783 B
783 B
A place to work on our collaborative essay
What we've got
1,000(ish)-word contributions from Erin McCabe, Jules Dufrenne, Alex Neufeldt, and Simon Lesina-Debiasi.
What we're hoping for
8,000ish words that bring their work together with our own, in some kind of way.
What we've got to do
- Write our own contributions, presumably in some conversation with them, and with one another.
- Edit all of this down into something like an essay.
When we've got to do it
DUE FEBRUARY 28: Our own contributions.
DUE APRIL 15: A comprehensive plan for revision, including requests for revision from our student-authors.
DUE MAY 31: Revisions on all the things, with the goal of submitting the thing BEFORE the next run of Computer Class, starting on June 7.