Compare commits
No commits in common. "b08fac2daf5a14bb7708bb3e654da7a4297ca04b" and "951edccebf18d7c95c9dd008c0c0fc0cce1fa931" have entirely different histories.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ You can see what this looks like in the last clause of `add`: `((x1, y1), (x2, y
[any?](#any) [append](#append) [at](#at) [butlast](#butlast) [coll?](#coll) [concat](#concat) [count](#count) [each!](#each) [empty?](#empty) [filter](#filter) [first](#first) [fold](#fold) [join](#join) [keep](#keep) [last](#last) [list](#list) [list?](#list) [map](#map) [ordered?](#ordered) [random](#random) [range](#range) [rest](#rest) [second](#second) [sentence](#sentence) [slice](#slice)
### Math
[abs](#abs) [add](#add) [angle](#angle) [atan/2](#atan2) [between?](#between) [ceil](#ceil) [cos](#cos) [dec](#dec) [deg/rad](#degrad) [deg/turn](#degturn) [dist](#dist) [div](#div) [div/0](#div0) [div/safe](#divsafe) [even?](#even) [floor](#floor) [gt?](#gt) [gte?](#gte) [heading/vector](#headingvector) [inc](#inc) [inv](#inv) [inv/0](#inv0) [inv/safe](#invsafe) [lt?](#lt) [lte?](#lte) [max](#max) [min](#min) [mod](#mod) [mod/0](#mod0) [mod/safe](#modsafe) [mult](#mult) [neg](#neg) [neg?](#neg) [odd?](#odd) [pi](#pi) [pos?](#pos) [rad/deg](#raddeg) [rad/turn](#radturn) [random](#random) [random\_int](#random\_int) [range](#range) [round](#round) [sin](#sin) [sqrt](#sqrt) [sqrt/safe](#sqrtsafe) [square](#square) [sub](#sub) [sum\_of_squares](#sum\_of_squares) [tan](#tan) [tau](#tau) [to\_number](#to\_number) [turn/deg](#turndeg) [turn/rad](#turnrad) [zero?](#zero)
[abs](#abs) [add](#add) [angle](#angle) [atan/2](#atan2) [between?](#between) [ceil](#ceil) [cos](#cos) [dec](#dec) [deg/rad](#degrad) [deg/turn](#degturn) [dist](#dist) [div](#div) [div/0](#div0) [div/safe](#divsafe) [even?](#even) [floor](#floor) [gt?](#gt) [gte?](#gte) [heading/vector](#headingvector) [inc](#inc) [inv](#inv) [inv/0](#inv0) [inv/safe](#invsafe) [lt?](#lt) [lte?](#lte) [max](#max) [min](#min) [mod](#mod) [mod/0](#mod0) [mod/safe](#modsafe) [mult](#mult) [neg](#neg) [neg?](#neg) [odd?](#odd) [pi](#pi) [pos?](#pos) [rad/deg](#raddeg) [rad/turn](#radturn) [random](#random) [random\_int](#random\_int) [range](#range) [round](#round) [sin](#sin) [sqrt](#sqrt) [sqrt/safe](#sqrtsafe) [square](#square) [sub](#sub) [sum\_of_squares](#sum\_of_squares) [tan](#tan) [tau](#tau) [turn/deg](#turndeg) [turn/rad](#turnrad) [zero?](#zero)
### Results
[err](#err) [err?](#err) [ok](#ok) [ok?](#ok) [unwrap!](#unwrap) [unwrap\_or](#unwrap\_or)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ You can see what this looks like in the last clause of `add`: `((x1, y1), (x2, y
[any?](#any) [append](#append) [coll?](#coll) [concat](#concat) [contains?](#contains) [count](#count) [empty?](#empty) [omit](#omit) [random](#random) [set](#set) [set?](#set)
### Strings
[any?](#any) [chars](#chars) [chars/safe](#charssafe) [concat](#concat) [count](#count) [downcase](#downcase) [empty?](#empty) [join](#join) [sentence](#sentence) [show](#show) [slice](#slice) [split](#split) [string](#string) [string?](#string) [strip](#strip) [to\_number](#to\_number) [trim](#trim) [upcase](#upcase) [words](#words)
[any?](#any) [chars](#chars) [chars/safe](#charssafe) [concat](#concat) [count](#count) [downcase](#downcase) [empty?](#empty) [join](#join) [sentence](#sentence) [show](#show) [slice](#slice) [split](#split) [string](#string) [string?](#string) [strip](#strip) [trim](#trim) [upcase](#upcase) [words](#words)
### Tuples
[any?](#any) [at](#at) [coll?](#coll) [count](#count) [empty?](#empty) [first](#first) [last](#last) [ordered?](#ordered) [rest](#rest) [second](#second) [tuple?](#tuple)
@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
(string/join (map toc-entry sorted-names) " "))
(def topics {
"math" ["abs" "add" "angle" "atan/2" "between?" "ceil" "cos" "dec" "deg/rad" "deg/turn" "dist" "div" "div/0" "div/safe" "even?" "floor" "gt?" "gte?" "heading/vector" "inc" "inv" "inv/0" "inv/safe" "lt?" "lte?" "max" "min" "mod" "mod/0" "mod/safe" "mult" "neg" "neg?" "odd?" "pi" "pos?" "rad/deg" "rad/turn" "random" "random_int" "range" "round" "sin" "sqrt" "sqrt/safe" "square" "sub" "sum_of_squares" "tan" "tau" "to_number" "turn/deg" "turn/rad" "zero?"]
"math" ["abs" "add" "angle" "atan/2" "between?" "ceil" "cos" "dec" "deg/rad" "deg/turn" "dist" "div" "div/0" "div/safe" "even?" "floor" "gt?" "gte?" "heading/vector" "inc" "inv" "inv/0" "inv/safe" "lt?" "lte?" "max" "min" "mod" "mod/0" "mod/safe" "mult" "neg" "neg?" "odd?" "pi" "pos?" "rad/deg" "rad/turn" "random" "random_int" "range" "round" "sin" "sqrt" "sqrt/safe" "square" "sub" "sum_of_squares" "tan" "tau" "turn/deg" "turn/rad" "zero?"]
"boolean" ["and" "bool" "bool?" "false?" "not" "or" "true?"]
"dicts" ["any?" "assoc" "assoc?" "coll?" "count" "dict" "dict?" "diff" "dissoc" "empty?" "get" "keys" "random" "update" "values"]
"lists" ["any?" "append" "at" "butlast" "coll?" "concat" "count" "each!" "empty?" "filter" "first" "fold" "join" "keep" "last" "list" "list?" "map" "ordered?" "random" "range" "rest" "second" "sentence" "slice"]
"sets" ["any?" "append" "coll?" "concat" "contains?" "count" "empty?" "omit" "random" "set" "set?"]
"tuples" ["any?" "at" "coll?" "count" "empty?" "first" "last" "ordered?" "rest" "second" "tuple?"]
"strings" ["any?" "chars" "chars/safe" "concat" "count" "downcase" "empty?" "join" "sentence" "show" "slice" "split" "string" "string?" "strip" "to_number" "trim" "upcase" "words"]
"strings" ["any?" "chars" "chars/safe" "concat" "count" "downcase" "empty?" "join" "sentence" "show" "slice" "split" "string" "string?" "strip" "trim" "upcase" "words"]
"types and values" ["assoc?" "bool?" "box?" "coll?" "dict?" "eq?" "fn?" "keyword?" "list?" "neq?" "nil?" "number?" "ordered?" "set?" "show" "some" "some?" "string?" "tuple?" "type"]
"boxes and state" ["box?" "unbox" "store!" "update!"]
"results" ["err" "err?" "ok" "ok?" "unwrap!" "unwrap_or"]
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