw grids of multiple motifs . I +wanted to have a different motif on each row . Then I could draw rows of +different -sized (or shaded) E . BOXsto explore the illusion of receding objects . . . +or whatever . I include my modified procedure to remind you about the usefulness +of tinkering with the machinery you already possess, to make procedures do +their jobs a little differently . +The modified + +machine is called RIM . FLAG for recursive, indented, + +multiple -motif flag . It expects a composite motif list that is composed of several +list elements: there must be one motif list for each row . For example, this was +the motif list used for one of the previous scenes. + +MAKE" MOTIF [ [E. BOX . 5* : SIZE [ 3 6 9] ] +[E. BOX . 7* : SIZE [ 3 6 9] ] +[E. BOX : SIZE [ 3 6 9] ] ] +Here is RIM . FLAGand its supporting procedures. + +348 + +- + + Space +TO RIM . FLAG : COLS : ROWS : CDIST : RDIST : IN +; RIM . FLAG expects +: MOTIF to have multiple +; motif +lists +: one for each row . + +IF : ROWS +RIM.ROWER +RIM.RSTEP +RIM.FLAG +END +< + +( + +1 + +[ + +: + +CDIST + +: + +RDIST + +ROT + +STOP + +] + +( + +: + +: + +FIRST + +: + +COLS + +) + +IN + +COLS + +) + +( + +: + +ROWS + +TO RIM . ROWER: C : N +IF : N < 1 [ STOP] +RUN FIRST : MOTIF +; To handle the multiple +CSTEP : C +RIM . ROWER: C ( : N- l ) +END + +- + +l + +) + +motifs + +: CDIST : RDIST (ROT : IN ) + +. + +TO RIM.RSTEP : R : IN +PU SETX (FIRST :POINT) + (COUNT1 : IN ) +RT 180 +FD :R LT 180 PD +MAKE" MOTIF ROT : MOTIF +; To place the next motif into position +for RIM.ROWER +. +END +TO CSTEP : c +PO RT 90 +FD :C +LT 90 PD +END +Overlapping shapes + +Look + +at + +location + +the + +the + +of + +bottom + +following + +the + +row + +boxes + +. + +But + +. + +how + +grid + +of + +The + +top + +can + +Escher + +row + +we + +draw + +boxes + +is + +clearly + +these + +. + +There is no ambiguity about the +behind and slightly higher than + +figures? + +349 + + Chapter 8 + +The painter's algorithm +What we need is the so- called painter 's algorithm . Why so-called? Because the +method was dreamed up by computer scientists; this is how they think painters +handle overlapping scenes. Hence the algorithm 's instructions for the painter turtle . First, determine which objects are farthest from the viewer and paint +these onto the canvas. Then determine the objects just in front of the painted +objects and paint those onto the canvas. Continue with this layering until you +have included everything in the scene up to the viewer 's nose. Use opaque paint, +though, so that no object appears peeking through a layer of paint . Is this how +human painters really work ? Could they do it this way if they wanted to? +Whether + +or not this is the method + +real painters + +use, let 's build + +a visual + +model using it and then draw some overlapping shapes. The first problem we +encounter is how to make the turtle paint shapes that are totally opaque. Here +is one way . Select the screen position where you want to draw a shape. Erase +everything within the outline of the shape and then draw the shape onto this +" opaque spot." The following procedures handle these tasks for E . BOXs. +TO + +BLACK + +; + +To + +LT + +60 + +. BOX + +erase + +REPEAT + +3 + +[ NIGHT +RT + +RT 60 +END +TO + +: SIZE + +everything + +NIGHT + +. SHADE + +the + +: SIZE + +outline + +of + +an + +E . BOX . + +- + +120 ] + +. SHADE + +RECORD + +within + +: SIZE + +. POS + +PENERASE +; + +Depending + +; + +you + +; + +to + +REPEAT + +RESTORE +PENPAINT + +END + +350 + +on +may + +your + +have + +erase + +the +: SIZE + +. POS + +computer + +to +box +[ FD + +and + +increase + +fully + +space +1 + +RT + +FD + +: SIZE + +LT + +120 + +Logo + +the + +pen + +. + +120 +BK +] + +: SIZE + +dialect +width + +, + +you + +may + + Space +Overlapping grids + +Let's organize a three-row, rectangular grid scene according to the following +depth convention : the top row will be the most distant, the middle row will be +in + +the + +middle + +distance + +, and + +the + +bottom + +row + +will + +be + +closest + +to the + +viewer + +. Our + +grid machine must paint the top and farthest -away row first, and then the +second row of intermediate -distance objects, and lastly the row of nearest objects. +If any objects in the second row overlap objects in the first row, the painter 's +algorithm should take charge and paint one figure over the other . We will need +this help, too, with the third row, in case any third -row objects overlap any +first - or second-row ones. How can we make this happen ? By defining the +: MOTIF list in the following manner: +MAKE + +: MOTIF + +[ BLACK + +. BOX + +50 + +E . BOX + +50 + +[3 + +6 + +9] ] + +This assures us that if any image falls on top of a previously drawn figure, the +overlapped segment is fully erased before the second object is painted onto the +spot . +Let's try + +RIFLAG [ 3 3 3] 3 (lOO* COS 30) 50 [ 0] . + +351 + + Chapter 8 + +Oops. The figure is interesting but hard to read. Try moving the objects about in +space a little to see if you can eliminate the ambiguities of the first image. See, +for example, if it is easier to read + +RIFLAG [ 3 3 2] 3 (10 + 100* COS 30) 50 [- 20 40] . + +352 + + Space + +A short box play + +353 + + Chapter8 +Ambiguity again + +Once all the figures cease to overlap, even the painter 's algorithm fails us. +What is happening below ? It 's hard to say. We need some additional indicator +that says whether all those boxes are sitting on the same surface or whether the +top tier is floating over the bottom tier . What we need is perspective. + +(0 +lS:J +Perspective + +Most of you are already familiar with the jargon of the perspective systems +invented during the European Renaissance. You may have some notion of what +foreshortening means, as well as an idea about vanishing points . But let 's +investigate perspective empirically, with a few experiments . +Find or make a wire frame model of a cube with edges of about 6 inches. +Hold the cube so that you are looking directly at the middle of one of its faces. + +354 + + Space + +Make sure that you hold the cube so that your line -of -sight forms a right angle +with the face you are looking at . Hold the cube very near your face and record in +your notebook + +what you see. Now hold the cube as far away as possible and + +record what you see. Your sketches should look something like these : + +0 D +Now, again look directly + +at the center of one face held at a right angles to + +your line -of -sight . This time, move the box horizontally + +to the left . Record your + +views . + +0 + +Do the same as above, but with the cube moved to the right . + +0 + +Do the same again, but lower the cube and move it to the left and then to + +355 + + Chapter 8 + +the right : +0 + +0 + +You have just beenwitnessto the operationof one-point perspective +. The +following sketchesindicatethe constructionof a cubedrawn with one-point +perspective +. Whereis the viewerin eachof thesedrawings? +0 + +356 + +< + +~ + +0 + +(D + +- + +( D +n + +~ + +( D + +~ + +~ + +. + +. + +~ + +~ + +- + +I + +0 + +~ + +~ + +0 + +(D + +0 + + Space + +Two -point perspective + +Carry out the same experiments again, but rotate the cube so that you are looking +directly + +toward + +an edge rather + +than a face . Keep the edge vertical . The + +following + +is what happens . Where is the viewer located in this scene? + +G + +<:) + +\ +\ + +' " + +.........~/ ' + +/" + +/ +50 \.10 Cu BE + +Three -point perspective + +Finally, carry out the drawing experiments again, but rotate the cube so that no +edges are vertical and no faces are at right angle to the line -of -sight . Yes, +you 've guessed it : three-point perspective. But where are you in this scene? Why +are vanishing points called vanishing points ? Can you generalize the perspective rules of the last several pages? + +357 + + Chapter 8 + +0 + +0 + +~ + +' " + +/ ' " + +/ + +/ +SOl-It>CI-\&E: + +1 + +0 + +~ + +Modeled one-point perspective (almost) +~ + +How could we draw a one-point perspective version of a cube? But let's be more +general than that . What about polyhedrons ? +Suppose that a single vanishing point has been defined as a two -element +list . Let's make it a global variable and name it : VP. The two elements will be +the x and y coordinates of the point . Now let's draw a 3D CNGON +. Whenever the +turtle arrives at a vertex of the polygon, it should record its current position and +then point toward the vanishing point . Next, send the turtle forward by an +amount that corresponds to the CNGON +'s thickness and then return to the recorded +position . Now go on to the next vertex, and so on. In Logo terms, these rules would +translate into something like the following : + +358 + + space +TO NHEDRON: N : RAD : THICK +; To draw a " kind " of +one - point perspective +; rendering +of a 3D CNGON +. +LOCAL " EDGE MAKE " EDGE 2* : RAD* SIN (180 / : N) + +PU FD : RAD +RT 180 - (90* ( :N- 2) / :N) PD +REPEAT:N [FD :EDGERT 360/ :N + +RECORD +. POS SETH TOWARDSFIRST : VP LAST :VP +FD : THICK - + +RESTORE +.POS +] +LT 180 - (90* ( :N- 2) / :N) +PU BK :RADPD +END +This procedure will draw figures similar to the following : + +Drawing the NHEDRON +'S back face +Now, how do we connect the ends of those lines that have been drawn toward +the vanishing point ? If we knew the x-y positions of those ends, we could draw a +line from the first end to the second, from the second to the third, and from the +third back to the first . How ? Maybe we could store these end point locations in a +list . If we could put them all into a list, we could join them all together somehow. The following procedures will let us do precisely this. + +359 + + Chapter8 +TO EMPTY +.BAG +; To create a global variable +; sure that it is empty . +MAKE" POINT. BAG [ ] +END +TO ADD. POINT +i To put the + +turtle + +' s current + +named : POINT. BAG and make + +x - y location + +: into the :POINT. BAG. +MAKE" POINT. BAG (SE : POINT. BAG XCORYCOR +) +END + +360 + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +TO CONNECT : LIST +; To connect the x - y point +stored +IF EMPTY? : LIST [ STOP] +SETXY (FIRST : LIST ) (LAST : LIST ) +PD +CONNECT (BF BF : LIST ) +END + +in + +a list + +,- + +. + + Space +Completed NHEDRON +Let's put the new list apparatus (indicated by <- - - ) into the body of NHEDRON +: +TO NHEDRON +; + +To + +; + +rendering + +: N + +draw + +a + +: RAD +" + +: THICK + +kind + +" + +of + +a + +of + +3D + +LOCAL + +" EDGE + +MAKE + +" EDGE + +LOCAL + +" POINT + +. BAG + +< - + +- + +2 + +/ + +EMPTY + +. BAG + +PU + +FD + +: RAD + +RT + +180 + +- + +REPEAT + +< - + +- + +( 90 + +* + +: N + +one +CNGON + +- + +point + +perspective + +. +2 + +* + +: RAD + +* + +SIN + +( 180 + +/ + +: N + +) + +- + +- + +( + +: N - + +[ FD + +) + +: N + +: EDGE + +RT + +) + +PD +360 + +/ + +: N + +RECORD +. PO.'> +SETH TOWARDSFIRST : VP LAST : VP + +FD : THICK ADD. POINT - < - - RESTORE +. POS] +LT 180 - (90* ( : N- 2) / : N) +PU BK : RAD PD +RECORD +. POS +PU CONNECT + +< - + +SETXY + +; + +( FIRST + +Connect + +RESTORE + +- + +- + +: POINT + +. BAG + +: POINT + +last +. POS + +end + +. BAG +point + +< - - ) + +(FIRST BF : POINT . BAG) +to first +end point . + +< - - - + +< - - - + +END + +One + +- point + +perspective + +experiments + +The images in the left column of the next page are drawn with a vanishing point +that can be marked on the screen with an asterisk . The vanishing point was +created by MAKE " VP [ 2 0 0 150 ] . The images in the right column are drawn +with a more distant vanishing point that cannot be marked on the screen. It was +created by MAKE " VP [ 800 600 ] . +Explain the differences between these two scene sequences in words . Be +specific . + +361 + + Chapter 8 +Near and distanIt vanishing points + +~i- + +,..;' 1 + +It :" + +? + +l~ + +-:,.~ +/ + +~\- + +~ + +2..~ + +2. ~ + +,....;" + +~ \* + +..;" + +4-0:- + +362 + + .f,) + +Space + +More one -point perspective experiments +Explain the following + +in words . How do you interpret + +the placement cues? How + +were the images created ? + +.~ + +--,, * +l' + +[IIJ[] [ ] +[IJ[ ] [I] +[ ] [J][Q + +~ * +l' + +[]][IJILIJ +[][][] +[ ] [ ] []J] + +~* +.,,?I + +363 + + Chapter8 +Tumbling NHEDRONs + +~ ~ ~ ~ +!l:JJtl:ll tl:l; ~ +~ !]:J) {t:JJ +lDJ +~ ~ ~ +1lJJ +[] Q; ~ + +~~ ~ ~ +~ ~ ' lf~~}ull'"t:", ~ ' U7{\ "\Jv h = a*SIN a. +3. cas a. = bI / a +---> bI = a*CaS a. +4.b = bI + b2 + +b2=b - b1 + +- -> + +5. TAN= h/ b2 +---> 4> = arctangent +6 . The + +angles of any triangle sum to 180 degrees +(180- ~ ) = 180 + +interior + +--- > + +a. + ++ + + + + +-- + +> + +a. + ++ + + - ~ + += 0 + +--- > + +~ + += + +a. + + + +This + +gives + +7 . SIN + + = + ++ +us + +~ + +hI + +c + +---> + +c + += + +hlSIN + +This + +gives + +us + +h / b2 + +< ---- + + +c + +< ---- + +Now look back at figure 3. How do we calculate cl and c2? The parallel " c" s +divide the large triangular face into smaller but similar triangles . Remember +the business about parts of similar triangles from geometry ? +Using the idea of similar triangles, we can say that cl is to c as al is to a +(cl / c = al / a). So cl = (al / a)*c. +Finally, note that the turtle (already pointing downward ) must turn right +by the angle e before drawing the "a" edge of the first triangular face. + +370 + + Space + +Exercise +8.2 +Shading + +techniques + +light + +sources + +would + +arguments + +into + +placement + +of + +light + +The + +Escher + +light + +related + +within + +box + +source + +a + +scene + +as + +to + +well + +the + +scene + +. + +model + +as + +shadows + +that + +different + +Try + +to + +incorporate + +. You + +will + +need + +the + +intensity + +light + +to + +and + +kinds + +think + +quality + +of + +source + +about + +( color + +) + +the + +of + +the + +. + +8 .3 + +Escher + +alternative + +box + +motif + +ways + +visual +idiom + +the + +be + +create + +an + +produced + +Exercise + +should + +idioms + +is + +, and + +for + +only + +I + +have + +representing + +one + +symbolic + +included + +cubes + +way + +one + +in + +below + +space + +to + +express + +a + +. Devise + +. Design + +cube + +a + +a + +. There + +number + +model + +are + +of + +to + +many + +different + +speak + +, + +your + +. + +Exercise +8.4 +Cubism was an art movement of the early twentieth century that attempted to +give a visual account of the entire structure of objects in space. In practice this +meant superimposing and combining several views of the object, all within a +space limited by the dimensions of two -dimensional canvas. The goal was to +project the idea of an object in space without being constrained to show it from a +single point of view . Cubist practitioners included Picasso, Braque, and Gris . + +371 + + Chapter8 +Find a few postcard reproductions of cubist works that you like and explore the +images with Logo models. Comment on how you have characterized cubist space +in your work . + +Exercise +8.5 +What is the room that you know best? Perhaps it is your bedroom, workshop, or +study ; but it could also be an outdoor enclosure: a greenhouse, gazebo, or garden +shed. Build a Logo model to document the shape and spatial qualities of this +room . Keep your spatial vocabulary spare but expressive. +Here is the most expressive example of a personal room model that I have +in my postcard collection : Van Gogh's asylum bedroom . + +372 + + Space + +Exercise + +8 .6 + +Produce a shaded sphere, cylinder, or prism . Be innovative . Don 't rely on the +shading ideas of the chapter; invent some new ones never seen by Earthlings . + +Exercise + +8 .7 + +Produce a landscape of a variety of shapes, all consistently shaded and +perspected. Explain what you mean by consistently, though . + +Exercise +8.8 +What + +Logo + +doing + +about + +? + +Can + +it + +Exercise + +How + +space + +that + +impossible + +. + +two + +- + +be + +done + +it + +Then + +8 + +about + +do + +it + +three + +at + +all + +- point + +with + +perspective + +Logo + +? + +? + +Try + +to + +Can + +explain + +this + +be + +how + +you + +done + +easily + +with + +would + +go + +about + +. + +.9 + +designing + +your + +creations + +they + +and + +by + +are + +space + +" + +the + +space + +Hungarian + +impossible + +grids + +own + +? + +artist + +. " + +Compete + +On + +the + +Tamas + +with + +following + +Farkas + +Farkas + +pages + +. + +by + +Don + +you + +' t + +designing + +believe + +will + +see + +some + +the + +claim + +your + +own + +. + +373 + + Chapter 8 + +Farkas grids 1 + +374 + + Space + +Farkas grids 2 + +375 + + Chapter8 +Farkas grids 3 + +376 + + space +Exercise +8.10 +We have drawn figures that look as if they have three dimensions . But what +about four (or more ) dimensions ? Let 's review everyday space with a few +drawings . We can start with a single point : see (I ) below . No dimensions in a +single point, right ? If it 's very tiny . Next, draw a horizontal line from it toward +(2). We have a one-dimensional line . + +C, ) + +( 2. ) + +. + +) + +Now, pull +toward + +the line + +is two - dimensional + +. + +this + +line + +downward + +(4)- (3 ) . Connect +. We could + +it 's clearly + +two - dimensional + +Obviously + +, we must + +from + +two - dimensional + +the + +eye + +dimensions + +about + +, parallel + +the vertices . Now + +call it by a fancier +. Next, let 's pull + +rely on some drawing + +(5 )- ( 6) - (7)- (8) . Connect + +this + +the + +that + +name, a plane, but either + +way, + +plane + +into + +three + +it, parallel + +the vertices . We have + +dimensions + +. + +to force three dimensions +of this chapter + +plane, ( 1) - (2) - (3 ) - (4 ), " forward + +this by pulling + +shade, + +figure + +conventions + +to itself, down + +a three - dimensional + +( \) + +<\ > + +a window + +we have a square + +paper . We can use the conventions + +this . So, pull + +: illustrate + +to itself, like + +" into + +to fool +three + +and to the left : +cube . + +( 2 ) + +( ' 2. ) + +( 5) + +( ~ ) + +( 4- ) + +. + +. + +( 4- ) + +(3) + +( 8 ) + +3) + +( ~ ) + +Now, for the fourth dimension. Of course this can't be done. But let's +diagram the ideaby pulling the three-dimensional shape, the cube, parallel to +377 + + Chapter 8 + +itself + +, + +right + +into + +another + +angles + +to + +We + +Let + +'s + +can + +the + +the + +long + +let + +' s + +pull + +stylized + +the + +eye + +the + +cube + +fourth + +four + +whatever + +only + +is + +given + +I + +( 1 + +) - ( 2 + +6 + +each + +of + +them + +fourth + +were + +, + +aren + +depth + +) - + +( 5 + +Connect + +we + +cube + +' t + +cue + +so + +) - ( 6 + +) - ( 7 + +) - ( 8 + +the + +vertices + +We + +that + +the + +. + +we + +OK + +be + +the + +do + +all + +right + +. + +to + +have + +the + +this + +Why + +anything + +be + +what + +is + +? + +want + +read + +right + +) + +. + +into + +So + +the + +known + +as + +2- ) + +~ + +( 4 - ) + +lB + +) + +" + +" + +- + +Play + +scheme + +with + +for + +What + +a + +shaded + +into + +about + +hyperpyramids + +to + +wings + +378 + +. + +hypercube + +looking + +hyper + +remember + +dra + +this + +convention + +four + +your + +with + +space + +bit + +scenes + +, + +- NHEDRON + +state + +- dimensional + +a + +conventions + +Can + +, + +perspective + +invent + +hypercylinders + +? + +in + +you + +an + +alternative + +Can + +you + +? + +hyperspheres + +nice + +. + +words + +Do + +so + +? + +some + +that + +4D + +people + +modeling + +can + +draw + +, + +read + +. + +not + +we + +can + +at + +? + +represent + +drawing + +and + +and + +other + +to + +can + +down + +must + +to + +and + +? + +) + +each + +want + +down + +they + +dimension + +to + +convention + +the + +) - ( 4 + +the + +. + +( + +( + +as + +that + +pulling + +) - ( 3 + +. + +) + +' 5" ) + +, + +some + +hypercube + +( + +Remember + +conventions + +dimension + +- dimensional + +. + +visual + +of + +are + +as + +three + +convention + +systems + +as + +other + +choose + +select + +Spatial + +dimension + +your + +but + +a + + Chapter 9 +Closure + +" + +Purpose + +shapes + +special + +process + +purposes + +person + +. + +are + +D + +. + +N + +. + +years + +the + +us + +in + +by + +ago + +Center + +class + +. + +next + +to + +and + +I + +My + +results + +, + +for + +the + +methods + +when + +creative + +or + +She + +We + +on + +ordinary + +special + +processes + +mental + +appropriately + +' + +grimly + +to + +but + +processes + +in + +unreasonable + +determined + +spot + +something + +did + +from + +, + +a + +, + +of + +the + +to + +find + +the + +horns + +bin + +' + +accident + +report + +rue + +Lepic + +, + +fish + +and + +. + +were + +on + +an + +able + +intentions + +. " + +slammed + +rushed + +a + +. + +poetry + +workshop + +There + +were + +questioned + +and + +her + +we + +were + +return + +and + +slavishly + +. + +And + +the + +ridiculous + +following + +feelings + +of + +teaching + +to + +structured + +by + +five + +, + +her + +then + +she + +tasks + +. + +gave + +the + +. + +a + +local + +class + +on + +, + +I + +I + +overly + +vividly + +" + +, + +my + +on + +for + +but + +week + +vindicate + +it + +and + +woman + +they + +would + +up + +Raspail + +exercises + +poem + +" + +signed + +each + +remember + +blew + +of + +the + +silly + +short + +I + +boulevard + +liked + +the + +how + +I + +a + +I + +found + +, + +write + +afternoon + +shopping + +I + +, + +on + +exercise + +convinced + +; + +Paris + +Artists + +. + +her + +assignment + +in + +specific + +. + +show + +was + +arrived + +teacher + +solution + +were + +late + +the + +a + +to + +I + +I + +and + +assigned + +planned + +" + +after + +plus + +our + +, + +soon + +Students + +- + +read + +accident + +fallen + +occurs + +not + +intentions + +at + +my + +depends + +Perkins + +Fifteen + +the + +Discovery + +Creating + +marshaled + +Unreasonable + +" + +. + +accident + +, + +I + +some + +. + +returned + +to + +street + +hoping + +that + +down + +my + +only + +of + +I + +thought + +I + +city + +around + +happen + +slip + +- + +covered + +On + +the + +wandered + +to + +fish + +. + +of + +would + +street + +table + +, + +section + +. + +something + +a + +trite + +mishap + +the + +into + +How + +. + +on + +And + +some + +ice + +ice + +: + +, + +an + + Chapter 9 + +accidental meeting with fish . That was the title I found on the street. I went +home and got on easily with the exercise. +I am no poet, but +class . The reason +own + +form + +I wrote + +that + +intentions + +. + +Problem + +finders + +Jacob Getzels + +problem + +I would + +have + +and Mihaly + +Institute + +of Chicago + +them ; the + +results + +were + +longitudinal + +study + +of problem + +, these + +provided + +of the drawings +and structure +after + +ever + +written + +in that + +sought + +out my + +the form + +would + +were + +them + +studied + +a book + +to select + +in preparation +with + +to track +with + +the ways + +were + +vision : a + +from + +a number + +a still + +life . The qualities + +the students + +used to approach + +followed + +the students + +their + +success . The form + +of their + +what + +the authors + +their + +called + +to + +York, 1976 ). For + +a set of objects + +the methods + +assigned + +The creative + +Wiley, New + +for drawing + +unreasonable + +male art students + +that + +called + +in art (John + +asked + +it . Very + +the problems + +in + +finding + +I found + +for seven years + +success, or lack + +" problem + +finding + +of it, + +styles " + +in art school . Can you guess the results ? +Getzels + +working + +and + +found + +a relationship + +and + +both + +the + +success + +seven + +years + +later . The most + +and later - came +most + +draw . They + +in fact, they + +from + +students + +time arranging +began + +organizational + +the objects + +Csikszentmihalyi + +procedures + +professional + +380 + +before + +the exercise . The researchers + +was then compared + +spent + +I have + +I wasn 't sure what + +explored + +were compared + +graduation + +while + +to explore + +published + +students + +and arrange + +. Although + +Csikszentmihalyi + +at the Art + +example + +that + +for my success was, I think, that I passionately + +for each given + +be, I knew + +the best poetry + +their + +structure +seemed +and + +selected + +and manipulating +work + +without + +they wanted + +to discover + +moving + +who + +quality + +them + +of + +any + +that + +specific + +they + +drawings + +'s + +and + +his + +work - in art school + +unusual + +in their + +a student + +work + +objects + +these objects before + +to capture + +about . As their + +student + +effective + +the most + +having + +a structure + +his + +between + +and who + +they started + +conception + +to + +of the + +arrangement + +of objects ; + +liked + +through + +handling + +progressed + +, the more + + Closure + +imaginative students tended to rearrange their objects, to introduce new elements +or to eliminate others . They changed paper, switched drawing media, and +changed their drawing position more often than their less successful classmates. +And when they were finished, these students said that elements in their final +drawings still might be changed without destroying its character. +In addition to working styles, these researchers found that a concern for +fundamentals also affected creative production . The effective problem findersGetzels and Csikszentmihalyi 's label for those students who found and +structured their own problems - tended to describe their work as being based on +matters of deep personal concern to them, even when these themes were not +visually present . It seemed as if the energy for the realization of the problem +finders ' exploratory style was funded by their passions. + +Exploratory facility +I wrote this book with the conviction that a personal problem -finding ability is +necessary for real creativity . But how can this ability be encouraged in the +realm of visual problems when most students suffer from a lack of exploratory +facility ? They may have the passions, but they lack a sufficient + +visual + +vocabulary and the most basic artistic skills and will that could have helped +them start fashioning a personal vision language. I am convinced tha t visual +modeling can substitute for these lacks. How ? +Visual modeling is an environment in which you can offer yourself the gift +of seeing on your own terms. The attendant luxuries - design skills, rich visual +word -images and metaphors - are all there, inside that space. The substance of +this book is to offer you sight of this kind of environment . But you must not stop +here. You must extend modeling into your own worlds . + +381 + + Chapter9 +Premature closure + +We haven't spoken of closure since Chapter 2. As a design spreads itself onto the +surface of your screen, it may eventually repeat itself or close on top of itself . +Closure may come very soon, or only after many " rotations " of your visual +machinery . Be on your guard, though . Premature closure, like death and entropy, +must be fought . Change your arguments, or change the models, or find another +problem . But always look through closed figures ; there may be others, just +behind them, that are far more intriguing . +All the images in this book are now closed, or are they? +A final illustration + +I + +wanted + +to end with the same simple polygons we have labored with + +throughout this book but in a design that did not, and would not, close. It is a +nonperiodic tile pattern . + +Reading list + +I am sure that the character of this book would not be changed if I, like Getzels +and Csikszentmihalyi 's problem -finders, changed some of its elements. I feel +the same about the following list of books. I present a relatively short selection +382 + + Closure + +of + +some + +of + +the + +differently + +it + +is + +about + +a + +gra + +my + +that + +mind + +, + +- + +in + +of + +the + +Abelson + +extended + +and + +Logo + +the + +, you + +third + +Harold +for + +if + +should + +book + +Brian + +Harvey + +Seymour + +Papert + +Read + +book + +a + +useless + +for + +that + +the + +books + +I + +. There + +are + +three + +quite + +different + +explore + +me + +I + +have + +to + +think + +offered + +mentioned + +in + +you + +the + +have + +never + +read + +the + +in + +, + +this + +the + +book + +word + +. + +ideas + +are + +be + +Logo + +of + +about + +from + +, + +could + +your + +study + +read + +reasons + +and + +while + +exceptions + +mathematics + +- + +careful + +Andrea + +diSessa + +, The + +, Computer + +, 1985 + +Ps ~ cholog + +diSessa + +mathematics + +, New + +encouraged + +else + +mathematics + +exercises + +and + +Cambridge + +Books + +them + +, + +text + +. + +the + +The + +of + +computer + +not + +easy + +by + +'s + +philosophy + +Seymour + +science + +. + +. + +, + +the + +Both + +However + +, + +reading + +would + +be + +. + +behind + +Papert + +second + +selected + +books + +the + +the + +style + +Harvey + +, + +uses + +reads + +aided + +however + +first + +while + +programming + +Brian + +, + +the + +inventor + +invention + +himself + +, + +in + +. + +Abelson + +exploring + +of + +repeated + +programming + +by + +you + +everything + +to + +the + +enriched + +, + +each + +with + +and + +Finally + +of + +- + +on + +Like + +are + +Logo + +work + +Each + +language + +familiarity + +your + +. + +not + +geometry + +require + +most + +have + +books + +through + +useful + +. + +Logo + +Logo + +turtle + +investigates + +I + +wonderful + +of + +books + +the + +most + +found + +modeling + +. + +and + +quite + +notion + +I + +selection + +~ hics + +are + +that + +visual + +personal + +Turtle + +To + +books + +, 1986 + +MIT + +, 1980 + +geometry + +, Cambridge + +Logo + +style + +, + +3 + +: the + +computer + +, 1981 + +. + +volumes + +, + +The + +computers + +and + +powerful + +is a short + +selection + +as a medium + +MIT + +Press + +, + +. + +, Mindstorms + +York + +Press + +science + +, 1987 + +, Turtle + +; + +children + +, + +ideas + +, + +Basic + +. + +):: + +anything + +by + +Rudolf + +Arnheim + +. Here + +: + +Visual thinking, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1969. + +383 + + Chapter9 +Entropy and art, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1971. +Art and visual perception: a psychology of the creative eye, University + +of + +California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1974. +The power of the center: a study of composition in the visual arts, University + +of + +California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1982. +New essayson the psychology of art, University + +of California + +Press, Berkeley + +and LosAngeles, 1986. +Next, a hodgepodge of titles that I found of interest . They will lead you to other +sources. + +Carl Jung, editor, Man and his symbols, Doubleday & Company, New York, 1964. +E . + +H . + +Gombrich + +representation + +, + +Art + +and + +, Princeton + +University + +Press + +, Princeton + +, Cambridge + +the + +psychology + +of + +, New + +Jersey + +, 1960 + +. + +of graphic production processes +, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, + +cognition + +: + +, 1981 + +pictorial + +van + +and + +Press + +in + +Peter + +Drawing + +MIT + +study + +studies + +, + +, The + +a + +Block + +Sommers + +, Imagery + +: + +Ned + +1984 + +, editor + +illusion + +descriptive + +. + +and experimental + +. + +D. N . Perkins, The mind 's best work: a new psychology of creative thinking, +Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1981. +Ellen Winner, Invented worlds: the psychology of the arts, Harvard + +University + +Press,Cambridge, 1982. +William J. J. Gordon, Synectics +: the development of creative capacity, Harper & +Row, New York, 1961. + +384 + + Closure + +Liam Hudson, Contrary imaginations: a psychological study of the English +schoolboy, Methuen, London, 1966. +Mildred + +L. G. Shaw, On becoming a personal scientist: interactive computer + +elicitation of personal modelsof the world, Academic Press, London, 1980. + +Other design books I like : +Peter S. Stevens, Handbook of regular patterns: an introduction + +to symmetry in + +two dimensions, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1984. + +385 + + Chapter 9 + +Charles Bouleau, The painter 's secret geometry: a study of composition in art, +Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, 1963. +Magnus J. Wenninger, Polyhedron models, Cambridge + +University + +Press, + +University + +Press, + +Cambridge, 1971. +Magnus J. Wenninger, Spherical models, Cambridge + +Cambridge, 1979. +D 'Arcy Wentworth + +Thompson, On growth and form, Cambridge University + +Press, Cambridge, 1961. + +Dover press publications + +are a treasure trove of design ideas . They are located at + +180Varick Street, New York, NY 10014.Write them for their catalogue. +Finally, find a library that takes the following journal . It is quirky and quite +wonderful : Leonardo: journal of the international society for the arts, sciences, +and technology. + +Art + +his t ! : X + +Go to museums and galleries and buy lots of postcard reproductions . + +A mixed bag of things +Judith Wechsler, editor, On aestheticsin science, The MIT Press, Cambridge, +1978 . + +Benoit + +Mandelbrot, The fractal geometry of nature, W . H . Freeman and + +Company, San Francisco, 1977. +Douglas R. Hofstadter, Cadel, Escher, Bach, Basic Books, New York, 1979. +386 + + Closure + +Douglas R. Hofstadter, Metamagical themas: questing for the essenceof mind +and pattern, Basic Books, New York, 1985. +Rudy Rucker, The fourth dimension, and how to get there, Rider and Company, + +London, 1985. +William Poundstone, The recursive universe: cosmic complexity and the limits of +scientific knowledge, William Morrow and Company, New York, 1985. +Istvan Hargittai, editor, Symmetry: unifying human understanding, Pergamon + +Press, Oxford, 1986. +Edward R. Tufte, The visual display of quantitative information, Graphics +Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, 1983. +Christopher + +Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, and Murray + +Silverstein, A pattern + +language: towns, building, and construction, Oxford University Press, New York, +1977. + +387 + + Index + +ADD.POINT, 360 + +copying, 4 + +A. PIPEGON +, 49 + +crescent + +machine + +, 68 + +CROSS, 126 + +Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 380 +CSTEP, 174 +cubist + +space, 371 + +Delaunay, Robert, 83 +Delaunay experiments, 89 +Delaunay machine, 83 +depth cues, 156, 338 +dialects of Logo, 6 +DOUBLE + +. RINGS + +, 85 + +E . BOX, 344 + +emotion grid, 234 +EMPTY + +. BAG, 360 + +enclosing nephroids, 339 +equipment, 5 +Escher + +, M . C ., 340 + +Escher + +box, 340, 343, 366 + +EVAL, 239 + +exploratory facility, 381 +EXPLORE + +, 73 + +eye's conception of space, 366 +Farkas + +, Tamas + +, 373 + + Index + +FIVE . TARGET +, 88 + +hyperpyramid, 378 + +FLAG, 174, 175 + +hypersphere, 378 + +flag modeling, 212 +FLASH, 51 +focusingrandomgrids, 196 +FOUR.TARGET +, 88 +fractal, 144, 146 + +imaginary machines, 54 +impossible space grids, 373 +INGON, 121 +IRSTEP + +, 239 + +Islamic + +art, 216, 235 + +FRACTALGON +, 146, 330 +fractal landscapes +, 330-336 + +Japanese pen -and -ink trees, 321 + +fractal mountain machine, 336 + +Kandinsky, Wassily, 193 + +FRUIT, 294 + +Kandinsky grids, 193 + +FRUIT. LIST . TREE,295 + +Kelly, George, 58 + +generalize, 164, 212 + +Klimt + +generalizedGothicstonemason + +LAY, 180 + +mark, 133-135, 160 + +, Gustav + +, 326 + +LAY . HEX . TILES + +, 82 + +generalizednephroids, 150 + +LAY . SQ . TILES + +, 79 + +generalizing, 12, 16, 69, 133, 184, 188 + +LAY . TR . TILES + +, 81 + +Getzels,Jacob, 380 + +light source arguments, 371 + +GIVE. MOTIF, 173 + +lists, 165 - 169, 172 - 173, 189, 236 - 237, + +GIVE. PT, 166 + +295, 321, 359 - 361 + +global variables, 140 + +local + +G.MARK +, 134 + +log grids, 230 + +GO. PT, 168 + +Logo mechanics, 2 + +GO. RANDOM +. SCREEN +, 186 + +L . PIPEGON + +grid machine, 237 +grid of stylized faces, 213 + +variables + +mandalas + +, 140 + +, 51 + +, 158 + +MARK . 13, 132 + +Hackney, David, 231 + +MARK . 16, 133 + +hypercube, 378 + +mason mark designs, 128 + +hypercylinder, 378 + +Mayan -inspired grid, 179 + +390 + + Index + +M.BOX,201 + +PIP, 243 + +M.EXPLORE +, l34 + +PIPEGON + +MF. TREE, 294 + +placement (as perspective device), + +minimal designelements,241 + +, 46, 47 + +163 + +modeledone-point perspective,358 + +placement ambiguity, 346 + +modeling, 115 + +pointillist + +models, 34 + +pool -light grids, 231 + +Mondrian, Piet, 162, 199, 214 + +premature closure, 382 + +motif, 164 + +probabilistic grids, 205 + +MOTIFlist, 172 + +probabilistic selection, 201 + +M. TREE,294 + +problem finders, 380 + +NARROW +. SPLINES, 86 + +problem -solving style, 64 + +NEPHROID +, 150 + +procedure presentation style, 22 + +nephroids, 148 +NEST. DEMO +, 244 + +trees, 319 + +procedures, 10 +programming as craft, 3 + +NGON +, 17, 47 + +pyramid graphics, 366 + +NHEDRON +, 359, 361 + +quality of edges, 255 + +NIGHT. SHADE +, 350 + +quality of polygon lines, 136 + +one-point perspective, 356 + +random components, 182 + +one-point perspectiveexperiments, +361 + +randomized + +trees, 306 + +randomness + +- within + +ONE.TARGET +, 87 + +RANDOM . NUMBER, 183 + +overlapping designs, 264 + +random + +overlapping grids, 351 + +RANDOM . PLACER + +, 187, 188 + +overlapping shapes, 349 + +RANDOM . PLACER + +. X, 191 + +painter's algorithm, 350 +personalmark, 111-114 +perspective, 354 +P. GET,203 + +numbers + +- a - structure + +, 286 + +, 182 + +random rectangular grid, 182 +random + +screen + +locations + +, 183 + +RAND. TREE, 3q6 +reading objects in space, 337 + +391 + + Index +RECGON +, 94, 96 +RECORD +. Pos, 178 + +size variation + +(as perspective + +device ), 347 + +rectangulargrids, 169 + +stone mason marks, 107 - 110, 117 + +recursingpolygons, 94 + +SPIN, 70 + +recursingsquares +, 125 + +SPIN . CONGON, 70 + +recursingtrees, 287 +recursion, 20, 92, 97, 119, 124, 144, + +SPINGON, 20 + +288 + +S . PIPEGON, 50 +SPIRAL, 180 + +recursiondiagram, 99-101, 124-125 + +SQ, 139 + +recursivedesignfeatures, 119 + +SQ . EXPLORE, 125 + +RESTORE +.POS,179 + +SQUARES, 124, 125 + +RIFLAG, 238 + +star and saw blade, 257 + +RIM. FLAG,349 + +STAREDGE, 140 + +RIM. ROWER +, 349 + +STARGON, 140 + +RIM. RSTEP +, 349 + +STAR . NEPHROID, 152 + +RING. DEMO +, 269 + +stars, 137 + +RINGS,269, 270 + +state transparency + +ROT,237 + +, 65, 70, 175 - 179, + +287, 291 + +ROWER +, 238 + +stopping + +RR, 185, 304 + +story boards, 169 - 171 + +RSTEP +, 174 + +S . TREE, 288 + +rug designs +, 277 + +STRIPES, 131 + +SAW +. DEMO +, 261 + +surface + +shading, 340 + +SAWGON +, 260 + +symmetry + +, 163 - 164 + +SEED +, 300 + +tarot + +Seurat, George, 321 + +TEEPEE, 177 + +SHADE +, 344 + +teepee sha pe, 177 + +SHADED +. DEMO +, 345 + +Terrapin + +shadedpyramids, 366 + +three - point + +shadingschemes +, 340 + +tile design, 240 + +392 + +recursive + +procedures + +deck, 159 - 160 + +MacLogo + +,6 + +perspective + +, 357 + +, 22 + + Index + +zodiac, 159 + +tiling spinning : shapes, 78 +tinkering, 4 +TIPGON, 127 +TIP + +. STARGON + +, 152 + +TP1, 178 +TP2, 179 +TP . DEMO, 257 +TPGON, 252, 253 + +tree experiments, 288-290 +turtle + +reference + +commands + +turtle + +space, 7 + +turtle + +walk + +, 8 + +, 25, 41 - 46, 122 - 124, 138, + +149, 169 + +TV test pattern, 213 + +two- point perspective, 357 +TWO . TARGET + +, 87 + +unreasonable + +intentions + +, 379 + +van de Velde, Henry, 321 +vanishing points, 361 +VERIFY + +, 204 + +visual experiments, 72-73 + +visual sensitivity analysis, 75 +Warhol, Andy, 213 +weed + +model + +, 299 + +WIDE + +. SPLINES + +, 86 + +windowing, 188-189 +WING, 269 +ZIP, 162 +ZIPM, 162 + +393 + + The MIT Press, with Peter Denning, general consulting editor, and +Brian Randell, European consulting editor, publishes computer science books in the following series: +ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award and DistinguishedDissertation Series +Artificial Intelligence, Patrick Winston and Michael Brady, editors +Charles Babbage Institute Reprint Seriesfor the History of Computing, +Martin Campbell-Kelly, editor +Computer Systems, Herb Schwetman, editor +Exploring with Logo, E . Paul Goldenberg, editor +Foundations of Computing, Michael Garey, editor +History of Computing, I . Bernard Cohen and William Aspray, editors +Information Systems, Michael Lesk, editor +Logic Programming, Ehud Shapiro, editor ; Fernando Pereira, Koichi +Furukawa, and D . H . D . Warren, associate editors +The MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceSeries +Scientific Computation, Dennis Gannon, editor + +